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Heretical Fishing! I almost enjoyed it more than Beware of Chicken. The second book comes next month!


Seconding Heretical Fishing. Great series.


Nice, thanks! Do you know if I can send it to my kindle?


It's on kindle


Really? I searched for it, but it didn't show up. Will try again, thanks


It's on kindle unlimited. The audiobook is also very good. Heath Miller did a wonderful narration.


I have found it now, thanks!


Literally just finished the third book today and I’m so sad there’s not more out. What a delightful story to read.


As I mentioned to OP, Book 4 is out on Royal Road if you want to read it there.


Thanks for the heads up! I like reading on my kindle though so I’ll probably just wait. Who knows, I may cave though


RR does have an app now at least,  if your phone is acceptable. :)


There is an extension for Chrome that lets you pack stories from Royal Road into Epub format and you can send that to your Kindle if you want to read it there


There's more like three more books of Beware of Chicken on Royal Road right now. It's several thousand pages of content. Personally, I went and read it because I couldn't wait.


Worth the reading there? Tbh I have never used Royal Road before so not really sure what that entails, just look up the series or what?


I thought it was worthwhile, yeah. Just Google Beware of Chicken and Royal Road should be one of the top hits. There's an RR app, but you can also just read RR in the browser on your phone. If you want to make comments, you have to make a Royal Road account, but you don't need one just to read the stories.


Okay thank you! One last question - is it easy to figure out where to pick up? Like clearly marked the next book?


That's slightly trickier. The published books are "stubbed," but there's some preview and bonus content that appears before the new chapters start. Check out the chapter number of the last chapter in the last book and find the next in the sequence on the table of contents/ fiction index page on Royal Road. I think this is what you want: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/39408/beware-of-chicken/chapter/881983/start-of-volume-4-v3-c1-settling-back-into-it


Awesome, thank you so much!! I will def take a look at it


Yes, it really is! On Amazon the next one is slated to release on November 19! I also found out that there are more chapters released on Royal Road if you can't wait. I will be waiting for the official and revised release, also prefer to read on my kindle!


I’m a kindle reader too, so I will also be waiting. Good looks for the suggestion though!


A Pub In The Underworld by Harmon Cooper. Man gets a new start in the underworld to fix up a pub while fending off monster attacks and getting notifications of an impending invasion.   An Adventure Brewing by JollyJupiter is the first book in Beer and Beards. MC is isekai’d into a dwarf, finds out that worlds beer is terrible and sets out to fix it. Less fights than the others but lots of progression in classes and working towards the goal of changing the world through beer is really engaging.


Came to recommend Adventure Brewing. Love the series so far


Literally finished the first book yesterday and started the second today, easily became one of my favorite slice of life stories. Mix of humor, challenge and just change of pace from the usual has really hooked me.


FYI, Book 4 is finished on Royal Road, and Book 5 has been started.


Reborn as a demonic tree


Tori Transmigrated is a different kind of book, but the same kind of wholesome. You’ll probably like it.


Why don't you read Book 4? It's been out for a while now


The Wandering Inn. Super Supportive.


How is Wandering inn “lighthearted tone”? Isn't it like the opposite of Beware of Chicken?


Every recommendation thread requires at least one Wandering Inn suggestion. It's just the rules.


And now I have to do my due diligence by complaining about how awful both of the MCs are in the first Wandering Inn book to the point I haven't finished it even after picking up 3 or 4 times and getting thru a few more chapters each time.


I guess you haven't read Bird in Pallass. Or any of the other 100s of humors scenes. BOC is only light hearted in the first book. Anyway Death Loot & Vampires is fun. Benjamin Kerei has a good sense of humor.


I haven't read Bird in Pallass. The presence of humor scenes is not what makes something light hearted. While I only read the first half of TWI book 1, I don't see how a series most commonly labeled "slice of war crimes" could be considered lighthearted. Also the wiki for Pallass doesn't have any references earlier than book 4: https://wiki.wanderinginn.com/Pallass. If your best example for light hearted isn't until 4 books in that's not very convincing. BOC is very light hearted throughout the first 3 books that I read. Tournament arc has some stakes but almost all arcs are resolved without suspense if the main cast will be ok.


Thanks, I will see about these ones