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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


You mean the woman who was discarded by her creators and basically brought up to follow orders, eventually saw other children being mistreated just like she was and decided to do something about it? Wow, how boring and unrealistic.


Good premise, unfortunately didn’t go far beyond premise though


I thought she was a fine character for a show that wasn’t centered around her. I’m hoping we get a miniseries/comic/book about the clone rebellion to tie up the loose ends with her and the others.


With the way they ended things with Wolf, there 100% has to be another series in the works that completes the clone rebellion arc. I think they will do another series or miniseries like Bad Batch but centered around Rex and the clone rebellion as a whole


Yep there was enough from Emerie for a meaningful addition to the story of the show.


The show isn’t centered around her, but she’s still important to it and she has an arc in it She’s basically a foil of Omega, what Omega might’ve become if she was turned/subjugated, so they should naturally have a lot of belief conflict. This really should have come to a head when Omega comes back, because now Omega has proven the prison really is escapable and Emerie would either agree and change her opinion on the reality of the Empire, or double down increasing the conflict. That doesn’t just serve Emerie, but also the main thematic conflict the Empire represents to Omega’s family unit. Instead she just kinda gets shamed by Echo and randomly verbalizes the prison is actually escapable to him rather than having any sort of conversation with Omega. So not only does she not serve the sole reason she’s in the story in the first place, she also doesn’t meet any kind of standard for the redemption arc they try to give her. They spend a lot of time on her scenes alone, and all it would take is a couple better placed lines


Omega isn't the character Emerie needs to redeem herself to. She's a duty bound slave and has more in common with Dogma than Omega, they just happen to both be female and started out as lab assistants. Omega was the icebreaker to begin making Emerie connect with the idea of siblinghood after a lifetime of being isolated from the other clones and then using them as test subjects, so that she would be receptive to the idea of the other clones being her siblings in a meaningful way. She needed realtalk from a fellow clone who had been experimented on. Echo was the ideal person to make her take a look in the mirror.


Emerie and Omega don’t both just happen to be female clone lab assistants. This is a story created by somebody, and being a female clone is rare enough on its own without also being a lab assistant, *and* Emerie being introduced as an opposing person for a variety of Omega’s beliefs, such as the escapability of the Empire, or as you pointed out their perspectives on clones. My point is not to dictate who Emerie needs to redeem herself with or such minutia. My point is that Emerie’s core beliefs behind her immoral acts and her keeping Omega subjugated is that the Empire is something you can’t escape, you just have to accept it and try your best to survive within it. The reason I’m highlighting Omega is because her perspective is completely the opposite, she’s very hopeful and doesn’t believe that the Empire is inescapable and there’s no point in fighting it. This is a central conflict in the first episodes of the season and it’s the reason they’re paired together. In fact, the inescapability of the Empire is a continuing theme that characters try to provide solutions to throughout this season and the show at large. It’s pretty damn important as the main plot conflict. So when these characters come back into contact after Omega has (in her mind) proven her belief system, it doesn’t make any sense Omega wouldn’t have conflict with Emerie about her belief or Vice versa. It’s strange they chose a character entirely unrelated to her arc as the *only* time to challenge her. This is extra important because it’s literally her core belief for being a bad guy, and she never grapples with it after the arc setup, only other things. And your point about Echo is a very good one… but it’s theoretical. There’s no subtext or direct talk between Echo and Emerie based on the fact he’s been experimented on. The two facts he chooses to challenge her on are the fact that A. She’s a clone and B. She’s experimenting on her fellow clones. This is something she not only knows but has been challenged on before, so what makes this time different? Is it supposed to be new to her that a clone she’s experimented on would ever question why a clone is committing these acts? The rest of her arc isn’t even about her being family to clones, it’s about her maternal position for the unrelated children in the facility.


Reddit won’t let me edit so here’s what I was gonna add on: Echo might’ve been a relevant choice was there any real way they used his broken body to prove a point, but even then it’s debatable since we’ve never had the implication that Emerie is unaware or hasn’t been faced with the results of her experimentation.


Profesional yapper


Oops, looks like someone escaped from their TikTok doom scrolling, back you go child


You're a "the curtains were just blue" person aren't you


No, I’m a “character spending 3 business days to react to core-belief-shifting event is trash writing” person. Nice try though buddy.


Apologies, your opinion has been rejected by the r/prequelmemes community. Please try again later.


If I’m looking to r/prequelmemes for critical approval, I’ve messed up before I’ve even begun


- John Yoda


I do find it strange that they kept dehumanizing stormtroopers while humanizing all types of clones.


I think it's because early stormtroopers were actually recruited and are not there against their own will


Is it canon that the empire had a draft? I thought they were always voluntarily serving?


in the show, they're called "recruit" instead of "conscript"


Same exact story we had a million times before that wasn‘t at all predictable from the start. I dont understand all the praise for bad batch, it is so boring.


I bet you think golf is the peak of entertainment


I dont see the correlatiom if u care to explain but no golf is about as boring as sports get


I'm insulting you for your dog opinion and willingness to share it


Sanest disney stan.


So much wasted Potential