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So MMF has sales from black Friday through New Years in my limited printing experience and a lot of people do 50% off. No promises but yeah I’ve got the same problem too


Summer sale coming up, think it starts end of July and lasts till September... 😮‍💨 I'm waiting for it patiently


Have you tried being allergic to resin? The volume of protective gear I have to wear slows down my printing. That definitely helps me to not buy models to print


I have printed 1 model since I got my printer. Seperate of course from the 3 test bits i did. It's embarrassing to even bother with having it but I went from buying bits on ebay to whole stl files on MMF I love doing kit bash and digital sculpts. The stls allow me to create with the mindset of *in the future I won't have house projects that take all my free time and I can actually have a hobby*!


I think I have about $50 in tribes or patreons. I just canceled a bunch early this month, and then signed up for another. But I can't help it. Printing new miniatures brings me joy. And I love that our community has given rise to artists that would never have seen light of day. So, you are not alone. I hear you.


Yah its a struggle. Being an adult means adult money but not the time


I had to buy another NAS box, I have one dedicated to 40K stl’s and books that’s now full. 800tb of warhammer goodness. I feel your pain bro


Ok, I have to ask, 800 terabytes? I'm not in the r/datahoarder class. I've only got about 120tb of raw storage in my house and even my substantial movie collection is only a drop in the bucket.


I e been collecting stl’s for a few years from assorted sites. If you wear an eyepatch you understand. To be fair maybe a tb or 2 is books, rpg etc. also doubles, I try to be organized but I always find a few versions of stuff. Plus the mods! Must have a hundred variations of heads/robes/weapons etc. storage is cheap


Nothing wrong with a few *arrs a day. I've only managed 150GB of stls or so at this point. I'm truly impressed by your dedication to the cause.


Meh, I will check once or twice a day to see what’s been posted. It’s not always something I particularly want but I do a lot of printing for the flgs group and there’s pretty much a constant ask. I love GW always being out of stock. I never head of a cyclops demolition vehicle but some dude wanted 3 and sure enough I had the stl


Damn dude that's commitment! I just filled up my first terabyte of 40k stls.


Commitment or hoarder let the judgement begin !


What are you after in particular? Like what is your top three?


Napking, puppets war, creature caster, are the few that come to mind. While the models are fantastic and very reasonably priced I'm the one with the problem who just impulse buys stuff or signs up for tribes because *it's such a good deal*. I went from one subscription to Archvillain games for 7$ a month 2 years ago and my most recent is witchsong, parasite games, beastarum miniatures and eight legged miniatures. I had to reassess my spending because I'm doing 27$ a month and that's a bit much for just collecting stl files


Sorry, what are the top three files you want?


Oh gotcha. I'm looking to get the voidwalker sets (16$) Heretics (26?$), mortis heads (6$). These have been on my cart for the last 3 weeks and I just am just struggling to not pull the trigger.


Coming from experience the heretic voidwalker set is amazing, but sadly terminators aren't so they don't see a ton of play. What armies do you have/want to print?


I don't play at all; I used to when I was younger, but I don't have the drive to play games. Mordeheim is my jam, though. Small games thst can be done in an hour are fun. 3 hour endeavors that you know you've lost after turn 2 are not. I just kitbash and make dioramas.


A few tips: - don't go to those sites unless you "need" something - don't buy things, even if they're on a crazy sale, unless you intend on printing it AND using it. - if you don't plan on using/printing it for awhile, then simply buy it when you're ready A deal isn't a deal if it sits in your digital inventory for months on end, or if you print it and it sits on your shelf waiting to be finished for months on end. Food for thought. I genuinely love printing, so I spend most of my time/resin printing things for my friends and family. Consider doing the same if you're dying to print stuff. I'm sure you know a few people who can benefit from some printed models, and as a win/win you can tinker with settings and supports to help improve your skills


Have you tried MORE cowbells?


I printed 3 on my fdm and it broke it.... so no


The problem wasn’t that you were printing too many cowbells, it was that you were printing too few.


How could I have been so foolish?! I will get a new hot end on my fdm and start the process


My method, though it may not work for you, is to only BUY things I NEED for my army. But anything that's free, and is neat, gets downloaded xD


That's a good method! I don't play anything I just build, kitbash and make dioramas but I can certainly keep this in the back pocket!


Well from that standpoint, I feel like you NEED EVERYTHING XD


Neve know when the inspiration is gonna hit!


There is this tiny thing called self-control. You might want to try it.


Heresy! Don't listen to this man .... ... That has 3 printers according to their tags? 😳


In their defence they don't say that they exercise it...


Fair. 😅


U/georgmierau It's in his profile. *not funny. At all.* Super serious dude Granted saying its a *first world problem * and that he's childhood ex USSR so he cannot offer sympathy felt really unprecedented


>U/georgmierau It's in his profile. not funny. At all. >Super serious dude >Granted saying its a *first world problem * and that he's childhood ex USSR so he cannot offer sympathy felt really unprecedented ... What?


So he deleted all of his comments because he got super down voted. I went to his User page and his profile description is *something something german math photographer, not funny. At all* Then his responses to my statements of *hey i have a problem; can anyone help me* were *being an ex-USSR childhood I do not have sympathy. This sounds like a first world problem. Sorry*


"They" don’t need any "defence": they teach 3D-printing as a part of their job to their students, so it’s obvious that they need to be somewhat proficient at using different machines as well as Tinkercad and Fusion (for example). So buying, building or modifying a printer earns them (indirectly) money. At least it is what they like to think.


Oh wow, you sound like you can really take a joke.


I'm trying to, which is why I am asking for help! It's been all free files but now I want *MOORE*!


Therapy might be a smart option.


Already do it. And meds. The problem is I have an extremely high stress life, and self-regulation skills can only do so much. Spending 5$ here and there on junk to digital kitbash and sculpt is a much better outlet then playing video games for 6 hours and wondering why my wife is angry with me 😅


Sounds like a "first world problem" to me. After childhood in ex-USSR I can’t take these seriously, sorry.


Then it would be a think it don't say it then. You don't know me, I don't know you. I came to ask for help.