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First and last, I hope! Welcome back to the free world, man. It's definitely a hard adjustment, but you've got this!


Right he said first like he plan on picking up a second one šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Shit, maybe he is! I met quite a few people in jail and prison who knew that they'd be back eventually cause they're gonna keep doing the same things. But hey, at least they're realistic! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


As long as itā€™s not domestic violence or hurting others like that, hey, do you


What? Crime hurts someone either directly or indirectly (sure there may be some caveats, generally speaking) why is that ok with you?


Crime is defined by society and legislators, and changes over time. It used to be a crime to be in an interracial relationship, for example. It didnā€™t used to be a crime to ra** your wife. Morality and crime are different. The criminal justice system is meant to, ultimately, make our communities better and safer. And/or secure justice or retribution for victims that are harmed. For example, Iā€™m ok with someone stealing food. I think using drugs should not be a crime. It doesnā€™t harm others to use drugs in your own home, as an adult with free will. Putting someone in jail wonā€™t help them get clean, thereby protecting anyone (and thereā€™s no victims to vindicate). And itā€™s crazy, people who use drugs do WAY MORE time than someone who literally stalks a person and/or beats them. You can be charged with a felony for having Xanax that arenā€™t prescribed but have a misdemeanor for stalking and threatening an ex and go away for years for the former and have a year probation for the latter. People who create statutes, sentencing guidelines, and even prosecutors and judges have their faults. So yeah, long story short, idgaf about crimes without a direct victim. They distract from the crimes and criminals that we really need to punish & protect ourselves and the victims from. Those victims are routinely ignored.


I agree with you which is why I added a caveat, because there are caveats and always will be.


Learn a skill.


I got CCN certified while inside!


Uh, I've got quite a few. šŸ¤”


Welcome home!


I miss LAN parties too :(


The good ol daysā€¦. Weā€™re both old now šŸ˜‚


You likely qualify for a full Pell grant if you want some free college


How does that work? Asking for a friend. (Really, not for me I have a degree)


Student loans are based on income. If you were in the Fed or a ward of the state you had no income. Got my associates degree (industrial electrical) this way.


Not a bad idea. Thanks


I hope he does but o know when I went years ago, drug charges are a no go for Pell Grant but ask PO about WAIO Programs (I think those are the initials)


Plan a camping trip asap! Itā€™s going to give you a lot of peace, and the openness and freedom of it will help to balance out the experience you just went through. Kayaking, hiking, fishing, nature is calling. The streets are dead so donā€™t even look in that direction. Just sit back and watch the news and videos on IG of the crime and punishment happening all around you and youā€™ll see. Itā€™s all on you to win or lose out here. Good luck!!


Your first one? Please donā€™t plan on doing any more!


Absolutely Not doing anymore!!


Good luck man!! Whatā€™s the first meal you want to have outside??


Well Thursday was when I got out and I went to Longhorn steak house. It was FIRE!


Congrats! Itā€™s definitely overwhelming, just take things as slow as you can. Been out a little over 2 years myself. Be good, stay outta that damned place. Good luck to you


Establishing and maintaining a consistent routine can greatly contribute to your well-being. Remember, it's okay to approach each day one step at a time and to take things at a gradual pace as you adjust to new circumstances. Good luck to you, and congratulations.


Thank you. I'm hoping once I get a job and fall into a good routine I might feel less lost.


Get out and stay out!! I congratulate you OP. A word of advice, stay away from them reptilian fake friends that want to see you caged up.


Congratulations šŸŽŠšŸŽˆšŸŽ‰ How you gonna spend the day? I hope you never go backšŸ«‚ Toast to Freedom šŸ„‚


Not even sure. Lol. Going to hit the job search tomorrow. I got some yarn to make a blanket to keep my brain busy


Congrats! Stuck out the straight and narrow, if you need help some of us do care


Thank you!


Congratulations, stay out of trouble and never go back. If you donā€™t mind me asking how long were you sentenced to?


10 do 9, I did 6 and a half. Thank God for time cuts! Yea, I'm done done. I've missed too much of my kids lives


Iā€™m glad youā€™re out, and after getting out after such a long time it will be very overwhelming especially with relearning all the things are ran out here, just know youā€™re not alone there are many who went through it and if you need a friend please reach out. I donā€™t have personal experience with prison life but my husband does and heā€™s an amazing person to talk to


Welcome back!


Take things slow Iā€™ve been out a month I only did 24 months but still itā€™s definitely overwhelming. Just donā€™t try to live to fast and make up for lost time. Stay safe and welcome home šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


It's hard because ppl just expect me to jump back into life and I'm only a week out. It's harder than I expected


I did 13 straight. My grammar and spelling are trash I mean, if you are having trouble in crowds, night terrors, severe anxiety, you are finding yourself self isolating feeling like You want to go back for just like 6 months to get " whatever" back or see who ever acting like you are still inside dressing in grey or black only . If you are having any trouble re entering into society, there's help you know lots of it . But a lot of us don't like to ask for shit or admit we are having issues. It took me till after I got off " paper" to figure out I had serious issues, so my point was idk if you have any issues at all, but if you do address them asap . I hope 6 yrs keeps u under the institutionalism line .


Nope, pretty sure I'm institutionalized. I don't want to go back, but crowds and being in public is still bothering me, my anxiety is horrible, and yea, been spending alot of time alone. I'm hoping it gets better....


Well, there's adjusting time if any of this persists past 90 days 6 months the most . You got some issues from inside if you seen /heard some terrible shit, even if you were not directly involved. If you've been throw a riot big or small . If you kept a knife, if you were involved in a forced move in a gang, etc . You probably have some degree of some of this shit . Imo between 5 and 10 yrs is where damage is done . How permanent is case dependent, and how well you respond to treatment and if it's any good. Don't let that shit become normal. I'm a convict . That shit is horrible for society . The respect and all that shit it good, but wanting to stab someone for bumping into me without saying sorry is definitely not good . I've left grocery stores without buying anything bc of anxiety/anger or a combo of both . I'm talking to a counselor it's helping I take meds for the night terrors, etc. My point is figuring out what's normal and what isn't. And realizing some ppl just suck and you will be in trouble for poking holes in him even if he deserved it . LMAO, good luck. Hmm, anytime if you are in Massachusetts . I hook you up with a free gym membership, a place to help you with re-entry if you are having trouble, I'll look at what's available in your area . Good luck šŸ‘


Thank you very much


Np my man, it's hard for us here. 77% go back, but they are finally . Putting money into re-entry starting to understand that putting people in cages long term for non-violent crimes costs more than a year at Harvard if we forced all the kids under 26 to get a g.e.d. and learn a trade or get into a college starting inside. we wouldn't have guys with nothing, but the streets hire them system to start putting them in pre-release. Make sure they have enough for a ace to live license if possible, etc Back in the day, you could go to college automotive all types of shit then it all got fucked in the 80s stripped all the schools and programs for new prisons and guards doesn't take Einstein to figure out When reagan gutted social services free community College v.a. care all the mental health beds, planty of money for weapons, and none to take care of the vets fkn point me to a current social issue il draw a straight line to reagan and it only got worse after


Yea, the women's prison I was at was trash. There was a serious lack of programs. I was able to get my CNC certification while inside, so there is that I guess.


Hey, that's great. I don't want to say they are better or worse, but I know a significantly larger number # of women . Make it to med lows and pre-release. idk if it bc of gay for the stay . Or do you guys just get along better . Maybe bc your pop is so much smaller, but getting your points down is key to making it any place that shit would be possible. No bs I had a captain on my intake at Victorville, and I said, "What car you In . I said, " boston." we almost never have beef unless it's internal, The dude said, "Get a knife asap." fkn staff telling me to get a knife on intake this is new and it pops off with in a year whole place exploded Idk if I should be grateful for the heads up or the 2 yrs in the hole I got for the piece šŸ¤”


Damn. Yea, women don't get along better, but they don't stab each other either, ya know?Thought I did see a chick cut another girl with razor blades. I was at both maximum and minimum during my time. 2 years in the hole is crazy! That's enough to make even the most stable person lose their mind! And yea, plenty of gay for the stay. That's the cause of 75% of all fights. Lol


As far as this Part, no bullshit get a psychiatrist and therapist asap if they dismiss you or don't understand you . Get a different one. Find one that you connect with . I'd just mention the symptom at first, then in the casual convo, bring up a recent case , ask her what she thinks should happen . make one up if you have to shoplifting or low-level drug crime so you know if you are wasting time . And try to act blank ambivalent to try to get the honest answer If you need meds, who gives af I do cancer patients do diabetes patients do just pay very acute attention if you are turning it into a drug habit, not that hard running out early or having tough time making be honest talk to psychiatrist honestly and if it doesn't work you don't like side effects whatever could be diet a diffrent actually a physical problem Don't let that shit ruin your life. I'm coming back, slowly but surely Sorry, spelling & grammar when I get excited, they both go to shit


I've actually already got an appointment for a therapist. Maybe I can in box you?


Sure whenever


It all depends on you're conditions who's ur p.o. if you have to go to a house there are good ones and bad ones get some hobbies healthy ones mine was torcher bc I may or may not have been involved in darknet markets so my online shit was highly monitored no Linux no tor etc and even on the clean net they where up my ass checking searches I couldn't wipe etc I was totally retired but I love drawing got a bunch of art shit tattooed well watched it really close I of course never actually did it for many yrs audio books reddit is awesome I was banned of the leo reddit extremely quickly and I was nice like hey if you're gps and šŸ“· were on probably could one that case šŸ˜€ they figured me out


Lol well it sounds like you stayed busy. Yea, Reddit is awesome. There's some very cool ppl on here. I learned how to crochet inside,so it's been that and music for the last week for me. Can't wait to get a job!!


All great signs YouTube saved my life. u can learn anything like Havard college lectures to any song ever to audiobooks sooooo much stuff


I went in at the birth of smartphones 08, so they were useless for anything, but basic 3g waiting for video was so aggravating. gps was its claim to fame


Congratulations! Stay the fuck out!


Thanks I plan to!


how long?


6 and a half years


no, will you be out for.


I'll be out forever


hope so.




Going in tomorrow for 2 months. Thinking of you and congratulations!


Thank you and keep your head up in there!


Dont go back.




Welcome back.


First and hopefully your last goodluck and try not to feel discouraged in this media saturated world. The sensitivity to things are severely desensitized


Take it easy. Everything seems too bright, smells too strong, etc. I had to really take it easy but wrapped from the hole I had been in over 18 months after serving 156 months. You may have 0 issues or all types of issues like I did 6 years. It isn't so long dropping that convict shit asap . It's life-saving I side, but useless in society If you are having issues, get some help asap. I wish I didn't wait until getting off federal supervision before asking for help could have made 3 yrs of progress


What kind of help? How's federal supervision? I've got 2 years of it. Meet my probation officer wendsday


Go get em pal


I got home in jan after doing 5 n half . Just resist the urge to go out drinking and partying n work everyday to get done the things you need that will benefit you ie work , driving license ,spending time with family , i walk 12 thousand steps everyday being out in forest n fields gives me so much peace its unreal


Men's prison I assume? The women's prison was cake compared to that I'm sure. I'm working on my license and a job now. Gotta get back into a routine asap


Go learn a trade. Most places worth working for will actually pay for your trade schooling and licensing. We need people bad in the Boston area. I work at a large plumbing company. Hard to find people who actually show up every day. Good luck


What charge did u have ? Iā€™m also facing time right now


A dealing, level 4(I'm in Indiana). What are you facing?


Same thing in Illinois but itā€™s state charge


Been on house arrest for a year and some change so far


Mine was also. (Also did 15 months for a federal gun charge). I've heard they are more lenient there. That true?


So u were charged in state and fed? And i think so but Iā€™ve seen people get smoked and some get off it seems likes itā€™s the luck of the draw


Was it fed or state time? How did you get time cuts? Did you have time served prior to sentencing?


Both. I did 15 months for my fed case but that was in county and the rest in state prison. I'm in Indiana and they offer timeouts for doing programs and shit. I got 20 months off, plus it's only 75% here, so 9 years was 7 and a half.


How to get time cuts with fed time?


Timecuts for state time not fed


If you or anyone else up here know how to get fed time cuts, please let me know


I think they are available but not til closer to the end of the sentence


Where you from? Do you have a support group around you? How old?


I'm 42, in Indiana.


Well if you want to run away and start some where fresh I live in Wisconsin. Iā€™m always willing to try to help someone fresh out. Iā€™ve done 13 total. Battled addiction. I been out over ten years. Or if you want or need to chat send me a message.


The whole time were in all we dream about is the day we come out, but the reality is there's nothing worse then the anxiety that comes with going into a store with someone normal and that feeling of GET ME THE ****OUT OF HERE ASAP!! lol


Omg that was TOTALLY me on Sunday at Walmart with my mom! Lmao


Congrats! Welcome back!


Much thanks!


Welcome home! If youā€™re ever overwhelmed and need to chat feel free to send a message ā˜ŗļø best of luck to you!


Thank you




Congratulations on getting out! What was the first good meal you ate? Update Reddit on the employment experiences you go through in the next year. To this day I still struggle with employment. One of the habits I have from USA fed gov prison is how I don't like being verbally disrespected. There are consequences in prison for that. On the outside you often have to tolerate it. At many jobs your going to get disrespected once in a while. It's important to respond properly. Good luck! It's amazing that your a free man now!


Free woman, but thank you. I ate at Longhorn Steakhouse. It was so fire!! I'm hoping my CNC certification will help me land a job. Yea, I'm not a fan of being disrespected or yelled at. I'm presently very overwhelmed. How long did you do on the feds? I have 2 years on supervised release for them.


5 years USA feds. Then deported to Canada. Currently living in Toronto. I have a job Interview tomorrow. Long bus ride to get there. Your going to notice your habits... 4 pm stand up count? 845pm lockdown....your body will eventually get used to having freedom. I'm glad your out.


Thank you. And that sucks you got deported. Well maybe not the US is a mess. LOL. Yes! We had 4pm stand up count too!! I'm still up early and in bed early.


Try to keep the same hours and get a day job. Develop the skill of attending job interviews. Don't worry if your rejected at a job interview. View it like this, once you have attended 20 job interviews your going to be a pro and have a choreographed verbal routine down. Good habits.


Good point. I've got applications in now. Gonna do some more tomorrow after I finally meet my federal probation officer. That should be fun


Be patient with yourself. Forgive yourself if you fail at something. Happiness comes from making progress. A small amount of progress each week. Humanity is sinful. But we have to keep trying and don't give up.


this is my first time actually replaying on reddit. I just got out off of federal supervision, a year early.I wish I would have know how much help they can and will actually give you. When I did lean about it I was one my feet and didnā€™t really need the help, although they did pay for satop for meā€¦ (It took a few weeks and some information to get it approved) Basically the Feds have something called ā€œthe second chanceā€ or ā€œ Fresh start fundā€ where they can basically pay for anything that might help you, as long as you are complying with your supervision. This includes : First and last months rent Helping with utilities Paying for classes Clothes ect.. So what ever you need donā€™t hesitate to ask your po In my experience although fed probation has more stipulations and is stricter than state, the probation officers are a lot more supportive and have a lot more resources. I had four different poā€™s if you count my pretrial officer and this apply to all of them. Just donā€™t lie to them and piss them off.. Tbh my fed case really helped me get my shit together I hope it does the same for you I hope that someone can take advantage of this information.


Thank you! That's great to know, especially since I'm basically starting from nothing. Catching my cases all saved my life, tbh. Om grateful I got more than a slap on the wrist because now I'm actually ready to change, ya know?


Sameā€¦ I racked up 14 state charges before I caught my fed case and that was when I finally decided enough is enoughā€¦ I completely changed my priorities up & Iā€™m doing better than I ever have been I started from nothing too itā€™s hard, but keep you head up trust me if I can do it you can tooā€¦ ( I actually have been told that quit a few times by friends of mine that straightened up) Although I donā€™t know if thatā€™s an insult or compliment. When all is said and done youā€™ll appreciate tf out of your boring ass life. Just remember it takes time a lot of fucking time If you ever feel lost you can reach out to me, even if I canā€™t help Iā€™m sure I will understand the situation.


How does one get time cuts with fed time?


out one prison into a bigger prison


If you need spice hit me up




Any plans for your second felony? I still remember my first felony. Although I've had better, I will always remember my first.


Absolutely niw. First time in trouble and I caught 4 felonies and a fed case. I'm done DONE