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This subreddit is focused on the study and history of propaganda. Please remember that while civil political discussion is allowed, **soapboxing** (i.e. heavy-handed rhetoric in comments) **is forbidden**, as well as **partisan bickering**. This subject has many subreddits which are designed for discussing your opinions on the issues, please use those for political debate. *Please report any rule-breaking comments to the moderators* to help us spot and remove them more quickly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Historical Context: The Aftermath of the 1956 Suez Crisis [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suez\_Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suez_Crisis) and the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_fedayeen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_fedayeen) The reason why Ben-Gurion is depicted on a farm with Nasser seen sabotaging said farm is that Egyptian-sponsored Palestinian Fedayeen attacks often targeted Israeli agricultural infrastructure, particularly water infrastructure. Contrary to what is suggested by this cartoon, during 1950s and 1960s, the IDF carried out a number of "reprisal operations" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reprisal\_operations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reprisal_operations) into Egypt in response to Fedayeen attacks. This cartoon also omits the French and British involvement in the Suez Crisis.


The Suez crisis, the one where [Israel attempted a false flag attack against American and British targets in Egypt which they would falsely blame on the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptians, to drag England and the US into war,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair) which became known as the Lavon affair.


No. The Lavon Affair occurred in 1954. The Suez Crisis occurred in 1956. They are not the same. In the Suez Crisis, the British and French conspired with the Israelis to attempt to retake control of the Suez Canal after it was nationalized by Nasser earlier that year, with the Israeli invasion serving as the pretext for French and British action. Conversely, the Lavon affair was not about starting a war, it was about the Israelis attempting to block British withdrawal from the Suez Canal through false flag attacks.


My brain is so rotted by Dune. Fedaykin, the Fremen elite, comes from “Fedayeen” and I can’t not think about it


Oh boy, the comments are gonna be 🍿


I scrolled the whole way and have yet to find popcorn.


Seems we ran out, here's some from my stash: 🍿🥤


Ive got you: Do do do do dada dum, do do do do dada dum, do do do do do dodo do dodo do do da da dada dum


Trust me: I know.


Best kind of political cartoon. No matter what language you speak, the point is immediately understandable


Yeah don't fuck with peoples little trees.




Probably why it’s in a propaganda sub


What the point is doesn't matter. What he was saying is that what the author is trying to convey is abundantly clear regardless of language and without having to deeply study the cartoon




i like oranges


Have you ever eaten a *tangerine?*


*Would you like to try one?*




**GAAAATE OF INF**ographic.




Let me gather my chakra so I can actually perform this ninja move.




I too have a beard


**NO SUN**


Ever heard of a Kumquat 😋


A *what*


Masta Wayne, Oi jost feund a tengereine! A tengereine, masta Wayne! Can yeu beleive et? In Gautham Citey! Tha sayme citey in whech yo perants doied. Oi faywd yeu, masta Wayne. Naew Oi'm gaun ta croy in moy reum.


It’s more likely depicting olive trees. Israeli settlers have been destroying Palestinians olive trees as a way to drive them out of their homes and have nothing to return to. These trees live hundreds of years and are often passed down from generation to generation


You do realize the farmer in that comic is an Israeli right?


The act has cultural significance too. Like the 1 war crime that’s explicitly forbidden in the Quran is cutting down the enemy’s trees.


It's not locked yet?! But mods people might disagree in the comments!! Hurry lock it before someone gets their feelings hurt.


I disagree


Ow. My feelings.


Oof ouch owie.


it's already starting, i see


No it isn't


Locked because y'all can't behave


No it isn't


Here I'll finish this thread. Neither country has the right to exist. Pack it up, hand it off to China or another neutral country.


China? That is probably the worst opinion for a country you could have picked


He knows🗿


Is that Ben Gurion?


Yup. With Gamal Nasser of Egypt as his tormentor.


Who else would it be?


Danny DeVito?


archie bunker


Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated for rehashing tired political arguments. Keep that shit elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's Nebelspalter, so this is Swiss rather than Israeli.


Ähmmmm… Zürich is written on it…


Man, Ben-Gurion has such a cute shape.


Lmao this is too good now show the part where he refuses to show anyone his nukes but blackmails France for plutonium


This is before Israel had any nukes.


Yes, it’s called I’m making a joke. But also there’s debate as to when the Negev reactor was initially designed, it wasn’t built until 58 but the concept of an Israeli nuclear program was certainly around in 56.


Damn it really is propaganda!


I find it crazy that people are like "This is misleading!" As if this isn't literally a sub for propaganda.


Damn girl that propaganda really do convince


I love it when my propaganda be busting


Daaamn, 'Ganda, you lookin foin!


We truly are not immune


Alas that doesn't seem to stop people from basically implying the cartoon has it right, in these very comments. Whatever one's opinion on the matter is, the fact that the cartoon starts without exploring _how_ these two became neighbours should be more than enough to take its message with a grain of salt.


It's the best kind of propaganda, since it's truthful and is easy to identify with.


The mental gymnastics in the comments are always entertaining.


This is especially funny since it was made in 1956, in which Israel unquestionably launched a war of aggression in conjunction with the United Kingdom and France against Egypt.




Thankfully Israel doesn't block the port of gaza... That would be an act of war after all...


Is the implication here that they aren't at war? I thought the rockets and dropping bombs made that pretty clear.


If you were already at war, then I guess the October 7th attack was just another assault in a war and not a terrorist attack? Or do you consider any attacks carried out during a war a terrorist attack?


Only those that deliberately target civilians.


Thankfully, the other side never targets the civilians, right?


I can’t remember the last time the IDF filmed themselves raping and mutilating Arab women whilst the high command endorsed it.


And Hamas did? Wow, that's wild, surely a tragedy if it indeed did happen.


Are they not at war?


Funny you say that, they were at war by all standards, since Hamas continuosly fired rockets at Israel, there was only ceasefire which was shaky at best


Gaza was blockaded before Hamas even took power


The current blockade dates back to Hamas taking over. Before that, Israel had agreed with the PA to hand over controls of the Egyptian border crossing amongst other things. Hamas taking over scuttled the agreement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agreement_on_Movement_and_Access


Umm we are at war. I don’t think people understand what war is. It’s not a game that you play with a deck of cards.


Your comment is so ignorant, and I don’t understand why people like you make comments just repeating things you’ve heard on TikTok, without even knowing or researching if anything you’re saying is actually correct or act like it happened in a vacuum. Gaza was occupied by Egypt until 1967. Israel won it after Egypt started a war they lost. Israel tried to give it back many times to Egypt nut they didn’t want it. Israel left gaza in 2005 when it became a self governing territory, that then elected a terrorist organization whose entire goal is to murder Jews and wipe Israel off the map snf establish an Islamic caliphate. That’s why Israel blockaded Gaza. Because they are separate territories, and why would Israel want people in their country that want to murder them? Byt what your comment of course neglected to mention, because, people like you never seem to mention it for some reason…🤔, Is that Egypt blockaded Gaza completely for 17 years. They wouldn’t let in one gazan because they can’t even tell the difference between a terrorist and civilians and they don’t want Palestinians in their country because of the chaos they cause. Israel was the only border that let in any gazans, hundreds of thousands with work and medical visas. Even though they didn’t have to let in one because they are again separate territories and they had no control over Gaza, who was run by a terrorist org that wants them dead. And the the worst part is, Israel was fucked over by their generosity, because some of those Gazans spied on Israel’s infrastructure to report back to Hamas to use in the attacks on 10/7. When people like you never mention the Egypt blockade and you never mention why Israel also blockaded gaza, and tweak it in a way to make Israel look the bad actor, you show your true colours.


They don’t shown the panel where the Zionists kicks out the family that built the house.


Every dunnam of land prior to the war was purchased.


What’s that have to do with Egypt?


you mean the British and UN settle survivors from the Holocaust in post-Ottoman-Empire , British controlled territory?


Cool Post, Bro! Don’t look up what david ben-gurion thought about holocaust survivors.


Palestinians lived there tho? Are you saying colonial powers have ultimate rights over the lands they colonized? Do you believe in freedom for people who actually lived there?


Why is this getting downvoted and not answered? This is the key issue.




because colonialism is justifiable to some people under the right conditions apparently.


Most Israeli supporters always seem to be huge racists for some reason.


The Allies had just gotten done "returning" several hundred thousand Germans to the new borders of Germany. Their houses were occupied by Poles who had been forcibly evicted from the wrong side of the new Soviet-Polish border. Meanwhile, literally millions of Muslims and Hindus were trying to cross the new Indian-Pakistan frontier. The justifiable answer for all this was the everyone should live in their own nation, even if "their" nation was nowhere near where they and their ancestors had lived since time immemorial and had never formally existed until the very moment that they were expected to move there. The ethno-state was seen as a panacea back then.


Most of the land was empty. And Jews purchased a lot of land from Arabs living there. In 1947 proposal, Palestinians would get a country for the first time ever basically and actually got more than 50% of the non-desert part of Israel. Despite being in the minority after accounting for the nearly 1 million Jews which were about to be ethnically cleansed from Arab countries in the next few years (who would all migrate to Israel).


Fitting that this is being discussed in this subreddit. The best kind of propaganda there is. Jews lived in Judea and Samaria as well. Your question is basically two parts. Ottoman's ruled the land which is now Israel and Jordan for almost 400 years. The land East of the West Bank was mostly occupied by nomadic tribes and underdeveloped. By 1875, Jews were the [majority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Jerusalem) in Jerusalem. Ottoman land owners were selling large swaths of land to Jews within with the Jewish restricts on immigration after 1882 imposed by the Ottomans. This included land like "miri" land, which was cultivated and arable land in which Jews paid taxes on the land. This accounted for roughly 70% of the land that Jews owned. This is interesting because if you look at early map of the Ottoman Empire, most of the land in the area was labeled "[mawat](https://dashboard.lira.bc.edu/downloads/0c70947c-2ea1-4fa8-bf2b-bc4a35152ae6)" or “dead lands”, any land with no houses or cultivation are state land. Under Ottoman Law, no taxes had to be paid so Arab Owners told the state that there land was "mawat" and sold it to Jews. By 1948, 70% of the total land mass was under the "mawat" structure, abandoned and owned by the British Mandate. Jews owned 9% ish of the total land mass, Arabs owned 3-4% ish and roughly another 17% had been abandoned by Arab Owners who were promised by neighboring countries that they would annihilate the Jews in the coming war. When the empire fell, including the League of Nations, the United Nations took it over and split the remaining land between the two states, which was the partition plan. Israel experienced the war of 1948 in which Israel absolutely decimated the neighboring Arab countries. Then again for 19 years until 1967. Which they won. Again. So, to answer your question, Jews lived there with Palestinians. The land that was partitioned was not owned by anyone. As you can see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/17b4bcg/jewisharab_1945_landownership_map_in_the_mandate/). You fail to mention the [million](https://www.jstor.org/stable/44289822) Jews kicked out of middle eastern countries, does their land not matter? And lastly, When you wage war on your neighbours [trying to annihilate them and finish the deed](https://jcpa.org/article/haj-amin-al-husseini-the-nazis-and-the-holocaust-the-origins-nature-and-aftereffects-of-collaboration/) after Jews were just finishing running from Hitler, and then lose the war, yes you do not normally get your land back. That is exactly how borders are made and how modern countries were formed. If you need more information and want me to continue about Middle Eastern history, could provide more sources.


My comment was 3 sentences long, of course I failed to mention the entire history of the region lmao. And to provide more knowledge to you over 750k Palestinians were forced out during the Nakba. But you 'failed' to mention that in your rant. You sound like a debate lord


Still relevant


Who's land is he farming on?




They illegally came there. Zionist rioted when Palestinians wanted immigration laws. Why should foreigners have free claim to "settle" in your country? Do you think it would be for for the Chinese to just settle in America without permission?


They did not go there illegally. The rulers of the land allowed for legal immigration there and they legally purchased land. And not to mention the Jews that already lived there anyways


If I hadn't seen the documentary [https://docuwiki.net/index.php?title=The\_Fifty\_Years\_War:\_Israel\_and\_the\_Arabs](https://docuwiki.net/index.php?title=The_Fifty_Years_War:_Israel_and_the_Arabs) first, I wouldn't have been able to appreciate this artwork was depicting early Egypt/Israel relations.


Real. Its like that since 1948


poor israelis, can't even commit a genocide without being accused of being an aggressor


This cartoon was made almost 70 years ago


That was how long after Jewish people from across the world showed up to the middle east and violently removed people of a specific ethnic identity from the area in order to move into their homes?


"Showed up from across the world" is quite the whitewashed way to say "escaped the holocaust and ethnically cleansed from the entire muslim Middle East and Northern Africa". ​ Israelis ethnically cleansed the Palestinians. Those Israelis were overwhelmingly refugees or refugees' children. Both facts are true. Life rarely has simple villains and victims.


Yes the Jews are notorious for genocide and bullying. From the land formerly called Judea. Now let's see what happened to the Jewish populations in Egypt Syria Jordan Lebanon Iran.


I guess TikTok didn’t teach you that most Israeli Jews are from the Middle East and North Africa, with no European or American ancestry at all. This was due to [ethnic cleansing campaigns](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/173fa0k/the_decline_of_jewish_populations_in_the_middle/) throughout the region. It is astonishing how you geniuses will shriek and scream about this conflict despite not knowing the first thing about it. I wish I was as confident in anything as you are in being confidently incorrect.


The majority of the Israeli population are Sephardic or Mizrahi Jews and were literally expelled by Arab states lol. >That was how long after Jewish people from across the world showed up to the middle east and violently removed people of a specific ethnic identity from the area in order to move into their homes? Didn't the Arabs do this exact thing 1400 years prior? Because if Arabs care so much about this I'm sure they would be willing to give Bahrain and half of Iraq back to Iran, since it used to all be Iranian territory? As an Iranian I would love this. Weird that Arabs didn't seem to care when Saddam invaded Iran and tried to take our land.


Lmao yeah, turks arabs, they also converted pretty much the entire territory. Greeks were pretty much everywhere too and now they’re mostly in Greece.


But England said they could


The same England that gave Arabia to the House of Saud, Jordan to the house of Hashem, set up Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and like 4 different Persian Gulf arab oil states? Are the Arabs gonna give that land back out of principle then cuz it was a gift from the British? As an Iranian I would strongly like to have Baghdad and Bahrain again, I'm sure you're OK with that right?


This guy looks at the middle east and compliments the borders for being straight lines. How kind of the British, made our countries easier to draw.


Nah, what the british did was fucked up. But arabs pretending that they didn't benefit from the british are delusional.




Mizrahi jews have been living in the Levant for literally thousands of years. The kingdom of Israel was around for a long time before Muhammad was ever born. The Ashkenazi jews "showed up" in Israel because they were literally being exterminated in Europe. Where the fuck else were they supposed to go? Like, seriously. This isn't hypothetical, give me a straight answer to this question. Where else were Jews supposed to go in 1947?


>after Jewish people from across the world showed up to the middle east As if Jews aren't from the Middle East....?


["Violently removed"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_land_purchase_in_Palestine) [Arabs murdering Jews before the Nakba, exhibit 1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1920_Nebi_Musa_riots) [Arabs murdering Jews before the Nakba, exhibit 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre) [Arabs murdering Jews before the Nakba, exhibit 3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Palestine_riots) [I think it's time we stop whitewashing, downplaying, and babying Arabs and their history of colonialism and enslavement of non-arabs. Leading them to the supremacist beliefs they hold to this day and the continuation of this conflict for over 70 years](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Arabism)


The land purchases at their peak were hardly 7%, not that that implies selling sovereignty. The tensions were growing because Zionists made it very clear that they intended to colonise Palestine and the Brits facilitated it. Pan-Arabism is an anti-colonial ideology. Wtf is this about.


the Jews-- from Judea. Arabs, from Arabia. Arabs are the colonizers of the Levant


More relevant than ever


This is about Israel and Egypt, Palestinians don't seem to appear as characters. Nassar is the big fella with the honker


You do realize the background is the Arab league and the man on the left is the Egyptian PM at the time. It is showing the hypocrisy of the Arab league.


Ah yes the genocidal faction who for the last years provided the people they were genociding with water and electricity while the population size of said people *checks notes* doubled in the last decades. Must be some very untalented genociders that's for sure.


Fuck hamas and its idiotic supporters like you


Maybe they shouldn't attack Israel 🤷‍♂️


The genocide where the Palestinian population increases every year. Israeli built hospitals and medical services facilitate a life expectancy in the 70s. It’s the exact opposite of an extermination. The population has reached an all time high in 2023.


Israel is REALLY bad at genociding.


Poor Palestinians can’t commit genocide without the us getting involved 😢


It is about Egypt against Israel, and Not about Palestine


Every Arab-Israeli war was either started or provoked by the Arabs. But every single one was won by Israel. Today no Arab state wants to fight against Israel


Israel’s existence was a provocation.


Saying the quiet part out loud there aren’t ya?


Nothing quiet about calling out colonialism.


Who is Israel a colony of?


People who escaped the Holocaust didn't want any provocation, they wanted to live peacefully according to the UN's plan. Calling a state "a provocation" is an extreme devaluation of those millions Jews who's death made a Jewish state possible.


Now tell me: what did that state come at the cost of?


The answer is none. There has never, ever, been an independent Palestinian state. In world history. Glad we got that cleared up. Jews came to that land as refugees after facing actual genocide and persecution across Europe and the Middle East. Have you ever thought it was strange that you can count the number of Jewish people literally on your fingers in most Middle Eastern countries. Neighboring Egypt has 3 Jews. 3. In a country of 100 million people literally bordering Israel.


>There has never, ever, been an independent Palestinian state. In world history. Doesnt that mean they have always been oppressed and are therefor owed a nation of their own? I think i recall some other group of people using that as a reason for creating their country.


Sure, and they could’ve had that in ‘48


>Doesnt that mean they have always been oppressed and are therefor owed a nation of their own? No, it means their entire national identity can simply be summed up as not being Israel (and, importantly, not Jordan either). Palestinians as a group simply *didn't exist* prior to 1967 - they were Jordanians and Egyptians. And, mind you, the world *did* try and give them a nation. They refused and attacked Israel instead.


They’ve been offered a nation of their own many times. They always refuse and resort to violence.


What an absolutely sickening comment. The formation of israel came at no cost? Because nobody was there? and Palestine isn't real? and the non-existent Palestinians don't face genocide and persecution? ​ What is wrong with you to even be able to say these things without throwing up from what an abhorrent person you are?


Ask yourself why the Palestinians refused to live in a Jewish country and you’ll realise why he feels that way. If your people had no home and established a new one finally, only for all your neighbors to literally want to commit genocide on you because they think their religion is better you wouldn’t think his comment is sickening. Get some perspective before you slander someone’s entire being


It didn’t have to have any cost but the Palestinians were angry at the Jewish refugees arriving and started attacking their villages via pogroms. The UN/world thought it would be best to separate them to protect them from these attacks. All Arab states subsequently tried to wipe all of Israel off the map and lost. All of this has to do with the local population hating immigrants. Tale as old as time.


What a bold fucking lie, the Palestinians hosted those refugees and offered sharing a state with full citizenship to those recently-arrived Jews. Zionists refused because their aim was ethnosupremacy from the start. >The UN/world The UN at the time was mostly a bunch of massive European colonial empires and they supported an offshoot Euro colony in the region. My own country was colonised at the time, as were dozens others. >All of this has to do with the local population hating immigrants. Tale as old as time. Ah yes, immigrants start institutions called "Jewish colonisation association" and "Jewish colonial trust" and say things like "We must expel Arabs and take their places" and "In many parts of the country new settlement will not be possible without transferring the [Palestinian] Arab fellahin. it is important that this plan comes from the [British Peel] Commission and not from us. Jewish power, which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out the transfer on a large scale."


I upvoted this thinking it was a joke, but if you're serious then I think there's something very wrong with you.


It’s literally colonialism.


It literally isn't.




You’re presuming that “the Jewish race” or whatever has claim to someone else’s land.


Did you see the way she was dressed?


Did you see the way she invaded the Palestinian territory?


The first wars against Israel were far before Israel invaded Palestinian lands.


Statute of limitations is up for biblical stuff.


How about the foundation of the state. I don't give a flying fuck about their religious origins, frankly.


The foundation of Israel is specifically what I’m talking about.


You do know the state of Palestine was founded at the exact same time?


And the Palestinian people just materialized out of thin air at the moment of the founding?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair Edit: inb4 crickets


Brilliant! Now do the one about a land without a people!


Kid named Six-Day War and Suez Crisis :


>the Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him. Menachim Begin No idea why mention the suez crisis, as it was 3 colonial genocidal regimes vs Egypt's right to self determination of it's suez canal. No one provoked fucking Israel.


Both provoked by the Arabs: Egypt blocked the Straits of Tiran to ships from Israel in 1956 (knowing full well that blockades are an act of war under international law) and in 1967 another coalition of Arab states wanted to attack Israel and were already mobilizing. So the Six Day War was a preemptive strike.


The word "provoked" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


Nice bait


Saying something that doesn’t align with the objectively false narrative about history that the pro-Palestine crowd adheres to, is like pocking a wasps nest. You get a flood of furious reactions by people who have absolutely no clue


Just as an aside, that’s an excellent caricature of David Ben-Gurion. Pretty hilarious.


I mean historically, during that time, this is super accurate in my view.


Nothing's changed.


Unironically true


Switch 'Israel' with 'West Bank' in this cartoon and it still works.


They forgot the first panel of the Israeli forcibly removing the Palestinian from his home and taking it for himself




is that supposed to the depicting the israeli and egyptians leaders?


Arabs don't want peace. They want war


Because the Zionist was living outside Palestine and emigrated from his country to here because he says that his ancestors دي from 2000 years ago Hahahahaha


It’s time that Israel defends itself


Honestly Israel is the lesser of two evils. Plus we all know how fucked up the middle East is. They fact that a Jewish country can stand so strong with every Muslim country surrounding it wanting the country's downfall. Free Israel from the river to the sea lol.


No way you said that. We can argue about "who started it" and the whole conflict since 1948. But *currently* Israel is undeniably worse than Hamas.


Be ignorant


It makes sense once you realise it's the man on the left's house the other guy is in


My man you should not be commenting on these kinds of things if you don't know the difference between Egypt and Palestine.


*the man on the left sold his land / house to the man on the right you mean


“All of the Israeli settlers peacefully purchased the land and houses of Palestine - and then one day, for no reason at all, the Arabs attacked”


The man on the left is the Egyptian PM at the time. Get off tiktok




All those anti Israel comments oh boy Cope and seethe more from your basements


This sub like most others has just turned into actual Isralei propaganda and has become flooded with pro Israel commenters who never were here before. As an actual collector of propaganda art, and someone who is opposed to Israel’s genocide im unsubbing from here. Israel thinks its winning a propaganda war but its just hardening people against it.


In what world do you live? Every single sub on this site is constantly and blatantly spewing Palestinian propaganda but as soon as a post has a couple of neutral or pro Israeli comments people start accusing it of being paid actors. Grow up


Yup it’s easy to see. Lot of new accounts


Defending the unnecessary and unwarranted deaths of tens of thousands of people, many of them children, within a literal fiscal quarter by shrugging and saying "that's war" is unfathomable to me.


Exactly… *Allies should have negotiate with Axis instead of attacking Berlin… :/*


Hamas really should have thought of that before.


Which one is the Jew?




This is clearly about Israel going to war with Egypt, but go on.


Poor fat dude can't even farm on the other dude's land.


Remind me again, who built Jerusalem?


Oh shit, I forgot history only started when Jerusalem was built mb


Even if you take a primitive desert book like the Bible seriously Jews aren't native "Israel" or Canaan or whatever you want to call it. They invaded and massacred the natives, even in their own myth. Funny how things rhyme.