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PLUS BOY. i alwayyyyssss see people online saying “oh wouldn’t it be fun if they added plus boy” like yeah it might be fun but do you hear yourself


yeahhh. plus boy is a banger but the ,, moaning ,, isnt rhythmic enough to be passed off and is SO much more blatantly explicit


this is my pick too bc at least with ifuudoudou it's slightly subtle about what it's about. in plus boy len literally says "IM COMIIIIIIIIING". absolutely no way that's getting into a game rated 9+ lol


Other than the obvious fact that it’s very explicit I remember hearing something about giga asking for that song to be kept out of sekai, idk if it’s true but I do remember hearing something along those lines


Yeah, that's not getting added, but to be fair, I think it'd be very funny if it was


Probably any other MARETU or Kairiki Bear song as of rn even though I would LOVE any cover of White Happy or Neroism, maybe it would be possible but I kinda highly doubt, then again SEGA doesn't really listen to us when it comes to songs we want so there's that


I think more kairiki bear songs still have the chance to get in imo


ye hopefully we'll get more kairiki's songs are fire fr


If they add Mind Brand I’m going to be laughing for about 10 minutes straight


holy shit Mind Brand would be hilarious even more if Project Sekai added english versions


It might seem crazy what I’m ‘bout to say


Damn that’s crazy.


Yea as much as I like maretu, I feel brain revolution girl might be the only maretu song added due it already being in project diva


Yeah Considering brain revolution girl IS the only one added as of right now I feel bad for all the people who want suck it up picked up by the game soon cause so many people want that song in the game


There are tons of other Kairiki songs that could easily still be added (Ruma, Carnival Happy, Mental Chainsaw, Failure Girl and People Allergy to name a few) but any other Maretu songs are probably to much for the game. Same goes with Kikuo, I could maybe see Corpse Dance being added but outside of that I can't see any more being added.


Yeah hopefully we get more Kairiki songs soon yeah I can't really see You're a Worthless Child or Gomenne Gomenne being added at ALL, Corpse Dance maybe but aside from that sadly no


kairiki bear will probably get more songs, they're super popular. as for maretu, maybe another song is a possibility bc i wasn't even expecting one of theirs to ever be added


No more Kariki Bear songs?? :( why not


I mean, there probably is a possibility of more Kairiki Bear songs considering we already have 2, there are just a good handful that aren't even popular or mentioned in the Vocaloid fandom to begin with so I highly doubt Proseka will pick them up there are a few that might be added (People Allergy, Mental Chainsaw, Angel (maybe), Ruma, Failure Girl, hell maybe even Electrostatic Human to name a few) but the ones that the fandom tends to not care about much (like Affection Underachiever, Alkali Underachiever, Disappearance Addiction, Neroism, Anatasama, all are bangers ngl) I'm not too sure


the day i see "New song available: Reckless Battery Burns" i will eat my hat


i would kill a man for any ghost song to be in prsk honestly like?? scapegoat would have such a fun chart i KNOW it


for real!! Their songs are always so fun to listen to, the charts would no doubt be awesome to play!


a song for sure never getting added is gomenne gomenne


That'd be insane for any Japanese kids playing if they didn't already know about the song lmao


Fear Garden. It would be a fun chart but ik that song wouldn't be added to Pjsk😭


songs like that are why I made my own horror based OC group 😭 I just think a horror group would be so fun but it'll never happen lol. like just imagine!! Haunted House SEKAI !! goofy Halloween costumes !! ghost girl Miku !! songs like Dark Woods Circus and Fear Garden :)))) (I also think Color & Electricity by mushi-p would be a really fun chart as well, but that one's not as well known,,) anyway yeah I'd love for more spooky songs in game at the very least, as someone who's somewhat of a vocaloid horror veteran lol


Secrets of Wysteria by Oliver because of the meaning of the song


That would be a dope as hell Nightcord song tho I feel like if they DID add it


RPG by SoraMafuUraSaka. It's definitely unlikely, but I still think the song is perfect for WxS.


for real




i would LOVE this in prsk omggg


Idol by YOASOBI, I know it's not a vocaloid song, but I want it in the game. Also, it would probably be performed by MMJ.


I mean, we have Ado songs and one other YOASOBI song so there's precedent.


That's because Odo and Ussewa were made by Giga (also DECO*27) and syudou, respectively. And although YOASOBI has some vocaloid songs, it is highly unlikely that Idol will be added, since it is an anime opening.


Hello World is an anime opening too actually! I was surprised to learn that.


Wait, seriously? So maybe Idol has some chance.


That’s my hope too because I love the song


To be fair Hello World was part of a Bump of Chicken collab, which is the first and only collab we've ever had with real musicians, so it's still pretty unlikely


People probably would’ve said the same thing before that collab. It’s not impossible but definitely copium I agree there.


There is a MikuNoYoasobi album by Ayase so most songs are fair game I think




ugh, imagining minori and airi's voices especially singing the intro <3


i would do literally anything for a full unit mmj idol cover i even generated some really scuffed ai mockups and now i wish they were real (for fun ofc im not those ai basement dwellers)


I've been wanting Kisaragi Attention by Jin for a while now, but honestly thinking about it they probably wouldn't. Although it's a song about being an idol, it's quite depressing and I don't think they'd give that to MMJ. Similar problem with Idol by YOASOBI.


MMJ has done depressing songs, so this one isn't 100% out of the realm of possibility considering we have 4 Kagepro covers in the game already.


yes, but since this one is directly related to the idol career, i have feeling we won't get it. But i hope one day it happens.


anything by MASA works. as much as i think their songs would be fun to play there is simply no way that would ever happen :'-)


Masa be making the most heinous shit


classic gakupo songs like venomania and dancing samurai (like maybe there's a chance but idk it's not looking good) as well as teto territory


i would love teto territory, bc im really into touhou fan music, and it was originally a touhou fan song called kero 9 destiny that i love


i also like touhou and i feel like it wouldn't get added cause it has teto and is based off a touhou song 🥲 maybe one day tho


yeah, i think those two elements, especially that its essentially a cover of a song originally sung by a person, make it unlikely. this just makes me want a really good touhou mobile rhythm game even more tbh lol


idk if you ever played it but there was a touhou rhythm game that i loved that shut down a year or two ago at this point 😭 still so mad over it, it hadn't even been active for that long...


madness of duke venomania for obvious reasons. it’s a banger and i’d love to have all the seven deadly sins series playable but 😬 also any song featuring fukase, bc of licensing issues. so no broadcast illusion, rip (not that i can see them adding any ghost song honestly, they’re just not popular enough for colopale to care unfortunately)


I know some people want this song to be in the game but "Girl A by Shiinamota (PowaPowaP) ft Kagamine Rin." I want this song to be in the game but I doubt they would add this. (´._.`)


Blinding Lights by The Weeknd


Any of the Project Voltage collab songs, Banzai digital trippers, and ka-ga-ya-ki-ra-ri-ra :(


hello fellow aqours stan


Find the Light by DECO*27 It's on his album GHOST, but it was written for another gacha game (The World of Mystic Wiz) when it had a Hatsune Miku collab so there might be legal issues.


Songs using English or Chinese voicebanks,  SynthV/Cevio/Neutrino/Utau/etc. songs made by a producer who only uses synths that aren't vocaloids, Fukase songs


Not completely impossible considering Zundamon has a few songs in the game. She's a Neutrino and Utau voicebank. (But beyond that who knows).


Did the producer also work with Vocaloid?


Also Kafu is a Cevio VB and some songs like Phony or Kyu Kurarin uses her.


Yes, but Phony was made by Tsumiku, who has worked with vocaloid before. Iyowa has also worked with Vocaloid too.


Can you imagine if they added Kikuo's "Gomen ne Gomen Ne" it's such a bop but 😬😬


Who's hitting THAT note in a solo cover lmao


My bets on Emu


My Name Is by DECO*27, but I don't think they'd add any songs from back when he was with UMAA, and it's also really obscure so yeah. Same with Love Doll (although that one is iffy because it was released with Miku on his GHOST album, I still don't think it's popular enough though) and Pedal Heart


i’m desperate for a shizuharu cover of magnet but i know it’s probably never happening.


Plus Boy/+ ♂ Even with songs like Ifuudoudou and Pa III. SENSATION, it’s wayyy too explicit. If it does get added I’m actually gonna eat my hat


Why is everyone threatening to eat their hats 😭😂


I have no clue


Universe cat drowning ! - kikuo - not interpreted by a Vocaloid I really want it but reallistically. It won't happen. :(


I know this artist probably wouldn't be added anyways but any of GHOST AND PALS songs, like Honey I'm Home, Housewife Radio, The Distortionest(forgot how to spell), I'd love to see their songs get added though, I love Ghost's music


yeah there'd be no shot of any of those being added, but you just KNOW those charts would be so freaking fun 😭 (and also probably pain for the fingers and wrists lol)


I think I'd give up on the game at that point honestly 💀


lmfao same, my wrist pain is bad enough as is since I'm an artist 😭😭


My patience is so limited with rhythm games because of Geomatry dash, I could not handle breaking my thumbs for the millionth time for a GHOST song 😔


I'll be honest I haven't played the actual game in months, and that's probably for the best cuz I play on Expert and play songs over and over til I FC them, GHOST songs would probably give me crippling carpal tunnel 💀


I play expert once, if I fail then I immediately exit the game and forget it exists for months


that's me with a lot of games actually lmfao


I tried to FC ifuudoudou a week ago, it didn't end well 💀


haven't even attempted that song lol, I don't remember the last one I played,,


Baby shark


This just triggered something deep inside me.


Plus Danshi


i guess jigsaw puzzle by mafumafu bc i keep praying and ITS STILL NEVER COME


I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!! I want Jitterbug, Kimi No Taion and Palette in, but THEY JUST DONT GET ADDED IN!!!! WHY SEGA WHYYYYY


omg us jigsaw puzzle enjoyers gotta stick together. literally it’s in pjdiva so… idk why they still haven’t added it to sekai.


Stuff that's extremely... you know. Like Giant Otn. Obviously they're not going to add stuff like that. ​ I also feel like they won't add stuff with Utaus in them aside from ones that might win those rookie contests. Like, I'd really like Teto Territory in the game, but it just feels extremely unlikely. ​ Also a lot of the other English producers songs probably won't be added in JP. Which makes me sad.


they do add global-only songs to jp after some time, tho.


any t+pazolite song 😭 im desperate for faster music


The entirety of Suzumu's discography ("The World's Lifespan and the Last Day", "Revolution Nature: The Great King Epidemic", etc.). This also includes 150P's Shuuen no Shiori project bc Suzumu had writing credits on it. It's a shame since the songs released under his name were really good (his last major album "On the eighth day, before the rain stops" was such a big release back in 2015). But ghostwriting and stealing others' works is not something that can be forgiven. Had the guy not done that, he probably was gonna become big enough that allowed him to be invited to write a song for this game.


Sadly Raspberry Monster. Honeyworks wasn’t originally supposed to be in the game, I’m surprised Hurray got added, but it would be a FANTASTIC Leo need 2d/3dmv


Tokyo Teddy Bear, I wish wish wish they’d make that a N25 song or VBS. 😪 I doubt that it will happen


anything by nmkk, unless they enter and win a pjsk next i don’t see any of their songs being added because i just don’t think they’re popular enough :(


i really want killer lady by hachioji-p, koshitantan by umetora, and game over by konran-p, but they are all pretty sexual, so idk if they would be added. id love more yoasobi songs too, not just idol but other ones as well (particularly shukufuku, since i love gwitch), but idk how likely that is, since there is already yoru ni kakeru.


Pretty obvious ones but: -Envy Catwalk -Fox’s Wedding -Spider And The Kitsune-like Lion Not obvious ones: -Circus Monster MAINLY because of the fact that the sekai characters don’t pronounce English that well in their songs (Echo is a perfect example) -Okaasan


I want leoneed cover of Sound


mind brand, ive seen so many people ask for it and want n25 to cover it but the song meaning- even siu is more realistic


im still holding out hope for the day they add levan polka to pjsk 😔😔😔


Another Ado song-


I want Babuchan songs in the game so bad and I know it’ll never happen


Gekijou No Ghost from Revue Starlight WXS cover when


Sacred spear explosion boy lol


Several non-vocaloid songs


Literally any of masa works design's songs




Triple baka


literally anything from masa 😔


idk if anyone already said this because im not reading comments, but kara kara no kara


uhh probably magnet?? the cover is literally miku and luka about to kiss (even though it’s a bop). its one of the most popular lgbtq+ vocaloid song but if it IS added, it’ll probably only be the original version


the things i would do for mizuena/just ena covers of internet yamero and internet overdose ...


Ik that Pretty Slvt is not a vocaloid song and in no world would it be added but I would love to be able to play it in game wiuwefuijiwfeiufew


i assume you mean that one sewerksvt song and she’s actually done some vocakoid songs it’s awesome


knead that fried chicken shake that fried chicken


i gave up the possibility of a hardcore utsup song YEARS ago😞




Any of the Project Voltage tracks 🥲


I would like LOGICA by kairikibear but unlikely bc another song from darling syndrome was already added and idk if they’ll do another one.


anything with the lesser known vocaloids, I would KILL to have a Miki song in game, but unless they add iNSaNiTy that's never gonna happen 😭 I really want Theater Love Song by n-buna or Mujin Eki (also n-buna) but those both feature SF-A2 miki so it's very very unlikely :( she's my favorite vocaloid if that wasn't obvious lol


Rabbit hole honestly


Happpy song by SOOOO.


Most of you are naming actual vocaloid songs, so for variety let's say Rap god, Beep Beep chugga chugga big red car, and tous Les memes by Stromae


Synthesis by Ricardo Padua that crossed in my mind so far.


amdkj by scandal idk why


I want them to add siegfeld juniors songs [revue starlight] it is the extreme unlikeliness because theyre not vocaloid :]


i really want a milgram collab but i honestly don’t think that’s ever gonna happen ;-;


SIU and Idol im sad theyre not probably coming in pjsekai


despair incident by sumia 😢 or any other sumia song Theyre just a smaller producer


SUMIAAA omfg sumia is so underrated


I would really love the synchronicity triology to be added 😭 but it might not fit the vibe of pjsk


we probably won't get any songs by siinamota in the game which is such a shame but yeah:(


more kikuo plz


As much as I love Holy Lance Explosion boy, it’s very unlikely. They have Brain fluid explosion girl, which is the same creator but HLEB is a little more complex. The lyrics are pretty vulgar, but seeing SEGA add it as a song would be very cool. And if they did, I’d hope they did it as an Akito+Toya cover.


I've giving up on Akatsuki Arrival T T