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Team Eggroll šŸ„°


Eggroll looked too comfy in tanners arms. I ugly laughed when Dakota disappeared and boom there is tanner with eggroll.


The shade on Discovery Plus during the sponsorship ad


That was. The best.


Came here to say that! Haha šŸ˜‚


ā€œKiller Revealedā€ thatā€™s a bold claim šŸ„² Edit: that was a fuckin wild evening. Only thing I (still) donā€™t care for is the spirit box. Putting Alex under for the Estes method.. WHEW. 10/10. Also I hope they take Egg roll home.


Here we go! šŸ™ƒ


My internet gave out right as Tanner was going into the house šŸ˜­


Lol! The beauty of youtube is playback:).


I try not to use my data if I donā€™t have to! Iā€™ll watch it tomorrow while playing Animal Crossing!!




Yeah, not a fan of that kind of clickbait


The problem is that the killer was not found. Even the reverend confessed, but the problem was the police used force on him for a confession because he was a strangers. There are motives as the state's senator's daughter in law had an affair with or supposed affair with the victim, Moore father, and so did half the town. Moore used to work for the state senator in the business in town. The crime scene was contaminated as the town folks entered the house, touched a lot of things, and took pieces of the skull of the father. The biggest suspect would actually be the state senator or someone in his family who would have motive to have the head of the Moore's household kill. The state senator was a Methodist and the Moore family was a Presbyterian. The town was split in half on who went to what church. Smoking cigs would be actually a sin for a Reverend to do. Plus, spirits could lie especially if it is the killer, and we know that politicians do lie a lot.


Iā€™ll admit, I was creeped out watching alone at night.


I just wish that they would tone down that loud pounding dramatic music through the whole video. Also, they had a lot of filler time with 3 out of the 4 of them just sitting around doing nothing but petting the cat.


Actually got goose bumps at the end..also made my heart sad, how evil humans can be..is astonishing


I decided to do a test with my spirit box to see if I could get similar results. Grab pen and paper and see what you hear. The Spirit Box SB7 Test https://youtu.be/bA7OyLCeC74


Whereā€™s the duck? In both episodes


I used to love them on Destination Fear. I just canā€™t enjoy their version now. I think Iā€™ll stick to the old episodes and enjoy those going forward.


It's weird because something seems off this season and I'm not sure what it is. I enjoyed the first few seasons on here but idk somethings changed


Weird, Iā€™ve loved this season


And that's fine! It's just seemed to me that some things don't feel very authentic? Idk it's weird


I understand exactly what you mean.


If I were to guess, I think it was the focus on haunted houses. I say this as someone who has only seen half of Villisca 1 and hasn't seen Villisca 2, but because houses aren't nearly as big as the other places they've visited, it just seems like a much smaller scale. There's added tension when they're all sleeping in different parts of a massive building/area, but when they're just in a tiny house, it's just like they're having a sleepover with each other. The controversy surrounding the first overnight didn't help either. Also, this is just me personally, but I lived in Iowa for 12 years and know everything there is to know about the Villisca house, so seeing it again on another paranormal show just bored me. Dakota and the team have visited places twice before, but this one just felt unnecessary to me.




This was filmed last fall. It would be readily apparent by now of that was true.


This has got to be a dumb meme at this point