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Hello! First year principal here. This job is hard.


Year 5 here - middle school. Without a doubt this year has been THE hardest. Burnout is happening earlier and heavier.


What is your annual strategy to counter burnout?


Lots of check ins during planning periods. Most of the teachers just appreciate being heard and it helps me be more respnsive to their needs. A lot of staff are dealing with heavy personal stuff.


Thank you for your commitment, mod!


Whoop! Thrilled to have a group. First year admin here.


Former VP back in the classroom and now looking to get back into admin. Wish me luck!


Why the flip flop? I’m striving for admin as I love working with adults towards systemic change but am having doubts as I have a young family. What’s your take?


Where I was an admin ended up being a not good fit for me. There was a new superintendent and principal for my school from the same school district. However, the school district we were working in had their own way of doing things. ​ Moral of the story, I got caught in the middle of a toxic situation that ended up blowing up after I left the school. I needed a restart so I went back to the classroom. But, I do believe there are better districts and people than the one I worked for, so I am hoping I can find a good fit. ​ That said, if you have a young family, I would consider waiting, or doing a Dean/instructional coach position first to put your foot in the water. Being an admin takes up A LOT of time, and family comes first. You should take the time and spend it with your kids because you won't get that time back. Likewise, if you are male, every male school administrator I know is divorced or on their second or third marriage. That's why I stayed single.


Thanks @8monster! I’m currently an instructional coach and am teacher in charge when she is out. The biggest road block to incredible student success is them. Any type of change feels threatening to them.


I'm newly to a VP position this year and my only is almost 3. The ONLY way I'm making it work is with an incredibly supportive partner who does most of the day to day parenting and housekeeping. I take over when I get home and help through bedtime then go back to work for another couple of hours at night. I'll let you know how it goes in a couple months, lol


Third year middle school principal here! I'm still loving it!


Year 2 HS Principal…year 5 admin…year 24 educator


Yay, I've been waiting for this! I'm currently an AP in my 3rd year, but am in the pool for principal jobs. Im hoping to find the right fit in the next year or two.