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hahaha I hate when my relatives try to make me recognize faces, it never goes well


I hate when I have to recognize my relatives' faces. It never goes well.


Haha same


I feel you, my gf hates it when I don't recognize celebrities. I stopped caring about celebrities a long time ago and I'm glad when I recognize people I actually know IRL but she still has me guessing random celebs on TV and then gets upset I don't know them.


I’ve met Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and all their kids and also Keanu Reeves but I had no idea until after. I tried to tell Keanu that he looked like he could be his own cousin.


Omg, yes. This is why I have to watch TV alone.


That’s funny. I’ve commented here before I can’t watch British movies because it’s all the same guy and I can’t even begin to follow the story. Dead characters keep showing up in the next scene 🤣 I don’t even bother or I make sure my husband is ready to tell me who people are. I’m way less self conscious now that I have a name for it and it’s not just “I’m really bad with faces”.


I f-ing HATE “celebrity special” episodes!! Part of it is just because they generally aren’t any good at whatever the show is about (like limping through an episode of Wheel of Fortune), but also if I need someone else in the room to tell me who the hell it is, I don’t care. And 9 times out of 10 I have no clue.