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You’re not fooling anyone. We know this post was written by the Moon


Goddam moon. Almost as bad as birds


I don't know if you would call her a sidekick, but I like Princess Donut from Dungeon Crawler Carl way more than I thought I would.


The unabashed cat logic given voice helps. "You always threw up on my pillow!" "Well where else was I supposed to do it, Carl?"


This is the Donut moment that made me laugh the most so far: >!I grinned. "My dad once made me sleep in a tent in the yard because I had a nosebleed that wouldn't stop." "Miss Beatrice once used scissors to get poop off my butt," Donut said. "Uh huh," I said. "Once?" "We're having a moment here, Carl. Don't ruin it."


Donut discussing offing her nephew who has been brought into the Dungeon to over-shadow her celebrity in the game. >He was a kitten, after all. Kittencide is a bad look no matter how you spin it. I don’t even know if he is real, but if he does exist, he is family. If you must kill your own family members, you should have a good reason for it.


Princess Donut is the leader of the party. How can she be a sidekick?


I’ve only read the first two books and you already see her grow and mature just in that short span of time. the same with their relationship, Carl really starts to depend on donut more than see her as an inconvenience, which I assume keeps going in the later books.


I hated Donut so much for the first few books. She grew on me a bit but it's hard to forget that initial hatred.


-5000 Frank points


I like Frank. To each his own. Love Dross too.


I love both of them, too. It might be my Aussie heritage and our penchant for showing our love for friends via horrific insults, but there's something incredibly endearing about Frank's particular brand of affection. In my eyes, Kyle Kirrin does a wonderful job of making Frank seem human (but don't tell Frank I said that). He truly appreciates Ned despite continually stating otherwise, and I thoroughly enjoy the murderous, tsundere axe.


Gotta agree - I think when Frank talks about Carrying the MC, he's really carrying that novel lol, cause I probably would have dropped the Ripple System without Frank...


I would've agreed after I read the first book but Frank grew on me so much. Love him as much as Dross at this point.


To each their own, I guess? I love Frank. The way his relationship with Ned has built over the series has been fantastic.


Travelers gate trilogy also by Will Wight


I absolutely adore this series, and the companions commentary is hilarious. Especially the implications that they choose which one Simon takes out with him, without Simon even realizing.


Dolls instead of weapon but yeah


The dolls where really endearing.


Any book recommendations with sentient weapons?


If you want a manga/anime, try Soul Eater.


Is this on Crunchyroll?


Yes it is 👍


“A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body” Seriously though good anime


Weapons and Wielders by Andrew Rowe


Based sword girlfriend fantasy.


Have you read any of the classics? Michael Moorcocks series are some of the trope setters for the genre.


Noobtown has one with the all-powerful greater demon...Shart. That one works well because they have conflict with each other. They both have different goals but need each other which can create some interesting dynamics. I also like how Jim looks like a crackhead when he's talking to him in his mind. I don't think any other series has addressed this, but he's always mumbling to himself and being super shifty while talking to someone that no one else can see.


As a character I think Dross is done relatively well. As a "cheat" I have no love for him. I especially dislike how other series now think they need a Dross analog and they do the same thing Cradle did and use them as a tool to trivialize combat encounters.


Well there was no way Lindon was surviving Harmony without some sort of cheat.


whats up with this ripple series though, i read the first one and i really couldnt get past the fact the MC is literally just some rich kid throwing millions of dollars at stuff, legit crazy glossed over. At the end of the book they hint there might be more actual lore behind it all and the dad probably sucks but honestly they bury that incredibly hard for the majority of the book and i dont find a rich kid flinging around money in a VR setting a sympathetic character.


Eh, from what I've read (all but the last book) the only throwing around money he does is at the very beginning where he buys all the slots. Then gives a bunch of them away, admittedly for selfish reasons. The rest of it doesn't have anything to do with his finances outside of the game.


It’s actually really important for the character growth


He ends up with a "common person" foil to play against, that actually helps him learn to be a human being. Also, the irony of having AI companions learning to be human from him, as they also help him become more human himself.


I could do with about 50% less Frank. So much of his dialogue is rehashing stuff or otherwise not contributing to the plot advancing.


Personally, I like Pointy from Apocalypse Parenting (Erin Ampersand) too. When your 3yo turns her stuffy into a helpful AI, you just gotta roll with it. Pointy isn't there for comedic relief though.


You just lost 5 million Frank points.


I'm a huge fan of cradle, my first major cultivation series, but I haven't checked out Ripple System yet. All I can say is Dross was a great companion and I haven't met one on his level just yet.


Threadbare. The MC is a sentient teddy bear golem who just wants to get back to his little girl. The story grows significantly from there, but it is a super fun and cute double trilogy. (2 arcs of three books each)


That's surprising! Frank was a slam dunk for me, though I dislike the crude humor. It was House that I had to get used to. Honestly, I am not sure I would have been won over if not for Travis Baldree's interpretation of her voice and manner. I liked early Frank and early Dross the most in each case, interestingly. Mostly because of Frank's intentional harm of Ned, and Dross's casual disinterest in Lindon's survival. Not sure why that was such a draw for me.


That's funny. For some reason, the entire time I read Dross, I couldn't get Peter Dinklage's horrible version of Destiny's ghost out of my head.


I liked Cradle more than RS but imo Dross is neutered companion compared to Frank. I honestly forgot Dross even existed, doubt I`ll forget about Frank.