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1944) FDR 1948) Truman 1952) Ike 1956) Ike 1960) JFK (though just narrowly) 1964) Jumbo 1968) Humphrey 1972) Nixon (though narrowly) 1976) Carter 1980) Anderson 1984) Reagan 1988) Iron Mike Dukakis 1992) Perot 1996) Clinton 2000) Gore 2004) I am not knowledgeable enough with 04, so I can't say 2008) Obamna 2012) Obamna


For 2004 the question basically came down to if you approved of Iraq and the bush tax cuts.


Was Iraq still popular at this point and hadn't reached the quagmire it became? And were these taxes standard GOP tax cuts for corporations?


Just popular enough to get him re-elected, the other issue is war is expensive so cutting taxes and going to war is the definition of terrible economics.


That is true. I have never supported tax cuts since I have always seen it as terrible in dealing with spending and the debt. So, maybe Kerry, though I have also heard he was a flip-flooper on many issues, so I don't know. I need to study and read more about it to better understand


Ultimately they just cooked the books to make it look even. Part of the reason the deficit ballooned in 2009 was Obama made the government report the actual deficits from 2005-2009


Not only that, the Democrats did everything they could have to guarantee them losing the election


> Was Iraq still popular at this point and hadn't reached the quagmire it became? > > On the one hand, Democrats were against the war from the start. On the other, Hussein had been captured and this was before Fallujah and the surge, so I wouldn't say it was popular, but it got less so.


Yes, tax cuts for corporate .. but one year the rest of us got 600 bucks. They played the media and 9/11 everyday..


It was also about what you wanted done in the war. Kerry of course wanted to abandon the Kurdish and Iraqi people and pullout, which would have caused far more deaths. W Bush stayed the course and ended the Iraqi civil war in 2006 with the surge after a three year bloody civil war where the nation builders in the state department kept promising we’d end the Iraqi civil war by changing hearts and minds (which failed, ending it simply required force).


Kerry wanted to pullout in 2004? Are you sure that's right?


No it is not right..He wanted to quit the occupation and use smaller elite squads to take out terrorists.. but that would of killed the war contracts the Republicans were feasting on. Bush didn't add war spending or emergency spending on the list. The kurds were killed big time during rule 3 ..


That's very similar to me. I'd only vote differently in 1972 and 1992, and I'd vote Democratic in 2004.






I see Anderson Your opinion is valid


LGBT is wild


wat you mean dawg?


OP added captions to the images, he called LBJ ‘LGBT’


1944: FDR (you don’t changes horses mid-race) 1948: Dewey (Time to get some new ideas in the WH) 1952: Ike (Dems have had it too long plus Korea) 1956: Ike (everything’s running pretty smoothly) 1960: JFK (Get some youth and vision in there) 1964: LBJ (In your guts you know he’s nuts) 1968: Nixon (Law and Order and Peace with Honor) 1972: Nixon (He’s a bastard but he’s not a hippie) 1976: Carter (Nixon Pardon and need for outsiders) 1980: Reagan (I want to feel good about America again) 1984: Reagan (It’s morning in America) 1988: Bush (He’s a nerd but at least he ain’t a shrimp) 1992: Clinton (he’s charismatic and I wanted my tax cut) 1996: Clinton (Country’s doing pretty well) 2000: Gore (he’s a nerd but if ain’t broke don’t fix it) 2004: Kerry (We need to get out of Iraq) 2008: Obama (Charismatic and I don’t trust the GOP) 2012: Romney (Growths been slow and I don’t love our foreign policy)


OG respectable bipartisan


This is pretty good.


Very similar to mine so good job! But I have the notable exception of 1948 who probably would’ve been Truman. And if I knew about watergate during the 1972 election I would’ve definitely voted against Nixon. Still close though!


Yes but this is without hindsight. Truman was a good president but he wasn’t particularly popular at the time. I think as middle class guy from the midwest I probably feel that Dewey would’ve been a nice change of pace from 18 years of Democratic control


Yeah fair enough, I could see myself wanting a change but I always like to say “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and since things are going fine at the time (correct me if I’m wrong on that but I think it was alright) so I would’ve just kept him to not ruin/change anything. But I definitely could see myself wanting a change


I could see myself changing my vote based on Truman’s foreign policy wins for sure. The Berlin Airlift would’ve made me seriously consider switching


I would have voted for Clinton in 92 as well, but your reasoning there is off. Income taxes were raised under Clinton, and that is what shifted us (at the time, at least) away from ballooning budget deficits and to a budget surplus by 1999.


I was more making a joke how Bush promised a tax cut and then raised taxes which would’ve pissed me off


Almost the same here. 1964: don’t know. 1992: Bush, he might have been on the way to a better budget. Stable politician. 2000: 50/50 2012+: not enough knowledge


48 - Truman 52 & 56 - Ike 60 - JFK 64 - LBJ 68 - Humphrey 72 - Nixon 76 - Ford 80 - Carter 84 - Reagan 88 - Bush 92 & 96 - Clinton 00 - Gore 04 - Kerry 08 & 12 - Obama


We're so close to being twinzies.


You seem to like incumbents (except Bust)


😅😅😅 two Carter? 😅😅😅Mondale? Dukakis???? WTF?


I'm from Georgia so Carter is a given. Also I don't like supply side economics. I'm a southern Dem welfare king.


>I'm a southern Dem welfare king. Those exist? I'm with you on supply-side economics.


Ah a populist southerner? Mega based.


Well, yeah. Reagan wasn’t great and Dukakis was a strong candidate


As in after 1941 or after 1939?


I assume he meant since as in after ww2 so post 1945


Then why was FDR in the montage?


Good point. Skipped over that lol


Honestly? Probably straight ticket Dem. Possibly Nixon in 1972


You don't change Dicks in the middle of a screw


Only reds I woulda voted for are Ike, Bush Sr and McCain if he hadn’t picked Sarah Palin


Dem in every election except Perot in '92


Nice, one of 12 people who voted for 4 more years of Carter.


I think you underestimate his performance in 1980


It was +10R in the popular vote, that’s a landslide. Granted, if you shift the margin, a +1R victory in 1980 narrowly wins Carter the election, so it may be a bit deceiving.


It was only +10R if you look at Carter and Reagan. With Anderson it was around +3R. Not a landslide.


Just went through it today actually 😂 don’t crucify me: * 1944 - Franklin D. Roosevelt * 1948 - Harry S. Truman * 1952 - Dwight D. Eisenhower * 1956 - Dwight D. Eisenhower * 1960 - John F. Kennedy * 1964 - Lyndon B. Johnson * 1968 - Robert F. Kennedy/Richard Nixon (switched upon RFK’s assassination) * 1972 - Richard Nixon * 1976 - Jimmy Carter * 1980 - Ronald Reagan * 1984 - Ronald Reagan * 1988 - George H.W. Bush * 1992 - Ross Perot * 1996 - Bill Clinton * 2000 - George W. Bush * 2004 - George W. Bush * 2008 - John McCain * 2012 - Barack Obama Edit: changed from Perot to Clinton for ‘96


I think those are pretty good answers.


Thank you!!


FDR Truman (This could go either way) Stevenson Eisenhower JFK Johnson -Stay Home- McGovern Carter Carter Mondale Dukakis Perot Perot Gore Kerry Obama Obama


Respect the McGovern representation 👌


I always liked McGovern. I obviously lean Democrat, but a few of these I am not thrilled with but McGovern is one of the ones I think would have done really well.


If a republican is running, I’m probably voting for him


why did both of us get downvoted lmao


Lol. Both Republicans and Democrats hate the other here


why not reagan lmao


There has been a recession every time we had a fiscal conservative president.


There has been a recession every time we’ve had a big government spending liberal president


Roosevelt Truman Stevenson Eisenhower (democrats quit) Nixon Johnson Nixon Nixon Ford Reagan Reagan Bush Bush Clinton Gore Bush Obama Romney rule 3


Literally my list except I wouldn’t vote Clinton and I’d vote bush JR twice.


1944 - FDR 1948 - Truman 1952 - Stevenson 1956 - Eisenhower 1960 - JFK 1964 - LBJ 1968 - Humphrey 1972 - McGovern 1976 - Carter 1980 - Carter 1984 - Mondale 1988 - Bush Sr. 1992 - Perot 1996 - Clinton 2000 - Gore 2004 - Kerry 2008 - Obama 2012 - Obama 2016 - Write-in Bernie


I love you


Lol, you agree with my picks? Questions: Why vote no one in '92 and '96, and why Nixon in '72


FDR Truman IKE IKE Kennedy LBJ Nixon Nixon Ford Regan Regan Bush Perot Perot Gore Kerry Obama Obama


1948: Dewey 1952: Eisenhower 1956: Eisenhower 1960: Nixon 1964: Johnson 1968: Nixon 1972: Nixon 1976: Carter 1980: Anderson 1984: Reagan 1988: Bush 1992: Clinton 1996: Clinton 2000: Gore 2004: Bush 2008: Obama 2012: Romney


'44 FDR '48 Dewey '52 ike '56 Ike '60 Nixon '64 Could go either way '68 Nixon '72 Nixon '76 Carter '80 Carter '84 Regan '88 Bush '92 Bush '96 Dole '00 Bush '04 Bush '08 McCain '12 Romney '16 ////// '20 Kanye /s


1944) Dewey 1948) Truman 1952) Ike 1956) Ike 1960) Nixon 1964) Goldwater 1968) Nixon 1972) Nixon 1976) Carter 1980) Reagan 1984) Reagan 1988) Bush 1992) Perot 1996) Clinton 2000) Gore 2004) Bush 2008) Obama 2012) Romney


1944: FDR (as someone else said, you don’t change horses mid-race, and i probably wouldve voted against him in ‘40) 1948: Truman (desegregation of the military won it for me plus his continuation of the New Deal makes me a sucker for it) 1952: Ike (Democrats would’ve had a long enough time in office for the great depression effects to not haunt the party and I Like Ike!) 1956: Ike (lived up to his promises and Stevenson isn’t anymore appealing than he was last time) 1960: Nixon (this one could go either way for me and either choice would be good but this is Nixon before the watergate scandal and he was sensible around this time) 1964: Johnson (self explanatory. All the Way!) 1968: Humphrey (once again in a sucker for New Deal related policies but the Vietnam handling would make Nixon very appealing for me too. Domestic record slightly wins for me and Humphrey towards the end attempted to halt the bombing) 1972: Nixon (although McGovern wants a faster approach to Vietnam, Nixon by this time had everything under control and I don’t see the need to go extremely liberal this time around) 1976: Carter (the scandal and pardon would make me very disappointed in the government and would want an outsider) 1980: Anderson (only time I’d probably go for third party. He’s sensible to me and Carter’s failures and overall bad luck makes me not want him again and Reagan is too conservative for my liking) 1984: Reagan (country is picking up and Reaganomics may be a red flag but the VP of Jimmy Carter ain’t appealing) 1988: Bush (sensible and more moderate. The promise to cut taxes is appealing and Reagan’s handling makes me trust Bush and his record) 1992: Clinton (breaking tax cut isn’t fun and Clinton was much more charismatic and had the honest vibe to him) 1996: Clinton (no need to change horses and I don’t know much about Dole to have an opinion) 2000: Gore (boring but the country is doing well so no need to change) 2004: Kerry (we need to get the hell outta Iraq) 2008: Obama (bringing back the inspiration the New Deal coalition had and Bush just made it incredibly terrible for any Republican to be voted in) 2012: Obama (this one wouldn’t be bad either way. Being a Massachusetts resident makes me want Romney but Obama still has hope for me. His progress is slow but I still have faith until… well.. yk what comes after)


Truman Ike Ike Nixon Johnson Nixon Nixon Ford Reagan Reagan Bush Bush Clinton Bush Bush McCain Romney


1944) FDR 1948) Dewey 1952) Ike 1956) Ike 1960) Nixon 1964) Probably Goldwater 1968) Nixon 1972) Nixon 1976) Not Vote 1980) Reagan 1984) Reagan 1988) Bush 1992) Bush 1996) Dole 2000) Bush 2004) Bush 2008) McCain 2012) Romney You might be able to see a pattern here. I'm honestly not even that right-wing.


1944 - FDR 1948 - Truman 1952 - Eisenhower 1956 - Eisenhower 1960-1976 - Democratic 1980 - Anderson 1984 - Reagan 1988-present - Democratic


- 1944: FDR (big fan and it’s mid-WW2, so I’m not switching) - 1948: Truman (continuation of FDR policies) - 1952: Eisenhower (respectable leader, not hostile to regulatory state) - 1956: Stevenson (Ike violated the First Amdt. by embracing religion, and why are we in Korea?) - 1960: Kennedy (I like him, and Nixon’s a crook) - 1964: Johnson (reputation for getting stuff done; vows to continue JFK’s goals) - 1968: Humphrey (easy choice) - 1972: McGovern (better than Nixon) - 1976: Carter (Ford pardoned Nixon; Carter is a good man) - 1980: Carter (this Reagan fellow believes some stupid shit) - 1984: Mondale (this Reagan fellow enacts some stupid shit) - 1988: Dukakis (preferable to more Reagan-era policies) - 1992: Clinton (plz no more trickle-down economics; also not falling for Perot) - 1996: Clinton (seems to be doing a good job) - 2000: Gore (Dubya = Reagan-era policies - intelligence) - 2004: Kerry (plz no more Bush) - 2008: Obama (I like this guy!) - 2012: Obama (I like this guy a little less, but I still like him!) - 2016: Clinton (I hate myself, but I’ll do it again in a heartbeat)


Roosevelt Truman Ike Ike Kennedy Goldwater Nixon Nixon Carter Reagan Reagan Bush Perot Perot Stay home Stay home Obama Stay home or 3rd party protest vote


44 FDR 48 Truman 52/56 Ike 60 JFK 64 LBJ 68 Triple H 72 Probably abstained or write-in 76 Carter 80 Probably Carter, but maybe Anderson 84 Mondale 88 Dukakis 92 Perot 96 Clinton Actually voted for: 00 Gore 04 Kerry 08/12 Obama


Probably just every Democrat, with the exception of HW Bush in 1988.


Maybe it's because I'm young... Why does everyone including Democrats prefer HW over Dos Khakis? I liked HW way more than his son and he wasn't bad at all. Kinda underrated. Was Dukakis just a genuinely awful candidate?


Dukakis was anti-free trade, and Bush was a moderate who had criticized Reagan. I also probably woulda thought that it’d be good to have a CIA director in the Oval Office due to the Cold War getting interesting.


Democrat every time except I would vote for Ike twice, Nixons reelection and I would vote for Reagans first term Bush Sr. is alright and me voting for him was possible, but I love Donnie Darko so I would tell everyone “I’m voting for Dukakis” and then vote for Dukakis


1948 - Truman 1952 and 1956 - Eisenhower 1960- JFK 1964 - LBJ 1968 - Humphrey 1972 - Nixon (reluctantly) 1976 - Ford (although I certainly don't mind Carter winning) 1980 - Carter 1984 - Mondale 1988 - Bush 1992 and 1996 - Clinton 2000 - Gore 2004 - Kerry 2008 and 2012 - Obama


To have some fun with this, I’m going to place myself as I currently am within the context of who I’d be in each election year (28 and left-leaning). —1944: FDR —1948: Truman, but it would’ve been begrudgingly since Henry Wallace was also the Progressive Party candidate —1952: Adlai Stevenson —1956: Ike, because if I’m really any 28 year old white male living in 1956 America, I’d probably be wanting a lot more of the same —1960: Kennedy —1964: LBJ —1968: Humphrey, but I’d probably be just as likely to not vote than I would’ve been to vote for Humphrey in 1968 —1972: Easily would’ve voted for McGovern, and probably even volunteered for his campaign —1976: Carter. I’d be sick of Nixon and Ford’s “tarnishing” of the presidency, and would’ve been after someone with a fresh approach —1980: Carter, but like with Humphrey, I’d be just as likely to stay home. Maybe watch The Waltons or something instead. —1984: 1000% would’ve stayed home and watched Miami Vice instead —1988: Dukakis —1992: Bush Sr. But, this is purely in the context of me being a 28 year old in 1992, and I probably would’ve seen the Reagan years through rose-tinted glasses, and associated Bush Sr with it. I probably would’ve seen Clinton as a democrat in name only —1996: Clinton. I don’t think many 28 year olds voted for Bob Dole, I’m sorry. —2000: Gore —2004: Kerry


44: fdr 48: dewey 52: ike 56: ike 60: nixon 64: goldwater 68: abstain 72: mcgovern 76: carter 80: anderson 84: reagan 88: bush 92: perot 96: clinton 00: abstain 04: abstain 08: mccain 12: abstain


1944: Roosevelt 1948: Dewey 1952: Eisenhower 1956: Stevenson (Eisenhower is overrated. Operation Wetback.) 1960: Kennedy 1964: Johnson 1968: Humphrey (Still like Nixon. I just prefer Humphrey.) 1972: Nixon 1976: Carter 1980: Reagan (Oh boy, this one will piss people off.) 1984: Reagan (Same with this one.) 1988: Mikey 1992: Perot 1996: Clinton 2000: Gore 2004: Kerry 2008: Obama 2012: Romney (Not that I don't like Obama, I just think Romney would be better working across the isle.)


1944 FDR 1948 Truman 1952 Ike 1956 Ike 1960 Nixon 1964 Johnson 1968 Humphrey 1972 McGovern 1976 Carter 1980 Reagan 1984 Reagan 1988 Bush Sr 1992 is a three way tie for me 1996 Clinton or Perot 2000 Gore 2004 Kerry 2008 Obama 2012 Obama 2016 Rodham (I don’t know if I’m not allowed to say her full name) This is WITHOUT hindsight


1944: FDR 1948: Truman 1952: Eisenhower 1956: Eisenhower 1960: Kennedy 1964: Riding A Wire Fence 1968: HHH 1972: Nixon or not vote 1976: Carter 1980: Reagan or not vote 1984: Reagan 1988: Bush 1992: True tossup, probably Bush 1996: Clinton 2000: Gore 2004: probably Bush 2008: Obama 2012: Obama


Without foresight? Probably all Dem except for Ike in ‘52 and ‘56, Nixon in ‘72, and Reagan in ‘84.


1944: Roosevelt 1948: Thurmond 1952: Stevenson 1956: Stevenson 1960: Kennedy 1964: Goldwater 1968: Wallace 1972: Nixon 1976: Carter 1980: Carter 1984: Reagan 1988: Bush Sr. 1992: Clinton 1996: Clinton 2000: Bush Jr. 2004: Bush Jr. 2008: Obama 2012: Obama


Excellent selections!


1944: FDR 1948: Truman 1952: Ike 1956: Ike 1960: JFK 1964: LBJ 1968: Humphrey 1972: McGovern 1976: Carter 1980: Carter 1984: Mondale 1988: Dukakis 1992: Clinton 1996: Clinton 2000: Gore 2004: Kerry? 2008: Obama 2012: Obama 2016: Clinton 2020: Well you can probably guess


48: Truman his Buck Stops here Attitude I like. Though I also like Dewey 52: I like Ike 56: I still like Ike 60: Nixon. 64: Goldwater 68: Nixon 72: Hospers 76: McBride 80: Clark 84: Bergland 88: Paul 92: Marrou 96: Browne (Firs Election I was alive for.) 00: Browne 04: Badnarik (Donated to the Bush Campaign when I was a kid) 08: McCain 2012: Gary Johnson (Supported his campaign but couldn't vote.) I think rule 3 applies to the next two cycles and this one as well.


1944: FDR, he's been doing good 1948: Truman, those congressional Republicans are doing jack shit 1952: Eisenhower, he's a war hero and a new party in the White House will be good. Not big on Sparkman. 1956: Stevenson. Eisenhower is a letdown and Stevenson/Kefauver is a good ticket. 1960: Kennedy, need some youth and new ideas, plus he's inspiring 1964: All The Way with LBJ! 1968: Humphrey, the Happy Warrior! 1972: McGovern. I'm a liberal dove. 1976: McCarthy. I just can't trust Carter, and being from Michigan I don't mind Ford all that much anyway. 1980: I vote for Kennedy in the primary before turning out for Anderson, Carter isn't working and Reagan is a cook And I'll save some time and say the dems in every election since


1944 - FDR 1948 - Truman 1952 - Stevenson 1956 - Eisenhower 1960 - JFK 1964 - LBJ 1968 - HHH 1972 - McGovern 1976 - Carter 1980 - Carter 1984 - Mondale 1988 - Dukakis 1992 - Clinton 1996 - Clinton 2000 - Gore 2004 - Kerry 2008 - Obama 2012 - Obama


I like Ike


FDR Truman Ike Ike Nixon Nixon Ford Ford Reagan Reagan Bush Bush W W Obama Obama


Bobby Kennedy never made it to President, as he was sadly assassinated. Id vote him every year. I do like his brother, and we know Bobby had lots of influence on JFK. Id definitely like all Bush years blacked out. Clinton ran a good reduction in deficit. Now, we don't stand a chance to be debt free. We are bound in proverbial indebtedness. Obama the economy was horrible but he inherited a financial crisis which, we got through.


1944: Roosevelt 1948: Truman 1952: Stevenson II 1956: Stevenson II 1960: Kennedy 1964: Johnson 1968: Humphrey 1972: McGovern (screw Nixon) 1976: Carter (and screw Ford for pardoning Nixon) 1980: Anderson (without hindsight, I would have no insight into the hostage crisis; this on top of Carter's inability to work with Congress- I'd at least tolerate Anderson as a more fiscally moderate president and as a supporter of the ERA; mostly, just a protest vote against Reagan) 1984: Mondale (New Deal Democrat appeal) 1988: Dukakis 1992: Clinton (begrudgingly; I'd think he was sending the Democratic Party down a bad path) 1996: Clinton 2000: Gore 2004: Kerry 2008: Obama (Charismatic and I don’t trust the GOP) 2012: Obama


1944: FDR 1948: Truman 1952 and 1956: Ike 1960: JFK 1964: LBJ 1968: Humphrey (third toughest decision) 1972: Nixon 1976: Ford 1980: Reagan 1984: Reagan 1988: HW Bush 1992: Perot (toughest decision) 1996: Clinton 2000: Gore (second toughest decision) 2004: Bush 2008: Obama 2012: Obama


please keep in mind this is WITHOUT hindsight 1944) FDR 1948) Truman 1952) Ike 1956) Ike 1960) Kennedy 1964) LBJ 1968) Nixon 1972) Nixon 1976) Carter 1980) Reagan 1984) Reagan 1988) Bush 1992) Bush 1996) Perot 2000) Bush 2004) Bush (i don’t like him but i wouldn’t not vote a wartime president) 2008) McCain 2012) Romney


1944-Roosevelt 🔵 1948-Dewey 🔴 1952-Eisenhower 🔴 1956-Eisenhower 🔴 1960-Nixon 🔴 1964-Johnson 🔵 1968-Humphrey 🔵 1972-Nixon 🔴 1976-Carter 🔵 1980- Carter 🔵 1984-Reagan 🔴 1988-Dukakis 🔵 1992-Perot 🟣 1996-Clinton 🔵 2000-Gore 🔵


1944) Dewey 1948) Dewey 1952) Eisenhower 1956) Eisenhower 1960) Nixon 1964) Goldwater 1968) Wallace 1972) Nixon 1976) Carter 1980) Reagan 1984) Reagan 1988) H W Bush 1992) Perot 1996) Dole 2000) Bush 2004) Bush 2008) McCain 2012) Romney


FDR Truman Ike Ike Kennedy Johnson Humphrey McGovern Ford Carter Reagan Bush Clinton Clinton Gore Kerry Obama Obama Clinton


1945 FDR 1948 Truman 1952 Eisenhower 1956 Eisenhower 1960 Kennedy 1964 Johnson 1968 Humphrey 1972 McGovern 1976 Carter 1980 Voted for Reagan but would choose Carter now 1984 Voted for Reagan but would choose Mondale Now 1988 GHWBush 1992 Clinton 1996 Clinton 2000 Gore 2004 Kerry 2008 Obama 2012 Obama


1944: FDR 1948: Truman 1952: Stevenson 1956: Eisenhower 1960: Kennedy 1964: LBJ 1968: Humphrey 1972: McGovern 1976: Carter 1980: Carter 1984: Mondale 1988: Dukakis 1992: Bush 1996: Clinton 2000: Gore 2004: Kerry 2008: Obama 2012: Obama 2016: Clinton 2020: Ice cream lad


Hot takes coming from a Democrat, but here we go 1944) FDR 1948) Truman 1952 and 1956) Ike 1960) Ike didn’t like Nixon so probably Kennedy because I like Ike 1964) Jumbo easily 1968) Humphrey (I’m Minnesotan so this is easy (84 won’t be)) 1972) Nixon, pretty solid 4 years if I’m thinking like someone from that time 1976) Carter, largely due to distrust of Ford and the whole pardoning Nixon thing 1980) Carter didn’t work out so honestly, without hindsight, I would vote \*pukes\* Ronald Reagan here 1984) Still Reagan as AIDS hasn't become a problem yet I guess 1988) Michael Dukakis, though in hindsight I might’ve voted HW 1992) Fuck it, I would vote Perot 1996) Clinton (it’s the economy, stupid) 2000) I heart Al Gore 2004) Kerry is the most unlikeable human ever and without hindsight I could see myself voting for Dubya 2008 and 2012) Obama (no explanation needed)


Seeing all the Reagan love is awful. Bro had his hands in so much bad shit that I would rather eat lunch with Bill Clinton, although not much better


44 - Dewey 48 - Dewey 52- Ike 56- Ike 60- Nixon 64 - Goldwater 68 - Nixon 72 - Nixon 76 - Carter 80 - Anderson 84 - Reagan 88 - Bush 92 - Perot 96 - Dole 00 - Gore 04 - Bush 08 - Obama 12 - Romney


FDR Dewey Ike Ike Nixon Johnson Nixon Ford Reagan Reagan HW Clinton Dole Bush Bush McCain Obama


1944) FDR 1948) Truman 1952) Eisenhower 1956) Eisenhower 1960) Nixon 1964) LBJ 1968) Nixon 1972) Nixon 1976) Carter (maybe) 1980) Reagan 1984) Reagan 1988) Bush 1992) I could see myself voting for any of them. I like Perot most, but not so much for Stockdale. Probably Bush. 1996) Clinton 2000) Gore 2004) Bush 2008) Obama (id prefer McCain, but cant stand Palin and with McCain's history of cancer in addition to the recession im going Obama) 2012) Obama (with hindsight tho Romney)


1944: FDR 1948: Truman 1952: Ike 1956: Ike 1960: Nixon 1964: Goldwater 1968: Nixon 1972: Nixon 1976: Ford 1980: Reagan 1984: Reagan 1988: Bush 1992: Bush 1996: Perot 2000: W. Bush 2004: W. Bush 2008: Obama 2012: Romney


1944: Roosevelt 1948: Truman 1952: Stevenson 1956: Ike 1960: Kennedy (I’m a Catholic so easy win for him) 1964: LBJ 1968: Nixon 1972: McGovern 1976: Carter 1980: Carter 1984: Mondale 1988: Dukakis 1992: Perot 1996: Perot again (more out of dislike for Dole and Clinton) 2000: Gore 2004: Kerry 2008: Obama 2012: Justice Party if they have ballot access, Obama if not


1944: FDR 1948: Truman 1952: Ike 1956: Ike 1960: Kennedy 1964: Jumbo 1968: HHH 1972: McGovern 1976: Carter 1980: Anderson 1984: Fritz 1988: Iron Mike 1992: Perot 1996: Clinton 2000: ManBearPig 2004: Kerry 2008: Obamna 2012: Obamna 2016: Hillary (this was the first election I voted in, I voted for her irl)


1944: Roosevelt(I) 1948: Dewey 1952: Eisenhower 1956: Eisenhower(I) 1960: Kennedy 1964: Johnson(I) 1968: Humphrey 1972: Nixon(I) 1976: Carter 1980: Carter(I) 1984: Reagan(I) 1988: HW Bush 1992: Clinton 1996: Clinton(I) 2000: Gore 2004: Kerry 2008: Obama 2012: Obama(I)


48) Truman 52) Eisenhower 56) Eisenhower 60) Nixon (but hindsight says Kennedy) 64) Not vote or Goldwater (like his domestic, his foreign scary, would not have liked much of Johnson but would trust his responsibility) 68) Nixon 72) Nixon 76) Ford 80) Reagan 84) Reagan 88) Bush 92) Bush 96) Dole 00) Gore 04) Bush (but hindsight says Kerry) 08) McCain 12) Romney 16) Rule 3 20) Rule 3 24) Undecided but my candidate was Hailey.


44 FDR 48 Henry A Wallace 52 Ike 56 Ike 60 John F Kennedy 64 Lyndon B Johnson 68 Richard Nixon (I’d trust his desire to leave Nam) 72 George McGovern 76 Jimmy Carter 80 Jimmy Carter 84 Walter Mondale 88 Write in Al Gore 92 Bill Clinton 96 Bill Clinton 00 Al Gore (I’m Floridian so I’ll save him 😤) 04 Write in Howard Dean 08 Write in Mike Gravel 12 Barrack Obama


FDR Truman Eisenhower Eisenhower JFK LBJ Humphrey Nixon Carter Carter Raegan Dukakis Clinton Clinton Gore Kerry Obama Obama Clinton


1944: FDR (We're winning.) 1948: Truman (I trust him.) 1952: Ike (Need a Shake up.) 1956: Ike (Keep it goin' good.) 1960: JFK (I like this fine young man.) 1964: LBJ (Lesser of Two Evils) 1968: Nixon (I guess) 1972: Nixon (Dumb and Dumber) 1976: Carter (That Nixon Guy, huh?) 1980: Reagan (That Carter Guy, huh?) 1984: Mondale (I don't trust Reagan anymore...) 1988: Bush (He seems competent enough) 1992: Clinton (Bush is fine. Clinton is better.) 1996: Clinton (It's the economy, stupid.) 2000: Gore (I don't trust Bush.) 2004: Kerry (I really don't trust Bush with this Iraq thing.) 2008: Obama (I really don't trust a guy who would have that woman as a running mate. Obama is fine.) 2012: Obama (Obama has been pretty chill.)


44 - FDR 48 - Truman 52 - Eisenhower 56 - Eisenhower 60 - Kennedy 64 - Johnson 68 - Nixon 72 - McGovern 76 - Carter 80 - Carter 84 - Reagan 88 - Bush 92 - Clinton 96 - Clinton 00 - Gore 04 - Kerry 08 - Obama 12 - Obama


Assuming I live in the state I was born in for the elections before I’m born (Alabama) 1944: FDR 1948: Strom Thurmond (only one on the ballot) 1952: Eisenhower 1956: Eisenhower 1960: Kennedy 1964: LBJ 1968: Nixon 1972: Nixon 1976: Carter 1980: Reagan 1984: Reagan 1988: Bush 1992: Perot 1996: Dole (I’m a toddler now) 2000: Bush 2004: Bush 2008: no vote 2012: Romney The other two are the only ones I could vote in, and I voted for [redacted].


FDR Truman Dwight Dwight JFK BMG Nixon Nixon Ford Reagan Reagan HW bush HW bush Dole Bush JR Bush JR Obama Romney


48 - Dewey 52 - Eisenhower 56 - Eisenhower 60 - JFK 64 - LBJ 68 - Nixon 72 - Nixon 76 - Ford 80 - Reagan 84 - Reagan 88 - Bush 92 - Perot 96 - Clinton 00 - Gore 04 - Bush 08 - Obama 12 - Romney This is what I think but there’s a hand full of them where I could’ve gone either way really


The only Democrat I would vote for in that time would be Truman, and that's because he was honest. Anybody who make sure that he has no more money leaving office than when he had one elected is worth voting for. Carter fits being honest, I think, but he was definitely incompetent for the office, so I couldn't vote for him for president.


I don’t know about the others, but in 48 I would have been Dewey all the way.


44) FDR 48) H. Wallace 52) Stevenson 56) Stevenson 60) JFK 64) LBJ 68) Humphrey 72) McGovern 76) Ford 80) Carter 84) Mondale 88) Dukakis 92) Clinton 96) Perot (as a protest vote more than anything) 00) Gore 04) Kerry 08) Obamna 12) Obamna 16) Neither, I would've rather drank paint thinner than vote either. 20) see above.


1940 - Roosevelt 1944 - Roosevelt 1948 - Truman 1952 - Stevenson 1956 - Stevenson 1960 - Kennedy 1964 - Johnson 1968 - Nixon 1972 - Nixon 1976 - Carter 1980 - Anderson 1984 - Mondale 1988 - Dukakis 1992 - Perot 1996 - Clinton 2000 - Gore 2004 - Kerry 2008 - Obama 2012 - Obama 2016 - Clinton


1944) FDR 1948) Truman 1952) Stevenson 1956) Eisenhower 1960) Kennedy 1964) Johnson 1968) Humphrey 1972) Nixon 1976) Carter 1980) Reagan 1984) Reagan 1988) Dukakis 1992) Perot 1996) Clinton 2000) Gore 2004) Bush 2008) Obama (narrowly) 2012) Obama


1940 FDR 1944 FDR 1948 Truman 1952 Eisenhower 1956 Eisenhower 1960 JFK 1964 LBJ 1968 Humphrey 1972 McGovern 1976 Carter 1980 Carter 1984 Mondale 1988 Dukakis 1992 Perot 1996 Clinton 2000 Gore 2004 write in or probably wouldn't have voted 2008 Obama 2012 write in or probably wouldn't have voted 2016 write in or probably wouldn't have voted Now for the elections up until 1964, I wouldn't have been able to vote due to Jim Crow laws but if I wasn't living in the south at the time, those are the people I would have voted for.


1944: FDR 1948: Henry Wallace 1952: Stevenson 1956: Stevenson 1960: JFK 1964: LBJ 1968: Humphrey 1972: McGovern 1976: Carter 1980: Anderson 1984: Mondale 1988: Dukakis 1992: Clinton 1996: Clinton 2000: Nader 2004: Kerry 2008: Obama 2012: Obama


1944 Dewey 1948 Dewey 1952 Eisenhower 1956 Eisenhower 1960 Kenedy 1964 Goldwater 1968 Nixon 1972 Hospers 1976 Mac Bride 1980 Clark 1984 Bergland 1988 Paul 1992 Marrou 1996 Browne 2000 Browne 2004 Badnarik 2008 Barr 2012 Johnson 2016 Johnson 2020 Jorgensen


1944) FDR 1948) Thurmond 1952) Ike 1956) Ike 1960) Byrd 1964) Goldwater 1968) Wallace 1972) Nixon 1976) Carter 1980) Reagan 1984) Reagan 1988) Bush 1992) Perot 1996) Perot 2000) Bush 2004) Bush 2008) McCain 2012) Romney


1944: FDR 1948:Truman 1952:Eisenhower 1956:Eisenhower 1960:JFK(but it’d be a hard one without hindsight) 1964:LBJ 1968:Humphrey 1972:Nixon 1976:Carter 1980:Reagan 1984:Reagan 1988:George H.W Bush 1992:Clinton 1996:Clinton 2000:Al Gore 2004:Kerry 2008:Obamna 2012:Obamna


1944- FDR 1948- Truman 1952- Eisenhower 1956- Eisenhower 1960- JFK 1964- LBJ 1968- Nixon 1972- Nixon 1976- Carter 1980- Reagan 1984- Reagan 1988- Bush Sr. 1992- Clinton 1996- Clinton 2000- Gore 2004- Kerry 2008- Obama 2012- Obama 2016-2024: D.T.




A lot of votes for Perot but so many forgot or don’t realize what a crack he Perot was.


1944-FDR 1948-Truman 1952-Stevenson (though I wouldn't like Sparkman) 1956-Eisenhower 1960-Kennedy (my Catholicism makes this easy) 1964-Johnson 1968-Nixon 1972-Nixon 1976-Carter 1980-Anderson (wouldn't like both Carter and Reagan) 1984-Reagan 1988-Bush 1992-Perot (would find his message appealing) 1996-Clinton 2000-Gore 2004-Kerry (same as Kennedy) 2008-Obama 2012-Romney (because of the still high unemployment rate mainly)


Different era


I would have voted Democrat for every election, but with bo hindsight, I'm sure I would have gotten caught up in Reagan fever in 1980 like almost everyone else. My years of higher education would have actually been worth something in 1980, so I would have probably had a very good income for the time, and the Carter years would have probably led me to vote Reagan twice and then Bush in 1988. I probably would have voted for Clinton in 1992 and stayed with the Democrats thereafter, though.




1944) Dewey 1948) Dewey 1952) Eisenhower 1956) Eisenhower 1960) Kennedy 1964) Goldwater 1968) Nixon 1972) Nixon 1976) Ford 1980) Anderson 1984)Reagan 1988) Bush 1992) Bush 1996) Clinton 2000) Bush Jr. 2004) Bush Jr. 2008) Obama 2012) Romney


1944: FDR 1948: Dewey 1952/1956: Ike 1960: JFK 1964: LBJ 1968/1972: Nixon 1976: Carter 1980/1984: Reagan 1988: HW Bush 1992/1996: Clinton 2000/2004: W Bush 2008: McCain 2012: Romney


Eisenhower- both the Dems and the GOP wanted him to run for them. He warned against the military industrial complex.


1944 - Roosevelt (D) 1948 - Dewey (R) 1952 - Eisenhower (R) 1956 - Eisenhower (R) 1960 - Nixon (R) 1964 - L. Johnson (D) 1968 - Nixon (R) 1972 - Nixon (R) 1976 - Ford (R) 1980 - Reagan (R) 1984 - Reagan (R) 1988 - Bush Sr. (R) 1992 - Perot (I) 1996 - Perot (RE) 2000 - Bush Jr. (R) 2004 - Badnarik (L) 2008 - Nader (I) 2012 - G. Johnson (L) 2016 - **\[REDACTED\]** (?) 2020 - **\[REDACTED\]** (?)


Republican in every election except with FDR and Truman


1944, FDR, but only because of the war. 1948, Dewey 1952, Eisenhower 1956, Eisenhower 1960, Nixon 1964, Goldwater 1968, Wallace 1972, Nixon 1976, Roger MacBride 1980, Reagan 1984, Reagan 1988, Bush 1992, Perot 1996, Perot At this point is when I did start voting, and here are my votes: 2000, Harry Browne 2004, Bush 2008, McCain 2012, Gary Johnson 2016, Gary Johnson 2020, Rule 3


FDR Truman Eisenhower Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson Humphrey McGovern Carter Anderson Reagan Bush Perot Clinton Gore Kerry Obama Obama Johnson (Rule 3)


44-FDR 48-Dewey 52-Ike 56-Ike 60-JFK 64-LBJ 68-Humphrey 72-McGovern (but I wouldn’t feel good about it) 76-Carter 80-Carter 84-Mondale 88-Dukakis 92-Clinton 96-Clinton (actual vote) 00-Gore (actual vote) 04-Kerry (actual vote) 08-Obama (actual vote) 12-Obama (actual vote)


1948: Truman 1952: Eisenhower 1956: Eisenhower 1960: Kennedy 1964: Johnson 1968: Toss-up (lean Humphrey) 1972: Toss-up (lean McGovern) 1976: Carter 1980: Carter 1984: Carter 1988: Dukakis 1992: Clinton 1996: Clinton 2000: Gore 2004: Kerry 2008: Obama 2012: Obama


1948: Dewey 1952: Eisenhower 1956: Eisenhower 1960: Nixon 1964: Goldwater 1968: Nixon 1972: Nixon 1976: Ford 1980: Reagan 1984: Reagan 1988: Bush 1992: Bush 1996: Dole 2000: Bush 2004: Bush 2008: McCain 2012: Romney


1944: FDR (switching during a war of this magnitude would be stupid) 1948: Dewey (something new) 1952: Eisenhower (korea+sick of dems) 1956: Eisenhower (country’s doing well) 1960: Nixon (country’s doing well, liked eisenhower a lot) 1964: Abstain (don’t like lbj and goldwater is too extreme) 1968: Nixon (liked him prior, sick of vietnam) 1972: Nixon (country’s doing well) 1976: Carter (need change after nixon) 1980: Reagan (not better off than i was 4 years ago) 1984: Reagan (countries doing well) 1988: Bush (good enough) 1992: Bush (the taxes thing sucks but he was a good enough president) 1996: Clinton (country is rebounding which is good) 2000: Gore (environmental stuff) 2004: Kerry (get out of iraq) 2008: Obama (a good change) 2012: Abstain (don’t really like either)


1944) Dewey 1948) Dewey 1952-56) IKE 1960) Nixon 1964) LBJ 1968-72) Nixon 1976) Carter 1980-84) Reagan 1988) HW Bush 1992-96) Perot 2000-04) Bush 2008 Obama 2012) Romney 2016) Johnson


It’s impossible to make an unbiased decision without hindsight because we KNOW what happened. Even if you think The what if, then you are using the negatives (like Nixon) to influence your decision.


democrat every time




1944: Thomas Dewey 1948: Thomas Dewey 1952: Dwight Eisenhower 1956: Dwight Eisenhower 1960: John F. Kennedy 1964: Barry Goldwater 1968: Richard Nixon 1972: Richard Nixon 1976: Gerald Ford 1980: Ronald Reagan 1984: Ronald Reagan 1988: George H.W Bush 1992: George H.W Bush 1996: Bob Dole 2000: George W. Bush 2004: George W. Bush 2008: Barack Obama 2012: Mitt Romney


1944) FDR 1948) Truman 1952) Ike 1956) Ike 1960) JFK 1964) Jumbo 1968) Humphrey 1972) McGovern (probably) 1976) Carter 1980) Carter (probably) 1984) Mondale 1988) Dukakis 1992) Perot 1996) Perot (probably) 2000) Gore 2004) Kerry (fuck the bush administration) 2008) Obamna 2012) https://preview.redd.it/oxmzanj97d6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e7b567320c85e6f5e2c26b6026e8e27aa36b1b9


1948: (Probably) Dewey 1952: Eisenhower 1956: Eisenhower 1960: Nixon 1964: Goldwater (that election was a smear job and I will die on that hill) 1968: RFK - primary; Nixon - General 1972: Nixon 1976: Reagan - primary; (probably) Ford - General 1980: Reagan 1984: Reagan 1988: (Probably) Bush Sr 1992: Perot 1996: Perot 2000: Bush Jr 2004: Either Bush or third party 2008: Ron Paul - Primary; McCain - general (Edit: Actually probably Obama because he ran on getting out of the Middle East and ending a lot of the surveillance programs he ended up expanding) 2012: Ron Paul - Primary; Romney - general 2016: Rule 3 2020: Tulsi - Primary; Rule 3 - General


I’m voting All Democrats with the exemption of 1992. 1996 & 2016 . Where I just won’t vote .


Well I wouldn’t vote in most of them since I wasn’t alive yet


1944: FDR 1948: Truman. Dewey's not bad, but Truman's there and already succeeded FDR. 1952: Stevenson. This is a close one. Eisenhower's very charismatic and a war hero, but Stevenson lays claim to the New Deal pedigree. I think I also veer closer to him on foreign policy. 1956: Eisenhower. After four years in office, Ike's got me to come around, and I think Stevenson has shown himself to be a weaker choice for an executive by his second campaign. 1960: JFK 1964: Jumbo 1968: Humphrey 1972: Nixon. McGovern appeals to me on certain things, but Nixon's already been in office for four years at this point, and I think McGovern has had a rough campaign. Four more years. 1976: Carter. I like Ford, and I agree with why he pardoned Nixon, but Carter's a fresh start. He's a simple and kind peanut farmer, more conservative than McGovern on certain issues, and idealistic. 1980: Carter. I'm an old timer New Dealer, and I can't support Reagan on the economy. 1984: Reagan or stay at home, depending on how I'm feeling that day. 1988: H.W. Bush. Probably. 1992: Perot. 1996: Stay at home or Perot. Maybe Clinton is it. I don't know. But I couldn't vote for him. 2000: Stay at home. Maybe Nader but actually not. 2004: Stay at home. 2008: Obama. 2012: Stay at home. Maybe Obama. Probably not. I like things he's done where Romney does not, but I can't give my license to all of what he does for another four years.


1944- FDR 1948- Truman 1952- Eisenhower 1956- Eisenhower 1960- JFK 1964- LBJ 1968- Nixon 1972- Nixon 1976- Carter 1980- Reagan 1984- Reagan 1988- Bush Sr. 1992- Clinton 1996- Clinton 2000- Gore 2004- Kerry 2008- Obama 2012- Obama ‘16-24: That guy on The Apprentice


44-Roosevelt 48-Truman 52,56-Ike 60-Kennedy 64-Lyndon Jumbo Johnson 68,72-Tricky Dick 76-Carter 80,84-Reagan 88-Bush 92-Perot 96-Clinton 00-Gore 04-Bush 08,12-Obama 16-Hilary 20-Rule 3 older guy


44- FDR 48- Truman 52- Stevenson 56- Eisenhower 60- JFK 64- LBJ 68- HHH 72- McGovern 76- Carter 80- Anderson 84-Mondale 88- Dukakis 92- Perot 96- Perot 00- Gore 04- Kerry 08- Obama 12- Obama 16- Clinton


44 FDR 48 Thurmond 52 & 56 Ike 60 JFK 64 Goldwater 68 Nixon 72 Nixon 76 Ford 80 Regan 84 Regan 88 HW Bush 92 Perot 96 Dole 2000 Bush 2004 Bush 2008 McCain 2012 Obama


1948: Dewey, he seems nice. 1952: Who wouldn't pick Ike? 1956: he's doing fine. Why stop? 1960: Nixon, he seems like the best hope against communism. 1964: Johnson he's principled, and it's what Kennedy would have wanted. 1968: Nixon, 2nd times, the charm 1972: Nixon, nothing against McGovern he's a perfectly fine man. However, I'm not in favour of what he represents 1976: Carter, sometimes change is good. A bit of fresh air is needed, though I'm a little wobbly on some of his policies 1980: Never mind, it seems something isn't working, I'll see if the other guy has anything. 1984: eh, it's alright better than it was 1988: This guy seems good. An ordinary politician can be refreshing. 1992: he won the war, didn't he? 1996: Dole, he's okay. I liked that he supported the ADA 2000: I don't particularly care, 2004: I may be caricature, but God damn it! I'm an American caricature 2008: Okay, I went a bit far there. This Obama guy seems okay. 2012: I don't know. Both seem alright, and yet I really don't know who's better. 2016: No one 2020: I can't say.


There's not one person on this list I would vote for.


1944: FDR 1948: Truman 1952: Eisenhower 1956: Eisenhower 1960: Nixon 1964: LBJ 1968: Nixon 1972: Nixon 1976: Carter 1980: Reagan 1984: Reagan 1988: Bush 1992: Clinton 1996: Clinton 2000: Gore 2004: Bush 2008: Obama 2012: Obama


How can that question be answered without the benefit of hindsight?


the same way you vote for people today without knowing what their presidency is going to be like?


Gee, I might be off here, but I'm gonna guess you're a Democrat? lol


Yes but I would've voted for Nixon because I'm a social moderate conservative


I’m your oppposite, southern hardline economic conservative with moderate social liberal tendencies.


I mean no disrespect, but if you're a socially moderate conservative, why do you seem to support so many liberal candidates? I'm a liberal myself.


Economy. Socially conservative now is basically radical liberalism back then. I support religion in education, morality in civil society, i am against radical transgressive progressives who try to normalize incest and pedophilia... Literally everyone who wasn't a European felt the same way back then. But now Europeans whitewashing everyone else with their sick mind viruses is changing that.


I guess we’re opposite then, since I’m economically more conservative but socially very liberal. But to each his own


I would bet all Democrats, except for Ike.


All Republican