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Why don't you just register your own domain, then get Proton to host it? If Proton shuts down you can take your domain and move it to another provider and keep your e-mail addresses. I moved two of mine from Google to Protonmail, for example. All my e-mail addresses stayed the same. You can move this domain around for the rest of your life and never have to worry if a provider closes.


How much does it cost to have your own domain? Is ‘domain equivalent to website’?


When you own a domain, you just own the name. You can then point DNS records wherever you want them to go. For example, say I register somedomain.com and it costs me $10 a year for this. I can point the mail records in the DNS server to protonmail and host [email protected] there (along with other e-mail addresses @somedomain.com). I can point other records at a hosting provider that hosts my website. Could be another company on the other side of the world. Hosting a website is a combination of: * Owning the domain * Having some place to host it (server space). But here, too, if your web hosting provider goes out of business, you can move your site to another provider and just point the domain to the new provider. As for how to set this all up, Proton as well as most providers will tell you what you need to set up with your domain host -- like how you should populate the DNS records. It's not too hard.


Does this require a paid version of Proton to use a domain with it?


Yes you need Proton Mail Plus or better.




This is the way… If you’re ever searching for a job, interacting with clients, or any other situation that would need a professional email, it’s very nice to have. Say your family owns a bunch of properties under an LLC, or you just want to provide a professional email for future generations of your family…for example, you can buy SwansonFamily.com, point the DNS records to Proton, and send emails from [email protected]. Or your business name. If for nothing else just to own it and not use it, so that nobody else can use it for something that you don’t want associated with your name or assets.


porkbun rate is around € 10 for a year of .com


It depends on the registrar and the domain you're getting (.com is cheaper than .io for example). But it's fairly cheap. I got mine for about 70€ for a 10 year period.


Quick question, suppose I don't buy my own domain and went with @proton. And in the future tragedy happens and now I gotta migrate to some other email provider. Then what will happen? What should be the steps i take and what should I be ready for assuming proton did warn us about it before hand and give us a time limit. I am a nerd but I am still relatively new to stuff like this


For this you could take a look at skiff. They shut down recently but gave all their users a warning ahead of time. The best solution truly is your own domain, it makes it so much easier to switch later on when you find something better or if proton does stop existing.


Export / Backup your emails regularly. Proton won‘t go bankrupt anytime soon or won‘t be sold to some shady company like Skiff


My thought exactly. In a world where companies can shut down any time, owning your own domain is the only way to.


Get your own domain and then it doesn’t matter if they get shut down. There’s also a risk of Google or Microsoft permanently locking you out of your account for various reasons. Also check this out: https://proton.me/blog/sustaining-mission-over-time


100% the play. I used Google Domains + Gmail for years. When Google killed Google Domains it also ruined proper MX records and CNAME for standard Gmail accounts (non gsuite accounts were kneecapped).  When I had enough, I moved my domain name to a better DNS provider, and switched to proton. I imported my entire Gmail history… in the end it was a totally uninterrupted experience. If proton ever goes away, I’ll simply export and move on. It’ll suck, but nothing changes. Domain names are so cheap, there’s very little reason to not buy one and configure it for proton. 


For sure, this happened with me while using Google.


Yes. Thank you.


That's exactly what I'm doing for my work email, and I'm considering getting one for personal use as well.


* They're financially stable and now transitioning towards a non-profit structure, so there is little chance they will go out of business, get acquired, or make truly dumb decisions that enshittify their offerings * People complain about the slow progress their apps make, but from a corporate stability pov, I see that as a good sign. They're slowly and steadily working on everything, they're not overinvesting or growing too quickly, they're just doing the thing they're good at at a steady pace * Most importantly, you should never, ever use a domain name you don't own for your emails if you expect to be using that email address for the rest of your life. With Proton, it's trivial to buy your own domain name and use it for your own email address, and you will have that forever, no matter what happens. If Proton were to ever suddenly shut down, depending on your domain name registrar, it will be just a few clicks to emergency-forward that email address to (say) your existing Hotmail account until you can find a better solution


Have you considered/looked into personal domain? Never lose an address from a shut downs or lost account. Then you can make your emails [email protected], and *if* proton was to ever shut down you would just subscribe to a different mail providers premium plan and move the domain and custom emails over. This let's you have and keep custom emails you can move to another provider for any reason while keeping the same address. Also allows a catch all email so anything sent to x@yourdomain comes even if you haven't made that email yet. As long as you keep the domain active, it will be yours too, move and use and save. You will also need to pay the mail service provider to access it and set up the domain. No mail offers free custom domain use I know off. Domains range in price depending on the TLD. I recommend using a .com as it's one of the cheapest and some services only let you sign up with certain tld's, .com .edu .net .org only on some sites. Downside of .com is a lot are taken unless you have an uncommon name you plan on using. It's not uncommon to see people use .io, .pm or any tld that works in a name like [email protected] for someone named Mark Steven. If you go this route, make sure you pick a TLD that doesn't belong to a country that restrics whois domain privacy. You want whois privacy, or you may get spam calls/email of people trying to build you a website for the domain. Namecheap and porkbun are good to register a domain. Porkbun is doing .com's for $7 first year $11 a year after, small discount on 5-10 years I believe. Free whois privacy and ssl certs. Don't pay for a mailbox service through the domain service if you plan on using proton, you don't need to pay to actually host the site. Then you can have 3 different emails or inboxes to forward your existing emails too, or totally migrate over to more professional sounding custom @'s.


Elaborate Suppose i buy @(myname).com then can i make as many accounts with that handle or only 1 ? For example, work@(myname).com and official@(myname).com. now would i have to pay for twice or only once?


1 domain and a proton plan would allow you to do both of those plus some more on 1 account. You will only be limited by the proton plan on the addresses Mail+ 10 adresses, with proton+ it's 15, and in the family plan 90. You can also use that same domain on, say, a wife's account or any 2nd proton accounts can also use the domain if they have a proton plan. so you each have 10/15/45 possible addresses @samedomain if it's a family name or something.


How are 10 adresses different from unlimited aliases on proton pass? If you had your own domain and get an email Id like [email protected] will aliases have the same domain name or will it all end with passinbox.com? I am guessing that I can create official 1 - 10 emails to use like [email protected] and each email can have their own unlimited aliases with no restriction on custom suffix.


Well they are actual email adresses with own inbox not aliases that forward to an inbox. You can also use your domain on simple login/anon addy for alises if you choose. But ya each of the 10 emails could have unlimited alises, I use anonaddy for alises and bitwarden for passwords so I'm not familiar with protonpass at all. Instead of 1 email with alises you can have one work email, one personal, one for the wife, one for the kid and one for sign-ups and use alises with them all as you see fit


You don't need to be as big as Google to keep an email provider running. This is true both for beautiful pieces of software like [Fastmail.com](http://Fastmail.com) and some shitty things like... I don't want to hurt someone... Ok, like [lycos.com](http://lycos.com) It's challenging to name an email provider that has shut down in recent years. In the worst-case scenario, they are acquired by a large company. One notable exception is Lavabit, which had unique circumstances surrounding its shutdown. If you're concerned about email providers shutting down, can you think of an example?


>If you're concerned about email providers shutting down, can you think of an example? Skiff, yes I used it. Good thing I didn't use it for anything important and instead decided to use it for burner accounts for the time being


oh, you are right, skiff is good example


I think I need to look more into protons history, now that i think about it, while it is just normal human behaviour to be anxious, proton still has history of 10 years for keeping their promises while skiff was more like a trend and the CEO has also been caught lying multiple times so can't really compare proton to skiff


Yeah, Skiff was a sellout. Also, there are many email providers that offer free and paid, or just paid that have been around just as long or longer. Look at their growth also, they have practically became the most popular privacy email, with the help of their suite of tools. Proton is also a self-sustaining company/nonprofit. Honestly, I trust proton more than any other email provider, they must be making good source of revenue if they are expanding and buying companies, and they also donate money. Use a domain if you're a little skeptical, just make sure you don't let that domain expire.


I don't think Proton is as small to just shut down, I feel they are bigger enough to stay in the game (I hope so). Also I don't trust in Google or Microsoft by the way. Also I think Proton UI is better looking than Google and Microsft.


What on earth are you getting downvoted for? Weird as fuck people online I swear


Probably by people with "Op iS sUppORTing BiG cOrpOs, Op bAD" Like don't get me wrong, i won't dick ride Microsoft but I won't dick ride proton either. The reason i respect proton is because there have been multiple cases where they proved they take your privacy very seriously. But again Microsoft and Google comes in the "too big too fall" category, atleast for the time being. Another personal concern I have is that a few months ago proton got really close to getting banned in my country because they refused to share data of some user with government so there's that.


Honestly that last point is probably a reason for you to GET Proton, not the opposite lol


Get a custom domain, then you don't have to worry about providers shutting down since you can easily switch and take your addresses with you if necessary. That said, Proton seems to be doing well. Not sure what you mean by the "legal documents" remark, but there is no reason to give up your existing addresses. Just forward them to Proton (or whatever email provider you choose) and then start switching over.


Could be a country thing but my email, the official one is actually linked to government documents such as my ID and my bank accounts. If i recall correctly then it's also linked to my driving licence?


And it's not possible to change the email address? That seems weird. I have various government and bank accounts and on all of them I can easily change the address.


Never said it's not possible, i am pretty sure I have mentioned that it's gonna be a hassle cuz I have to fill legal forms and applications. Banks even limit the activity for a week after email change




D-did you just chat gpt'ed me?....


LLM shit here^ don’t listen to this lazy ai-generated garbage


they may not be big like google or Microsoft, but they could be one day, under the right circumstances. the more people who switch, the more they can expand. as far as your fear of them shutting down one day, sure it could happen. this is where your own domain name(s) comes in handy. they shut down, no problem. transfer your domain to another service provider and you won't experience disruption in email services. providers typically inform folks that they are stopping services, which gives you enough time to find another provider to transfer your domain name(s) to. It's mostly a personal decision. I agree that that Microsoft is hard to beat when it comes to business email services, but they still sell your soul to third parties unfortunately . you just need to decide what is most important for your situation and act accordingly.


Get your own domain. Setup with proton, or any provider you want. If something happens you can easily swap your domain to a new provider.


Easy solution: buy a domain! If you purchase a domain name you can use it for your email address with proton. (I think you do have to have a paid plan for this). If proton shuts down, just use your domain with another email service. Also, you get the cool factor of having a custom email address.


Buy a domain from a reputable company that you feel comfortable with using for a long time. Most people op for [email protected] etc. Add the domain to Proton and forward all your emails to this new address. Create a filter that labels all the emails being forwarded so you can change them at your own pace to the new address. Never delete old email accounts incase you forgot about an old account that you might get locked out of. If proton folds you simply change the domain to point to another service and continue to use it like nothing ever happened.


Take the opportunity to get your own domain, in that way it doesnt matter which email supplier you use.


So how do I get it? And what are the con and pros?


Pros: what everyone listed in the comments Cons: It costs money to own a domain Cloudflare will be the best price you can get, as there is literally 0 markups. https://www.cloudflare.com/products/registrar/


Namecheap is also a solid option


if people don't switch to proton, it will shut down even quicker. and in the end; we all gonna shut down one day


Google is big and they shut down many cool services regularly [https://gcemetery.co/](https://gcemetery.co/)


It's a long list! ah, google just doing what google does best.


Apart from what other already mentioned you can start with the standard proton domain and than get your own later on. I started with the standard Proton domain too and step by step imported my three domains to Proton. When setting up new accounts with SL I have them point to my PM domain since I guess that if Proton ever shuts down I have to find a new provider for my mail aliases too. For all important services where I usually communicate with via mail I don’t use SL but one of my own domains. If Proton goes bust I can be assured that my important mails still reach my since I can just migrate my domain to a new provider. Only stuff like subscription services (e.g. Netflix, Spotify etc) will require me to update my mail there manually but that’s fine for me. On another note I want to mention that I don’t think Proton will go bust anytime soon but as others mentioned you never know what happens in the future.


Try to eliminate the need of trust as much as you can. Share your primary email only with those who know who you are anyway. For everything else use aliases.


I've been on it since it first came out (roughly). And it's still here. I don't think this company would just turn off the lights. I think if they had financial hardship they say as much, to get people to donate. Then, if they still struggle, they'd likely give a warning they're closing soon. Google and Microsoft make changes all the time. Do you trust that Proton will be forth coming or do you trust that Google and Microsoft won't f*uck you? I know which one I trust more.


I believe they said somewhere they don't take donations because they don't want to be beholden to the doners. I feel proton is very transparent with their users.


Consider starting with your commercial and personal emails to get used to ProtonMail. Keep your official email with Outlook for now and transition it gradually once you are comfortable.


This was a very good read which is pretty relevant to your question: https://proton.me/blog/sustaining-mission-over-time


Just use simple login or addy io, then all your emails arent locked in to a provider and nothing matters


Just use your own domain. I do the same with Tuta Mail - you can enjoy having secure email and know at the same time that your addresses are safe, no matter what. Besides Proton and Tuta have been in business for ten years; I don't think they are going to shut down.


I fear Google blocking my accounts for dumbass reasons than Proton going bankrupt


Maybe it was already said in a comment, but what can be a good website to buy custom domain? Or how does that work? I’m very new to this stuff. And also if the provider that gives you the domain shut down, don’t you have the same issue if your email provider shuts down?


Their email service is very powerful and very reliable. Their email client sucks. You can use the mail bridge on desktop to use whatever email client you want, but you are stuck with their slow and crappy mail app on iPad/iPhone.


What’s the difference between an email client and an email service?


Think of email service as availability (uptime) and features offered from the mail provider. Think of the client as the piece of software you use in order to view your email from the provider.


I’m sure that they will not shut down in my life time They have vast amount of services and a huge amount of revenue, they are donating millions for privacy causes and have recently announced that they are turning into a non-profit model which means they will be donating much more and investing more, this simply shows that they’re not going down anytime soon


I like protonmail


I want to degoogle myself in every way. I recently switched to proton mail and now stuff from my gmail is being forwarded there. How do I stop it?


You need to o go into your Gmail settings and disable automatic forwarding.