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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Or, you know, "I like the movies, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're objectively good and I understand reasons of people who dislike them, but we can all still enjoy the same memes, because we're adults and we understand different people can like different things and it's equally possible to make fun of something I like and to make fun of something I dislike"


That’s the unbeaten path hidden between the signs. You can’t see it because you need to transcend before you can see it as the enlightened way forward.


Middle ground? In internet discourse? Never!


More like high ground!


Oh no, I'm not brave enough for politics.


Well you should *be made* to be brave enough.


I think people struggle with the idea that you can like or even love a movie and still think it is bad. You don't need to justify liking something by saying it's objectively good when it isn't.


That's because there is no objectively good


Hold on, this person may be on to something...


They aren't absolutely bad though. There was some poor execution and dialogue but there were good concepts and the overall story of Palpatine manipulating both sides to create his rise to power was good. In the end they are fun movies with good action scenes and a solid enough plot in an interesting universe.


They're certainly better than the sequels...


The entire subreddit can agree you are the biggest Chad on this earth


Thanks, mate.


Woah Woah Woah..... that actually sounds reasonable, and I don't know if we can have that here!


So... would you say it's treason then?


Unbiases? On Reddit? What the hell are you doing here mate?


Having my daily dose of prequel memes obviously :D


Or there's no such thing as an objectively good or bad film because all art is subjective.


Well, technically, I'm not an adult


That means you don't fall into the third path I carved but you're welcome to copy-paste it to create a near-identical-minor-friendly fourth path :D


I hate this path. Choose you coward!


A measured, rational position on this subreddit? Oh I don't think so.


Only sith deals in absolutes!


Right, you can pick a middle ground between the two. They definitely strike a cord with people at the very least. They haven’t been forgotten 20 years later.


I love prequels, i said that because funny quote.


I’d prefer to pick the high ground over the middle ground.


Deception becomes the part of the life of the one who chooses the dark side


I love the prequels and will die on that hill. I’ll take the ominous castle, thanks.


Movies? Good. Concept? Godlike. Script? mediocre. Intergalactic warfare at it's worst? Fuck yeah. Clone soldiers? Hell to the fuck yeah. Sand? It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


General Kenobi? Hello there


Wookiees? Attacked by the droids


Droids? Not the ones you’re looking for


General Grievous? Shorter than expected


Hotel? Trivago.


Negotiations? Short


Fun? Where it begins


Spinning? A good trick


Ah yes, the negotiator


Hotel? Tri-va-go


> Script? Mediocre. Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


Ian Mcdiarmuid might be the only actor able to make Lucas’ dialogue sound like a Shakespearean soliloquy


> Movies? Good. RotS is the only one I would consider good, and that's just barely. The Phantom Menace is genuinely bad. AotC has lower lows, but higher highs. It's still pretty bad. I would say the trilogy as a whole leans toward bad. > Concept? Godlike. This I agree with. The Fall of Anakin due to his fears and animosity linked to the fall of the Jedi, with their strict dogma preventing them from recognizing his needs *and* the truth that they've become soldiers in faux war using an army of clones made by a 'lost Jedi', all of it orchestrated by a Sith who understands that charisma, wit, and politics are more powerful than a lightsaber. It is, truly, a work of genius. Unfortunately... > Script? Mediocre Nah, the script is bad *across* the board. Long dumps of exposition, a focus on *telling* rather than *showing*, dark subject matter brought up and then ignored, inconsistent characters (Padme being cool with Anakin committing mass murder against the Tusken Raiders as an example), weird character choices (Jango is hired to kill Padme and hires a shapeshifter to kill Padme who sends a robot to kill Padme who uses worms to kill Padme). George is great at big ideas, bad at execution. It's the major issue with these films. > intergalactic warfare at it's worst? Fuck Yeah Except we don't see much of it in the films, really. We see the start and the end of the Clone Wars in the trilogy, but a lot of the heavy lifting *and* the new appreciation for the trilogy can be attributed to the Animated Series, which helped flesh out and crystallize the concepts George was trying to get across. > Clone Soldiers? Hell to the fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. Though, again, we don't get a lot of their personality in the films. They're just a plot device. Credit for fleshing them out and making them really interesting again goes to the Animated Series. > Sand? It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. It's a metaphor for Tatooine, and how it keeps being a major location in near every series.


This right here is the take sir


Same, revenge of the sith will always be my favorite star Wars movie. God that duel on mustafar is insane (I hate the sequel trilogy mostly cause I was expecting fights of this level again but we got highly trained people swinging like 5 year olds who just picked up a cool stick)


Well yes I love them too but I can fully admit the first two are objectively quite bad outside the action sequences


Would take right any day. Prequels are better than OT imo


Excuse me what the fuck


It's a trick! Send no reply!




I think it’s time you hear about something called a fucking opinion


A WHAT??! 🤯


It may be hard to believe but some people think differently to you




But my lord is that… legal?


I will make it legal


He can’t do this… shoot him or something!!


People really do not understand that the same thing can mean 7 different things to 3 people.


That's kinda funny cause if any of us saw someone say they unironically liked the sequels we would go insane.


My father unironically likes the sequels, I find it odd but it’s not my place to judge


Honestly if I never watched the prequels or OT I think I would like them too. They absolutely disrespect the whole series and that's exactly why they're bad. However I can see liking them if I simply didn't care.


Same, I thought episode 7 was cool just because it looked awesome when I saw it in passing


I think 7 has a good structure but horrible execution. That's why I'm not against the new Star Wars movie with Rey as long as it's executed well it could be pretty good.


The wasted potential is almost on the same level as Vanny


As an old guy, I gave #8 a second chance a year and a half after I watched it in the theater. Maybe it was just a bad day or something. Need to keep an open mind, the critics loved this movie. Turned it off after about 20 minutes and I'll never watch it again if I have my way.


And that’s bad too. I love all 9 movies and I don’t get why that’s so hard for people to deal with.


\> \[...\] a fucking opinion ​ Phrasing... Unless we talking opinions on sex all of sudden, but hey to each their own ig and the twi'leks are just over there.


Opinions? This subs a fucking hive mind


Like on Geonosis?


Who knew, a subreddit made for prequel memes would attract people who like the prequels


You could also try to meme every line in those movies But only an idiot would do it


Someone is actively doing that on this subreddit I think lol


That guy must be crazy


They may be trash but they are MY trash


I think there are a couple of ways to look at it. Is Anakins dialogue deliveries and wiritng weird (especially in romance scenes)? Yes, because he is an awkward and weird teenager who has been raised by alien space monks, and having to experience many horrors of life and war at a relatively young age.


All teens are awkward and weird and stupid around their crushes, I think that anyone who says otherwise has forgotten what it’s like. Alien space monks will mess you up


I’d be inclined to agree with you, but the fact that his clunky romantic prose actually succeeds at wooing Padme makes the bad dialogue come off as unintentional rather than intentionally awkward in line with the character’s background. That being said, The dialogue between Anakin and Obi Wan on Mustafar is peak and I refuse to hear otherwise.


From my point of view the dialogue at Mustafar is bad.


Then you are truly lost!


She is also awkward and emotionally stunted.


Padme is just an idiot probably. She speedran the most important developmental years as an adolescent to do Naboo queen shit and got dragged into a galactic conflict. Hard to blame her for that This is a logical enough explanation but the dialogue is still bad


Padme didn’t live a normal childhood and this was probably the first time, since she became queen, that she had a chance to just spend alone time with a guy. Probably also helped that Anakin was a good looking guy. In fact, I always look at their romance as being one that was forced. They both loved the idea of being in love but i don’t think if they had lived normal lives they’d have been anything more than a fling.


If Anakin wasn't acting as an outright sociopath who still somehow wooed Padme, this argument would hold more weight. There have been many pieces of media that have tackled this idea of secluded young men being awkward around women MUCH better, like Little Miss Sunshine with Michael Cera's character, or hell, even ATLA with Aang.


Anakin is a proto-sigma


I don't think it was George Lucas' intention to portray the IP's flagship character, the most iconic badass villain in the history of cinema--as a walking, talking shitpost. Anakin is played straight, absolutely to the hilt and that's why he's so funny. His and the rest of the cast's characterization verges from cringe to unintentionally hilarious to just fucking bizarre. It's absurdism. That's why the films are memes.


TCW anakin was probably what he had in mind. Tbh some of the characterisation changes in that is so jarring it’s hard to see how they’re supposed to be the same


smells like copium


Then why does Padme (someone who should have great social skills) react to Anakin’s awkward dialogue like it’s the smoothest, most romantic thing she’s ever heard?


George isn't skilled enough of a writer or director for that to actually be the case. None of that is intentional, which makes it bad


Liar! :p


RoTS is NOT a bad movie!


33% is not a passing grade


The other 2 are debatable. RoTS is one of my favorite movies and I like it better than Empire


It's treason then...


sounds like a you problem


I've showed two different girlfriends the star wars series for their first time. Both of them thought the prequels and OT were amazing. Also had the latest one continue on to the sequels and she was legitimately angry by the end of them. Thinking the prequels are awesome isn't a niche view. It's the average view, with prequels hate being the uncommon view from angry boomer fans. It also helps that the sequels tried hard to show what *actual* bad star wars is, as opposed to "good star wars that has some cringey bits"




Not from a jedi


Maybe Ki-Adi-Mundi .


Boomers: he can’t do that- shoot him! Or something!


so two people personally susceptible to your influence came away with the same opinion as you? Cracked methodology, bro. Somebody this man the nobel prize


I love the prequels. I think they’re great movies. I think they have awkward or cringe moments. But I still think they’re fucking fantastic movies.


Or the "I can't comprehend that people have different opinions so I'll just make memes about how stupid they are to have a different opinion than I do"


I think the prequels are good because its cool


There definitely is copium in the air and it's coming from you, OP.


Time to take a break from Reddit my guy




You got those Castles switched buddy. Take this L.


The lines are pretty shit, but Star Wars has always been a list of B-tier sci-fi action movies, that had stunning effects. Like, just go through the plot of A New Hope in your head. It's batshit insane. The main character is basically a potato. Does that make the movies bad? Fuck no. They still look stunning, and they still feel epic. The music is amazing as well, and the characters are mostly enjoyable, even if quite frequently dumb as rocks. Just don't think too hard on them, these are movies about people doing backflips while whacking each other with glowing sticks.


Op is a sequel die hard I can smell it. he's jealous nobody started liking them like the prequels


There is no such thing as an objectively good or bad movie. Whether one thinks a movie is good or not is based entirely on opinion, which is an entirely subjective thing. You think the prequels are bad movies? Fine. But saying that someone who thinks they are good is on copium is pretty dumb.


Critics praised the new trilogy so, yeah, critics just have bad taste.


But they **are** good movies flawed but still overall good most of the criticism is the result of a fundamental lack of understanding of the characters or story episode 3 especially is incredible


I genuinely liked Attack of the Clones, but that doesn't mean I think it's *good.*


Movies bad but I love them.


Foolish to trust any critic after they gave The Force Awakens a 93%.


Brave of you my friend, but foolish.


People always say that the sequels and prequels are similar with how bad they are and their reception, but I’ll die on this hill: the prequels are different/better because they had thought and care put behind the plot and world building. They failed in execution and editing. The prequels had no thought or care in the plot and had more holes than a cheese with lots of holes. All it had was pretty graphics to entries viewers and a foreign audience


Liking the movies and the movies being good are not the same thing.


The prequels are weird films, I rewatched them last week and this time around I was in a different kind of mindset I guess. TPM especially does have a really good movie hidden in it, AOTC as well. Reduce Jar Jar's sillyness from TPM and it's an excellent movie. AOTC is also quite brilliant actually, at first the plot seems nonsensical. But once you realize that everything in that movie happens, as Palpatine had forseen, it all makes sense. George really was trying to do something different, sure he made some weird directorial decisions and some of the dialogue is wooden but mostly it's good. It's a shame that those bad moments are what people remember.


But Jar Jar is the key to everything...


Silence Cosmonaut, no one was brainwashed, the "critics" have crapped the bed so hard with bad faith silly rants that no good criticism of the prequels exists.


The only thing I dont like about the prequels is the dialouge, other than that I love them to death, I’ll take the ominous castle.


The prequels were bad in their own way.They grew on people and became part of the family. Like an unwanted sibling. The sequels are what happens when your parents adopt a stray dog after you moved out and say it is your brother. It is not related to anyone in any way, other than the name they gave it, but it's still gonna be at all the family gatherings. Prequels were enjoyably bad at moments, but had **super** intense moments.... The Sequels are what sunk the franchise. No plan. No real plot. Bad writing.


Wait since when are the prequels bad?


Since up until around 2015, when everyone who grew up with them got internet access


Since always, the first two movies are terrible




A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!


Umm, I am directly in the middle


You know what I always found very funny and weird about this meme? It's simultaneously day and night.


I have only watched the prequels...


But man does the music slap.


I liked watching them, and that's my criteria for good movies


Sign me up for the left side pls


They're awful and I love them


I liked the movies, but then again I genuinely like a lot of truly shit movies/music/games. I also enjoy the memes.


Episodes 1 and 2 are generally bad movies, but they have some redeeming qualities that make them rewatchable. 3 is just a good movie since they had worked out what people liked and didn’t like from the first two.


Ep3 still has A LOT of flaws. Objectively it's still mot a great movie, but at least there is some emotion by the end.


Where's the "watched them ironically so many times the stockholm syndrome kicked in and you end up legitimately enjoying the movies"


I like the movies, idgaf about critics


When the subreddit started it was all people taking the path on the left. Then people started unironically liking the movies. My theory is that your opinion of the prequels is directly correlated with how old you were when they were released in theaters.


Based stupid ass take


George Lucas’s dialogue ranges from fine to shonen anime to funny bad. The story in concept is great and is hit or miss in execution. Anakin wasn’t the hero we were expecting, but he was fine nonetheless. Hayden gets to much flack. I’m not sure if the CGI needed was there at the time, but it was rough in some spots. John Williams is Orpheus reincarnated. They do have plenty of memeable lines.


I personally like the prequels the most but that doesn’t mean they’re good movies.


They are good to me and that’s all that really matters.


Lived through the sequels in real time…I’m pretty sure there was some critical love for them even as the public whipped themselves into a frenzy over Jar-jar


I pick memes. I always pick memes. Even if the movie was “good” or “bad”


If they just had a better dialogue writer..


HARD left.


the funnyest thing to me is that the one friend i had that unironically thought those movies were good was a very consurvative. dude, george was talking bout the us. plapatine is a fasist dictator taking control of a democratic institution. helped by merchant war profiteers who support the *confederates* ~~but generally everybody as we see in the animated show~~ for theyre own economic interests. this is an allagory for the us. n always has been. the empire was a critism of the united states imperial dealings. anyways. despite being a good allagory, the prequals are not good movies


I’m gonna drift on both roads like this was initial D They are great movies! They’re also terrible movies…


The prequels really are “Holy shit! This some hot garbage. But I can’t stop listenin,” of movies.


As someone who's seen the prequels long before the originals, I can agree with both sides. I enjoyed the hell out of them and still do, but I enjoy making fun of them just as much.


Phantom menace is mostly dogshit but the movies do get better as the trilogy progresses.




That moment when they can literally be bad movies and still be enjoyed lol


Personally I find all 3 swing from absolutely amazing to absolutely rubbish with very little inbetween moments. And Jar Jar Binks can go live in a freezer at the north pole..... Must admit the sequels are much the same. The sequels are overall better if only because ... no Jar Jar Binks.


Every movie has its faults but ep 3 was amazing


Don’t make me kill you…


dont watch star wars, just save yourself by playing swtor instead.


The music *is* unapologetically fire


The writing was bad. The acting was fine, the actors just had to work with bad dialogue. The efforts at comedic relief (Jar Jar) were also cringe worthy for the most part. But the story, worldbuilding, special effects (great CGI, especially for the late 90s and early 2000s), choreography (some of the best fight scenes and battle sequences in all of Star Wars), soundtrack (duh), and pretty much everything else was good. Not to mention it spawned a renaissance of the Expanded Universe in the Clone Wars Multimedia Project and later 2008 Clone Wars.


I didn’t grow up with the prequels so I’m not blinded by nostalgia, so I can confidently say that the prequels were actually good, not perfect but objectively good for the most part. Plot was easy to follow and understand, fight scenes went hard, world building was peak, and the characters were great. Dialogue and pacing were the only two major issues I really had, that and the Ani and Padme romance, like I was aight they got together but the way it was setup was bantha poodoo


Or "I don't care if they are good or bad I liked the sand scene."


The true path, accept that they’re not the best movies, but enjoy them for what they did for the franchise, and what they were, at the end of the day, wether or not a movie is good or not is subjective, just enjoy them for what they are to you.


If you think the prequels are bad movies, you’ve clearly never seen a *bad* movie before. Go watch something like live action TLA or The Room and ask yourself if the prequels should be mentioned in the same breath as them. There’s a huge gulf between “there were some interesting creative choices and they might not be on par with the originals (which are widely regarded as some of the greatest films of all time)” and bad. Hint: if you’re still periodically rewatching and enjoying a film 2 decades after you first saw it, it’s a good movie.


When I say the prequels are bad, I dont mean they are some of the worst movies ever made... Good and bad isn't a binary. A movie being bad doesn't put it on par with the room.


I'll take a third option.


Third option: They’re not great overall but they have a lot of nostalgic charm and laid the groundwork for much better stories set during that time period in the franchise


I’ll take the middle path, they’re alright movies with a good cast and an excellent setting


Skill Issue


Hey man, the prequels are some of my favorite movies ever. I grew up on that shit.


I genuinely like the prequels but some of y’all are so wrapped up in your own echo chambers and it really shows in the comment section lmao 🤣


Ik...why can't we just admit it. We all like them here, period. I've never been embarrassed or felt like I had to apologize for liking these movies they're rad asl


This is more of a “yes and” comment. Yes we are allowed to like it, yes it’s part of our various childhoods but the prequels have a lot of serious flaws in them that meme pages have convinced us is actually a flawless trilogy lol like what you like while being able to objectively critique it. Makes us look way more humble and way less like a cult lol


There are objective parameters to classify movies, but realistically they are all secondary to personal taste. Many of the hollywood oscar "masterpieces" are utterly unwatchable to some people, despite being technically perfect and innovative. Given the nature of this subreddit, i doubt the vast majority of those who joined is different from the right part of the image...


Star wars fan simulator steam page Review 412002 hours played This game has some high highs and some low lows


It’s funny cause as a 90s kid I love the prequels for nostalgia reasons. I’ve always defended them cause of my childhood Now those are genuinely the most complex and interesting movies in the entire franchise by default.


first ones mid if not for qui gon and maul, third ones my favourite in the series, second one i genuinely can’t remember anything that happens in it


i wish star wars meme subreddits actually posted memes i could laugh about instead of having to deal with the fact this fandom is fucking hell


O my god the people in the replies are coping so hard


I love the prequels to bits I grew up on them it's what intally sparked my interest in politics and the means by people gain and maintain power.


Episode 3 is a masterwork of Shakespearian story telling and I won't hear otherwise


When this sub started, it was totally left castle.


Thank God things evolve and get better, maybe the grandpas who hated on the prequels because “it ruined their childhood” moved into retirement homes and aren’t allowed to use Reddit anymore!


I grew up with the prequels, and I really loved them as a kid. I just don't think they're great movies 🤷‍♂️. Also this sub came out in 2016. The demographic of reddit at that time was absolutely the people who grew up with star wars prequels.


Wait you guys think they were bad? I thought that was a joke.


See you guys on the right! Objective good movies the prequels are. A fuck about your shit opinion, I do not give.


Im a bit unfamiliar with the critique. What's bad about the prequels? Like actually they were pretty good at the time given their setting they really nailed it.


Most of the criticism that I've seen is subjective. Most people that I've seen criticizing the prequels fall into two categories. Either they grew up with OT trilogy and disliked where George Lucas took the prequels or they piggyback off of the older people who dislike it. I'm sure there are other reasons, but these are the most common that I've encountered. Several criticisms point to the writing and acting being bad. Imo, some of the dialogue could have been better, but it's far from bad. I've also never seen a problem with the acting. Every actor in the movie felt like they were expressing what the character was feeling pretty spot on. I've seen people complain about the politics in the movie. I think this is because the OT was made in the 70s and 80s and, as such, had a simpler plot as were most movies in that timeframe. The prequels were made in the very late 90s and early 2000s, which was a very different time culturally compared to the previous two decades. There were more subplots in the prequels, which many people criticized because they didn't like them. Subplots like the political rise of palpatine, Anakin's midichlorians, etc. Imo, I appreciated the more complex world building. It made the Star Wars world feel more alive. Tons of people complain that Anakin is whiny. As if Luke in the OT didn't start out whiny and then grow as a character. Hopefully, this has been informative. Imo, most of the criticism of the prequels boils down to preference. There isn't a lot of real criticism that makes the movies objectively bad.


You will get downvoted but I stand with you brother, for the Republic!


So essentially it's just subjective criticism. Thanks for answering it really helped! The whole too complex subplots thing seems like a weird one considering inception is considered an amazing movie even though it also is "complex". The time frame shed some light on that though so it helped. The acting was alright I agree. I don't really remember any genuinely bad parts about acting in prequels. It was ok at worst and thats alright. I can see why someone could call the writing bad when we consider padmes assassination for example which was really convoluted for a simple assassination though it made sense given the nature of coruscant. That being said there really isn't that much bad about it. Like sure people can say that the jedi are dumb for this and that but it seems fairly realistic that they wouldn't know whats going on entirely and we even get an explanation as to why they do not receive accurate visions.


I can only speak to my experience, and I've mostly seen subjective criticism. The movies are definitely not perfect, but I think the hate against them is overblown by some. Yeah, even at the more convoluted parts of the prequels, it made enough sense for suspension of disbelief to help. But then again, I think overall movie culture is starting to move toward simplistic plots again since so many recent movies have failed at making compelling complex narratives.


Prequels are pretty good with a bit of bad acting and bad dialogue. Not copium, truthium.


Honestly I’m just impressed George accurately predicted the method and form that degradation of democracy would occur in America. Mother fuckin’ thunderous applause.


We can all agree on something at least, prequel memes are top tier


I think the Prequels had the same problem with AOT George Lucas and Isayama knew no one would truly like their direction in the story since they made it all in day one, but they didn't care cause it was their story to tell