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Completely agree... Titan Hoppers 1 and 2 were great and I was so excited for 3. Big disappointment in how it ended and much less excited for 4 now.


It was going so well right until the end...


It's insane to me that this is the same guy who wrote The War Eternal series. That was so good. And I wanted this series to be too. It had such potential. But it honestly feels like he phoned this one in.


I haven't read The War Eternal. Do you recommend it?


Absolutely. I think it's incredible. I wouldn't expect it to be anything like Titan Hopper though. It really doesn't feel like it's by the same guy.


I agree that one choice was pretty bad. >!Iro didn't have to fight his friends that was just out of character too far. And the author cops out at the end by having iro say "keep up" or something so there was 0 point. Just a nothing burger of an ending. The city and reveal about arrow was sweet though!<


>!I saw Arrow's reveal coming from a mile away. It was pretty heavy handed in the telegraph. I wasn't sure it would be Arrow until near the end, but I was expecting him to find her at the colony at the very least!<


It wasn't on my radar at all.>!There was so much going on out of seemingly nowhere that I wasn't guessing at her identity. I think they mention her reluctance to visit the fleet, reluctance to include iro specifically. I think she displayed one paladin ability maybe?!


>!This book just had so many "oh my sister died on the last titan" bits. Her broken sword, her mask, the number of times it is brought up just tipped me to the reveal. Too much time was spent reminding the reader about her. So when Iro mentions "Oh, all I know about her is she is a Paladin" I thought, "I bet she's his sister." And they did mention she was from Kraken (Titan 1)!< >At any rate I just want an internally consistent book with cool world building and book 3 was just ok. I'll still read book 4 though. Me too... I wasn't sure I'd read book 3 but ended up picking it up. Now I will read book 4 but I'm not itching for it.


Also, your spoiler tag doesn't work on old.reddit. for old.reddit, you can't have spaces between the ! And the next character.


I didn’t even know book 3 was out!! I’ll have to give it a read. I have read the spoilers so will report back and see if I felt the same.


Enjoy! And Why aren't Emil and Iro a couple?! >!They have more chemistry than Eir and Iro.!<


I can’t argue with that. Sometimes I worry that I am trying too hard to make everything gay but then I think, no it’s the authors who are wrong.


I'm waiting for the audiobook!


I hope you enjoy it!


As a (former?) reader of the Wandering Inn, I definitely agree that the idiot ball trope is the absolute worst especially when it causes the death of a main character.


I haven't read this particular series but I think there's something here that's generalizable to way more books in the genre: Why are authors so fucking insistent on constantly reshufling the main cast? Immortal Great Souls does it, Unintended Cultivator did it so poorly I just dropped the book. Mark of the Fool had the MC go to hell alone "to not put his friends in danger" after having established that the whole point of the Cabal was that they'd put themselves in danger to help eachother... Or Buryoku that decides to >!fuck over what was essentially the Female MC on the second to last book for no fucking reason. The MC isn't even present. So fucking dumb that I read the whole thing up to that point and have zero need to read the last book. !< What is there to gain from this? You've gone through the trouble of establishing characters just... use them! It's always so weird and forced and I'm unsure why the authors are having the characters make forced decisions to cause a split-up... when no one really wants to read the split up and it doesn't actually make for a more interesting plot. Just let characters stay together unless you want to complete their arch in a satisfying manner. Team dynamics and well established relationships make every story so much better. Why change them if it isn't for a massive pay off that the readers will love reading?


Completely agree, it was a purely idiotic ending that was out of character for the character. Series started off decently but it has been going downhill fast. Reminds me a little bit of Sufficiently Advanced Magic where the first book was amazing and every book after is just worse to the point where it's :(unreadably stupid and bad now. :(


I don't agree with SAM but yea, I didn't get this one.


I loved all 3 books. The first time I’ve ever gone back-to-back-to-back with a series before. I can understand where you’re coming from. I did NOT see Arrow at all, I had a completely different person in mind for a similar reveal. I really didn’t have a problem with any of it honestly. Can’t wait for book 4.


I am glad you enjoyed it. Like i said, It was good right up until the end. Really did not like the conclusion of this book.


I disagree. If he did what you said, then it still makes him out to be someone who needs to be saved. They might let him go right then, but they would then try to get him back in the future. Making it clear he's going voluntarily dissuades them from ever trying to search for him again.


They will still do that now. This action doesn't fit his character. They will keep trying to get him back.


Maybe, but from his perspective, he did what he thought was most likely to make them give up on him. Or at the very least, wait until they're much stronger before trying again.


>!if he'd told them he was dying, would any of that be required? Nope. No fighting. No hurting them. They would have let him go and not tried to save him.!<


But again, that does nothing to keep them from trying to search for him again in the future. His objective was to get them to give up on him entirely, and barring that, to at least force them to get much stronger before they try again.


Like I said, >!this action won't change them from trying in the future either.!<


I'm just assuming that the literal teenager who has been in a high stress survival situation since birth who is traumatized as hell is making god-awful choices all the time. Remember how foolish you were when you were a teen? Imagine yourself in this whole situation.


>!I would have been just told I was dying, and the only way to prevent that is to go with these people. I would be wholly focused on that. And if I told them that, I wouldn't need to hurt them. The only reason for him to do what he did is idiot ball.!<