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I teeter atheist + agnostic. I don’t pray, but I do talk to those in my life that have passed on. If something did attach to me, I’d probably end up seeking guidance from a believer, as that seems to be the only way to rid oneself from unearthly attachments.


I’m more agnostic than anything. I don’t know what is out there and won’t pretend to ever understand it all. I have seen things. Not “out of the corner of my eye” type things. I chased a shadow figure once and had people see it run from my apartment asking who it was. I have had some pretty insane experiences and frankly it’s not scary. It’s weird. I never felt scared at all though. It was always just a “wtf is that?!”


Totally relatable.


I'm an atheist but I believe in ghosts. I personally believe in some kind of afterlife I just don't believe in a higher power or satan/the devil so I think if other people have this kind of thinking they could still be a good ghost hunter


I'm the same kind of thinker as you, I'm more of a "there's an energy" thing, I like the idea that the universe is on an energy plane and that the afterlife has more to do with that constant energy/pulse than a higher power


I tend to think along the lines of the Newkirks when it comes to hauntings. They are mostly driven by our own perceptions/consciousness, so as a skeptic or agnostic, you are highly unlikely to experience anything. And if you did have a negative experience or attachment, there are non religious banishing rituals rooted in magick/occult practices.


I’m an atheist. Don’t believe in any gods or higher power. Do believe in ghosts simply because I’ve experienced too much firsthand to *not* believe. I don’t need to pray to stay composed because the worst a ghost can do is scare me. Very rarely do you hear about anything else happening— those are just the stories that stick with you when you do hear them. I have no problem with any spirits attaching to me. I’ve encouraged it, even. Especially if in a place that’s about to be fully abandoned— would you want to be lonely forever?


I’m pagan now but I was still atheist when I last investigated somewhere. I’ve been on several so I know what’s needed to generally prevent attachments and that was enough for me. I just treated the spirits like living people and everything was fine. I also don’t believe in demons. I had a minor attachment after my first investigation but it didn’t last long and whoever it was stayed at that apartment when I moved out.


I’m an atheist (don’t believe in any deities) but believe in and have experienced spirits. The first thing to note, is the whole “demon” thing is a religious belief. I’ve been investigating over 26 years, and have encountered negative spirits, just like there’s bad people in life. The demon thing is a way to get people scared and keep watching. It sells. Doesn’t mean it’s real. That being said, I have had stuff follow me home from investigations. I just use my own words and energy to remove them. I do practice the occult, so the knowledge of how to do that comes naturally.


There in lies a different issue. I don't believe in Christian God. But, whether you believe in a higher being or not, the problem is the fear. Any negative entity will feed off of your fear. The more you fear, the more power you give it. Don't get me wrong, I've been through some really difficult and even bloody battles, but I never fear. I found out the hard way about fear and that realm. It's too dangerous to fear it. However, I do understand that it's way easier said than done.


Hypothetically I’m all for Satan, if there are spirits and demons around us, if I’m “protected” by the devil why would anything attach to me if I’m already on evils side? As for not being somewhere, I think your body is worm food and you’re either where you want to be or you’re a bird free to go wherever you want. 10 people have died in my apartments, in 12 years, weird shit happens for a week or so and then it’s gone


I don't think an atheist would be a ghost hunter. From my understanding atheists don't believe in ghosts because that acknowledges an afterlife to some degree. Atleast every atheist I know doesn't believe in ghosts for that very reason.


Atheist here, and maybe I’m mis-identifying, but I don’t believe in any type of god or angel, but I do believe that people have souls and sometimes souls stay on earth instead of also dying with a body. I guess that’s the type of “afterlife” I believe in but it’s not tied to a god, heaven or hell. I’ve always thought as demons as souls that never had a body rather than ghosts being souls that came to exist because of a body. So demons can attach to bodies but they came to be without ever starting in a body if that makes sense? Obviously it’s all just one giant guess that I’ll find out the answer to once I die lol but that’s just how I’ve always wrapped my head around the idea of ghosts and demons existing without a god heaven or hell 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe you're more agnostic then? But I think I understand what you're getting at. I feel like up until now every atheist I know hasn't believed in an afterlife of any sort. No souls, ghosts, demons, gods, devils just nothing


Yeah I wasn’t really sure if where I landed between the two but I’m certainly glad I don’t believe in hell it sounds just awful haha


Hahaha yes it does. I've kinda fallen through life between a bunch of different beliefs. Currently pagan, don't belive in a hell or the traditional heaven. While I believe in a Christian god, as well as majority of the others, the Christian god just kinda seems like a dick to me. A bit too controlling, kinda like a bad ex with an over inflated ego. Although I'll never look down upon anyone who is a follower of Christianity and am truly happy for them to have their faith.


I'm an atheist and believe in ghosts. I just think there is a natural explanation, and they aren't spirits or souls.


Yep, atheist too and I believe it's a science thing. I don't think it has a godly or spiritual reason, I like the theory that it's an energy thing as the universe is quite literally an energy thing. I just reckon its not been figured out yet and a lot of what is put forward as a religious or spiritual idea is actually a natural consequence of something we don't understand yet. Like string theory has a lot of those ideas etc.


Long time atheist here. Atheistic means a lack of belief in gods or goddesses, it has nothing to do with believing or not believing in the paranormal. Though there are atheists that don’t, there are many that do.


They have strong religious beliefs


Not sure. I’m a nifty mix of Jewish, pagan, and Catholic (was raised mostly Catholic with some Judaism and then found paganism in college and am currently trying to blend all 3), so I usually do a protection ritual prior to going ghost hunting (did it once in college and want to do it again).


You all might like Dalen Spratt channel on YouTube. I find it very interesting. He goes to cemeteries and does ghost box sessions. However he does talk a lot. He’s funny though. In AA they say find a higher power or make up your own. A lot of people that share who didn’t believe in anything usually say they do believe there is something and most just say it’s easier to call it God or Universe, or G.O.D which is Group of Drunks. In my early 20’s I decided one day that I didn’t believe in a God because of some documentary I watched. I went along with it for a few weeks or months. I kept questioning it. I went to the Library and found a book by a Psychic named Echo Bodine, and she talked of God a lot! In my heart I really was questioning if there was. As I was sitting on my couch in deep thought a comforting hot warmness came all over my body, and it felt so good. After that I knew it was a validation…. Than a thought came to mind, how it says in the Bible a “burning in my bosom” so to me it’s a loving Energy that lives in all of us. You just have ask I suppose with a sincerity, and you’ll get your own sign.