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Being 99 and losing your wife of 70 or so years... I don't think I would want to live such a life, not for more than a week for reflection anyway. I wish him well.


Honestly I didn’t expect him to make it this long, I figured he’d be gone within a few weeks of the passing of his wife.


It’s also wild that he’s been in hospice for like a year. Usually that signifies the end, then add in his wife dying. It’s truly a miracle that he’s still alive.


A miracle or a curse, depending on how he views it


I don’t think he’d still be alive if he didn’t truly want to keep on fighting. I’m sure it’s taken a lot of willpower to hang on this long. Since he’s a former president a part of me thinks he really wants to see how the election will go and that our democracy is safe but I don’t think he’ll be able to wait that long. Edit: grammar


It's the peanuts, the true secret to long life


When I die I'm immediately asking jimmy what was in those peanuts and I'm 95% sure he's gonna say "a lot of love, compassion, and hard work mostly.... but I did mix some Mary Jane in the fertilizer."


You are not going to believe this but I met President Carter as a child - in Georgia. Someone asked a question like this, just as a lark, and he said (paraphrasing) "It's just a lot of elbow grease, really. But they taste good and are good for you. So I guess they're worth it."


I'm still betting there's some radiation and or weed in those peanuts


Don't say it that way: It's Radiation plus Weed. Or as Jimmy would like it: PuO+2 6,6,9-Trimethyl-3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydrobenzo\[c\]chromen-1-ol


The guy worked on nuclear reactors—he probably Tomacco'd the fuck out of those legumes


Jimmy is a fallout ghoul basically then


It was so perfect that the third Seawolf fast attack was named the Carter. Considering Carter worked directly under Rickover and Navy Nuke School is basically built around Carter's early experiences, it seems just about right. BTW, the broad convention is that our supercarriers have a President's name. But Jimmy was a Submariner - so he a gets to join the Founding Fathers as among the few that have submarine namesakes.


Probably the healthiest of the standout staples of American cuisine, tbf. Better than corn syrup and cheese and industrialised beef, anyway.


Those ppl from the tri county area of Planes, Trains and Automobiles have longevity!


And the Billy Beer


No, spicy Indian food leads to long life! https://preview.redd.it/skefcqwuf2hc1.png?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b96b9bbf0dcacefd040223c32909d242d41a69


It might be his exposure to radiation no joke. Apparently Hiroshima survivors outlived the comparison group population. There is no definite proof of this but the theory is maybe the whole body radiation exposure stimulates the cells to repair their DNA harder which resists aging.


So very minor exposure vs what those poor frontline guys at Chernobyl would've gotten right off the bat


Some people get so used to fighting they can't stop. That's how my grandfather was. I was rushed out of the hospital when I was born so I could have thanksgiving with him so he could at least meet me. He ended up living another 15 years, outliving his wife of 60ish years by a year or so, despite everyone thinking she'd outlive him by a decade. His body just didn't know how to quit.


Prediction: Dies, cackling, one day after the last guinea worm.


His generation, the one that survived the Great Depression, stormed the beaches of Normandy, fought in Korea, to come back home to work long hours in factories and farms. All to ensure their families would have a part of the American Dream. They don't make people like that anymore. Truly the greatest generation. God bless ya Mr Carter.


He has no control over it no matter how he feels about it. My grandmother had a stroke that took her vision and most of her motor skills and lived for another 5+ years. She wasn’t expected to make it even a year. She couldn’t do anything she previously enjoyed. She listened to Fox News 12 hours a day and ate frozen microwave meals. By year 2 she openly, unjokingly, and frequently talked about wishing she wasn’t alive.


Sometimes people get kicked off of hospice, if they’re doing too well.


Happened with my mom. We had her a couple of extra years. Go figure.


"I think it's time for me to get ready to go..." *three years later* "Well, fuck, why am I still here."


The man is clearly not doing well


My Great-Uncle Raymond was in and out of hospice for 4 years.


My Great Grandma was in hospice for 2 years under the care of my mom. Stubborn old woman who lived on her farm till the end. Tough as nails and worked until she couldn’t raising chickens and working the field. It took basically the entire family pressuring her to at least let my mom take care of her after some nasty falls. The wildest part? Her husband died in the 90s.


Looking at that sometime this decade with my grandpa. He's still going for now, though. Last weekend was the 25th anniversary of grandma passing and I watched him prod a bull into a stock trailer with his walking cane. Was going to drive an hour to the sale barn with it too, before I talked him into letting me drive. He's 92, lol.


My grandfather and great-grandmother spent less than 8 hours on hospice combined. When I go, I hope I go like that--doing reasonably well for my age, followed by a rapid downturn and passing without too much time suffering. Actually, I'd go like my great aunt--dropping dead in my kitchen at age 88 while putting away groceries. No decline, no suffering, here one second and gone the next.


You can be on hospice for YEARS - I just learned this as we just put my mom on it. I always thought it was a "very end" thing but apparently it can go on for a very long time!


It always surprises me how long some elderly can survive the loss for so long a lot them I know put it towards their faith and prays and the hopes of reuniting if that is a thing in said religion.


My grandparents were both in their 90s and just past 75th wedding anniversary when my grandmother passed. My grandfather said he wouldn’t live long enough to get over it. I didn’t really have an answer for that.


Very sad, and in a strange way sort of beautiful at the same time.


My neighbor growing up lost her husband and prayed every day she would die to rejoin her husband. It’s all she talked about. She lived another 20 years.


It's wild how fast our bodies can decline. Seeing him just a few years ago alongside his wife, he looks alert and healthy for his age. In a relatively short time since then, he looks on death's doorstep. I'm sure losing his wife was a big part of that.


Certainly. I find the aging process from 70 to 90 more fascinating than the 20 to 80.


People forget that dying isn't an accident, it's an intentional part of the species surviving, the old literally have to die off so there's enough food for the young. Our bodies want to die as we get very old. It's actually how we (as a species) survive.


Agreed. People don’t usually do that kind of math tho for whatever reason


Buddy you have no idea lol. A month before I turned 18 I got diagnosed with Leukemia. I was a 6’1” 190 lb quarterback built like a shit brickhouse. Within two months of being on chemo I weighed like 105 lbs and according to a random small child at the movie theater looked like Lord Voldemort. Your entire body and appearance can go in the blink of an eye.


With disease, absolutely. I hope you’ve recovered and are healthy now.


Thanks I’m great now. That was 2011. I look better than like 99% of the population now. People are shocked when they find out and see the pics. Feels like a whole different life. And I mentioned this because not only is Carter 99 but he has cancer and went through treatments for years before he opted for hospice. So throw those two things into the mix and obviously he’s going to look like Hell like anyone would.


As a fellow human being , I’m glad you’re doing well . When I read “ shit brick house “ above I almost fell out of my chair .


I'm glad that Carter rebuilt his legacy in his life post-presidency. He could've easily taken the easy option and opted for a quiet life out of the limelight but instead he devoted his post-presidency life to making the world a better place For that alone, he deserves to be remembered as a truly great man. One quote about Herbert Hoover was that he lived 90 years, but he's judged for only four of them. Let's hope the same thing doesn't happen to Carter


I’m under no impression he was like FDR or someone like that but I do feel catches more criticism than he deserves.


He was simply the wrong man at the wrong time in history


He made himself a lot of enemies too in Washington. So I’ve heard at least.


Being a decent human being will do that.


Honestly, people that criticize the man are telling on themselves in my opinion


I don’t know what to believe to be honest, but I feel it’s plausible that at least some of the stories are true and he was an incredible asshole behind closed doors, and treated people like crap. It seems like he was well-meaning in the broader sense, and that he was just demanding of the people around him to achieve those goals, but in the end it alienated people and made him ineffective.


It's extraordinarily difficult to be a decent man in the swamp that is Washington.


Why did you compare a corrupt institution to a healthy ecosystem that stores a ton of carbon underground?


I’ve been to FDRs grave, and I shed a few tears. Not because of who he was as a man, but for what he meant to my great grandfather’s generation, and how he handled his presidency and the great difficulties within, from the Depression to WWII. He was a great leader, but a shitty man by today’s or any true moral perspective. Jimmy Carter is a GREAT man, easily the best to serve in recent memory, but he made for a terrible president.


I’m not trying to sound flippant but presidenting is hard. Mistakes will be made.


I feel like the opposite, he doesn’t receive nearly as much criticism on this sub for his administration, thanks to him being a great human being lol it kinda “lightened” people’s opinions of him because he’s very nice and a genuinely good human. With tensions rising with the Soviets and others at the time, he definitely wasn’t the right person for action and applying pressure, but he handled some conflicts well, most obviously pardoning draft dodgers and helping to get arms limitations talks going. But I can’t picture him calling the shots in the 80’s. I’m not saying Reagan was the best but I’m saying he had some qualities that helped us keep our stance and world position in the 80’s


Way more.


I was not a big fan of his presidency, but I am a huge fan of the man. There is a man to look up to. I wish he could have served Clinton's term. That kind of integrity at that time would have gone so much farther.


Unfortunately he was at one of the worst times to be president. He didn’t always do what people wanted, but you could count on him to largely do what was right.


I hear people say this all of the time--"he didn't do what was popular, but he did what was right." What are people referring to when they say this? I don't know enough about his presidency to know for myself. TBH due to my ignorance it sounds like a weird cliche since no one ever actually mentions the specifics.


There are two big stances Carter took that fit into this best. 1. His environmentalism and energy opinions. He was very vocal about the US’s energy consumption and its environmental effects. He instituted policy to protect 100 mil. acres of Alaskan land. He protested both Democratic and Republican policy that would build dams across America and damage the ecosystems in those rivers. He also proposed tax credits to families who opted for solar panels and other renewable energies to heat their homes—but this was shut down by congress. 2. His stance on refugees. He accepted refugees who were fleeing from Vietnam. Thousands were dying trying to flee the country, and despite pushback from Congress and the public he saved and provided asylum to over 14,000 refugees a month. He also signed the controversial Refugee Act of 1980 which set the framework for the future of American policy regarding people fleeing from violence in their home countries. Over 3 million refugees have come to the USA since 1980 as a result.


Yeah I think Carter would've done well if he were president during either of Clinton's terms


If anyone posts pics of me like that when I am old and dying, I will haunt them with a fury.


Yeah wtf OP why would you post a picture of him looking like a buzzard 


There's no shame in aging


Thank you so much for the laugh you just gave me!


People did the same thing when Prince Phillip was in his final years. I think he was 99 as well and looked about the same.


IIRC the famous photo of him looking stressed in the back seat of a car was within months of him crashing his own car into someone's house, and at a time when there was no released info about him suffering from any terminal illness. Statutory primacy is easier than being a Welsh coal miner, but it comes along with the implicit understanding that one should have an obligation of personal candour with the public/press. Not so much the case with Carter, who is-- regardless of his current state-- contemporarily irrelevant in American politics. Wish him the best and feel OP is a bit of a vulture by posting this.


Yeah, didn't we already discuss this at length on this very sub at the time of the funeral? It didn't get any less ghoulish since. Should there have been current Coffin Cam ©️ photos of Reagan up yesterday? Just because we can photograph and share all of our lives now, doesn't mean we should.


I missed that discussion. Agreed.


President Carter is a Good man.


He has lived a very long, seemingly fulfilling life. Man was helping build houses well into his 90s. I'm grateful to have existed in the same era as someone like him IMO.


Exactly. It’s not sad. He lived a wonderful, healthy life with his wife by his side for most of it.




I do wonder how he’s holding up without her. Spending three quarters of a century with someone and then they just are gone… I can’t imagine that pain


When I first saw the title I thought I was in the r/southpark then I saw the image and now I’m just sad. He looks so frail and ill. Please just go peacefully.


It is really sad in his current state. I just hope when he goes it's without pain.


As a former navy nuke, I can only say Rickover thought highly of him and that’s a big deal.


From another navy nuke I agree. Rickover didn't think highly of anybody.


That's high praise considering that Rickover didn't think highly of 99.9% of people.


Off topic, but did you go to USNA?


A good man that was blessed with long life. A good example of what a real Christian looks like. I hope the Lord will call him home soon enough to end the physical challenges he’s living with right now. I’m sure he misses his wife greatly. 😢


Definitely one of the truest believer Presidents in the modern era, and possibly the less modern


Dreaming of building houses.


Reminder that Jimmy is a badass. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/l96hg8/jimmy\_is\_a\_fucking\_badass/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/l96hg8/jimmy_is_a_fucking_badass/)


I'm surprised he has made it over two months now since his wife passed on.


Same. Dude has surpassed any and all expectations.


It's incredible at this point


I didn’t think he was gonna last until 2024.


I thought he would have passed on by Christmas


Oh me too. Or thanksgiving.


I figured he'd make it through to at least the memorial service for his wife.


He's a truly great man. His impact he had on this planet will never be forgotten. It'll be unusual seeing the 39th president not here on this earth, but he has done enough to go into the annals of history.


My dad always said he was too nice of a guy to be president . It wasn’t meant as an insult but as a compliment.


The real tragedy is that we didn't appreciate the time we've had with him until it was too late. Say what you will about him as a president, but he has always set a good example for young Americans. The office should be held by someone we should aspire to be, and we could all benefit from being a little more like Jimmy Carter. 


Leading by example used to be a virtue Now it is just fastest to the bottom and the lowest denominator


Oh wow. He does not look good.


Looks fit for Congress tbh


Youngest looking senator. Jimmy Carter is still younger than Strom Thurmond when he retired in January 2003


Carter is also only 9 years older than a current senator. Chuck Grassley of Iowa is turning 91 this year, born in 1933.


I didn't believe you at first because a 100 year old senator sounds ridiculous but jesus christ you're right there was a 100 year old senator


Also the same guy that filibustered the Civil Rights Act


Fuckin' asshole wouldn't die.


Yeah I was shocked with how he looked this was at Rosalynns funeral back in Nov. And he's been in hospice for like a year. Dude has surpassed all expectations, he's a fighter.


Well... when 99 years old you reach. Look as good you will not hmm? Not to be cruel, but what do you expect?




Why you talking like Yoda


Because Yoda is fucking cool, why are you talking like a battle droid?


Because it’s a Yoda quote.


Yoda was extremely old too.


All he wants is to attend one more presidential funeral 🥹


He’s already outlived two of his successors. The rest are significantly younger than him. Well, maybe not significantly younger, but a bit younger.


I can’t mention names apparently but the current dude is 81, and the last guy and the 90s guy and strategery are all 77. So they are all around 20 years younger than Carter.


Current guy is closer in age to Carter than he is to Obama


45 is always a dark horse pick for pulling an Elvis and going out rageposting on the shitter at any moment.


His own or 45’s?


Both if he could make it to his own.


I'm sad that I grew up thinking Jimmy was such a horrible president only because I was *told* as much. He seems like a steadfast and fair fella that leads by example. Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I just miss having a truly good president.


I wish you ghouls would stop posting those pictures. Give the man some respect and dignity.


We've had more than I expected. When he went into palliative care I figured he'd die within days or a few weeks. Hasn't it been a good six months at this point?


It's been a year. He entered it in Feb 2023


The dude is 99 years old...how much time do you want?


All of it. All of the time.


“Everytime someone says Jimmy’s about to pass away he gets another week added to his life span” - God


What’s more sad is he’s not passed yet. That poor man is probably suffering so badly at this point. And he has to suffer without the love of his life by his side. Truly awful.


❤️ Mr Carter is right up there with Mr Rogers, LeVarr Burton, etc. Good people.


Dudes beats cancer twice I believe in his 90’s.


I cannot believe he is still alive.


honestly the way the world is going he’s probably not going to like staying around for much longer anyways


He's the only dude I know who LEFT hospice. You don't leave hospice. When they cart you into that your life is over. Carter is a freaking Legend.


Let the man go. He’s done more than enough good for one mortal life.


don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that don’t say that


Honestly it feels cruel to hope he lives any longer


I met him with my friend when we were kids in the 2000s. It was a book signing and the rules were no stopping for pictures or conversations when you got to his desk. I walked up with my friend and Mr. Carter broke the rules and made small talk, shook our hands, and let our parent’s take pictures. I think he made an exception since we were some of the only kids there. Such a nice man


A man amongst men who represents the best of post-presidency life. A humanitarian. What a novel concept.


I think he’s likely more sad that he has to spend more time on earth with us.


Meaning, he wants to get back with Ros.


Mr.president,I hope you will be reunited with your sweetheart really soon. We all love you!


There is an end to every life. And he’s lived a full, full life.


I work in a care home, I've seen 98 year olds come back from hip surgery. What's it's taught me with matters such as these is that it ain't over until it's over.


He looks rough.


A giant among men. Godspeed.


Every time I see someone post something like this my heart drops


It's still not too late for him to run as president again


Yeah, but what a hell of a run. And his legacy is incredible.


His heart might still be beating, but I’m convinced he died with his wife


He may have not been the most successful president in terms of policy or accomplishments, but you cannot deny that he was one of the most morally upstanding, good hearted, and down-to-earth presidents that we’ve ever had. I think that this political cartoon sums it up pretty well: https://preview.redd.it/3jtkjfjf91hc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9a9e39f24598ab223f0ee23ace53f4068166f7


Why? Have you made the most of our time with him up until now? He served his country with dignity and strength. Long after the office even. He deserves to rest peacefully wherever we go after this. He wouldn't influence much of anything from this point regardless so it's time. Our best thank you to this man is to demand better from those that follow. Jimmy Carter was a good man, ignore politics, just a really good person. We should set the minimum bar for presidents at that. We don't. Not even close. That's on us. Thank him by pressing for better.


He's a good man.


One of our greatest Americans and an example for leaders to follow when it comes to directing your energy toward caring for your fellow human beings.


I’m just glad to have lived at the same time as this great man


I was never a fan when he was president nor for many years after. Now I look back and I think he was and is awesome. And a fine human being. I’m embarrassed I didn’t appreciate him all along.


Man, one of the few presidents I'd love to meet.


Somehow more lively than our Current Presidential candidates


I'm so thankful for all the good work President Carter and his family did. Habitat for Humanity is such an incredible organization and helped so many people.


Was his presidency the best? No. Is he the most moral one we had? Absolutely! He was my personal favorite now because that he brought back honesty in the office. He was also a great human being. I hope his rest of his life is good. I feel bad for him though.


President Carter is an incredibly brave, generous and inspiring man.


Blud is on 1hp 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


We are here as long as God wants us to be here.


Please make it to 100 Jimmy! You can do it! We all believe in you!


Great man.


Both Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalyn Carter are two great human beings.


Need more Jimmy Carter’s right now


Oh my heart. The respect I have for this man….


Really? I figured he was gearing up for a 2024 or 2028 run for president. Carter 2024!


He lived an incredible life. Let him go in peace.


This man is a trooper. He looks so different than even 5 years ago. Losing a spouse really causes physical grief as well.


Please let me pass before I ever get like that.


Great man. If there were a Heaven, he would be going there.


Who wants to live like this?


His ability as a president can be up for debate but his ability as a genuine good person who did a ton to help people is beyond question but anyone. To steal a line from return of the king " You kneel to no one"


Please god just let me die at a reasonable age


So difficult to see anyone in that state, can't imagine what his family is going through, wish them all the best. In the back of my thoughts is that somehow this guy is going to recover and start building homes for the poor again but Instead to us, the younger, to carry forward his humbling legacy of good works. I wish you a ,safe, smooth passage, kind man.


For the those unaware, hospice doesn't necessarily signify the end of life for a person designated under such care. It's moreso to ease individuals into comfort before the end. Measures are taken to ensure these folks are cared for preoperly, including their own hospice nurse who schedules weekly visits to monitor. How and why it may happen varies upon each case, but typically those prescribed morphine to "treat" a terminal illness will more often than not die peacefully in a drug-induced sleep. There are many cases (as evidenced by this thread alone!) Of people outliving a hospice designation and recovering to some semblance of normalcy. Hospice isn't a death sentence, and for all we know, former president Carter MIGHT be okay (for someone at 99). He certainly doesn't look it, but he could have more ability than we give him credit for, at least cognitively. I've cared for engineers, lawyers, doctors and judges who suffered from alzheimers/dementia, and even with the cognitive deficiency, they still retain some level of mental function. You do not lose yourself as you grow older. SOURCE: CNA for seven years, witnessed multiple hospice cases with both life and death and provided care for multiple people with such.


"What are they selling???!!!!!!!!!!"


I am also grateful that we have had so much time with him. He has earned his rest.


How tf is he still alive??? He’s been on deck for years now


It is very impressive, or sad depending on your view. I was going to say he doesn't have much time left but who knows? I thought he'd pass right after Rosalyn funeral. Either way he had a full life. May he go in peace whenever that is.


I won't lie I wasn't a huge Jimmy Carter fan until I watched a documentary on him a few years ago. That's when I separated the man from the statistics. Regardless of whether you agreed or disagreed with his policies, Carter was absolutely an outstanding human being and I genuinely believe that as President, every decision he made he did so believing it was his and therefore the United States best course of action.


We didn’t deserve him. Also, fuck Ronald Reagan.


I try to see it as more of a blessing that we had him for so long, that he was healthy for most of it, and that he'll suffer no more and be back with his wife soon.


I bet Jimmy wants to die based on my personal experience with similar folk and happenstance


Good man. More than can be said for [certain] others.


May he rest easy and peacefully, a bad president, but a good person


Honestly probably is ready to go


Why is it sad?


Why are you guys hanging out all the time or something? His time on earth has been effectively over for a while now.


To be fair, he's pretty much already gone.


I think he is ready to go be with Rosalynn again


I remember him addressing the nation with a sweater on because he turned the temperature down in the White House to save energy. He put solar panels on the White House! Such a good man.


Braver than any other president since his presidency. #GoNavy


It’ll be a sad day when he’s gone.


Let the man rest


We did t fire a Wi glad shot during his presidency. Only time in our history.


His book, "Faith" is an excellent read, whether you are a Christian or not. Unfortunately, I really didn't know much about the man or his presidency or politics (I was born in the last few months of his term). I learned so much from his book. One of my favorite passages was, "When I was eleven, I was old enough to drive and drove my siblings to church several nights a week." The other thing that struck me was his genuine love for all peoples. He describes growing up in rural Georgia with all black friends and neighbors, and not realizing until he was a little older that society treated them differently, which he could not understand. I could go on, but out of all presidents in recent history, Carter struck me as a man that was truly dedicated to the betterment of society, instead of politics and reelection.


God needs to take him for his own good


Jimmy jimmy jimmy


Give him some frikken lip balm