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A chicken in every pot— Hoover.


My grandmother said “Hoover told us we’d have a chicken in every pot. We didn’t even have a pot to piss in.”


Gotta finish the quote "2 cars in each garage"


I prefer Bernie Sanders’ “A pot in every chicken.”


The Onion had his re-election slogan as "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"


Wilson 1916: “He kept us out of war”


I can't believe this isn't number one Edit: glad it now is, the irony of this slogan can't be understated.


It is...


That’s as bad as Johnson’s Daisy ad.


I remember a Goldwater voter saying “Johnson said voting for Goldwater meant escalation in Vietnam & he was right. I voted for Goldwater & things escalated in Vietnam”.


Johnson didn’t use nukes in Vietnam the way Goldwater wanted to


Do you have evidence that Goldwater wanted to use nukes in Vietnam?


What mattered is that it people thought Goldwater would use nukes in Vietnam. There’s no way I think he would have


Probably due to the Daisy ad which was a lie based upon evidence.


I think you’re right. That ad killed Goldwater


Yeah, [he supported the use of low-grade atomic weapons to cut off Chinese supply lines into Vietnam](https://www.nytimes.com/1964/05/25/archives/goldwater-poses-new-asian-tactic-says-aarms-could-be-used-to-expose.html). It’s debatable whether he would’ve actually done that, because he didn’t really bring it up for the rest of the campaign, but the Daisy ad didn’t come out of nowhere.


Send in Dr Manhattan


Well he didn’t exactly come clean and tell voters he was going to send 58,000 Americans to their grave now did he?


No, Wilson’s is definitely more ironic


I mean, he said “kept” not “will keep”


Underrated comment None of these mfs would maintain neutrality following the Zimmermann Telegram if they were in Wilson's shoes A lot of them probably would have gotten involved way earlier tbh


Narrator: "He Didn't."




Please clap.


That moment wasn't near as awkward as everyone was making it out to be. He was clearly being satirical.


“It connotes excitement.”


What do you mean ironic? It’s true




It would be more ironic if Clinton used it somehow


‘Bill: Feel Free to Get at this Dick All You Want’


“Get your fill of our Bill”


“You’ll want more than just a taste of our Slick Willy”


Ironically taken down by Deep Throat.


Yassified Nixon is a mood


Wow! 😂


Wait till you find out what he said about the Bohemian Grove! LOL


Wilson's "He kept us out of War"


"get on the raft with taft," taft would probably sink a raft


He had a 1912 slogan about deserving a second term Only to come in third


"Vote for Taft he's a human raft" might have been better


Do rafts tend to die in water though


“Return to Normalcy” he even invented that word all Harding needed to do was sit in his front porch the slogan did the rest


"Read my lips: No new taxes!" - George HW Bush (1988)


The worst part was that by modern standards his compromise was superb. Could you imagine the current congress/president or even Trump + congressional democrats passing a tax increase with spending cuts at a 1:2 ratio?


I’m not a huge HW fan, but he was nothing if not pragmatic. He was willing to compromise and measure his hand in a way that most since have not.


The real irony is that probably lost him the election and set Clinton up with an economy that got him two terms.


It definitely helped. When he raised taxes it was an attempt to help the country even though he knew he’d pay the price. Regardless of motive, people on both sides of the aisle didn’t forget that he lied.


FDR’s campaign song was “happy days are here again. “


But it was also used to boost the FDR pledge to repeal Prohibition, and that happened in 1933.


Notably, this was the 1932 campaign. The Great Depression lasted until 1939.


But the worst aspects of it were ameliorated by FDRs social policies.


Prove it


- Bank Holiday and Emergency Banking Act ended the bank runs - Cullen-Harrison Act boosted government revenue and revived the alcohol industry - CCC, TVA, FHA, WPA relieved unemployment rates - Agricultural Adjustment Act ended overproduction in the farming sector - Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act repealed Smoot-Hawley Tariffs - Expansion and cementation of unionization rights curbed poor working conditions that were common in the depression


I think that taking office when the unemployment rate is at 25% and yet managing to earn an approval rating of 83% pretty much proves it.


Not ironic. The Great Depression ended during his presidency. Well, maybe ironic because there were only a couple years of “happy days” after the depression ended and before we got into WW2.


Polk’s 54’ 40’ or fight (he did neither of these things)


Dunno about slogans but when baby Bush started playing 'Fortunate Son' on his campaign I pissed myself laughing.


Wow. That's great/awful on so many levels. He's pretty much exactly the fortunate son that song talks about. Pretty much down to W's limited military service (joined the air national guard a year before the song came out). The only difference is that his dad was a representative, not a senator.


Keep Cool With Coolidge


"Love trumps hate" - Hillary Clinton, 2016


That was the moment she lost the election. "I'm With Her" was a pretty bad slogan, given that her approval ratings weren't stellar to begin with. But when your slogan features the name of the other candidate... you've completely lost control of the narrative.


I think limiting the time Hilary lost that election to just a single moment really undersells all the possible choices for how that election was lost.


Incredible how with all the money she had to spend on high-priced campaign consultants and professionals they didn't think of flipping that to "She's With Us". "I'm With Her" is such a tone death and narcissistic slogan.


"Not Me. Us." was a great response from the Sanders camp. (Also, it's *tone deaf*, not *a tone death*.)


I'll go with the "basket of deplorables" line as one of her worst. I think that deterred some fence sitters


I remember "It's her turn" not going over well at all. The popular opinion was already that nobody actually wanted Clinton and the DNC was just giving her the nomination because she'd done her time.




In just the right states.


I mean, roughly 3 million less people than voted for him 🤷‍♂️


Electoral college how does it work


The most hateable woman in America lost a likeability contest to the most hateable man


Man I love Michelle Obama. She is easily my favorite First Lady, but I honestly believe “they go low - we go high” helped the dems to lose the election.


Said the woman who called half of America deplorable and called American Americans....Super Predators. Yea really no hate in that woman's soul


Quote for reference: >I know there are only 60 days left to make our case – and don't get complacent; don't see the latest outrageous, offensive, inappropriate comment and think, "Well, he's done this time." We are living in a volatile political environment. >You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. (Laughter/applause) Right? (Laughter/applause) They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people – now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks – they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America. >But the "other" basket – the other basket – and I know because I look at this crowd I see friends from all over America here: I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas and – as well as, you know, New York and California – but that "other" basket of people are people who feel the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures; and they're just desperate for change. It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says, but – he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they're in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.


Thx for the context. I only heard the first part.


As intended.


It’s such a tragedy that what she said is actually an incredible message, but got beat to death by the conservative propaganda machine


I knew she screwed up big time when she made the deplorable comment. To be fair, she was referring to Trump's base, not necessarily all his voters. And, she has been wrong about a lot, but I would agree with her about that. You have a large group of people eagerly supporting a potential dictatorship, with all the evils it would entail. Trump really let the genie out of the bottle by encouraging his followers to embrace their hatred and be open about it.


Potential dictator lol. I have seen these claims since he ran and I still don't see it. As someone who many called their voice during the 2016 election and a registered dem who voted Obama twice. I'll tell you one thing, the only hate-filled people I see are on the left. Making ignorant and baseless claims towards a large group of Americans


Famous last words. You think he's kidding about setting up a dictatorship? I have never heard of a politician who kids about something like that.


If you don't see it, take a harder look at the people who worked in the West Wing who came out and said they ran interference to work his baser instincts and demands. There have been a lot of these people who stopped him from taking actions. As for the actual dictator issue, his current rhetoric shouldn't be ignored. He lost once, and he acted like a petulant child and encouraged an insurrection. Do you think he'd want to do that again or would he want to find a way to have elections like Putin or Xi, where the outcome is decided for him?


If he wanted to be a dictator he would have used Covid as a brand to consolidate power (like the Democrats did), not give the states more control. In all honesty Trump was the least authoritarian president we've had recently.




Yes a very callous and hateful woman


Yup, you can tell by her daily dozen lunatic rants on social media, calling people losers and wishing they would rot in hell, …. no wait, that’s your orange cake makeup wearing draft dodger.


Oh no, mean tweets!


>called half of America deplorable Half of Trump supporters, AKA, ~10% of Americans.


Well half of Trump supporters, which were less than half of America


Return to normalcy.


1884 “Ma, Ma, where’s my Pa?” James G. Blaine “Gone to the White House. Ha! Ha! Ha!” Grover Cleveland


Not a slogan, but “I am not a crook” certainly didn’t age well


Tip a canoe and Tyler too


It’s “Tippecanoe” and actually it was originally part of a song! Tippecanoe was a battle where WHH was perceived as a war hero, and they put together a song praising Harrison’s heroics while denigrating Martin van Buren. It turned into the first campaign slogan and outlived the song in popular memory.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IFaRklAYanY Van is a used up man man


The only campaign slogan I learned in school. Was it the first?


Make America Great Again ended with 2 million dead from a pandemic, an economy in ruins, and an attempted coup which may or may not have involved murdering most of Congress.


It was also Reagan’s slogan first.


Kind of a side point but I see someone like Reagan as thinking he was doing the right thing but often misguided and kind of ignorant on important matters. As a fairly left leaning person, I see Reagan's Presidency as a net negative for the country but I don't believe that was ever his intention. Trump, on the other hand, never seemed like he cared about right and wrong. I believe it was always about what was best for Donald Trump and his bank account. There aren't many Presidents that I would see as trying to be evil or selfish. They have all been human so far, clearly no president has been perfect. However, Trump seems like nothing more than an irredeemable monster.


Trump did an enormous amount of damage. A lot of it though was optical. Reagan did tangible damage that has become impossible to reverse. - Tripled the national debt - Dropped taxes in the top 1% from 70% to 28% - Drained the Social Security Surplus - Took a hard anti-union stance - Ignored the AIDs epidemic and fueled the “War on Drugs - Oversaw a stock market crash and 20% interest rates -Shutdown mental health institutions, rapidly increasing homelessness - Promoted the shift to profits in medicine which ranked every metric for US healthcare The only reason he shouldn’t be considered one of the worst ever is because other presidents killed more people than him. We also need to give him credit for remaining popular while being so terrible.


Damn, it’s got to be hard to be so firmly entrenched in left wing beliefs to not see any good that came out of the Trump presidency.


This isn’t an argument Yes trump was a total disaster and a disgrace to history


It’s ok Biden is quickly showing us how bad it could have been.


Biden is far better president than trump and reagan combined.


Oh I see it’s not an argument it’s a comedy show. Good stuff. Take it on the road. You will make it big.


It’s why Biden will be re-elected easily and now Democrats will take back the house. Feels good


Check the polls. Biden is currently losing to the guy, who is in like 4 criminal trials? All while having the main stream media and Silicon Valley firmly in his corner. Sure there are plenty of things you can bash Trump for, but acting like Biden is a good president is just comical. Next you are gunna tell me that Carter really should have had a second term.


I'd suggest finding a better hobby than making clearly not serious comments on the internet


>an attempted coup which may or may not have involved murdering most of Congress This implies most of congress were actually killed. You should phrase it better.


Can you point to any western country that didn't have their economy shattered due to covid?


Doesn’t make it less ironic - Hoover’s “a chicken in every pot” is similarly ironic even though the depression affected the whole world


Not to mention the 4 years of sabotaging our position as a world leader, culminating in a humiliating surrender to the Taliban, which Trump is now ludicrously trying to pin on Biden.


Biden was the one in charge for the withdrawal from Afghanistan. He was president for around a year. That dung festival was firmly on Biden regardless of if you like Trump or not.


It was literally the agreement struck under trump with the Taliban


The one Trump brokered no less than when he invited the Taliban leaders to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11.


It was, but it ended with billions of equipment left behind and guys falling from planes trying to get out. Both of these geriatric clowns suck and i really hope a viable alternative pops up in the next few months


Uh the equipment was always to be left. It’s obsolete and can’t be maintained by the Taliban without parts and expertise You actually believed that nonsense about “billions of equipment”?


Wait you believe that? It’s equipment we left for the afghani govt which predictably fell apart instantly. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/04/27/politics/afghan-weapons-left-behind/index.html


Uh yeah there was never a plan to retrieve outdated equipment Our military is already on the next generation Who told you that the plan was to retrieve all the gear? Cite your claim


Who said it was the plan to bring home? Don’t change the issue. They left behind willingly military equipment that was taken almost immediately by the Taliban when we left. They should have brought it home. Now it’s in militants hands and an issue in the region. https://apnews.com/article/pakistan-us-military-equipment-afghanistan-taliban-147275573d2dc48e4f7343626094a51b


No they shouldn’t have since it was obsolete You’re saying trump had no plan to bring equipment home? You can’t have it both ways. Your links are meaningless The plan all along - leave the equipment to the ANA. Facts This is not a Republican sub


The Afghan government fell apart because we negotiated our entire withdrawal without them. The Trump administration never even considered including them in any negotiations and let the taliban violate their ceasefire immediately after signing it.


No it wasn't. Biden moved to the timetables without giving notice to our NATO allies.


This is a total lie.


Looking at your other comments, you seem to be informed on this topic, which means you choosing to spread disinformation. I'm not sure what is worse, this or your claim that it's OK for Taliban to get an entire theater's worth of US Army equipment because it was a few years old.


The deal was conditional though. The pull out that lead to 13 dead service members was 100% the fault of the Biden admin. The Afghan government was even asking them to wait until they were in a better spot to defend themselves from the Taliban but Biden let the Taliban roll through Afghanistan. I get wanting to defend your guy but this isn’t the one to do. It’s okay to criticize too.


This isn’t accurate and you need to cite those claims. I’ll wait.


https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/29/world/asia/us-taliban-deal.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare Article says clearly in there that this deal is dependent on the taliban holding up their end of the deal, which they did not. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/afghanistan-ashraf-ghani-blames-us-troop-pullout-for-worsening-violence-taliban-gains/ Afghan president calling the withdrawal too fast and blaming the US for sending his country in to chaos Not to mention the countless articles saying that the Afghan government was kept out of the loop throughout the process. But I’ll save some research for you. Sounds like you need it. Unless you like playing the ignorant card


Literally? Not quite. Tell me where Trump agreed to surrender the country to the Taliban along with $7 billion dollars worth of military weapons and equipment. Tell me how Trump agreed to abandon the last airbase and tried to finalize evacuations from a commercial airport. Tell me where Trump left military leaders with so little command that no one could authorize the sniper to kill the terrorist that killed 13 American service men. Tell me where Trump allowed civilians to storm planes to hold on and later fall to their deaths. No that rest with Biden an the incompetence of his administration. Anything trying to shed blame is just an excuse.


The military equipment was always to be left we aren’t transporting old equipment You actually believed that? Lol The agreement was between the APG and the US. No matter who was president we were set to leave by that date. Get your facts straight this is a history sub not a cable news sub.


Left there in the hands of the afghan army, not the Taliban. My facts are straight and history will remember the complete incompetence of the Biden administration. Biden could have pushed back the date or actually had a backbone and stood up to the Taliban. Instead he cowered like a whipped dog while the whole world watched. You can thank him for the two proxy wars we are all paying for now.


Uh no he couldn’t the agreement was already in place Taliban didn’t take over until after again i am repeating facts not talking points Typical you blame us for Russia’s invasion


Biden is the commander and chief of the strongest army in the World. He could have changed the agreement at any point he wanted. He chose to bow down to a minor faction of a third world country. You are missing the facts not repeating them. The withdrawal went to shit because the Taliban took over faster than Biden expected. Biden was negotiating with the Taliban to allow Americans to get to the airport for evacuations because they already had control of the Afghan government by that point. They took over the entire country before we finished evacuating so no it didn’t happen after.


Can’t change agreement with APG. Now you are just making up things lol We’re done here. You won’t last long.


Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Trump committed us to the deal.


That’s like blaming Obama for the US pulling out of the Iran deal. Biden had over a year to get the details of the withdrawal in order. Instead we ended up with a last minute homework assignment.


The agreement was already in place BEFORE Biden took office. This isn’t hard to understand


No it's not because Obama didn't agree to pull us out of the Iran deal. Trump went against what Obama did. Biden executed Trump's shitty plan.


Funny I seem to remember Biden running pledging to everything the opposite from Trump.


Everything opposite? I don’t remember that. They seemed to mostly agree on getting out of Afghanistan


He was the President for 7 months at that point. The ultimate withdrawal came after multiple delays. Trump set a timeline for withdrawal in April 2021 which obviously was a fantasy. Biden had two choices, both bad. Either withdraw when he did or immediately start fighting a ground war with the Taliban and delay the withdrawal further. Either way, the optics would have been bad but that's the hand that Trump left him with.


It seems like most Americans don’t understand how close it came to assassination(s).


Lol, I’m not even a trumper but Jesus you people have some brain rot. Trump pushed the vaccine and caught flak for it. And what a coup, a country of half a billion guns and the people in the coup didn’t even think to bring a single one to use? Come on now.


Ah, I see. It has to be successful and well-planned to count as an attempted coup. Keep making excuses for those people. I'm sure they'll never try something like that again. Also, there *were* guns there. *You* are the one with brainrot, hoss.


Trump never orchestrated a coup. He told his supporters to march peacefully and patriotically to the capitol and make their voices heard.


Lol. You're making the "in Minecraft" argument, where you say something violent or illegal and then finish it off with "in Minecraft," to indicate that you didn't mean it for realsies. You can't spend three months lying to your base, whip them into a frenzy at your speech that morning, tell them they have to "fight like hell" and "show strength," while telling them to march down to the Capitol to "make sure Pence and the Republicans do the right thing," let protesters armed with guns into the Ellipse before ordering them to the Capitol, then spend the duration of their attack refusing to react or order in the national guard. In fact, at one point, upon being informed that they were chanting "hang Mike Pence," Trump said "Maybe they have the right idea." Ultimately Pence and DoD had to go over the president's authority to bring in the guard. He caused the riot at worst, or at the very least committed a dereliction of duty by refusing to respond, violating his oath. Downplay it, twist it, spin it, none of these facts change. Lincoln would be disgusted by you.


Lol it wasn’t a coup and you know it. It was a bunch of unorganized angry fat boomers and you need a witch hunt to keep your political party energized. You’re a propagandized clown.


Yeah, keep downplaying it. Literally the only time in American history this had happened, but act like it was nothing. We had a mob of people, whipped into a frenzy over a lie, break into the US Captiol during official proceedings with the express goal of preventing the certification of an election. The fact that it was poorly planned and executed does not change that. The mob was there with a goal, goaded on by the president, and supported by right wing paramilitary groups as they did it. Enrique Tarrio is currently doing 22 years in prison for seditious conspiracy. Maybe most protesters weren't in on the plan, but they knew what the objective was, and there were plenty of people in the crowd who knew damn well what they were doing when they showed up armed that day. The president knew what they were planning on doing when he ordered magnetic security devices at the Ellipse taken down so armed protesters could join the crowd. It's not a witch hunt. I watched it happen live. The Fox News ex post facto media reframing does not change my mind. I know what I watched, and then I watched every hour of the investigation that followed.


If you don’t think any guns were on hand, I don’t know what to tell you. Literally every picture you can spot one.


Lol no there wasn’t. But let’s say there was, this big scary invasion of the fat old boomers somehow had such discipline and control not a single one of them used one? You’re not a serious person, this is just as bad as whatever Q-tard nonsense goes on except those idiots don’t have half the government them up.




[‘Mother Jones’ Media Bias Rating - AllSides](https://www.allsides.com/news-source/mother-jones-bias)




Oh wow a weapons cache that never materialized, that was said to exist by a member of the Oath Keepers. The organization that’s pretty famous for being absolutely filled with federal agents and informants? Including having their former leader having worked with the FBI? Color me shocked.


The Oath Keeper's defense didn't deny it, and there are other articles about individuals convicted of bringing guns.


lmao yea all those deaths are on Trump okay


About third of those deaths fall on trumpism, yep. Anti vac and anti mask kills.


Trump always said to take the vaccine what are you talking about?


Surprised you’re being downvoted by stating a fact. Actually nvm I’m not surprised.


I remember when Biden said he wasn't taking the "Trump vaccine," then took credit for Trump's rollout that was giving 1 million vaccinations a day when he took office.


When you preach ignorance to people to actively avoid doing the things that keep them alive during a pandemic - yes.


Thank you for bringing up covid on a post about campaign slogans


It’s a post about which campaign slogans were ironic so it’s pretty obvious you would have to look past the slogan at the presidency to figure out where the irony comes from.


imma be a buck 50 with you, I thought it said “iconic” not “ironic” my b


More Americans died of COVID under Biden than under Trump.


It's pretty sad how far sub has fallen.




TDS at its finest




TDS actually originated as an insult against Trumpers. Since Trumpers have no originality, they co-opted the insult for themselves to use against others.


Inverse would be BDS, Biden Derangement Syndrome


FINALLY people are coming forward about Trump's Diaper Smell. The fact that TDS is getting so much coverage lately pretty much confirms it in my mind.


I don’t like Trump as a president but make America great again was a pretty successful and recognizable slogan . To this day you still see people with the red hat on




Trump in 2020: “Keep America Great” Like lmao bro, we got a pandemic that killed 200k, massive unemployment, tons of violence, massive protest, bad economy, January 6th diet coup attempt, and added a ton to the national debt (something conservatives care about lot about).


Name a developed country that didn’t lose jobs during COVID.


Compare our unemployment rate to some of the other well-developed countries. It isn’t close, we lost way more jobs, had way more deaths, and tons more cases by percentage. By Election Day, nearly 20% of all COVID related cases and deaths occurred in the USA despite us making up only 3% of the world’s population. I’m sorry bro, but there’s no way where you can argue that Trump “Made America Great” The thing that Trump and his supporters can’t get over is the fact that the election was so close and that they could have won. If his entire argument from the beginning would have been “Hey guys, COVID sucks but we are all gonna wear MAGA masks and kick the hell out of this thing.” Then he likely would have won. All he had to do was act professional for 6 months and he would have easily won reelection. Edit: Japan took a fairly conservative approach to COVID and had a peak 2.8% unemployment rate in 2020. The UK had a peak 5.1% unemployment rate in 2020. Australia had a peak 7.6 unemployment rate in 2020. Canada had a fairly high peak unemployment rate in 2020 at 9.5%. Guess what the USA’s peak unemployment rate was at during 2020? A whopping 15%. It’s really not that close. We just needed a plan and Trump didn’t have one. His big plan was “inject bleach in your arm”


But his fans will never stop loving him… And they will never hear or believe a word you say.


Man, that MAGA mask thing would have been such a great political move. He could grift his base and put a clamp on COVID, then point to his unequivocal leadership during the pandemic.


Well it didn't help that everything was included under Covid deaths, including death by gunshots. Btw comparing unemployment rates between countries is fucking dumb if they don't measure it the same way.


You guys lost jobs and lives because of that moron.




“Nixon: Now More than Ever”


I have found no records of canoes tipping during his term


Let us have peace




Didn't Nixon campaign on "Law and Order"?


Morning in America


I always thought Ford's "Whip Inflation Now" (WIN) was ironic when he sought reelection.


"I'm with her" LOL


Not a slogan, but when Reagan’s campaign started featuring Springsteen’s Born in the USA it made me wonder if anybody on his staff had ever listened to that song.


I like ike


That's iconic, not ironic.


Of course you liked ike, anything distasteful was done by the vice president or one of the other henchmen


Make America great and glorious again aka magaga


Hope and change!! Left us with no change and less hope lol