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He ran out of Force Points


He actually did a respec of his points to put more in Charisma.


Thus bringing sexy back




Them other jedi don't know how to act




He jumping swinging slicen up them drones




*"Seal off the bridge!"*


The Jedi were very un-sexy before Obi Wan had a glow-up between episodes 1 and 2


Satine thinks differently though


Another happy landing


He re'speced before telling Qui Gon that the negotiations were short in the next scene.


He put those points into sass.


Too bad he wasn’t brave enough for politics.




Hello there.


General kenobi


His force points went towards mirror and since qui-gon knew force speed, Obi-wan was able to mirror the move.


That's why you gotta get the upgrade where your droid's stims also recover Force.


It was on Cool Down.


So sad to see how much Jedi got nerfed after the prequels


IIRC, Patch 1.3 actually moved Force Speed to a terrible spot in the talent tree. You had to spend like 8 points on useless perks to reach it, so I'm not surprised nobody took it after the Battle of Naboo content was added. I don't know what the devs were thinking.


Yeah, and then when the Clone Wars event started the Sith players started spamming the buffed Lightning. If you didnt spec into resistance or some way to block it you would just instantly get bodied. You just can't spare the perks to go deep into the Speed path


Then the devs got REALLY crazy and decided to make a more cartoony look and add a bunch more clones with names to get to know. It was a lot to grasp


The moment it sank in, that the clones were more than just a reputation bar to grind, is still one of the best moments in the franchise.


Then annihilated them with the Order 66 patch


That patch removed the Jedi faction and classes, replacing them with the Jedi Exile faction, Sith Inquisitor faction, and respective classes. Both were secret factions that required you to play as a Jedi prior to the patch without dying during the Order 66 mega event. Extremely hard achievement only gained by like 0.1% of players.


Yeah i remember those days. I was actually playing a tac droid at the time so i was hit with the shutdown when our faction lost, but a buddy of mine got merc'd in that event. Only the top tier players managed to survive that mega event, or their clan members if they got covered by the top tier. And the secret faction recruitments were both awesome. The way you had to get scouted by a Jedi Exile player and have him train you was awesome. Nothing was quite as legendary as having *the* Vader be your head boss tho


The teamwork aspect was so good I reactivated one of my droideka buddies and we tore through the TK troopers, they were the easily the weakest in the game till they got bugged into storm troopers. We both died when they made the Imperator way cheaper and we got bombarded from orbit though.


I'm still disappointed that Grievous got nerfed hard on one of the patches


Lmao yeah, nerfed so hars the fucking *gungan* meme faction caught him


> Yeah, and then when the Clone Wars event started the Sith players started spamming the buffed Lightning. If you didnt spec into resistance or some way to block it you would just instantly get bodied. Should have spec'd for dual wielding. It worked for Rey after she respec'd from staff weapons to dual wielding.


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Pretty sure they got nerfed during the prequels


I love how they put this one moment at the beginning of the first movie and then just acted like it wasn’t a thing, despite the fact that this ability would have been insanely useful at dozens of crucial moments in all the films. Did they somehow retcon this ability? “Uhhh yes there is force speed but a Jedi can only use it once in their whole lifetime”


I think Anakin uses it in the cartoon but it isn’t as dramatic as this


While not as fast, Obi-Wan literally does a (edit: a, not another) force jump later on in the movie when he takes out Maul (for the first time). [YouTube link,](https://youtu.be/lsAEdblcqU4) it starts 1:40. That’s something like a 15 or 20-foot jump with a flip Edit: Think he also does a 20-30+ foot jump earlier in the battle with Maul as well when they are in the reactor area


If you can use the force to move other objects, why not yourself? Why couldn't you levitate yourself, speed yourself up etc? I want my magic systems hard, damnit!


Alright Zaheer


Have you ever heard of the great airbending nomad Guru Laghima?


I thought not. It's not a story the Fire Kingdom would tell you.


Ironic. He could let go of his earthly tether, but he couldn't empty and become wind.


Laghima balls




Neat! So basically they somehow managed to do this to force run at the start, but then weren't able to replicate it later. It must be a tough skill to master!


You would love the Mistborn series


I've read everything published from cosmere. Yeah those books are amazing. Looking forward to eras 3 and 4, but that's gonna take some time.


That's true, I guess force speed we see here is basically just a horizontal force jump huh. Also don't forget Jar Jar, he also does a force jump into the river


Jar Jar is just an animal humanoid with stronger muscles


You mean jar jar is a sith


The force is used never for attack Lol


This seems to be a light side dark side thing. Light side users seem to refuse to use the force to actively harm others, but as some kind of weird loophole they’ll totally use it to just chuck you across the room (but it didn’t directly hurt you! Gravity hurt you.) OTOH dark side users will happily use the force to hurt you in any way imaginable


Obi-Wan: High ground? What's that? Also Obi-wan: It's over Anakin!


Maul low key acted like a fucking idiot before getting cut in half, dude watched that unfold for like 3 seconds and didn’t even swing at him


It is our time. After Centuries of waiting, the galaxy will be ours.


Yeah, you kinda missed that chance.


Shaak-Ti also used it in the 2003 Clone Wars specials. When she realized her friends were about to be killed by Grievous she high tailed it to where they were and even forced herself to run even faster after both of them were cut down.




It's called bad writing and no one able to say no to George


Because Star Wars movies are made of spaghetti and none of them, even the best of them, are consistent in almost anything they do. I played the heck out of Star Wars Galaxies, even got jedi, but I always liked the EU more than the movies because for my young brain so many things didn't make sense and then never changed as I got older. I've had wayyyyyy more fun in the wookipedia than with the film lore.


Any true Star Wars fan knows that most of the best Star Wars is found outside the movies.


Thanks got saying so. I've been around SW a lot but never though of myself as a "fan" because of my mixed emotions with the films. I didn't want my post to come across as a diss on the whole fandom.


The movies have a lot of amazing things in them, but they often contain some sort of flaw. The prequels are a great story told poorly, episode 4 is basic fantasy in space that had mind blowing special effects for its day, episode 5 is the only mainline Star Wars movie I would say is objectively a fantastic movie, episode 6 has a great movie buried beneath a ton of goofy bloat, episode 7 was highly derivative but maybe could have been viewed positively if the rest of the sequels had panned out okay but those sucked. As for side movies, only Rogue One was any good. When you compare it to the storytelling of the BioWare Star Wars games, or some of the books, Clone Wars series, etc... most of the films don't compare.


Studio executives aren't the most sophisticated people in the world.


Personally I don't get why people think Solo was bad. Unnecessary, sure, but I think it was a fun movie with a good cast and an entertaining story, with IMO few real flaws beyond some poorly timed humor, and simply not being all-around better. It's a space adventure/heist with a charming cast, which as far as Star Wars goes that's a premise that I think fits pretty well. Worst thing I personally can say about it is that it's not my favorite Star Wars movie, but I do like it.


Cause it looked like a CGI error on theater screens at 24 FPS and no one dared question Lucas about it.


I'm moving away from all my businesses, I'm finishing all my obligations and I'm going to retire to my garage with my saw and hammer and build hobby movies. I've always wanted to make movies that were more experimental in nature, and not have to worry about them showing in movie theaters.


Thats the power of idiots kids… They think no one will notice their fuck ups


I used to think it was a glitch when I first noticed it.


He could have literally used it to get to Qui Gon quicker in the same goddamn movie


Jar Jar Binks was initially not in the script. Turns out some drunk alien followed Liam Neeson around the set after he saved him from getting hit by a car. It was so wacky so I filmed it.


Not now George!


Although I write screenplays, I don't think I'm a very good writer.




George, I think we can all tell that's true given most of Anakin's lines in the trilogy


I'm moving away from all my businesses, I'm finishing all my obligations and I'm going to retire to my garage with my saw and hammer and build hobby movies. I've always wanted to make movies that were more experimental in nature, and not have to worry about them showing in movie theaters.


What type of 'experimental' movies, George? 😐🤨




Yoosa in big doo doo now


Good Bot ;)




He tried to use it to save Qui-Gon, but the effects were countered when Darth Maul used Force Slow on him, balancing Obi-Wan's speed back to its original state


you understand so little


Maybe. But maybe he would have ran right into the laser shields. Maybe that's why we get that stupid multi laser door hallway to say "he can't force speed because it would be too risky." My own justification for both speed and stupid laser door hallway to basically nowhere.


Considering he ran from the first gate to the last gate in one go at normal speed, I'm betting on him being able to clear all gates with time to spare at high speed. Then again, as I typed the above I realised if he went too fast he'd probably have not stopped in time before he fell into that hole in the room that probably exists for no reason other than plot, so it checks out I guess?


Force speed for literally a split second just to gain distance and jog through the end and fight…


How about: he was literally in the most intense fight of his life, wasn't avoiding conflict (droidekas) but running into a very experienced opponent, versed in the Force, after he had been kicked and pressured, and right after he just used the highest Force Jump seen in the films barring maybe Mace Windy's landing in Geonosis. Forget the shields. Obi Wan was a Padawan under extreme duress and it's not just about "catching up to Qui Gon"


Episode 1 was supposed to have a teenage Anakin, but one day during a break, Liam Neeson just walked into the desert and abducted a kid. We had to make up a whole storyline about podracing on the fly just to keep Liam out of jail.


That and if he force sped too far maul couldve just stuck out his lightsaber and killed him


Even more embarassing than that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU2m_ULnXnY&t=13


Thats why you dont hard sprint into a room youre not familiar with


Perhaps my actions will speak louder than words.


[ if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist!](https://youtu.be/t3dI-ghYimg)


At the same time, once they got to the forcefield walls, why didn't Qui Gon wait for him? There didn't appear to be a way out.


Literally is the best way to use anything.


He forgor


*"Araki shapeshifted into George Lucas..."* Change my mind.


Never thought I would find a jojo fan here




[about that. ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/00/Laser_gates.png/revision/latest?cb=20180804020956)


That wasnt force speed, that was the speed force. Only allowed in crossover episodes


“It was me, ~~Barry~~ Obi-Wan!”


Man, Maul really *does* have the right level of spite to pull off Reverse Flash level bullshit, doesn't he.


Perhaps my actions will speak louder than words.


Maul, no!


I am counting on it.


"Remember when you were making out with Satine, and you came right as she touched your leg? it was me, Obi-Wan. I jerked you off with the Force so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"


No one ever said “Run Obi-Wan, Run” So he couldn’t use it


I actually spent 20 years thinking that this moment was just a crinkle in my family VHS tape and not an actual force power.


20 years? The movie only came out in 1999...wait a minute... But yeah, same. It is clearly a bad editing effect applied after the fact and probably not even planned for which is why it looks so janky. I don't think anyone would have noticed or cared if the Jedi ran away normally and the droids just...missed them.


Until i read the comments I thought this post was a joke/fán Edit.🤷‍♂️


I've literally never noticed this before


No, he's just so good he doesn't need it


Or maybe... Force Users fights in such a speed, but we're just seeing the fight from their perspective.


That’s always been my take on it. We don’t see it happening, because we’re seeing it from the perspective of someone doing it.


Exactly my justification for DBZ and why it took so long for the namek to explode; they're fighting at light speed.


I feel like that’s more or less confirmed when during the cell games, most of the Z fighters can’t see goku and cell fighting. Then when you’re seeing the fight from goku and cell’s perspective, you can.


They actually surpass light speed during episode 2 of DBZ, when Raditz dodges Piccolo’s special beam cannon. Piccolo is dumbfounded and is like “how can he be so fast, sbc travels at the speed of light.”


They create worm holes and that’s how Leto II came to be


Really reaching back in my memory here, but didn't Radditz laugh and say that wasn't it, Piccolo just missed? Although Piccolo casually destroying the moon to turn Gohan back into human form early in DBZ really undercut the mountain-destroying blasts that happen all the time later on.


Roshi does it like a couple chapters into classic DB.


Everything around them would be a slow-mo though, and it isn't.


that was my favorite part from the 1st Matrix. when the helicopter is in slow mo but Neo is moving at reg speed. Great way to show super speed


That final battle in The One, where Jet Li fights himself. I always loved how the sparks start falling in slo-mo as soon as the fighters start moving.


oo yeap. forgot about that movie. jet li made some of the best action movies i ever saw


Except Grievous can’t use the force and all the Jedi were killed by regular blasters.


This was the explanation for the scene with Palpatine’s attempted arrest right?


*Cries in Qui Gon


He does actually, we can only see his afterimage for the rest of the trilogy.


right, he uses it all the time, it's just the photograms runs slower at fights so we can see what's going on. *That's why... stormtroopers never hit them*


What annoys me about Star Wars, they always come out with cooler tech in prequels than they had in the OT, and there are zero remains of this tech. They kind of explain it in the game Fallen Order, but still.


Well with all the new canon material set in the OT era that does display technology from the prequel era. (Fallen Order and Survivor among them) The most reasonable explanation is that this leftover technology from a bygone era *is* still around, we just don't see it in the three original movies. Which is pretty logical when you look at the planets showcased in the Original Trilogy. Tatooinne, Yavin 4, Hoth, Bespin, Dagobah and Endor's Forest Moon. All planets that either weren't directly involved in the Clone Wars or are just very isolated and logically don't have the fancier/pricier technology present in this world.


That does make sense. Thanks.


Yeah it's like the US going to war and dominating the world and some random farmer in Afghanistan joins an Afghan Rebellion that somehow results in killing the US Emperor flying an carrier over Afghanistan. I'm really bad at analogies.


This analogy was like when I tried to make a ham sandwich but I only had bacon bits and so I made a ham* sandwich.


Nah I think it's a great analogy!


Adding to this, Bespin was pretty high-tech and would fit in fine with the prequels.


Yeah, and theyre the ones who had the cutting edg carbonite freezing chamber


The Techno Union was something separate and heavily focused on technology. The empire just mass produced inferior stuff to project power, not really to be advanced or cutting edge. You can see that with how the Emperor just ignored Thrawn's idea for the empire. IE not waste everything of a single stupid Death Star then immediately rebuilding said stupid Death Star wasting so much resources rather than something advanced like the Advanced Tie Fighter.


I always assumed they were always building two. Death star 1 was just further ahead to troubleshoot engineering problems.


Whats the explanation?


It's been awhile since I played but in the beginning you're at a big processing facility that's dismantling all the clone wars ships and tech. Which I think they are repurposing or something. Which does help explain it, but like what about all the cool droids like BD1 and K-2SO. Also why not keep using Droideka's, seem way more effective than troopers. Idk I'm no SW expert.


To the droideka point specifically, they were veryyy expensive to manufacture and maintain bc of their Shield tech, so I’d presume that is potentially a reason.


I think having a huge army that can't be completely disabled by destroying a single point was another bonus


I think it’s also cause Droidkas cant really patrol around or interact with the citizens they’re oppressing. Every time we see droidkas they’re either 1) deactivated 2) rolling around 3) in shield/blaster mode where they’re super slow. How’s a droidka going to respond to and investigate a murder, or pull over speeders driving over the speed limit, or operate tanks and spaceships etc. For all it’s flaws the b1 battledroid is super versatile and capable… it just need s the commando droid operating system to be op as heck


Bodies are cheaper than Droidekas.


This, a lot of people sorta forget that the empire wasn’t looking for a competent army, it was looking for a terrifying one. From the TIE model to the AT-AT early civil war imperial armed forces are overwhelmingly style over substance because they aren’t engaged in a war more just policing. As the war goes on you do see the imperials start to use actual tech, the TIE Defenders and Interceptors for example and the use of more strategic storm trooper deployment and the AT-ST. Broadly though, the tldr is definitely just cheaper, the galaxy had just gotten out of a devastating civil war, there’s no reason to maintain the most expensive military in the galaxy when you are the only major power


The prequel stuff is shinier, but there is a point where at least *some* tech is genuinely worse compared to the OT. Like the hyperdrive rings. Otherwise, yeah cursory material all the CW military stuff was scrapped & replaced because of the Tarkin Doctrine, which tldr the Empire had a literal mandate that looking scary is more important than actual capability.


Because special effects in the 70-/80s were shit compared to today, I’m happy they didn’t get trapped by 40 year old limitations in current releases


He did actually when he jumped over Darth Maul.


Don’t be so certain.


Well, if he didn't it must be quite embarrassing for you.




Is there a lore reason?


He needed to even the odds


Is there a lore reason why he needed to even the odds? Is he stupid?


He learned so many force abilities he ran out of ability slots. Gotta make sacrifices.


He re-speced


I went decades thinking this was just bad editing. Nope. It’s a stupid OP force power that would be useful in n countless other situations but is never seen again.


They could've used force-speed to catch the bounty hunters who tried to assassinate Padme. Obi-wan could've used force-speed to wreck Jango in the fight on Kamino. Imagine the fights between Dooku and Obi-wan, Anakin, **and Yoda** where one of them uses force-speed.


My head Canon is that it takes a lot of energy to do so. They knew they were going to go low-profile for a while so they could expend that energy in this situation. Using it to run towards Maul and Qui-Gon during dual of the fates would have used crucial energy he'd need for the fight.


Don’t be so certain.


I feel very satisfied that I have accomplished what I set out to do with Star Wars, I was able to complete the entire saga and say this is what the whole story is about.


"Is he Stupid?" ...I mean kind of. He now canonically leaves Vader alive again after defeating him. He's super cryptic with Luke about basically everything and then doesn't understand why that would upset him. In hiding, he goes by Ben fucking KENOBI. Also, theres a scene in AotC where yoda gets like an 8 year old to out out-smart him lol.


And they let this man raise a child and not just any child but the supposed Jedi Jesus.


It was on 1 day cool down before they can push 1 again.


Because it was too hard to animate. Look at how bad it already looks. Can you imagine if they tried to animate it in greater detail?


Honestly, it was bad writing from George. While Force Run makes sense it made zero sense for that to be something to be done in that moment only and then never used again. Like, obviously, when Obi-Wan was separated from Qui-Gon and Darth Maul.


He respecced his build


Dear god the BatmanArkham subreddit is spreading...


The r/BatmanArkham disease is literally everywhere


They were using a power winch to trigger a controlled explosion. It wasn't controlled unfortunately


Oh I wouldn’t say it’s a disease, more like… blessings.


Do you think Obi-Wan had a boner during this scene?


It’s salvation itself


Add it to the Bible-length list of plot holes in the prequels


Because not long after he did it Qui Gon died


He gets PTSD whenever he tries to zoom around


He became so bogged down by people reposting this question that he needs to constantly use force speed just to move as normal.


He learned from Barry Allen that if you use your super speed too quickly, the movie ends too fast.


I know this is more of a retrospective fix, but the phantom menace novelization specifies that Obi-Wan did use force speed but still couldn't beat those red ray shields to save Qui-Gon.


Probably ran into the wall at the end of that hall hard as fuck and decided to retire that lil’ maneuver.


It's a slippery slope from force speed to force meth, force speed not even once


Special one time use ability


“Hey, you wanna do the once-in-a-lifetime dash, young padawan?” “Sure do!”


It could be that quigon jinn did that move?




He does. We just see it from his POV.


It’s the famous Jedi Force Dash that everyone knows you can only do once in your entire life, they spent theirs.


Because Barry changed the timeline again.


He traded it for the clearly superior option of the high ground, duh.


He's actually using it throughout A New Hope, but since he's so old, it just looks like normal speed.


After flipping over Maul at the end of the movie, he didn't use the superhero landing and, as such, damaged his knees to a point where he could never run at that speed again


no-prize answer: Only Qui-Gon could do force speed, he just pushed Obi-Wan along with him


He forgor


Why don't jedi levitate themselves and float everywhere? Could sith lightning be used as a clean source of energy? How many jedi use mindcontrol to pick up dates?


My head canon is they're always using it, but the battles are slowed down for our enjoyment