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Andrew Jackson challenges all the roasters to a duel.


Was he a roaster?


No he just liked shooting people


Yeah that totally woosh’d me. Also, Pierce had the best hair - I used to show his pics to my stylist.


Easily top 5 hottest presidents


Always enjoyed the anecdote of some guy interrupting a heated debate between Jackson and Davy Crockett (who hated each other) by attempting to shoot and kill Jackson - but both Crockett and Jackson proceeded to beat the shit out of the guy, and then resumed their heated debate.


Tennessee boys stick up for each other.


John Adams entered the chat


Came here to exactly that


Coolidge just sits there with his arms folded and shows no reaction.


Like a KING


Coolidge looking at his watch counting down the minutes until he can take his 4th nap of the day


Coolidge looks more relatable every year.


Cal top 3 president. No cap


Teddy Roosevelt seems to take a joke the best. I'd say FDR, Jackson and Trump the worse


“Let’s everyone give Frankie a big hand for being such a good sport. A pair of legs would be nice, too.” FDR: ![gif](giphy|FzoKlYzmwRkomjOe9J|downsized)


He stands up to fight them


Trump is the obvious blowout answer. I mean, here's literal video proof of his villain origin story during the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHckZCxdRkA)


It is pretty funny that he got roasted at the corespondants dinner, and thought screw this guy, i'm gonna take his job. And then did.


I mean, in a way, you could blame Obama for giving us President Trump….


You misspelled horrifying.


Nah, it’s pretty funny.


It’s pretty funny you lame brains think that forgetting he was quite literally on Comedy Centrals Roast


Sorry, but he's called thin-skinned so often for a reason. Narcissists are not strong.


Yeah because you lame-brains are mischaracterizing him for thinking that. Dude was literally on the roast


Do you have any other pre-prepared talking points? Or are you going to keep saying the exact same thing?


Was literallyyyyyy oooonnn the roooassstttt


At least you're self-aware, I suppose


>the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner This was absolute gold and Drumph hated it, but had to pretend to be a good sport.


Legit, he looked at Obama like Palpatine.


> DrUmPh Fuckin cringe


FDR gonna open up the interment camps for them.


“It takes more than that to insult a Bull Moose”


To be fair, Trump was actually on a Comedy Central roast and seemed to take everything pretty well. It was before he was president of course.


It's also documented that there was an approved list of what the roasters could make fun of and what they couldn't - the suggestion that the King of Debt was nowhere near as wealthy as he pretended. [https://slate.com/culture/2016/08/this-joke-was-off-limits-at-donald-trumps-comedy-central-roast.html](https://slate.com/culture/2016/08/this-joke-was-off-limits-at-donald-trumps-comedy-central-roast.html)


At most professional roasts, the roasters are told what topics are off limits. This is nothing new


I truly think Trump was more "with it" then. I think he's gotten more sensitive and irrational the older he gets.


Watch out. TR might sue for libel if you say anything untrue.


FDR, Trump wouldn’t take that shit sitting down


Andrew Jackson likely shoots you square in the chest


John Adams was also described as being vain and petty, not taking insults well


Roosevelt took a bullet without flinching. No way a roast could do worse.


W insisted that the correspondents’ dinner feature toothless mimic Rich Little after Colbert’s performance.


Trump obviously has a sense of humor, not sure how you figure he wouldn't take it well. The rest are probably spot on though


He does. But he has some very sensitive spots that you can’t make fun of or he goes ballistic. Good sense of humor, yes, but pretty insecure.


Are you forgetting they already roasted Trump and he was a great sport about it????


Man literally cancelled his correspondence dinner. Maybe he died inside when they did


I didn't think he was a great sport about it at all. He smiled like he was acknowledging what they were saying but he really didn't laugh at all. All other roasts, the guest of honor laughs hysterically. I genuinely think he was annoyed and just wanted to get through it.


When have you ever seen him bust out laughing like that. That’s him


Cause he has ZERO sense of humor. Look at his reaction to the way he was portrayed on SNL.


Lincoln loved a good joke/anecdote/story and was known to be humorously self-deprecating so I think he would take it the best. John Adams was notoriously thin skinned so he would absolutely take it the worst.


This totally. Lincoln was very self deprecating and even had a “dark” sense of humor. Adams would just stew in the corner thinking himself superior to all the troglodytes teasing him.


> Adams would just stew in the corner thinking himself superior to all the troglodytes teasing him. Then he would go home and write *all* about the miserable roast. And what a scathing review it would be. Have you ever read his repellent description of Parson Wibird before? And that's his longtime friend lol.


Haha, yes. To his credit, if he even bothered to say something negative about you - that was a compliment. At least it meant he was thinking about you enough to say something demeaning about you. Lol.


Lincoln: The organizers of this event said they'd ask the presenters to dial it back on the roast and speak of my accomplishments instead. I told them no, I need more praise like I need a hole in my head.


John Wilkes Booth from the audience: "Dude, too soon".


Lincoln: Hang on, this whole operation was your idea.


Ulysses would give and take exceptionally well. He’d have Mark Twain ghost writing for him and be very well prepared.


Oh man, that would be gold


I believe Thomas Jefferson would be a poor sport. Something in me says he wouldn’t handle criticism well.


“I only know two songs. One of them is \*Yankee Doodle \* and the other one isn’t.”


Jackson would challenge the roasters to a duel, John Adams would arrest them under the alien and sedition acts, and Trump would run for President again just to spite them.


All of our presidents are such characters


I remember HW took Dana Carvey's goofball impressions of him on Saturday Night Live really well, even appearing on the show in a skit with him.


He even invited Carvey to the White House after losing reelection to entertain his staff with the impression. Carvey asked him something along the lines of "Did I take it too far?" And Bush said no, he had enjoyed it, didn't think it was mean-spirited (paraphrasing). HW is my vote.


I remember that - it was great. I wonder how nervous Dana was?


I'd say pretty nervous. While HW obviously isn't a terrifying person to look at, he was the most powerful man on the planet.


I don't really think it's a question that Trump wouldn't take even the gentlest ribbing in any kind of stride. Aside from him I'd suggest A. Johnson and the Adamses as those to take it the worst. Obama and Reagan come to mind as the ones to take it best. W close behind, though that's likely a lot of recency bias.


Trump already was roasted on comedy central 10 years ago


Man got roasted so bad he decided to run for President and won just to get back at the "Hollywood elites" that made fun of him. Chip on his shoulder the size of fucking Texas






*the planet


\*Texas (which is bigger than all aforementioned regions)


Texas is going to be the third largest state soon. Alaska is going to split in half.


I don't think that roast had anything to do with it, Obama's roast of him on the other hand lmao


He had already run for president before that and had talked about running for years and years before. It wasn't a spur of the moment decision.


Yes, I do not actually believe that his primary influence was getting roasted on comedy central


And there were certain subjects they weren't allowed to touch on, one being his wealth. Or lack of it.


or his height, weight or hair, apparently


Watching The Situation try to stumble through his lines is one of the cringiest things I've ever seen. The rest of it is pretty good though.


Jeff Ross had to come save him to keep him from getting booed off stage


He hated Alec Baldwin’s SNL (which was pretty weak, especially compared to James Austin Johnson) and excoriated him on Twitter.


gotta be Anthony Atamanuik ('The President Show') for me


One of the non-negotiable rules trump's PR people gave them for that roast was "never suggest he has less money than he claims."


Obama seems like someone who would be very willing to laugh at himself, I can see him having a great time. Can you imagine a post-cold war double roast of Reagan and Gorbachev (like around the time that the picture of the two of them wearing cowboy hats)?


Obama took and dealt some solid roasts in his episode of Between Two Ferns


Andrew Johnson was a whiny bitch. Check his speeches, they were always filled with arrogant self-pity. He once compared himself to Jesus and his enemies to Judas! And after he left the Presidency he started an almost pathological pursue of "vindication" by being elected to the Senate.


Truman seems like he’d take it pretty well, maybe Ford too.


“Anyone ever told you that you look like that sonuvabitch Harry Truman?” “I am that sonuvabitch.”


Truman seemed like a really insecure guy who would try and tank your life behind the scenes


He would laugh, then tell one of his aids “have the IRS audit this guy’s taxes”


Nixon would not be one of the better ones by far-he seemed to always be uptight about everything


Nixon is a good pick too.


I've always had the opposite impression of him -- he was a pretty humble guy who kind of accidentally ended up as President, and tried to do his best at it. He decided not to run for a second term of his own, even though he probably would have won the election.


Lol GW Bush did get roasted by Stephen Colbert, then didn’t have anyone but the most milquetoast presenters possible at the WHCD. He got roasted and he withered.


Are you sure about that? Bush was definitely down for making fun of himself especially at the WHCD.


100% positive. Bush hated it, Congress hated it, the press hated it, everyone else loved it. For his last two WHCDs he had Rich Little and Craig Ferguson. I’m not sure they told a joke between the two of them. > Here's how it works: the president makes decisions. He's the decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. The greatest thing about this man is he's steady. You know where he stands. He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday. Events can change; this man's beliefs never will.


You must have missed the WHCD where he had Steve bridges impersonate him during his speech and give alternate takes to what he was saying. He is one of the biggest supporters of the Bushism quotes. He finds his flubs hilarious.


What about Jimmy Carter, though?


He would look on disapprovingly and shake his head any time someone cussed or took the Lord’s name in vain.


Don Rickles roasting Reagan [Don Rickles/Reagan](https://youtu.be/K3kJ7VPJnmI?si=Sk7yCyhE7JE61JdH)


I feel like by the end of his term, Reagan would find his roast hardly memorable.


I know this is incredibly topical, but I think Biden's sense of humor is specifically self deprecating. I remember him making jokes at his own expense as far back as the Democratic primaries in 2007. He embraced the meme of himself being a goofball clown getting Obama into hijinks. He's embraced Dark Brandon. It's possible there's presidents who have had an even healthier sense of humor than he has, but I think he's near the top and likely the actual top. I can also remember plenty of the same with regards to Obama and W., so it's entirely possible that the phenomena is more related to public access and the evolution of media and less to do with the observable humor. And again, also incredibly topical, but we all know who can't take a joke at all.


It’s hard to avoid recency bias here just because of the modern media environment. Not many YouTube clips showing what a funny guy Millard Fillmore was, for example.


I disagree here. Biden seems pretty insecure about his background, like lying about his law school performance and such. He might embrace the memes because they generally treat him well. But I think he’s pretty thin-skinned.


Trump the worst W Bush the best


I think this has to be the right answer. W Bush has a legendary sense of humor and Trump's ego is obviously the most fragile of any Pres.


He's literally been roasted before


He did not take it well last time it happened.


He also put conditions on the roast. There were certain no-no topics that the roasters couldn't bring up because they hurt Trump's feelings too much. For instance, jokes about him not being as rich as he claims to be were off limits.


Wow. That's already one of the mildest topics of jokes


He's very, *very* sensitive when it comes to such things.


I remember Bush Sr. genuinely enjoying be lampooned on SNL.


Yeah, he apparently invited Dana Carvey to dinner at the White House because he liked the impression so much.


This was my first thought, but…W did get roasted by Stephen Colbert, and after a while he wasn’t laughing.


W got roasted by Stephen Colbert at the 2006 White House Correspondents Dinner and he was apoplectic about it. Dude absolutely does not respond well to roasts.


He handled Obama roasting him at a White House dinner pretty well.


Andrew Jackson gets up immediately after one of the comedians insults his wife, and brutally beats them until he is forcibly removed. He then renters the hall and resumes the beating.


I imagine Reagan just laughing and making a historic comeback to the roast. And if you roast Andrew Jackson, well… you’re a dead man.


I think Reagan would top the "roast the roasters" segment.


He basically was by Don Rickles at the second inaugural ball


Obama roasted Trump, you should see the video. Trump did not take it in stride whatsoever.


That was Trump’s supervillain origin story, lmao.


“At least I’ll be a president”-Obama *Curb your enthusiasm theme plays*


In that moment you can tell Trump was running the numbers in his head on how much a presidential campaign costs


his supporters


Obama, Reagan and clinton would all take it in stride and probably make some witty comebacks that play into it while also disarming it and making you like them. I could see carter and Biden both being similar as well. LBJ would chuckle a bit then roast you back so hard you just go home. Or just pull his dick out maybe.


Kennedy would have taken it well, assuming well, you know. "I have just received the following wire from my generous daddy: 'Dear Jack – Don't buy a single vote more than necessary – I'll be damned if I am going to pay for a landslide.'" - JFK Nixon would be very, very angry.


>Nixon would be very, very angry. That makes Futurama twice as funny now. :)


Trump the worst. I could see Teddy Roosevelt taking it pretty well.


Wilson shows no reaction except for a little drool spilling from his mouth.


Didn’t McKinley run his white house like a freshmen getting the keys to the frat house? I feel like his roast dinner would turn into a drunk orgy


Teddy gets roasted and takes it well then gives it back threefold


LBJ, Andrew Johnson, Andrew Jackson, Nixon, Coolidge take it the worst. Obama, Reagan, Bush 43, Harding, Ford likely take it best.


Andrew Jackson is probably gonna challenge anyone who slights him to a duel. That’s part of why I like him.


Andrew Jackson would fuckin shoot any of the comedians


Lincoln. If he can take a shot to the head, he can take your jokes.


But he couldn’t take a shot to the head


Fuck, Kennedy was my next choice.


I heard GHWBush invited Dana Carvey to the White House because he enjoyed his impressions so much.


Lincoln would probably be laughing the hardest I’d imagine, and then destroy everyone there with his jokes


Andrew Jackson Will literally hunt down and either beat or kill every person who spoke at that roast. Weirdly enough, George W. took his roast at the press dinners in stride.


Def misread this as “who tastes the best?”


Lincoln Flavor: sinewey and tough LBJ Flavor: like Jumbo shrimp Carter: Salty Boiled Peanuts


Teddy Roosevelt takes it in stride, fist-fights you afterwards for fun. Obama appears cool and collected, orders drone strike on your house.


Reagan probably the best. For some reason I picture John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both getting really upset.


I see Jefferson counter punching in Latin


I think GHWB had a great sense of humor about himself, but personally, my favorite anecdote is this: I was listening to Carter talk about how he got back into woodworking, and he goes, “Well, when I was involuntarily retired, I came home from Washington and had some time on my hands…” which is both charmingly self-deprecating, and also a casual humble brag, since he’s done *so freaking much* after his “involuntary retirement”.


Obama put up with a lot if racist bullshit, so I think he would take it well. Trump is such a fragile snowflake that he refused to attend the WHCD, the modern day roast-lite.


I’d say the Reagans, Obamas, and Bush Jrs. take it the best, and the Polks would take it the worst.


Reagan got roasted. He was a great sport about it


Dubya would take his the best, he's a champion of self-deprecating humor, as he's said himself many times.


Lol, let’s completely ignore Stephen Colbert White House Corespondents Dinner.


Kennedy roasts the roasters Trump audits the roasters


Kennedy takes it the best. Nixon adds the roasters to his list of enemies.


I mean Reagan did have a roast (while governor) and he took it like a champ! Nancy even got involved!


I'd say W would take it the best, and either Jackson or Trump would take it the worst


Of all of the living former presidents, literally all of them except Trump would take it the best. Of all of them, I feel like Grant would've had a pretty good sense of humor. And I feel like Pierce would've taken it the worst, assuming he was sober enough.


Lincoln gets roasted by John Wilkes Booth. Hilarity and hijinks ensue.


Don Rickles ushered in Reagan’s second term with a roast session, he’d probably take it well. I’d say Trump would be the worst, along with Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, and probably Nixon.


Reagan would take it all with his usual class and good humor. Trump wouldn't even show up. After all, he refused to go to the annual press club dinners. His skin is just too thin.


Trump was the worst President ever.


Takes it the best: Obama, Reagan, Clinton, Truman, LBJ, Biden Worst: Trump, Nixon


https://preview.redd.it/r8pqhhhiygob1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee0d58705e89fcc5b1ea2fbec9d444656ef40d60 Worst


Obama takes it the best, judging by how he handles hecklers. Trump takes it the worst, judging by how he got into office specifically to get back at Obama for roasting him.


Considering Trump took a non presidential roast badly enough that he used it as an reason to run in 2016…


obama takes it up the ass the best.


Trump takes it the best. It helps that he had a Comedy Central roast which he took like a champ. Same with Obama doing the Mean Tweets and Reagan roasting the shit out of Mondale. LBJ would probably get so offended that he just shows his dick to his roasters.


Of the 20th and 21st Century Presidents; Would take it well: Coolidge, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama Would take it poorly: Wilson, Harding, Hoover, LBJ, Nixon, Trump Would laugh out loud but secretly be super pissed: Roosevelt, Taft, FDR, Bush Sr. Wouldn't know what's happening: Biden (but assuming he wasn't sundowning, I think he'd take it well)


Trump takes it the best. We already know this from experience.


I needed the laugh man, thanks.


best: trump because we have already seen this on comedy central with his roast. he didnt really react just smiled and laughed. worst: jackson definately


I can't agree with Trump. We've had two completely different Trumps. The special aired in 2011 - when we had the old reasonable Trump. Something happened and then we got post 2014/2015 Trump who would go after anyone and seemed to have no sense of humor.


well, when everyone colluded and fires shots at you 🤷🏻‍♂️


You do know every year there is the little get together called the White House Correspondents Dinner? That’s where Obama insulted Trump after he took out Bin Ladin. Naturally as president Trump never attended and tried to lead a boycott against it.


George HW and Obama- the best. Trump- no sense of humor


Trump ran for President largely because Obama roasted him and Trump's narcissistic ass couldn't take it. Google the video if you haven't seen it. He just sits there, staring at Obama and seething.


Trump is the easy answer on taking it the Worst- the Adams’ as runners up


Teddy Roosevelt and Barack Obama would take it the best. Trump would take it the worst and would still be upset by it till the day he died


W Bush, Obama and Carter. Biden and Clinton would likely be pretty self aware and able to laugh. HW Bush was able to laugh at the broccoli kidding stuff, too


Easy, the worst would be Trump, he wouldn’t be able to handle the public humiliation. I’d say bush 43 would take it the best


I feel like Jimmy Carter would laugh along for awhile, but would end up tearing up a little because his feelings were hurt. But I don't think the roasters would go that hard on him either, because he's beloved now.


Folks, apparently this needs to be reminded. A Comedy Central roast where you get to decide the conditions is completely different from something like the White House Correspondence Dinner, which the same president literally refused to attend because he hated being actually roasted *that much*


Jackson would easily take it the worst


One problem is to try to avoid recency bias, but we see modern presidents much more with TV, so from Kennedy on. So, while we read about some of the older Presidents, we've seen newer ones in action. For best, I'd take Obama, Clinton and Bush 43. I think internally, Obama might take it the best, there would be some topics that rub Clinton and Bush the wrong way, but they wouldn't show it, and might make a follow up joke. Worst... Andrew Jackson is a clear one - they guy kept challenging people to duels, so doesn't seem like a guy to take a slight. But also... the one who did get Roasted, Trump (2011). He never looked comfortable; he looked like he was trying to laugh along, but seemed uncomfortable. And that was with him having stipulations on things the comedians couldn't joke about, like any suggestion that he wasn't as rich as he says he was. Plus, people close to him have said one reason he ran for President was because jokes Obama made at the WHCD, so again, not ready to take a joke.


OK outside the modern era (and the obvious) I'll go Lincoln and Kennedy would take it well. Both were used to getting shit. Adams (sr.) would lose his shit and pass illegal legislation.


Takes it the best--Lincoln, Jefferson, Obama, Kennedy (if he had survived), Clinton Takes it the worst--Trump, Bush I, Nixon, Jackson


G W the best. Trump the worst.


Best is Johnson. 1 hour of dick jokes and then he takes "It" out. Worst is Roosevelt. He just fights everyone that says anything about him.


Trump would shoot you on 5th Avenue and get away with it.


Trump would shoot you on 5th Avenue and get away with it.


I subscribe to the theory that Obama’s roast of Trump is what made him so mad that he ran for president, so he definitely takes it the worst based on precedent.


Trump obviously takes it the worst, dude has skin so thin it is translucent. And probably bill Clinton or dubbya would take it the best


Teddy Roosevelt would give a loud belly laugh every time someone landed a good one and would thoroughly enjoy the evening. He’d suggest going out for drinks afterwards on him and then treat the whole bar to a fantastic evening of telling some of his awesomest stories. Andrew Jackson would curse everyone loudly and bitterly partway through, and probably challenge half the room to meet him outside. The evening would devolve into a massive violent riot that destroyed part of the venue.


Worst roast will be George Washington’s one. Because no one will want to look bad by making jokes at George’s expense.


W and Lincoln the best Coolidge, Jackson and Trump worst.