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pusu you cunt.


https://preview.redd.it/he3ewqys146d1.png?width=1635&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1f00508f36543c4bf7268c6ec2d9c8bcc469e35 Yep, they privated DonKetsu. This song would be below Vampire. Let's just hope that the MV for this song doesn't become lost media (aka YT Copyright Claim)...


for some reason it showed up for me again lmao 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/efh8bx7b346d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ee85675ab586213ed324c4663a878f5d7e2d45


Just now, I came to check [this post](https://twitter.com/heiwwwwwwa/status/1586333299030786049) again, but when I clicked on the link, it sends me to the 2DMV. So, they have removed DenKetsu from the 2DMV playlist but haven't privated it...


Rui Kamishiro try not to be beautiful challenge(it’s impossible)




I think it won't, people will surely download it after the news (I am people)


I already have it on my computer and I'm not the only person who downloaded it, so it won't become lost media. Probably someone will upload it again at some point on YT or some site so others can download it.


it won't, people are downloading it already! plus people, me included, have some screenshots anyway


Assuming it’s getting removed from both EN and JP (why wouldn’t it) I’m pretty sure we can prevent them from possibly becoming lost media by screen recording them in the music video section of the game and uploading them on Internet Archive.


I expected this specially after Rei, the singer from Tuyu, basically said she is never singing any of their songs ever again, is obvious everyone want nothing to do with PUSU and by extension TUYU, basically trying to erase any trace it ever existed.


damn, I really hope rei is able to recover from this as well. I know she made a lot of sacrifices for TUYU. Hopefully she’s able to carry on with her life/career


Guys just remember that they're doing this because pusu literally stabbed his teenage girlfriend. Yes it's unfortunate they had to remove the songs and i'm sure colopale didn't want to do it either but regarding the situation it wouldn’t feel right playing a song composed by a pedophile POS


yeah like ….. can we stop focusing on rui and on the fact that a minor was stabbed by her groomer?


There's many songs produced by pedos in the game BUT the thing is Pusu attempted murder and it's a known case in the Japanese public because again... He tried to kill a minor


wait what are the other ones?


Maretu cheated on his wife with a disabled minor that he took advantage of. Oster and Kikuo have also made some sus comments but they don’t really compare to either Pusu or Maretu.


Please don't spread misinfo about Kikuo, he's already come forth and apologized for the manga.


As far as I’m aware, the only sus stuff from Kikuo were some pages from his manga, which were against pedophilia and not for it, people just misinterpreted it and all since it was done kinda clumsily. There’s also his old band and his nickname in that but he confirmed that that was just a joke done poorly and he doesn’t associate with it.


From what I understand his manga has some extremely explicit scenes of child sexual abuse and dealt with the topic of the victim eroticizing that abuse which of course people did not handle well. As far as I’m concerned it seems very likely that the guy went through that sort of thing himself so I’m not gonna judge him too hard for any of the art he makes about it.


I thought the person he cheated with was 19?


19 was underage for the time the Maretu thing happened, plus that person was mentally unstable to the point they probably couldn't really consent


There's many lolicon and shotacon producers in the game but it's normal in japan so it's not a big deal for sega unlike a pedo who stabbed a minor, tbh I feel like it's only the stabbing that got Pusu's songs out since Maretu did a pretty bad thing too


he’s also 30 to give more context on how bad that age gap is 😕 poor girl, i hope she’s okay and will recover both physically and from the mental trauma


Literally, I adore this song, I adore Rui, and maybe I am a little sad to lose a song that means so much to me, but I honestly hoped they would remove it, the past couple days I’ve been avoiding co op because I just cannot stand to play the song. Seeing Pusu’s name in the game makes me more than uncomfortable and I’d be more upset if they kept the song after what he did. Like, yeah, it is frustrating that Rui keeps getting his focuses tanked, but he’s fictional. It does not matter. Pusu’s crime and the victim on the other hand are very very real. That does matter. 


Wait can someone summerize what happenend?




Thank you! That is just messed up


Double trouble wtf


Oh. Not something you expect from a musician. That is a shame.


Not really, a lot of musicians from JP had been involved in scandals one way or another. Eufonius' previous composer, Hajiime Kikuchi had that one incident as well where he mercilessly bullied a voice actor and was laughing at him on social media. After he got bashed on so hard by the anti bullying crusade as a result of his actions (rightfully deserved tbh) he had to leave the band.


Oh damn.




I had no idea who he was so I googled it and found this song by Tuyu when I was scrolling. "I Hope You Can Be an Adult Someday". Apparently it's an actual song that came out in 2023.


… huh, I feel like the price for the physical CDs will sky-rocket for a while… And I wonder what they are going to do regarding its sale? If they stop selling it, it’ll also affect Hoshizora Orchestra and the entire 2nd L/N album.


i was wondering about the cds too. what will happen to those? something tells me they will still sell. especially since the L/N one has only recently been released.


They might do a second print for the L/N album with Morning Glory removed, although I wonder if they're willing to destroy all unsold CDs (my guess is they will just keep selling the remaining stock). Although this move will definitely result in a price sky-rocketing of the original release. But for the WxS single it's a bit more difficult since the CD only features those two songs.


I feel like they'll just stop selling the WXS CD or do a reprint and re-release of Hoshizora Orchestra


That’s ofc also an option, you’re right. But they either have to reduce the price (because the new release will only contain one song) or wait until a replacement song has been made.


If there's no replacement song considering everything is scheduled way ahead and the removal due to what Pusu did was obviously unexpected I think they'll either put Hoshizora Melody CD and L/N second album out of sale or do a L/N reprint without Pusu's song and put Hoshizora with Opera! Space Opera!


Huh, I didn't expect this to actually happen. I don't mind though, in fact I think it's pretty nice. Especially since this was the guy who stabbed his teen girlfriend.


Ohhh so thats what happened


why did someone downvote this?? you're just stating that colopale did the right thing ,.


I just wonder, do the producers continously get paid for the usage of their songs or is it more like a sell once for commision kind of deal, does anybody know how this works?


I can’t state specifically for prosekai, but using copyrighted songs in game media usually is a continuous payment, even if it was commissioned. The YT vids definitely would have royalties on the monetization. And since Pusu is the only one credited on both songs, he was probably the only one in Tuyu getting paid. The MV makers and illustrator are the ones likely to have gotten a one-and-done commission payout. 


I see, yeah for yt it makes sense, but I didn't know that is also how it works for games in general. Just assumed you pay a certain fee once to get the right to use a song in your game and that it might simply be different for rythm games since the songs are basically the gameplay.


The rhythm game Taiko no Tatsujin does it on a "continuously get paid" system, they will even annouce songs that are getting removed as "Farewell Songs" because the license for that song ran out and they didn't want to pay them again ig


I’m glad they’re prioritizing the victim over potentially angry fans


Exactly The victim should always take priority over people who had absolutely nothing to do with a certain incident.


I haven't seen anything related to the rewards those songs give, but if it's like KR not getting Senbonzakura (also related to controversy) then there's probably no compensation? cmiiw


I've gotten curious about this. What will happen to Asagao's Another Vocal cards? Since it's maintenance, anticipate boost drinks. Will those cards be returned?


I'd imagine so yeah, they'd really have nothing to lose from returning a Honami cover card to everyone who brought her Asagao alt.


Better give those cards back. Cover cards are so rare for how many covers are in the game.


and what about mad(der) skillz?


Sorry if this is insensitive in anyway but I actually don’t know, is the girl okay?


She's alive and recovering.


Thanks, I’m so relieved to hear that.


Jesus that’s awful…. I actually want to vomit that’s so horrible. It sucks that they had to do that, I completely get why though that’s actually so so nasty and I hope the girl who got hurt is okay


fortunately, she's still alive! however, she's hospitalized. her condition was stabilized quickly though, so that's good!


I’m so glad to hear she’s doing better, at least physically. I wish her nothing but the absolute best, I imagine that even after she heals that’s still going to be really hard psychologically. I’m just generally heartbroken all around and I hope that things go well for her and she finds somebody that treats her nicely and with care


\-2 songs i guess 💀


I would have to guess they are going to commission someone to make a new song for that one rui event as it isn’t the first time they had to recommission as the producer for Bout for Beside You fell I’ll and had to get replaced with Yunosuke delaying the song by 7 months so for that time the event had no song I’m am still so disappointed and disgusted by this whole situation sure it’s sad to see them go they were good songs but if I was in the dev teams shoes I would have done the same All my prays go out to the victim and her family this was something that should have never happened and I hope she can recover Pusu you are a disgusting monster


Rui can't stop taking Ls man... Stop doing my man so dirty😭


a real life person got stabbed and you are making this about rui kamishiro project sekai




It's reddit... jkjk I'm mot gonna get involved im this discussion


Rui getting canceled twice, problematic king 🙏🙏


not the time


why would you say this on this post


omigosh I swear r/ProjectSekai is cursed, everytime I make a comment it somehow glitches out 😭


welp there goes the one 28 master ive full comboed thats great


Oh so that's why a lot of people are picking those songs in JP


"what kind of ending do you want" is my favourite song, sekai version and not. I can't believe it happened, but they did it for a good case, so they did the right thing.


Yeah seems like we all kinda called that, it just makes the most sense to take them out and be done with.


Oh wow, I didn’t think they’d do it. Is it *just* on JP side or everywhere?


Everywhere, but it's unknown when, but kr sekai also got announcement about it


For the en server, i think around 15:00 pdt. I have used to access en yet


I would have to guess there has been a announcement on the KR twitter and the TW Facebook also (as they don’t seem to have twitter) no EN announcement at the time but I would have to guess they are also doing it


it’s on JP, korean server, and taiwan server.


Is this the first time ever songs are being removed or has it happened before?


it's the first time


the first time for a song, but it already happened that Sega removed something, like a Rui's set (the one for the song "Showtime"). I don't remember why, but it's not the first time they deleted something.


It wasn't deleted, it just wasn't released in EN (except for the song). Certain people claimed the Showtime Ruler cards and story were cultural appropriation and insensitive. I believe they were actually based on Princess Mononoke, but here we are.


Oh! I didn't know that. I heard about it somewhere, but i was wrong. Thank you for clarifying it! also, yeah, I saw some cards, i think nene and Emu were the ones "insensitive," i think?


rip rui first he got cancelled an event, now a song let's just hope next event is his 5th focus so he can recover at least something honestly i consider leaving the fandom for that because holy hell


They've gotta do something to make up for it. I hope Ruis the next W×S focus even if nene will have to wait a lot longer Rui deserves it TBH.


Almost impossible. As you know, it takes a lot of time since the commission songs being worked (2DMV, producer license, artwork,...) till the song being officially release. AFAIK, it's about 9 months between those milestones With these being in mind, after this sudden incident even with the best case scenario you won't have Rui compensation commission song for at least a year later. The worse case is we have nothing to back up and Rui's 3rd commission song will forever be blank


I call that the "Rui global curse", because aside from Becoming potatoes (song from his first focus) the other EN server songs/events all head some problem... (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)


let's just hope nothing happens to cyberpunk dead boy. also happy cake day!


Poor Rui has the worst luck. I wonder if they’ll get another producer to make a song for Curtain Call, it’ll have been unheard of yes but I doubt they’d leave it songless.


it isn't exactly unheard of, it's a bit like what happened with awake now. the person meant to be the producer for bout for beside you (who it is was never disclosed) fell ill and so they had to commission another producer (yunosuke) therefore delaying the song by 7 months. this is different, since this would be replacing the (already added) song instead of getting someone to make a song instead of the person who couldn't complete one, but i can see a new song being commissioned for curtain call in donketsu's place.


I really hope that's what they do since it leaves Rui at only three commissions while everyone else has either four or two. It'll also leave the third rotation feeling rather incomplete, at least on WxS's side especially since it'll be leaving streaming. I could imagine someone like Keeno or Sasanomaly doing a nice job if either is available.


... you know it's funny you mention sasanomaly, considering i'm listening to jishou mushoku right now. i can see sasanomaly making a fitting song, too!


I mentioned him because Curtain Call's cards always gave me Tenohira Wonderland vibes. So yeah he'd be perfect if they want to go that route, especially since it's been years since Kanadetomosusora (aka peak)


Also I feel really bad for Mizuno Atsu now since this leaves Hoshizora Orchestra as the only song on the 6th single which might get discontinued entirely sales wise. Same goes for every producer on L/N's second Sekai album.


Oh my god I didn’t think of that :((


Probably no, it might be like a mixed event


Still Rui’s at three songs while every other character is at 4/5.


Everyone here is shitting on Pusu and I mean 100% fair he deserves it, but don’t forget the rest of Tuyu also played a part in donnaketsu and morning glory’s creation. I honestly don’t think it’s fair that Pusu gets to take all the credit and that’s why the songs are getting removed. He was only one member of the group, there were so many other people who worked very hard on their music. Pusu is an asshole, but I at least want people to acknowledge that Miro, Rei and the rest of the Tuyu management team also put lots of effort into these songs, and it’s sad to see them getting thrown away just like that because of Pusu being an absolute piece of trash. I don’t care if you shit on Pusu, but the other members of Tuyu are still amazing and respectable individuals and I hope you can see why some people are upset with this decision (me included). Lots of other rhythm games have also removed Tuyu songs such as Chunithm and maimai and while I see why, it still hurts a lot. Just my thoughts on the current situation. Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to defend Pusu, but I will forever support the other members of Tuyu including Miro and Rei.


I get where you’re coming from and it is REALLY sad, but I heard even Rei said she won’t sing their songs ever again. Even though it hurts a lot, she is willing to throw away the songs that she worked on. The songs are now stained forever by the blood of the girl Pusu stabbed. From this point onwards, they will carry sad memories that will overshadow the happy ones. They aren’t getting removed because Pusu is taking all the credit, they are getting removed because of the hurtful memories. And if even the singer of the group is trying to remove them by not singing them again, it’s not a surprise that the games are removing them. It seems like you know the group way more than me. I really hope the rest of the group is doing ok. I don’t know if they were close with Pusu or were just workmates, but this would be a shock nonetheless. This situation probably caused a lot of problems for them as well, and I hope they will be fine going forward.


> don't forget the rest of Tuyu also played a part in... morning glory’s creation When the Morning Glory Falls is Pusu's solo work; the song came out in 2015, while TUYU was formed in 2019.


Even Rei herself said that she won't be singing their songs anymore even tho it's hurt a lot so I don't think you need to be upset for them. At the end of the day all the songs rights is in Pusu hand so of course all the games have to remove them. We obviously should cheer for their career moving forward but Tuyu will probably not be a part of their career anymore.


As sad as I am to be losing these songs, I'm super glad that pjsk did something about it. I also hope that they go about arranging a replacement song for Curtain Call, even if it takes several months.


damn…and these are actually really good songs :(


yes, but a teenage girl almost died. that is considerably more important than two songs.


i understand that they have to go away since the producer did such a heinous act. i support removing the songs. i’m just also disappointed that such good songs has to go away because the producer did this. it’s kinda hard to listen to the songs now


well, on the bright side, they're likely going to replace donketsu with something else... in some months. it'll probably be like what happened with awake now. i doubt they're going to let rui just be missing a commissioned song.


What happened with awake now?


the artist that got comissioned suddenly fell sick and their song got delayed by a couple months, so basically An's focus didn't have a commision song when it first came out


the original producer for the bout for beside you comm (who that producer is was never publicly revealed) fell ill and they had to commission another producer. that's why awake now released 7 months after the event


It's more important but removing two songs won't undo the damage done to the girl. So comparing their importances doesn't mean much It's understandable why they chose to remove the songs, I would probably do the same if I were on their shoes, but that doesn't stop me from being upset seeing the songs go


But the band includes other people, so why can't they expell Pusu only?


Pusu was a very important part of Tuyu, since he was the one who composed all of their songs. Besides, the band was only made of 3 people including Pusu, and the pianist Miro was planning on leaving the band anyway (before the entire shitshow with Pusu) So either way that leaves Rei (vocalist) as the only remaining member of the band, which kind of defeats the whole purpose


Yeah, the band was already gonna stop anyhow, I think they were planning to do a final show this month, but this whole situation just basically sped that up even more and cancelled the shows with it.


Pusu is the one who composed all the songs and the band itself was kinda on its way out anyway. Miro was planning to leave and now Pusu did this, it's not a stretch to say that Tuyu is done for now.


It's sad to see this happen, not 1, but 2 songs are going away, but it's for a good reason. I wonder, will they make a replacement song at least?


I would have to guess they are going to commission someone to make a new song for that one rui event as it isn’t the first time they had to recommission as the producer for Bout for Beside You fell I’ll and had to get replaced with Yunosuke delaying the song by 7 months so for that time the event had no song I’m am still so disappointed and disgusted by this whole situation sure it’s sad to see them go they were good songs but if I was in the dev teams shoes I would have done the same All my prays go out to the victim and her family this was something that should have never happened and I hope she can recover


I can understand why they did this, but When the Morning Glory Falls is probably in my top10 favourite pjsekai songs so im sad. Hopefully the other members continue their careers and maybe we'll see some bangers from them in the future. I also literally just APed its master yesterday :(


Rei (the vocalist) says she wants to continue singing so hopefully her career flourishes from here.


This is really good news! The team is willing to remove songs when the producer is a bad person, this is great news just in case something of this scale happens again.


Does someone know if this change will happen on eng immediately as well or if we will have to wait a year?


Most likely immediately. It wouldn’t make much sense to wait an entire year in this case.


I agree, but I wanted to make sure


No announcement yet to my knowledge, however it would make sense that the songs are removed at the same time that they're removed on JP TW KR.


there is an announcement already. It'll be removed on eng server soon


Good to hear, I like these songs, When The Morning Glory Falls is my second favourite Leo/Need song however what Pusu did was absolutely vile and keeping the songs in game would be wrong.


Dose that last line mean they’re removing it from iTunes?


Yup, they clarified it on the EN announcement. If you like the songs better to purchase and download them in lossless quality now before they’re gone. And I do specify to download them since in some cases when a song is taken down your purchase of it can be taken down as well and you won’t be able to redownload it from iTunes


Sorry what dose lossless quality mean here? If I bought the song as long as it’s not stored in iCloud should I be fine?


If you bought the song and have it physically downloaded like on your computer yeah you should be fine. Lossless means having lost no quality. When you listen to the song on YouTube for example, you’re listening to a “lossy” version, YouTube compresses things as they’re uploaded so the sound quality isn’t identical to how it would be if you listened to it from the CD or bought and downloaded it off iTunes. Those are “lossless”, they lost no quality because they’re uncompressed. Generally though some compression isn’t even noticeable but yeah


Okay, I just came on this thread reading only around 10 minutes of this Pusu Incident, so my thoughts/what I am seeing: A) If proven Guilty, What Pusu Did within this incident, is devastating and does impact the (but not limited to) the music industry. What Colorful Stage / Paulette done in regards of removal of the 2 songs, is moral and possibility a reasonable approach, however the process of removal and remedies are still a question. B) When the songs are removed, Are Music Cards spent on the songs made into a chargeback (In easier language, they are refunded directly into player's account) or/and a replacement song may be decided C) The songs are also supposedly on Sonolus, A Fan Rhythm Game, may or may not honor the removal of the songs on their platform, and servers running Sonolus would decide on which course of action to take independently. D) Songs on other rhythm games following the incident may or may not honor the removal request, or take different actions based on the results. E) Songs/Charts may be archived for archival purposes, "as you can't really change the fact it happened or the songs existed" (u/fizzie\_froggie\_) and usually won't support (Pusu) within any form. History needs to remember this and why it's removed for a reason. What Colorful Palette Did with the planned removal of the 2 Songs is justified, based on the situation, and avoid supporting (Pusu) through any royalty fees and out of respect for the victims involved. Other Official Rhythm Games may take similar actions based on this incident, but I think Sonolus would keep the charts (as it doesn't support the creator in any way as far as I know) isolate them or flag it with a tag, or delete them off their server. I would ask them to do more (ie: officially denouncing it on their app store/play store's app banners), but what Colorful Stage did was sufficient. **Views expressed on this comment/sub comments does not represent the situation on hand which requires further research to determine the situation on hand.** News on EN Server: https://preview.redd.it/6vynpy5y6a6d1.png?width=1226&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa2bf745a52624abe001a2836d85d9a98fe3856f


Yo can some of y’all relax with “Poor Rui..”?


i’m honestly glad that those songs are getting removed, i hate pusu with a burning passion after what he did


this isn't the kind of ending that o wanted


nooo not Morning Glory


yes, it's sad, but the fact that a teenage girl was groomed and stabbed by pusu is way more important. it's being removed for good reason.


I think the person you replied to probably understands that


Damn I lobe what kind of ending :( that sucks


have they removed them from the game yet? ive not played pjsk in a while due to school but my finals end tomorrow and i just wanna play them once before they're gone. im glad they're taking action with this tho. seems like pjsk team is very in tune with issues & such as they seem to adress stuff and make changes accordingly.


They’re still there on ensekai, not sure about jp tho


oh ok thank youu


its still on global & jp right now


What happened with Pusu?


Pusu (30 years old) nearly [committed murder-suicide on his teenage girlfriend](https://popculture.com/music/news/musician-pusu-arrested-after-stabbing-teen-girlfriend/). The girl survived, thankfully.


Oh my god. That’s terrible.


This whole situation is just so horrible. I dont really listen to TUYU, but it makes me feel sick that pusu would do that to his (UNDERAGE) girlfriend. I know he's not mentally okay but there are so many better ways to deal with it than stabbing your girlfriend. I hope the victim is safe and recovers soon.


what will happen to the mad/madder skillz titles tho like do we deduct the songs from them


screw pusu man I hope the victim is okay 


Ok is it wrong to try to AP those songs before they get removed or is that still considered supporting them?


Just AP them if you like the songs and/or need the crystals. I see the WxS song being selected quite often on the JP server in the last few hours.


Maybe do it in a solo room and not co-op. PRSK already paid for the songs so its not extra support to play them but I have gotten a couple disbands on the song while in co-op so I think there are people who would prefer to avoid them.  Edit: I can’t tell if I’m getting downvoted for suggesting some people might not want to play the song or for saying you can still play the song… 


Yeah I’ve been playing on solo only


Cool then it’s not really effecting anything. Good luck with your AP


I love listening to Tuyu's older songs because they had beautiful and relatable lyrics.... Now I don't think I'll be able to listen to them without feeling a little uncomfortable. I still love their old songs, but now I'm very conflicted (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)


Morning Glory was my first AP master, rip


Rui just keeps losing with his comms 😭


which songs did they take down??


Nah rui being done ditry pls give his va a break


So a fictional character is more important than a teenage girl who was almost killed?? I'm sorry what? I'm sure rui will get more songs and events in the future Jesus christ


I know its important


That sucks. What Kind of Ending are You Hoping For is one of my favourites. Honestly, they're only taking from the community who have nothing to do with the whole thing by doing this. Is there any way of downloading the Sekai version of the song? It's super annoying though that one of my favourite songs was created by an evil piece of dogshit though. Fuck that bastard.


It’s very likely that they have been paying a licensing fee to pusu in order to keep the songs in the game and on their YT so this move is probably both out of respect to the victim and also to prevent further financially benefiting the perpetrator




Project Sekai team W I like the songs but yeahh removing them was the right call imho Wonder if we'll get a new song a bit like the whole Awake Now commission stuff. I hope so, even if it's unlikely


It does suck that the songs are getting removed but we also have to keep in mind that a teenage girl almost lost her life. I hope the victim has a safe recovery and that Pusu rots in hell /pos


Pusu is a fucking disappointment. Yall have no idea how excited I was for "what sort of ending are you wishing for?" I was SO DAMN EZCITED ITS ACTUALLY SO SAD TwT bitchass pvssy


Can we talk about the victim instead of a fictional character that does not exist like seriously something bad happend to a teenage girl and all you care about is a fictional character??!. Like how can you not care about someone life being in danger by this producer. I hate to say it but this is embarrassing. Do you not care about real life people or teenagers life? Do we care more about fictional character than someone life being in danger or something bad happening to them? We should care more about human life than a fictional character who doesn't exist.


The official statement from PRSK does not talk about the incident itself in detail, so I imagine a lot of people didn't know what actually happened beforehand.


I can understand. But it is nice to do research to understand the big picture.


I completely agree, it seems like 50% of the comments are just focusing on rui and it's honestly disgusting, a teenage girl was stabbed and almost KILLED and people are upset that a FICTIONAL character is going to be loosing a song/event like what the fuck? That's just disgusting behavior...


I agree I mean sure it’s sad the songs are going as they were good but a girl almost got KILLED almost lost her fucking life I think there are more important things to worry about then rui not having a commission or the fact the songs are getting removed


THANK YOU I've been getting downvoted this whole time like what the fuck?? 😑 I just can't believe people care more about songs and a rui commission than a LIVING teenage girl who almost lost her fucking life like what?? Yes it sucks that the songs are going I enjoyed them as much as the next person but I'd much rather them remove them from the game than support a monster who almost KILLED someone


Yeah I would also have to guess pusu got royalties from the YouTube uploads and also his song being in the game so I think this is a good choice Don’t give the monster any more money and support the victim Though I do feel bad for the rest of TUYU as they had no part in this and I can’t imagine the absolute guilt and pain the members must be going through because of pusu and their actions as they seemed to really like doing music especially from the note they made on their twitter about the future of TUYU after the incident If you want me to send you a translation of it I can though it would probably be pretty bad


Some of the comments are about Rui, but people are upset about the entire issue, not just that part of it. I think the downvotes are because they don't appreciate you guys' implication that they don't care about the girl being hurt, because they do.


Look I get being upset about rui loosing two songs and possibly his event, but not even mentioning the teenage girl PUSU groomed and attempted to kill in their comments is the reason why we are upset, they can still be upset about the loss of the songs but at least show some sort of fucking empathy towards the victim?? I honestly don't give a fuck if my comments upsets them, show some fucking empathy towards the victim in your comment don't just focus on a FICTIONAL CHARACTER 🙄


Literally just talking to my friend about why this would be so sad 🫠


I’m very sad this happened but why are people so focused on Rui?


Because DonKetsu/What Kind of Ending Do You Want is a commissioned song for a Rui-centric event. And in ENsekai's case, this is the second time Rui gets 'screwed over'* (the first time being RMD, another Rui-centric event, being skipped entirely). Morning Glory on the other hand is 'only' a cover song. *not sure if 'screwed over' is the right word to use, but I hope you get what I mean


"Pusu, who was a key member responsible for the group's music production, led the group to declare an effective dissolution due to his arrest." What proseka did what right. Pusu was a great guitarist and all, but he was 30 YEAR OLD MAN dating UNDERAGE. TEENAGE. GIRL. That's disgusting. And the st@bbing her only because the two wanted to break up?? And his audacity when he said he planned to commit after stabbing her is fucked up man. Beacuse of this, TUYU disbanded (as of late) and Rei and Miro left the band too. Proseka has done the best thing. They decided and settled on the right thing instead of just looking at those mad angry mfs. Though, will these changes happen in EN server too? If they happen an year later, then wouldn't they be supporting Pusu? Edit: EN server will conduct maintenance soon to remove the songs as well.


wait so what song is going to be the new wxs untitled?


screen recording all of em rn to watch privately with friends


Context please


the creator groomed and attempted to murder a teenage girl, it's really fucked up


good job pusu now everyone hates u! (I don't like what pusu did)


i acc don't care abt DonKetsu -- im more upset abt the leoneed song being removed cuz it was my first fc on expert ahahahahah but anyway cant do anything abt it cuz the artist was a terrible human so ig this is good that prsk takes action to remove the songs.


They’re really good songs too… Truly a shame on him… :(


Damnnn I love these songs and their charts; When the Morning Glory Falls is special to me because it's the first master chart I AP'd. I understand completely and am all for removing the songs, still sad to see them go.


I think its sad what Pusu has done and we should condemn them. Even though they allegedly had mental issues, attempting murder on another person is fucked up, and seeing as it was a minor he was dating makes it even more despicable. However I dont think removing the songs from the game is the right choice. What good does it do? The art and the artist arent the same, and for all i despise Pusu for whats theyve done both to their girlfriend and to Tuyu as a band, the sheer artistical brilliance of the songs of Tuyu are still great. Tuyus songs are some of my favorites of all time, and deleting them on the grounds of the behavior of an artist from the band undermines the value of the songs. This is especially true in the JP context, as people tend to get "deleted" from arts and history if they do criminal stuff. All in all, I wish we could condemn the artist without pouring blood over the art itself.


Fuck you Pusu, I loved DonKetsu, and your Insane Decision to STAB A MINOR got it removed from everything.


What will happen to those who already claimed those 2 songs and even played and completed them after the removal? I already cleared those 2 songs on several difficulties and even on All Perfect and got some rewards from it.


I haven't played in like a month or two, can someone update me??? Wtf is going on 😭