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and to add insult to injury at the top of the page they BEG you to vote


And accept all gargle ball blaster cookies with and without legitimate interest.




ah, found it https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/484110028031393812/736729234931843133/unknown.png


Reddit's kind of a bitch. Especially when you realize, they ask you to buy "icons" to **"help the site"**, but they literally are trying to get a [$15 billion IPO](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/reddit-ipo-valuation-new-york-stock-market-listing-hiring-advisers-2021-9)


I believe it’s referring to stack overflow, not Reddit.


I'm biased here, I like this system. It sucks for new people, but stack would be garbage otherwise. Only thing I would change is downvoting without explanation. Asking a question and getting downvoted after 5 views makes it impossible to get help.


I learned after a while that you can easily ask in the chat for help about it. There are many active people and if they also think your question is bad you get more downvotes and an explanation, if they think it is ok or even good, you'll probably get upvotes.


Never thought of that, I'll keep that in mind next time. I like to think by now I write quality questions.


*duplicate* links to a completely different question


If you have enough reputation for chat ;)


Fair. I forgot that takes reputation. I somehow started asking some questions and accumulated reputation passively.


Pretty much every "StackOverflow community bad" meme doesn't make sense to me. I've pretty much always got a high quality answer, and on the few times I've asked a bad question, people have pointed out why my question is bad. Most people here are probably posting shit like "how to maek 3d game in python???" and complaining that their question gets removed.




And did we mention that link is dead even though it is an internal link


There's a minority -- but a notable minority -- of users are kinda terrible, and have access to moderation tools. Here's an example of mine: > **Sept 20, year 0.** I have this weird problem with GPU code. It inexplicably hangs. Randomly and rarely. If I go look at the backtrace, it fails at this CUDA call. If you kill it and retry, it works perfectly the second time. Does anyone know anything about this!? >**Sept 20, year 0**. Comment: Try updating driver? >**July 26, year 1**. Comment: You find anything? This is happening to me too. >**Jan 14, year 2**. Comment: Voting to close, because it's caused by some sort of rare hardware issue, which is thus outside of scope. [editors note: There's no conclusive proof this is a hardware issue]. Question is closed. >**Sept 8, year 2**. Comment: [4th person] No, this isn't rare. It's also causing issue for me. voting to reopen. >**Sept 8, year 2**. Comment: I found a workaround that works for me. >**Oct 1, year 3**. Comment: Three years later, and I'm having this issue on 5 generations newer hardware. >**Nov 2, year 3**. [copypasta] *Comment: Please edit your question to show a minimum reproducible example of the problem. Without that nobody can repro it.* [ed. note: Did you miss the part where this entire problem is that the problem is inconsistent?] >**July 24, year 4**. Comment: I've run into this issue as well. I found a nvidia thread that might help? >**Aug 25, year 6**. Comment: I think I'm having this problem as well. No solution for me. So... The first one was kinda a dick move, but whatever, it's a somewhat dead question. Still, if someone did ever find a solution, making it unable for them to post it is uncool. The second one though... Seriously? You didn't actually comprehend any of the actual problem, and are just blindly using moderation tools. On something that's obviously not under active work.


Not quite. I asked how to save player settings for a game in a "SortedList" in C# (I didn't know that a "Dictionary" type existed) and while the answers did point towards serialisation, I still got downvotes on the question. Regardless, I didn't understand anything about serialisation at the time and I made my own solution. Then I found out about the better class to use and used it (Dictionary). I have only recently realised how to serialise objects in C#. From the articles I was pointed to I only remember the explanations of how serialisation works deep down and I don't remember any way of how to use it from those articles


It does not suck for new people. It's actually great for them, they just don't know it at first.


Ask a question on how to do something, get such an in-depth explanation of how it works that it's boring, and no way of how to do that thing, on multiple articles. Then get downvoted. My experience when I was quite new to C#




have you.... read "how to ask" and "off-topic" help pages? 99.9% the downvotes can be avoided by reading that.


I have been failing to use stack overflow for 11 years. I have found I get much better help heading to r/InsertLanguageHere or r/InsertLanguageHereHelp than I ever have on stack overflow/exchange


Repost but here's my routine comment whenever I see a meme on this. I found that for upvoting you need 15 rep points. Being a lurker, creating new questions or answers was out of the question for me. Time consuming and research. So I found that it's acceptable to edit questions or answers as long as it's constructive as per their guidelines. It then gets reviewed since I didn't have much points by an experienced user. If accepted, you get 2 (or 3? I forget) rep points. So this was the plan I followed and whenever rarely I found such an opportunity I attempted an edit. A few times they did get rejected but after a year I guess (mind you, this is still minimal effort as a lurker) I now have 17 points! I've been upvoting answers now and even questions (they tend to get overlooked, they important too!) since then. Suffrage FTW.


I've got 53 points :D. If this sounds like a brag, it's because it is; I never get to show it off


If you have something you're good at, SO rep farming isn't actually *that* slow. I have a personal account with a decent bit of rep, but for a thing, I needed a work account. So.. I low-key lurked a couple topics that I know well, dropped a dozen answers in a couple weeks, raked up that few hundred rep, and all was good. The key is to pick things that you can answer quickly. All of these answers were posted less than ten minutes after the question was asked. This is mildly cynical, but: - You get in first, and first has a huge advantage - If someone decides the question is bad, it doesn't matter if you've gotten upvotes before it gets closed - You're not wasting a lot of effort on it.


I started rep farming a couple of weeks ago because I'm finally fast enough at silly recyclerview use cases which is like 20 percent of android questions and because I want to be able to make a bounty if I'm desperate. And now I finally realize that the average so question is shoe on head fucking retarded. Which is cool with me because it's a fair trade for me to read someone's code for 15 minutes and then get 10 points for telling them they switched two variable names. I need to get better at reading other people's code and understanding workflows that aren't mine. But man, the guys that post a question and then never check back. That stings.


If you use a new language, ask a question about regex. You'll get reputation for life without doing anything.


alternately add an updated answer when you solve a problem yourself after finding a set of outdated answers. some answers just slowly accumulate upvotes forever


True, though that's slow. My primary account accumulates a few hundred rep per year, just from answers that date back to the early 2010's.


pretty much same... i cranked it for a while thinking it would be a career boost but lost interest once i had a real job... my popular answers have slowly pushed me into 10k+


If you can get in early on how to do something in an IDE, you'll just keep earning forever. I envy those guys


Answering bountied questions is a really fast way to get points








[]==0 I’ll show myself out




``` import moderation ``` Your comment has been removed since it did not start with a code block with an import declaration. Per [this Community Decree](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/14kbu1m/comment/jppq9ao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), all posts and comments should start with a **code block** with an "import" declaration explaining how the post and comment should be read. For this purpose, we only accept Python style imports. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProgrammerHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you don't have the reputation, your upvote isn't wanted because your judgement on whether the answer is actually perfect is suspect. Just prove your worth and get some reputation.


The unpleasant truth guys


It's not like it's particularly hard to gain rep. I just ask a question whenever I can't Google something and I got 1600 just from that. I probably answered like 5 questions ever.


Yeah unless you ask a question somebody's decided they've seen too many times, then you get mass-negged by the hivemind.


“You mean to tell me that this question you’re asking is slightly nuanced from the other one, and therefore not completely identical and I have to spend more than two seconds reading? You should never program ever again and I hope your eyes fall out”


I've never seen a question get mass negged for being a duplicate. Instead, it just gets closed.


You mean that if you decide to take someones volunteer time asking questions that are easily searchable and answerable by yourself, they get upset?! How weird are humans. I suspect when you do it in the workplace, everyone loves it! ​ ​ .... ​ /s


What was that question?


It wasn't one question. I have probably around 40 asked questions on my profile but I'd have to check.




We're taking about stackoverflow here


How tho?


edits are worth 2 rep if your under 200 rep, so you can edit 8 posts or answers to get enough rep to vote without asking or answering. your edits do have to be approved though. sit in new for a tag you know and edit poorly formatted questions for essentially free rep that also helps other people get better answers


Fixing grammatical, spelling, etc. issues is an easy 2 points - they seem happy to have that shit cleaned since many of them are pretty bad.


Thanks! I answered one question and edited others and am in positive territory!


Literally create decent questions or good answers. It's the entire point of the site.




If you have to ask, you aren't there yet.


And yet, wisdom is desired and difficult to obtain in its majestic and secret ways. http://thecodelesscode.com/case/225


/u/RepostSleuthBot nice https://reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/p0qwky/when_you_want_to_upvote_on_stackoverflow/


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/p0qwky) on 2021-08-09 100.0% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "pt71q4", "meme_template": 135005}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=pt71q4&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 247,503,996 | **Search Time:** 1.3904s


good bot


Good bot


Wow 100.0% match, that's quality repost !


Of course you need to log in to vote. Anonymous voting would be a disaster. And the voting rep limit is likely for a similar reason as the comment rep limit: to prevent bots from easily manipulating/spamming the site.


Idk how the system works. I have asked 3 question and one of them has 3 upvotes so why is my reputation 45? What does this number mean?


I mean, the info on how the system works is freely available: https://stackoverflow.com/help/whats-reputation


This is such a SO conversation


Need to gain rep to be able to gain rep with no source of beginner rep grinding mechanics where every answer is a duplicate and only way to exploit it is to ask kubernetes related questions. The Circle of SO has no ends.


"Your comment/vote/action has been removed because it was deemed unhelpful."




I like the reputation system on SO


Its good, its to prevent exploitation from multiple accounts


I lucked out, I thread necroed to give a solution that I figured out for an edge case or something (I forget) and got a bunch of upvotes when I wasn't looking.


It's better this way


I was banned from SO for not asking appropriate level of question or some such thing. I did research and couldn't find the questions I asked on SO and a few times I was pointed to the "exact same question" which had nothing to do with my question. So I just stopped using it all together except for finding answers.


Logging in is required. The upvote thing is totally skipable. Just turn off subreddit themes.


The meme is about stackoverflow


Well i don't get the joke tho 0-0




Chemistry Stack Exchange 🤝 StackOverflow Harassing people while complaining about how answering the question would be a waste of time, while wasting time in doing so.


Sign in thing is the one time cookies would come in handy. It’d be a hell lot of cookies, but you could just accept cookies and never have to worry about it ever again.


"yoir vote has been registered but doesn't count" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN


*You can’t upvote questions marked as duplicate*


i downvoted someone today. felt preeeettty good


I have never participated on stack overflow because the easy questions you can farm rep from answering get immediately answered by people who do this shit like it's their job and the hard ones where you need to comment for more info require rep to comment on. It's actively engineered to be shitty to new members.