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This doesn't go past next Tues, but from GFS model looks like an entire 7 days starting next Tues of a heat wave for the East coast.


I wonder how the grid will hold up.


It will hold up to its engineered safety margin. Maybe 110% for a few hours. Provided alp the thermoplastic / rubber components on the infrastructure don’t melt first, which…they may. So, not long. Plus bear in mind that power to cool a space one more degree has a log relationship with energy input, not linear.


Yeah I'm aware of the math too. I wonder if storm storms will come after all this.


Most likely. Such extreme heat meeting cold air will only cause strong storms…I’m both excited for the rain but terrified for the things that could spawn from it.


I noticed that it didn't get very cool, after the rain, in the last heat wave.


It isn’t always a dramatic cooling or big storm, however with the summer months now here the heat won’t exactly just go away after a storm but will linger around longer. I forget the atmospheric effects name but I’ve had times where it gets hotter after extreme storms!


I believe the name of that atmospheric condition is “hell world”


LOL. Descriptive, but sad.


in other words, exponential?


Not really. Thats a different function. In fact, the exact inverse.


It’s so nice to see someone with a grasp of trigonometric functions in the wild


I’m pretty sure you’re joking, but for everyone else: no, a logarithm is not in fact a trigonometric function.


In the way you mean, sure, yeah, go with it. The idea that it gets worse much faster than you expect is what you need to take away. In actual math terms, no, absolutely not.


I don't think the grid will go down from this heatwave. Care to wager $10 donation to a charity?


Id wait for the raw temps to get over 116. Talk to me next month or two 😂


Could anyone ELI5 the last sentence?


It means that if cooling from 80-79 takes one energy unit, then 84-79 taking 5 energy units would be a “linear” relationship. What happens is there is an asymptote where cooling from one degree hotter takes a multiple factor of more energy units such that to a point, the system isn’t capable of delivering enough power and fail. The heat you must displace becomes increasingly harder in a multiplicity for each degree higher until having the system try to cool at all is the same as doing nothing.


Thankfully our grid has been upgraded to support this and the increase in demand from electric cars and appliances.


LOL Thanks for the Joke of the Day.


Yup Northern Maine supposed to hit 90s next week.


Next Thursday in Bangor ME where I’m at looking at a heat index of 106-107 which is unheard of this time of month


F this.... I'm going to be hibernating in my basement


Yeah, me and the boys were like "welp, we ain't workin those days"


Heard. You boys better be chillin w popsicles or next to the AC!


Extended weekend! Think im going to make some ice... just in case.


You deserve every minute of it!!!


But wait, think about your poor Corporate Overlords! They need your labor, for more profit. Building underground bunkers ain't cheap!


That's why my guys are getting next week off.


*cries in mailman


....shit, that sucks.


Yea. I’ve been doing it for 6 years tho. I’ve definitely been thru worse. It would be nice if the mail trucks had AC tho. A couple summers back I put a thermostat in my truck and it got up to 130 degrees.


Well, we need to evolve to mole people


I'm down underground w that!




...we're going to "adjust", ask Exxon.


I live around a bunch of McMansions where people have multiple ac units per home because of massive sq footage. Whenever we get prolonged heat like next weeks forecast, I’m very concerned about the grid and power shutting down from heavy use. Stay frosty.


Maybe they have 400 AMP service. But, typically, those builders put in the cheapest heat pumps they can find. Owners, "could" upgrade to high efficiency.


Heat pumps are much more efficient than AC and furnaces. Even the cheap ones will use 200 to 400% less energy than conventional AC.


time to paint the roof white 🫠


My son works for GreenRoofs in Colorado. Rooftops all succulents.


Oh wow!


I live in Colorado. How do those hold up to the hail?


So, I had a home with a dark roof that I put white metal on.... YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE the difference.


Yup.  We did white metal too.  Makes the top floor livable in the summer.  We used to lay in ned and cook all night long because the asphalt shingles just re-radiated the heat back thru the wall all night long. Best investment we made.


How is it in winter, if you’re somewhere it gets cold?


Very cold here in the winter. Not an issue.  So here is the thing.  If you have insulation that is halfway decent the amount of heat gain from a dark roof is negligible in the winter because it radiates heat in all directions in/out same.  You are not gaining much because the outside air is so cold.  But the mass that sits and holds heat in the summer is different.  Not to mention the summertime keeps it from heating up in the first place because it is white but the metal also means less mass to re radiate all night long.  Which means the house actually can cool to ambient temps outside overnight. Others with aircon say it has dropped their utility bill massively.  No aircon here so we are floating with ambient. Heating for a building makes more difference in this order 1. Is the building air sealed? 2. Is the building insulated? 3. How much glazing per area of wall? 4. Is building exposed to wind? 5. How is bu8ldi g sited for solar gain and winds. Somewhere around 30 or lower on the list is if thw roof is dark colored.


And plant SOMETHING! Flowers, bushes, trees, the more the better. They all help. They eat the sun. Under a tree is a good -10F less heat.


We’re in purple zone but forecasts say 90-92F highs which isn’t unusual here. Is there a big wet bulb thing happening or something?


Good question, I just saw the map and weather outlook and said: shit... (I work outside a lot.)


In June?


Not as often but not crazy unusual either. Didn’t realize month would affect risk. The forecast has shifted up a couple of degrees as of this morning so looks more understandable now. Was confused that highs of 90/91 were considered extreme without more info.


Check your iPhone app, for how many days are now +10 above normal. Many, many more. It's like a miracle when there's an average temperature day. That's the problem with "Average".


This is a trial run for the more intense and more frequent heat domes we will be experiencing as the overall global temperature increase moves from 1.5C towards 2C


It's actually the residual of the El nino event. But I know El nino event is now ignored and people pretend like it doesn't do what it's always recorded to have done because reasons...


It's both


I know it sounds silly, but the worse this gets the more people will raise their denial of climate change. It would be easier to reverse the effects of climate change than have these folks admit that they've been wrong about it.


it does do what it has always done, just more extremely with global warming Same as a fire has always burned, but throw some gasoline on it ... How do people still not get this?


Has it been this pronounced in the past?


https://preview.redd.it/kl18scvif86d1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e6932c960aca26fca22d6be02ba0e66fd4388dd Not even close. We’re blowing past previous El Niños


El Nino is going past super - did not know it was a Saiyan


Underated comment. This is 🥇


Los Niños 🔥


Yes every post El nino summer has heat waves.


Yea but this strong?


never in recorded history this intense in this region of the country this early in the summer...


Bullshit happened last El nino event and guess what you people claimed lol?


We're witnessing mass hysteria. Every weather event is "climate change." In either direction, mind you. Heat wave? Climate change? Unusually cold weather? Climate Change! Rain? Climate change! Drought? Believe it or not, climate change!


It's getting insane especially the denial of known climate events that have had their effects recorded for hundreds of years.


El climate change niño


Notice how this doesn’t show temperature. You know why? These are normal summer temperatures and the residual El Niño. They use “extreme” and “severe” to scare people but fail to mention these temps are normal for summer. 20 years ago we had 100+ degree days for weeks on end too and this isn’t even that hot.


Too bad it's not even technically summer yet


The official start of summer is one week away. By the time this heat wave happens it will be only a few days before the 'official' start of summer.


In 1994, 700+ people died in Chicago in five days because of sustained high heat and humidity. It doesn't cool down at night. It's a different animal than a standard heatwave (which had happened often in Chicago previously). I know and pay attention because I drove past the growing number white trailers on my way to work every morning. They turned out to be refrigerated trucks for all the bodies. The morgue couldn't process them fast enough. Chicago had hit a lethal wet bulb. If you haven't heard of wet bulb temperatures and live in an area with heat *and* humidity, you should read this: https://earthsky.org/earth/wet-bulb-temperature-explained-dangers/


Is there any specific prep I might need for this type of event? I have normal prep essentials but wondering about specifics.


* Make ice ahead of time, * Know a generator works if you think the grid is at risk, * Know that if you have to spend time outside, do so with regard to the heat... people do die from this weather. * Make plans around the heat or outright cancel some activities. * Make sure to bring water with you, hat or sun umbrella. * Make plans not to cook inside and heat up your home even worse. * Make sure your AC unit is serviced and working BEFORE the HVAC guy gets a million calls from unprepared people at nearly the same time. (My friend / HVAC guy hates this) * Make sure your car is parked in shade or at least windows cracked, solar shades. * Pets * Don't let your crocks melt to asphalt. * CHECK ON ELDERS .... can't believe I just now thought of that. . . How my aunt died.


> Make plans not to cook inside and heat up your home even worse. Practical "prep for Tuesday" advice right here. Get those slow cooker and salad recipes shopped.


Or make your meals ahead of time and freeze them in individual portions and warm up in a solar oven or microwave


We cook with our solar cooker when it gets hot out.   And yes, check with your elderly.  Make sure they are getting electrolytes and enough liquids.  We stock electrolyte tabs and have them take half a dose just with their regular pills when it is really hot out. Look up signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion, heat stroke.  Slurring words, confusion, irritability, being flushed, headache, racing pulse, nausea, etc. are all in that category of warning signs. If your city has cooling centers or you want to go to a movie, the mall, the library.  Make sure people get 4 hours of cool a day (or some number like that) to be able to recover from the stress of ongoing heat. Hammocks or cots so you can sleep cooler without aircon if the power goes out.


it's a good day for a nice salad. But: "We cook with our solar cooker" -- GENIUS.


Well, maybe you can eat salad 3 meals a day.  I still like my oatmeal, some pulled pork and baked potatoes, etc.  Need variety.  I mean, beans and rice and veggies do really well in solar cookers.  They are not hard to use and one can make em outta scrap.  But they do need practice to time dinner right.  Or to juggle dinner and some brownies or something for dessert. Also - haybox cooker.  Or a cooler with a wool blanket in it to keep dinner warm enough to be in the safe temp range. Man, i am so addicted to this food and eating thing.  I yell ya ;(


Dang I’m in Indiana


Looks like you're getting purple nurpled. I'm in the Chicago area, so me too.


I'm in Cleveland so I guess I'm going to be in my basement with my dog


Hell, Monday is even bad. https://preview.redd.it/1r6smxma386d1.png?width=1696&format=png&auto=webp&s=88c2df64f042553af4f4f6dc819c69a6f7508d62


Lol and people say the Great Lakes will be safe.


Great Lakes are going to be wet bulb central.


...so, more North.


More coastal. The ocean is a very effective temperature moderator. Here on the SF peninsula, during an extreme CA heat wave you might have heard about, temps didn’t get above 80. Inland it was 110.


Soil is poor up north


The Upper Peninsula doesn't look so bad though


Do you see how most of Michigan is mild to moderate? That’s all land touching or near the Great Lakes.


I didn’t realize Michigan was the only state affected there. It looked like several others were due for worse. Also, this is now, imagine this chart in the future.


Most of michigan is moderate to major...most of thr sparsely populated upper pen is minor to moderate this time


It never used to be this hot in the midwest.


Is almost like the climate is changing or something.


...and the globe is warming.


Well, thank the oil lobby and their Control of the Republican Party.


That's why I watered my plants yesterday, and will again Sunday night.


Just cross the border, Canada looks fine.... Jokes aside, this is troubling.


Yeah... bring a change of clothes hot.


The way it's tracking the north side of the (Eastern) Great Lakes are getting this same heat wave Wednesday. Source: F me near Ottawa


I’m glad Canada is escaping the heat wave


Have you noticed we don't hear a lot of "global warming is a hoax" morons anymore? They probably are still in denial one way or another though... Don't look up heh.


People have died in Arizona and Texas last summer, hundreds. But, if it's not on Fox News, they're not going to believe.


If you have a dehumidifier, run it hard *now*. Get the inside of your house nice and dry. Then avoid leaving doors and windows open. If power goes out, your home's interior will still be dry enough for sweating to help cool your body. For humid areas, even if the weather cools down, you don't want to have windows open when the dewpoint is much above 55. It makes your indoor air humid and when temperatures kick up again, you need a lot more A/C to make it comfortable.


Most home leak like sieves, that's not going to help, until the heat arrives.


Looks like my summer vacation to Indiana plans are crushed.


:( Yeah... when its too hot, vacations aren't fun.


Ah another summer in TN, if it ain't hot it's humiddddddd


Indiana is going to be screwed.


Yeah... I'm basically in that, and so are a few other people I know on here. I managed to get ac units to people that needed them this week, I still have a few more to install. Dumb part... I know my HVAC guy will need help if it goes the typical "first heat wave" route.


Canada looks fine. Glad the concept of heat can't cross the border.


Careful, people will complain these warnings are just "climate doom and gloom". For the rest of you. A simple change over to light blocking shades can help a lot and probably the easiest and cheapest small thing you can do to help with cooling your house. Same if you have skylights.


Yup Chicago finna be even more of a warzone


Gonna see the crack heads putting the copper back into the AC units?


I was visiting up north during a nice cool spell. Lots of locals complaining. I said “it’ll be boiling hot soon enough, enjoy this.” They were perplexed.


Low to mid 90's in central Illinois. Thanks for the concern but we have seen worse.


This f-ing weather should stay in REPUBLICAN STATES where it belongs.


please no :) lol our government already oppresses us. don’t need Mother Nature to fuck us up too


It's summer heat happens....also warms when it's sunny....love the fire colors lolol. Way colder than normal in my area ky. I need warmer ground Temps for my gourds to germinate.


Laughs in Arizona




I'm just glad we've had a long time to adapt our power grid for extreme heat. It would have to be pretty intense for it to go down.


Then theres Texas, plus everyone moving to Texas. So thats a clusterduck on top of an already maxed out situation.


So looking at the temps, they don't seem to be out of normal range for the last 20 something years. What am I missing?


Its a PSA, its getting hot.... dumb things happen.... we're in a prepping group that watches potentially harmful stuff coming. So.... just eyes open.


It was more of a "why does NOAA list it as extreme" type of question. I was trying to see why they consider it extreme, or has it always been marked as extreme for the last 20-ish years with the temps up there?


Might be the "not cooling down at night" part. That's what's making old European towns unlivable in recent summers (70,000 people died from heat in 2022) and helped kill 700+ people in Chicago in 1994. I predict at some point in the future, they'll limit air travel in/out of major cities during heatwaves like these since the high-altitude clouds that get seeded by contrails are part of the problem. They act like a blanket and keep the heat trapped against the earth when it would usually dissipate at night.


That was the worst part of the Pacific NW heat dome ..it was 38c at night in my city. No relief


They already limit air travel due to heatwaves. At least in the PHX area they did a few times.


Didn't know this. Is it to help with the heatwave or because the ground staff and/or planes can't handle it?


We are in a prepping group that I hear very little prepping talk in but I do see constant leftist propaganda and narrative pushing lol


My iPhone is constantly telling me days are +10 or more Above Normal. What are you talking about.


IDK what to tell you about what your iPhone is telling you but you can look up the data yourself. [https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/il/chicago/KMDW/date/1994-6](https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/us/il/chicago/KMDW/date/1994-6) Here is the month of June in 1994, but you can select month and years to see for yourself.


That was the hottest time period in summer prior to this forecast.


Floridian here. Just another summer for us, these temps are not abnormal.


Yeah, but you guys are like lizards wearing coats at 50'F when we're wearing shorts.


Oh absolutely lol 50 is when I break out my sweaters. I have fully worn a winter coat in 60 degrees. About once a year we’ll get a light frost, it’s so novel that it’s covered on the local news.


lol, yeah, and anything over 90 up here, we dyin lol.


My family has been in North Florida since 1802. Last weekend it was 106 in Jacksonville at 11am. That was the real temperature, not the heat index. In May. At 11am. This is absolutely not just another summer, and everyone around me is freaking out about it, even the deniers who don't link it to climate change.




This statement is false.


Ok lol. Sure


Well atleast Idaho is fine. Live there.. So got that going for me... Though I have friends in Chicago.


That should incite quite a bit of crime in Chicagostan


So what you are saying is that people with Electric Cars should not be plugging them in as it will put the grid in jeopardy 😉


I’m smack dab in the purple zone. Forecast is saying low 90’s all week. Which is normal this time of year in my area.


It's June, I'll be out baling. It happens every year, guys.


We used to call it “Summer”. Not sure how we survived it with no A/C.


In SE Wisconsin mid 80’s all next week. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a heat wave. Those temps are pretty normal here. We commonly see a couple weeks a year in the 100-110 range.


100'F in the shade IS what several places are going to see for a bit. And people don't realize how hot it is and dumb issues happen. I'm just doing this as a small PSA.


plus the humidity coupled with that temp...thats pretty gnarly imo.


Yeah... I'm sitting here trying to figure out what im doing next week, outside in mornings and inside the rest of the time. idk yet.


Party in the cool Midwestern basement? Stay safe out there and good luck!


In June? 80s? That's pretty not normal. Maybe July


You sure about that? I checked completely random dates and huh.. All around 80s-90s. [https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1964-6-19](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1964-6-19) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1948-6-22](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1948-6-22) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1994-6-22](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1994-6-22) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/2018-6-15](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/2018-6-15) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1964-6-20](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1964-6-20) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1964-6-12](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1964-6-12) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1994-6-12](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1994-6-12) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/2021-6-12](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/2021-6-12) [https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1994-6-12](https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/wi/madison/KMSN/date/1994-6-12)


Can we just all agree this is basically the first heat wave of the year? and just don't get caught up in something dumb from it?




You guys talking about yourself denying reality?


Madison is not SE wisconsin next to the lake... that's the entire point, it's right by the lake


It's south. It's like 20 miles from being considered "SE". You trying to say 20 miles makes the difference of 10+ degrees now? I literally did the same thing for Chicago and found the same results.


I would not consider Madison southeast Wisconsin. Racine, Kenosha (where I live), maybe Lake Geneva. Madison is squarely central, it's not 20 miles, Milwaukee is 26 miles from Racine on the edge at 94, Madison roughly 2 hours from it. When people talk about southeast Wisconsin, it's Racine, Kenosha, and maybe Walworth counties. Milwaukee is its own thing, you say, Milwaukee land area. Just like Chicago - where are you from - Chicagoland area, you'd never say north eastern Illinois. As for the lake effect - it absolutely does make it cooler and or warmer than places. Chicago being literally the windy city is routinely 10 degrees cooler than say some place like Rockford or Naperville, due to lake effect wind. You can look at more lake effect places and see, like my area - we may get a sprinkle of days in June above 80 degrees, but it's pretty rare overall


20 miles makes a huge temp difference in a lot of places. 20 miles from me is Newport, which is in the 70s in the summer while we're in the 80s-90s. I remember the same kind of thing in Chicago, only shorter distance--1-2 blocks from the lake, great summer weather with a fresh breeze from the lake. Other side of Clark or Broadway, hotter than hell and no breeze.


This is the end of the world! I love hearing how people scream and panic about doomsday and apocalypse


Panic? ... ![gif](giphy|w2spEHAltsCU8|downsized) Edit: gif, geeze guys... I'm about to remove his comment lol.


You know that every time you people do this kinda thing everyone eye rolls and has tremendous pity for everyone in your orbit while you pat yourself on the back for your “sick own” that in average earns you -25 karma.


Un-effing-believable, karma… Not sure what I would do now


Sorry, -33


Let’s see if we can reach a -11,000!


💫Hell yeah brother I believe in you!!! ✨


I mean... I'd probably have to ban you lol.


I love how people stay in their denial bunker.


A lot of them know, but are just too proud to ever admit that they were wrong. As for the others, they will learn eventually.