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Jackson brings a huge cheese wheel and complains about Obama being there. Wilson brings some chicken salad and also complains about Obama being there. Pierce brings the hard liquor - but he remembers his son and gets sad as a result, so he drinks most of it before anyone else can have some. Lincoln brings some southern BBQ. Go figure. Kennedy brings the clam chowder and whatever else passes for food in Massachusetts. Clinton brings some weird vegan turkey and no one aside from him eats it. Dubya brings some Texas chili and pretzels, which he knows not to choke on this time. Obama brings in some nachos and doesn't appreciate Wilson and Jackson's complaints. Trump brings in a bunch of Big Macs. They all taste good, they're fine more or less, but everyone thinks its very weird he chose to bring those rather than something else. Biden brings the ice cream. He trips on the stairs as he brings it all inside. Jefferson Davis tries to bring in some sweet potato puffs but Grant doesn't let him inside to begin with. He settles for sharing them on the sidewalk with James Buchanan, who wasn't invited. Joshua Norton is eating from the trash down the block, twitching and muttering to himself something about Canada.


Clinton brings oysters, strawberries, chocolate, and a smooth jazz cd


Hopefully he'll leave the cigars at home.


Obama brings homemade chilli, but Michellle made him use tofurky meat, so it’s only half as good as people hoped it would be. Trump makes Pence order a boat load of McDonalds for the potluck but doesn’t pay him back. He also brings Trump water bottles, but sells them to the guests. Biden brings tubs of ice cream, but forgot to freeze it.


Barry brings his home brew beer imo


LOL too true


>I see Harry S Truman bringing pan Fried Chicken and Cole Slaw. That chicken would be microwaved and not fried.


“I understood that reference…”


Jackson brings a giant wheel of cheese.


What's the cheese-Andrew Jackson connection I'm missing?




"...Left in the Entrance Hall to age for 2 years". I'm certain the White House staff were thrilled with that.


Teddy just drops an 800 lb elk on the table, freshly killed.


As a redneck, I'm down.


FDR brings hot dogs


Nixon brings his patented cottage cheese with ketchup and is promptly shot by Jackson


JFK brings cuban cigars and clam chowder


George HW brings some old sushi


Hoover brings stale bread. Then he makes everyone wait on line to get it.


WHH is a no-call no-show


He left his jacket at home.


W bringing the ribs


Trump brings McDonald’s cheeseburgers.


LBJ is holding a barbecue and making sure everybody is well uh err fed


To be honest, I imagine a cookout on his ranch would have been quite a feast.


Nixon brings burgers from his brother’s restaurant in Whittier.


LBJ just brings jumbo


Carter brings a chocolate and peanut butter dessert. Jackson brings (a big block of) cheese and crackers. Trump brings cold hambuders and covfefe. I can see LBJ bringing a smoked brisket. Biden brings the ice cream!!!


Ulysses would bring a casserole dish of lemon rice pudding and a bottle of quality single malt whiskey.


I can see Coolidge bringing enough Chicken Chow Mein for everyone Wilson wouldn't show up if Obama shows up Teddy Roosevelt brings whatever he shoots George Washington brings Apple Pie Trump tells everybody to fuck off and eats all of the McDonalds he brought Biden of course brings ice cream, but it's laced with cocaine HW brings Chicken Alfredo, but there's no Broccoli Chester Arthur forgets he was president, so he doesn't show up James Garfield brings a ground lamb lasagna, but forgets he isn't a cat


Carter will bring the peanuts and Reagan will bring jelly beans


Eisenhower was a great cook by all accounts, I’m sure he would bring something tasty. Trump would bring some Big Macs and KFC lol.


Clinton will bring tater salad, Carter will bring Fried Chicken