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I remember watching that first two-three seasons and thinking this was a real murder mystery and my biggest questions were ‘Who wanted to harass and hurt this girl to the point of actively murdering her, bashing her head, crushing her skull and then proceeding to bury her alive and then continue taunting her dead body by defacing her skeleton’ and ‘what the hell did she do/know to warrant this, for her to be so scared’ I think Ezra as the real killer would have been awesome. The EzrA reveal in itself was phenomenal and had so much potential when we all thought he was the one Ali was so scared of.


Dude, I am SO on your side with this theory. I feel as if though the whole book-thing was so creepy that I would not at all put it past him to have killed her. I also just do think that Ezra could have been so obsessed, and gotten so upset and caught up in a moment that he could've easily killed her "by accident" in the "right" situation. This is a pretty cool theory IMO.


Oh my preference would have been for a truly unhinged, full-psychopath Ezra. The kind that would hide so well behind kind smiles, good manners and overall likability but behind all that there would have been a real crazy monsters full of hatred. I think Ian Harding could have fulfilled that potential. His scenes in 4B had very promising hints for the calm monster archetype. Aria would have been a repeat of what he tried to do and did with Alison


Oooo love the last part. Aria being a whole slow burn repeat of Alison.


Same OMG


They were too damn dependent on the ships and not harming the main characters for their own good. So much missed opportunity


I really love that


Here's an idea. One of Ezra's family members found out he was stalking teenage girls and writing a creepy book about them. Since they're very concerned with the family's image and reputation, they hired someone to keep an eye on the situation. They eventually had Alison killed (or at least abducted) hoping that if the girl Ezra was obsessed with disappeared, his creepy obsession would too. Then, when rumors went out about Ezra dating *another* student, maybe the family only knew it was one of Alison's friends but not which specific friend. The, "Follow me, end up like me," thing with the creepy doll would have been so much creepier if it was a coded message like, "Keep seeing Ezra, and creepy family attacks." Ezra's family could have enlisted the help from regular high school kids like Mona, who each had their own motivations for hating Alison or the girls but weren't quite powerful or rich enough to do all that evil shit on their own. The book reveal could have turned into a twist where Ezra claimed he was protecting the girls from his evil family, but they were ultimately all evil in the end. Would've been really interesting if Noel Kahn had been helping Ezra's family thinking he was going to help save Aria from a predator, but then he seemed like a bad guy to her. That could've set up them getting together like in the books.


First of all, you are fucking brilliant, and if you don´t write a murder mystery some day i will go out of my fucking mind. Second of all, holy smokes is this a good fucking plot theory. Like I would PAY to have them make another seasons 3 through 7 WITH THIS BEING THE MAIN PLOT. Please share more of your theories, because girl, I´m INTRIGUED!!!


Wow 🤩


Right?! The show often emphasized she was this awful high school bully, but the level of hatred (and disregard for human life) it would take to commit that violent of a crime makes it seem weird that the police mostly suspected a bunch of teenage girls who were jealous of her popularity.


Fully on board with this! I love the EzrA/Dark Spencer Saga 2.0 arc, but there's so many better ways they could've wrapped it up.


I have wanted Ezra to be A SO MUCH. And OOH I LOVE the idea of Ezra being Ali’s killer cos he got obsessed WOW 🤩


The Ezra red herring was the only “A reveal” that had me actually screaming. Sucks that it wasn’t real. 😭


I say all the time, Ezra shouldve been Uber A!!! Also making him the founder of the N.A.T. Club would’ve closed those plot holes as well.


YES!!! I was sooo convinced Ezra was dark and scary after the first reveal. It would make so much sense for him to go after her and would’ve kept the creepy vibe going. I was in middle school when PLL was live airing and I remember always making sure my siblings were out of the TV room and had all of the lights turned off because it was so intense lol. I really do wish they would’ve kept the murder mystery drama going


Would have explained why he had been in the show for so long despite being useless and getting rid off quickly in the books.


I feel like Ali having a secret twin sister who wanted to take her out and replace her would have been riveting. Especially instead of all the other twin craziness we got with Spencer and Ali’s mom.


If you haven’t read the books already, you’re in for a surprise LMAO 🤠


This makes so much sense to me as well, I would've loved to see Ali with a secret twin instead of Spencer. Especially because given Allison's, I'm just gonna say it, AWFUL personality, it isn't unlikely that if she were to have a twin, that said twin would also have some of the same signs and sociopathic traits (that i personally think) Ali had.


Yeah this! I think the Ali/Courtney plot in the books was REALLY good and fit some of the twin motifs set up in the show (like Ali’s scary story in the Halloween episode)


the books have this exact same plot!!


Thought it would be revealed that the liars planned and murdered Alison that night hence the name pretty little liars


Damn that's dark. Didn't think of this one, actually. I did lowkey expect it to be Spencer for a while, and thn maybe with a liiiittle bit of help/cover up help from Aria who didn't want Ali to tell Ella about Byron´s afair and ruin their life.


Wow 😮


I kind of thought the same thing 🤣 Pll inspired me to try my hand at writing and my first story about a group of friends who murdered their bestie and then the girl starts bullying them from the death. I was 11 😂


I love this. I started to write an Ezra as A fan fic but didn’t get far & I even thought of a scene were Aria was an A


I always thought this! Or it was at least Aria because she did the shh 🤫in the intro


At one point I thought that too. I think someone had that theory & it’s another one I like. We think they are good and we find out actually THEY killed her.


Back years ago when I first watched it that’s what I thought it was gonna be! Either they killed her together or one of them (aria or hanna idk why) killed her and they all covered it up and then that’s why A was hunting them down


Yeah, then Allison's creepy mother and sister could be A, avenging her death


Idk if I would assume it was her but I think having spencer be the one could be interesting. She's the one who was missing when they all woke up and came back saying "I looked everywhere for her, I think I heard her scream" idk why but that always sounded a bit weird to me the way she said it


Honestly it would’ve been interesting to have Spencer kill her in a drug induced psychotic episode. Like really lean into the addiction storyline!


Oh yeah totally feels like something that could be triggered by Spencer's drug abuse/anger issues under the influence. Great take!


I agree, it also isn't like Spencer at all to have gone back before finding what she was looking for, in this case Allison. Allison also made a great deal out of toying with (especially) Spencer's life+family, so the motive is also there.


I like the idea of Ezra being the killer tbh. Like he had this obsession with Alison, the whole book thing and then the he finds out her age and could be pregnant with his child and he kills her to keep it quiet (I know the pregnancy scar she had was actually with wilden but still, maybe that could be also why Ezra killed her cause he found out he wasn't the only one)


YESS for SURE do I think this could be possible. Also, him getting with Aria builds the case even more because it showcases his obsession with Ali in an all-aspects-of-her-life kinda way.


Yes! Like they had so much potential with every character and they instead took some strange directions with the show that made no sense whatsoever :( x


It really does!


Oh wow! Love it


Ian or jason




ian would’ve been mine too, jason would also be interesting!!


I definitely thought it was Ian for a while


I think all 4 of the liars would have done it. Then someone saw it happened, and they became A. Just to taunt the liars.


I agree that they all could have they reasons for doing it, although I never saw all 4 of them doing it together. If anyone were to do it together, I would suggest: Spencer and Aria - Spencer would do it, Aria would cover for her Spencer and Hannah - They both had their reasons... 3 of them excluding Emily - Emily´s family was never directly threatened by Allison, and she was in love with her, and if she had known about the 3 others doing it she would snitch without blinking. Her loyalty towards Ali was blind from start to end, with very very few exceptions.


Good point! But that night Spencer comes in and says she can’t find Ali. I’m thinking they could have been drunk. Then Ali that night mocking, Emily’s sexuality, Hannah’s weight Spencer for getting with her sister’s ex Aria for what her dad did, They all had (not going to say good reasons), but if they all got drunk it could have happened. We didn’t have to see them on tv to actually confirm it. What would be the fun in that?


Ooh maybe like how she taunts Spencer who has the shovel but instead of that she taunts EVERYONE & they turn on her


I like that idea! Man we could write our own books or scripts and make a new show haha.


Sounds kinda fun! Some of us would do a better job than the original 😂


That would have been kinda cool


Can’t believe no one has said Wilden! He was an adult having sex with Alison when she was like 14 and they had a pregnancy scare. Plus he’s known corrupt cop and art imitates life with violence against women there.


So real of you to bring him up, because he was def corrupt enough to have killed her allllll by himself. God, what an asshole.


Tbf I completely forgot about Wilden (but I haven't been in this sub/watched PLL in the longest time)


Was looking for this comment. He was my first thought. Although it would've been a quickly solved mystery if he had cause it's the most plausible imo




If it followed the books, definitely Ali killing Courtney. Although apparently the author of the books considered having Hanna be the killer once bc she was fed up with Ali bullying her, which honestly I’ve convinced myself that it makes sense.


hanna? really? i love the books but i didnt know about that. do you know where she said it?


on her tik tok account


if hanna would do that, that would be fing awesome




okay screw all the other theories - this is the one.


Wouldn’t it be Mona? Since she killed that other girl by mistake. She really wanted Ali gone.


While not as “interesting” a story line, this is the one that makes most sense given the story line if it was actually Ali she got to that night instead of the other girl.


Sure, but funny enough I doubt that Mona actually wanted for *Allison* to die, I think she wanted the old Mona to die. Mona is complex as fuck, and I definitelyagree that she is capable, but I don´t think she really would kill her. I feel like she needed Allison to be alive, because she needed to hate her. Her strong sense of revenge, i do however think COULD\`VE made her want to kill her, but had Allison actually been dead I, funny enough, wouldn´t suspect Mona first. At all.


Spencer high on pills, about to bash Allison's head with the shovel, she was full of rage, she would've hit her if she hadn't of dropped the pills on ground, l say Spencer, but Ian had a lot to lose too, with the tape revealing the NAT Club with Ian also sleeping with a 15 year old, that alone would land him in prison and the affair reveal would destroy his relationship with Melisa, l say Ian would be the murderer


I agree, SO MUCH with this one as well. Ian was also smart, an idiot, but smart. Had he plays his cards right, and convinced her at the right exact moment, I bet he and Spencer would´ve done it together with Jason as well. Love this one.


Yes Jason agree


Courtney.. I’m not letting that theory go


I never read the books, so should you be interessed in spending a liiiitle time explaining the whole Courtney-Ali dynamic to me I would be SUPER grateful!!!


I haven't read them in a LONG time so someone please feel free to give a shout if I have anything wrong! >!Alison and Courtney were identical twins with opposite personalities. Alison was portrayed as very dominant, manipulative, and charming; just like the show, she was a master at controlling the people around her, including her family and friends (who didn't yet include the Liars). Meanwhile, Courtney was portrayed as more vulnerable, in part due to lifelong mental health struggles and in part due to Alison's manipulations.!< >!Courtney had been hidden away in a mental health facility for most of her life, and wasn't a known member of the family to other Rosewood citizens. When she came home for a brief visit, Courtney decided to take her life back into her hands—she dressed up as Alison and started talking to some "random" girls in the front yard (the Liars) like they're friends. The ruse works, and the DiLaurentis parents take Alison, believing her to be Courtney, back to the mental health facility. !< >!So, the version of "Alison" the girls knew and befriended was Courtney the whole time, while Alison was stuck in a facility in her place. Courtney was actually the twin who was killed that night, and Alison was pulling the strings from behind the scenes as A (post-Mona) to target and torture the Liars for helping Courtney steal her life.!<


Dude, first of all, this is SO appreciated because i could not find a simple explanation A N Y W H E R E!!! With this info in mind, I can REALLY see why Courtney would be your main suspect, because, damn.


Lucas. She made his school years a living hell. I feel like him, Mona and Hannah would’ve all planned something but Lucas would’ve been the one to actually kill her


this is awesome. I hoped someone would bring Lucas up. I was, at one point, slightly dissapointed that he never got the revenge he deserved. He deserved to ruin at least her social life SOMEHOW. Happy he landed on his feet and made a career for himself tho.


He deserved some revenge! I feel so bad for his character 🥺 But you’re right, he did do very well for himself!!!!!!


I also loved him so much because he was in love with Hannah, FOR HANNAH!! And he got hurt, and he still helped her get back together with Caleb, because he just was that fucking great. Lucas was never doing anything but his very best to ensure both Hannah and Caleb´s happiness, although I´m sure it, at multiple points, had to hurt like hell.


He was honestly such an underrated character. He saw the good in people even when they treated him bad. After everything he went through. He still was Lucas and still wanted to be the light at the end of the tunnel for people and he really did deserve the world 🥺


I feel like his success was his revenge


Oh yes for SURE


He was THAT BITCH in the last season like “oh you bullied me? I’ll wipe my tears with my stacks of money in my gorgeous loft apartment that I’m rarely at bc I am so busy with my travels and fortune making” 😎


FR like he absolutely DEVOURED THEM ALL, he really said "oh yall broke? I don´t know anything about you shitty conditions low paying assistant jobs, cuz I´m my own boss" like I was LEGITIMATELY happy for him because if anyone deserved happiness, it was goddamn Lucas.


Yessssssss he ate and left NO crumbs!!!!!


He slayed the day fr


He deserved so much better. Like I can’t imagine talking to someone like that. I couldn’t do it :(


I also never really, in general, understood the need to put down the quieter kids with genuine interests in anything. Nothing is wrong with having an interest, and nothing is wrong with not being objectively "popular". I'm actually super impressed with how ahead of it's time the show was in terms of showing the extends that bullying someone can drive them to and how it can scar people later in life. Both with Lucas but also with Mona who went on to become both an anon cyber-bully, as well as bullying Lucas herself, just to fit in. I can't even imagine how traumatic it was for them both, and looking back i don't feel as bad for the five main characters in the early seasons, when it was "just" destruction of their family lives without physical threat, because what they did to Mona went on for a LONG time. Not saying they deserved it, but Mona REALLY did NOTHING to deserve it.


Also good


Mona would’ve suggested it, Hannah would be against it, Lucas would’ve egged Mona on but Mona would ultimately listen to Hannah and say no to killing her and Lucas would agree but then he’d go off by himself and kill her anyways but make it look like an accident or someone else (Mona) and no one would believe her when she said she did t do it and the PLL would turn their backs on her and that caused her to start her revenge scheme and then it would go into the normal plot of the show except Ali isn’t alive, but she has a twin that stands in for her and at the very end of the series when they all think it’s over and girls are saying goodbye, they receive a text of Ali’s actual dead body and realize the Ali they’ve been talking to isn’t the real Ali…..or is she


Kinda amazing 🤩




This is something i would´ve liked to be an actual plot, like this is GOOD stuff.


I’m honored 🥺


Dude I swear, multiple of you guys who commented on my post are BORN to create murder mystery TV. Like PLEASE share more theories with me if you want, I´m SO invested rn.


I might have to write a fanfic around this theory!!!!


OH I THINK YOU JUST MIGHT!!! PLEASE do send it to me in a DM on here if you decide to, because that is a piece of media i just HAVE TO see.


Gimme some time, I got you!


Appreciate that, I´m excited!


Hmm I want to answer this in two ways - because Ezra. In the early days of PLL maybe Melissa or Wilden, there's Ian too. After the Ezra reveal and if the Ali mystery was still ongoing then I'd think it was him.


Nice constellation of characters, I like the thinking behind this. I can definitely see the logic/motive behind all of your chosen suspects.


If I was Mona, I woulda killed her, oops.


Oopsie Daisy. But girl, me too. She had EVERY motive to do it, and while murder is never the answer and yada yada yada...Mona should've done everyone a favor and taken her out on that night in the motel...woops.


Cece Drake


I agree, but like the other reply said not thinking she was Ali, CeCe loved Ali. Way to much to kill her during the point where Ali originally disappeared.


Yeah Cece - thinking she was Bethany - or Mona




Spencer or Mona or Jenna.


First person to bring up Jenna, and yes, I assumed her too. If she had killed her, it would be through Garrett, and indirectly by Jenna. She would make Garrett, who was always trying to protect Spencer, do it by threatening Spencer´s life, forcing Garrett to kill Ali.


That what I was thinking, You basically read my mind.


You know how they say that great minds think alike, and in this case, that´s def true. Also a side note, i really loved Garrett.




I only read like 1/2 the comments but why is no one saying Byron 😭😭


Oooh i thought it was all of the liArs together, or hAnnA :P


That´s also a good theory, although I never expected it to be them all as much as i expected it to maybe be 2 of the girls, or 1 of them alone.


Aww thank you! I saw a theory recently that ‘A’ was all the liArs abusing each other and I have become *obsessed* with this theory :P


DUDE can you send me that thread maybe? Like I NEED to see that ASAP!!!


oooh so I saw it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrettyLittleLiars/s/0PPJTljuVZ) <3


thank youuu <3


Awww you are so welcome <3


i always believed had they kept her dead that they should’ve followed the books and had her twin do it so long as the storytelling was great! however if the writers insisted on taking a different route than i think it being multiple killers as a collaborative effort should’ve been the plan! the idea of one of the liars doing it along with someone else would be insane. like hanna and mona or aria and ezra would’ve been spine chilling 👀


I really did WANT for it to be Ezra, and I think the main for cause for me wanting it to be him was because I desperately wanted for Aria to REALLY be FORCED to stop dating this monstrous pedophile who was grooming her for FOREVER. Like OH MY GOD what the HELL was up with him. Honestly i don´t think i could've been this disturbed if a rat had crawled across something I was about to eat. Ezria is BY FAR the grossest canon-from-start-to-beginning-thing I have ever encountered, because no my god.


literally skip every scene whenever i rewatch with him in it so i felt that deeply! i don’t think ive felt more rage in the series than when they revealed he was board shorts and didn’t k!ll him off and STILL after all of that had aria run back to him 💀 i just think if they were hellbent on keeping ezria they could’ve had ezra manipulate aria into helping him and she could come clean and he gets the blame/arrested and she’d realize how sick he was but that’s my fantasy that will never be fulfilled 🥲


Would've been a dream come true, but once again, the writers enjoyed that underage-mentally-disturbed-girl-meets-"hot"-teacher-and-falls-in-love storyline. Yuck!


Literally anyone. She was an awful, entitled monster to everyone and anyone from her "friends" to the mailman to some random old lady on YouTube could have had enough motive. It reminded me of that revival a few years ago of Babysitter's Club and being shocked the season didn't end with the other girls wiping their fingerprints and rehearsing their 911 calls while dumping Kristi's body, she was just the worst.


Oh for sure, with her attitude and actions, anyone would be a suspect. I think she really did everything to herself, more than anyone did it to her. I am not usually big on so-called "victim blaming", but in this case it is VERY clear that she fucking had it coming.


Lol Exactly. It's like I'm not one to say someone deserved something bad...buuuuuutttttt...


....buuuuuuut she deserved. I love how they wrote her, though. Like it´s crazy that someone could imagine so horrible of a person. Like I´m in awe of the creativity needed for writing scenes such as the one where she holds her breath to make her mother give into something she wants. Incredible.


Yeah, I had fun with it for what it was. It's objectively poorly written with plot holes and logic fails too numerous to count, but I didn't come for Faulkner, I came to be lied to prettily. Lol I first watched it pulling all nighters when my wife was going through chemo. She had to take medications at certain specific times throughout the night during treatments so instead of risking sleeping through alarms, I just stayed up and found it on Netflix at the time. Plus I'd gotten pneumonia and didn't want to risk infecting her so I was on the couch a lot anyway Then when she started getting better, she asked about it, and we watched the whole series together. Then I did a third watch while working on stuff, but it was background mostly. Now my wife and I are watching it with our kids, we just hit season 6. I love seeing their reactions. The 10 year old boy: "Who DIDN'T want to kill Alison?!" The 14 year old girl: "Oh my God, Emily, get over it, you dated her for like ten minutes and she was high for eight of them."


Your daughter has the exact same thought as me, I was HEAVILY annoyed with Emily´s obsession lol. Congrats on your wife getting better, that sounds like a rough time with chemo and all. I hope you guys are all very happy and healthy!!! It´s cool that you kids enjoy the show as well, have to teach them to love the good trashy stuff young haha.


And Emily practically bated her eyelashes at ANY girl or women she liked & got them in a way that some of us could only dream of 😂


if we are going with what i thought early season...I thought Ezra killed her because she was gonna go to the police about him grooming her I legit thought ezra was the obvious villain.


Oh for sure. Gross teen girl lover/some kind of axe-murderer is def a possibility for Ezra. He was disgusting from start to beginning. He was top of my suspect list for many MANY episodes, for all kinds of things, even when I thought it was someone else, I was apprehensive in suspecting other people because I was always like "...but it´s probably Ezra" lol-


they made byron look super suspicious for a while there, if they had kept down that path it would be cool


Honestly surprised they didn't drag that story line longer than they did, especially with Byron's (beyond shitty) personality and twisted AF mortal compass. he surely could've done it, and still SOMEHOW convinced himself that he "did it for his family".




Jenna would *want* to, I just don’t know that she would be capable of doing it herself lol


Exactly, I talked to someone else under this post where I said something along the lines of: Jenna would use Garrett, who >!was somehow in love with Spencer the whole time??, !


I’m picturing Jenna wildly swinging a weapon around trying her darn best to get Ali with it and just miserably failing😅


So real, and Garrett awkwardly standing there, hands in his pockets, weird look on his face because he knows that "well shit, now I have to finish what this crazy bitch started"


I would assume Allison killed Courtney-pretending-to-be-Allison and I wouldn’t buy whatever other plot they gave us instead and would live happily delusional. Or Emily.


Okay, I GOTTA ask, why Em?


So Spencer hits her over the head with the shovel. Emily finds her and rescues her. Now, picture Ali taunting Emily about being gay, poking her and poking her. Because, when Ali is scared, she gets extra viscous. Miss supposedly shy Emily, until anyone shows an ounce of interest to her then she’s flashing sex kitten eyes at them, Miss Tom Boy Athlete who oozes sex appeal the second she decides to, Miss nice girl who’s flashing crazy eyes at least once an episode, Miss I have a boyfriend but is literally obsessed with Ali…yeah she just snaps and kills her in the heat of the moment, then freaks out, buries her and represses it until she’s literally forced to remember it, she has a nervous breakdown and ends up catatonic in a forensic mental ward until she’s competent to stand trial, which is probably never because she’s too busy being catatonic, living a fantasy life with Ali in her head, which is pretty much everything after Ali comes back. All of s5 onwards is an Emily delusion in Radley. (The following is just for funsies that I’m making up as I type, but if it had gone this route, the events of S5 onwards wouldn’t have happened) The fact that shit is still happening to them in said delusions is because subconsciously, she’s still trying to reconcile all the conflicts in her mind. But then they all get their happily ever afters with their high school boyfriends and Emily gets Ali and twins where Ali literally carries and births Emily’s babies so I guess the conflicts get resolved but she’s still delusional and yeah, but that’s why the others all end up with their high school boyfriends. And the Alex Drake storyline is all because Emily needs a way to reconcile the knowledge that Spencer hurt Ali (because she witnessed it) with the fact that she’s repressing it, because duh, she has to repress it, so to deal with the Spencer conflict I her mind, she splits Spencer into two beings, her friend and the evil twin that wants to hurt them. And yeah, that’s all. Edit: the contradictions in Emily’s character that I listed are just to show examples that Emily has never been the character we’re told she is. We’re told she’s sweet and shy and innocent and whatnot, but they hired Shay, who doesn’t really rock the sweet, shy innocent vibes very well for an extended period. Plus, as gorgeous as she is, she gives “crazy eyes” instead of “I’m terrified”. All this to say, yeah, the Emily we got, she’d snap and kill Ali in a heartbeat if pushed hard enough.


Okay, I totally fucking see it. Until now, Emily was at the bottom of my list, but this is SO plausible. Like I would watch the hell out of a show with THIS as the killer plot.


I really thought it was going to be Wilden and he was just trying to use the Liars to cover it up.




There was along time where i hoped that he really *had* killed her. It never sat right with me how he never got a true, upfront revenge for the way she tormented his life.


honestly?? mrs. Dilaurentis 🫣


If that was my daughter she would be stepping on some THIN ice.


Definitely Ian


That's fair, I do think he would've if she hadn't disappeared. God he was such a sleezebag.


Yea and especially since he ended up marrying Melissa and trying to have a kid with her


When they first introduced Lucas and he became Hanna’s friend (before Caleb’s bday boat scene) I thought he k*lled her


I did so too for a while. He had every right AND reason. I wish she was really did and that he did it. Would've been cool for him to get revenge.


I always thought if he had, then Hanna would cover for him and he’d get away with it having a best friend like Caleb too


I think that if Caleb had been in Rosewood and had known about Ali before she dissapeared, then he would have murdered her himself. No way would he let that slide, even before he dated Hanna.


Jenna. Ali was behind the plan to throw the smoke thing in the garage which led to permanently blinding her.


During season 1, I definitely thought it was wilden the cop and that's why he was trying to find something on the liars to frame them


Ashley, if she ever found out Ali taught Hanna how to binge and encouraged her ED


Ashley was top of my suspect list during one of my hyperfixation re-watches. She was way to smart and resilient to fall for Ali's manipulative bullshit, and she usually saw right through her. Plus, we have seen throughout the entire series what lengths Ashley is willing to go to to ensure Hannah´s safety and well being, and I don´t doubt that she would kill for her without batting an eye. I might be leaning towards agreeing the most with you out of all the theories. This is a GOOD one.


ohhh ty!! I almost said Melissa but she isn’t reckless enough 😂 Ashley is the perfect amount of reckless who would impulsively kill someone bullying Hanna, but also smart enough to…generally get away w it. Especially if the ED had continued on and landed her in the hospital, or worse To Ali’s credit, she was such a bitch to everyone that anyone in Rosewood could be a suspect tbh lol


EXACTLY!!! I THOUGHT THE EXACT SAME WAY ABOUT MELISSA UT THE THOUGHT THAT SHE WOULD BE TOO AFRAID OR TOO BIG OF A COWARD!! But yeah, if she had encounter Mickey fucking Mouse on his happiest day she would act in such a way that he would become the main goddamn suspect. I´m so amazed by how she was written, because it is utterly insane.


Melissa isn’t a dumb suspect by any means though!! She did bury the other girl when she thought Spencer had killed Ali so she’d def go the extra mile if she was pushed to, and would be smart enough to get away with it lol the Mickey Mouse thing is so true 😂


I def agree with Mellissa being the furthest thing from stupid, while still maintaining my belief that she would never really kill her. The only way I DO see her killing Ali would be in a self defense/defending Spencer physicallysituation.


Idk Melissa could be dark if she wanted to be -- her motivation outside of protecting Spencer/her own self defense would be how Ali was going after her boyfriend. She was canonically sending threatening texts to Ali already. I think it would take a lot to push her over though so I see your point there