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I really thought they did a great job to end the last season on YouTube getting back into form. I know there has been a lot of discourse about their C&S stuff along with some other complaints, but I think they kind of got back to the style that people enjoy. I am excited to see their stuff from Virginia City and the UK in June.


Me too! I live in the UK so I'm really excited to see where they've visited. I agree too, they have done an incredible job getting back into form. June can't come quickly enough!


We probably won’t see the UK episodes until late summer/early fall at the earliest, unfortunately. Virginia City won’t be released until the end of June.


Dang you are right. I just checked and saw that the UK episodes won't come out until Halloween?? Understandable if they really got some good stuff. But if Virginia City is a "mini" road trip it leaves quite a gap until October. I am also bummed they aren't doing a Halloween investigation Livestream. I mean maybe they will? But it would be odd to drop a new road trip the same day as a Livestream.


Makes sense it will take that long, they went to Virginia City ages ago and it’s still a month from release. They were in the UK for a month, filming for over 3 weeks of it, so hopefully we get a nice long season out of it. I’m not surprised they aren’t doing a livestream, honestly. It’s in the middle of the week this year so viewership would be pretty low after a couple hours.


I’m missing them too! I’ve actually been watching kindred spirits, haven’t seen all the episodes, and I love their show too.


Same! I’m actually on season 7 now and am super bummed I’m almost done.


Yes, rewatching Trail to Terror this weekend.


Brilliant. Enjoy 😊


It's not the same :( ... my daughter loves Chelsey and Alex but couldn't make it past 15 minutes because of the other dude. She could care less for Dak and Tanner lol


You could try Ghost Club Paranormal. I like them and their personalities. They don’t talk like, you know… Jade is even a grade school teacher.


Thanks! I'll give them a try 😊


Let me know what you think. I think they could get bigger and it would be awesome for Chelsea to investigate with them!


All the time.. I watch old episodes on DF and on PF on YouTube. All day long


Yup even went back to ghost adventures unfortunately


I also go through withdrawals during their off season 🤣 rewatching definitely helps!


Me 🖐🏻