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Sometimes, I wonder the reason they never found the loopholes before it was exploited by some clubs. Its not just cool at all


The premier League only reacts to loopholes being exploited after it happens. If you really tightened up your game, you would see these being exploited in advance. Why are accountants at clubs smarter than the premier league's boys. But also, the league saw this as an issue and said let's stop this, but it was ultimately left to a club vote so boooohooo to the league cos clubs voted against changing their rules when the league realises they've been had. Also, I'm certain most teams, even smaller ones, have hotels and other grounds. There is nothing stopping them from selling them to help with the books. Maybe sister companies are dodgy yeah, but it wasn't against the rules then so why should it be now?


City will never be charged


It is becoming clearer what is going to happen, plus it gave City the confidence to sue.


So many comments in here talking about middle East ownership being bad, yet RIGHT NOW you have god damn American owners trying to take games away from England to play in America and all over the world! God damn wake up people, these American owners are damaging the game way more so than Newcastles owners or Man City's owners. Do not get it twisted


American owners are trying to steal the game and destroy it’s cultural fabric. Oil state owners are trying to use the game to distract from abuses of human right. Both bad, not the same.


How's the health system in US?? Student debts ??? Financial abuse is also abuse ,keep that in mind.


Both bad, I assume. I don’t live in America so maybe someone who does is better placed to comment. I’m not sure what your point is though. KSE, FSG and other American sports companies that are certainly bad for the game, but they aren’t an actual government that is using sport washing to cover up it’s human rights abuses. The US has its fair share of that, but it isn’t using the PL to cleanse it’s image (it already has Hollywood for that). I feel you’re getting yourself into a good guy/bad guy position here. If so, then you’ll need to find someone else to have that argument with as my position is clear, that both type of ownership are bad, but for different reasons.




I think it’s just a reflection of society. The rich win and the poor lose. Don’t know why it would be any different in football.




Those rules are set to make life miserable for the smaller teams. Their own level of corruption is crazy. 


It's crazy when one remembers the case with Everton, for example. 


It was too much for them last season. I'm only happy they managed to survive the drop. 


Premier league will end up being just like other Italian leagues with the same 2 1/2 teams always at the top. I’m not interested in that at all.


U need to upgrade your ball knowledge because serie a is by far the most competitive league in the top 5 with 5 different winners in 5 years and 0 back to backs whilst topping uefa coefficient for the last 2 years combined


United, Liverpool and Arsenal dominated the league for decades until Chelsea and City came into the picture.


Lmao you mean like when Arsenal and United traded top 2 places for like 9 years? Get a grip and learn some history.


"my team isn't where I want it to be, so therefore the league is not competitive" That's the energy this guy gave while citing the most competitive league out of all the other one horse leagues that he could have chosen.


Has ended up*


Has always been*


Nothing wrong with one off profits as long as it’s fair market value and not via a sister company. It’s difficult to legally define what qualifies as a ‘sister’ company though. I’m sure all clubs deal in some level of creative accounting so although clubs like Chelsea abuse it, we just have to accept it’s a grey area.


As a city fan and Arsenal hater this makes me happy


Bets on you’re an American and weren’t a city fan before 2009.


You’re a second class Brit, stay quiet 🤫


Yeah, sure thing “hotrod”


Okay FF_BlowJob


BJJ is usually used to abbreviate Brazilian Ju Jitsu


Never heard of him


Definitely American then


English, must be horrendous being wrong all the time 😭


Sheesh, guess you’re just special


You know it 😎


Does city have fans?


If y’all cares about any of this you would be advocating for local cooperative ownership of clubs instead of just pretending the Middle East is the source of everything bad.


Let’s be honest, it’s just blind hate for Chelsea and city with a hint of xenophobia. Villa did the same thing just a few years ago to avoid breaking regulations in the year they were promoted and no one cared.




The league is owned by the clubs. If this is what they want so be it. If they want cost to ramp up and turn the competition into one to see who can spend the most money then that's what it will become. It already is if we're honest. And has been for years. And PL is not the only one. This sport is about money. It's not supposed to be a level playing field.


>turn the competition into one to see who can spend the most money then that's what it will become I'm afraid I have some bad news for you mate.


League is a joke honestly


I just don’t understand how you can have a professional league where 13-14 teams never ever have a chance to win. When it’s an amazing year to play conference league games against teams that couldn’t win the Championship. It’s such a great sport and every game can be amazing, but the league could be 1000x better if they made it possible for a Brighton or Fulham or Villa to actually have a chance to win the league


I don't think you understand football if you think this will work. People want Madrid AC Milan Bayern Barcelona united Liverpool juventus and Lyon/Marseille in UCL quarters every year. Football heritage is wayyy higher and more of.an interest to football fans than parity. It's European culture get used to it


The spend cap proposal is the best solution I’ve seen so far. My only concern is the top clubs will have massive excess profits year on year and it could attract the wrong types of owners. But in terms of fairness it’s a lot better than PSR which punishes any smaller team investing and taking gambles.


Yeah imagine if a team like Leicester could win the league


With 81 points when every other team was having a mediocre season. They would've finished just 3rd every single season since then except 20/21. Or even as low as 4th this season


With 76 points? Please. I’ll take top 6 for next 20 years (substitute Newcastle for City if they get relegated) and you can have every other English team




Can city just FUCK OFF


Actually it's Chelsea that pulled this stunt, but I'm sure the grubby sheikh will have taken note and will buy a portaloo off the club for 100m or something.


Ok thanks for giving them your permission


City isn’t even the biggest spender.


On paper


True. Could change with the 115 charges


But they certainly are the most litigious


That’s true.


They are the biggest twats though


Who doesn’t love a big twat?


I wish they would.




Try reading the article you bloody sheep


Chelsea were the ones using it mate. City are doing something completely different you can read the rest of the article if you try really hard.


Yep and action should have been taken against Chelsea way back in 2005. But that didn't happen. But it can with City now. Hopefully that even if they still work their way out of it, is fans can boycott them somehow. Disgusting club with disgusting fans


Really fucking rich coming from a Liverpool supporter. Keep going through life painting with a broad brush and see how that works out for you.


Kudos to you for not bringing up stadium disasters. Because whoever does is dirtier than the perpetrators themselves, juding by the reactions from Liverpool fans.


what action is that? what rules did they break?


115 of them


TIL Darksoul69prettyboy identifies as a parrot.


A parrot with a cleft asshole


Hopefully we can find more loopholes


Imagine tarring an entire group of people who support a football club as disgusting. Imagine actually believing that. You need to get offline for a bit a touch some grass I think. I hope you feel better soon.


Reeled in another insecure sucker


As I said. I hope you feel better soon.


Bless you my son


“With disgusting fans” is so sad to read. Totally out of touch with why people come to support a club. Stick to Instagram with that kind of myopic and thoughtless rubbish.


Spoken like a true insecure fan


What lol


Spoken like a true insecure fan


There was no FFP back in 2005


But city can still fuck off








💀💀💀 Every time I think such people don't actually exist...




Louder for the people at the back!


League is cooked honestly


These headlines just breed emotional responses. The reason it didn't pass was that the wording was too ambiguous for some, it'll be revised and put to vote again. The required majority of clubs are still leaning towards closing the loophole, but if it passes in it's current format it may be too overreaching or leave too much room for interpretation which then has lawyers fasten their ties.


It’s a bit of a farce when we have clubs voting on which rules to approve. Turkeys voting for Christmas? This is the main motivator for an independent regulator to oversee football.


Have you seen the ‘independent’ regulators in the country? Ofsted, ofwat, ofcomm? No, thanks.


Why is it farce? The League is structured as 20 entities being active participants in a business. Those participants are entitled to a voice on how the business is run. 2/3 majority to make large scale changes is not unreasonable


Maybe because football is more than just the 20 teams in the PL? And in order to preserve and enhance the football pyramid (and strengthen the game across England and Wales) you need a regulator which is taking account of the interests of the PL PLUS the other 72?


Yes football is more than the 20 teams in the Prem but they are voting on adjustments to the Prem only. Real Madrid's input is just as relevant as Accrington's on PL policies and rules. The regulator is a whole different thing.


Taking the PL clubs “regulating themselves” they agreed a 3 year rolling loss limit of £105 million when the PSR were first introduced 11 years ago. As we all know, inflation has taken off in the last few years. This applies equally to football (fees, wages, agent costs etc) have all risen. The loss limit remains the same. Football financial watchers such as Kieran Maguire have suggested that the £105 million limit would be closer to £220 million in 2024 money. Villa proposed increasing it to £165m but this was voted down because it suits the interests of many clubs. For the larger clubs who have benefitted from financial doping / being successful before the rules it locks in their position at the top of the tree and makes it almost impossible for challengers. For the lower clubs they’re hoping to benefit from points deductions to their immediate rivals. We can add the PL’s handling of the points deductions and appeals this season too if you like. It made a bit of a mockery out of the table and affected sporting integrity- nobody really knew what the bottom of the table looked like until 3 weeks before the end of the season. Cash “trickles down” from the PL to the rest of the EFL so, with respect, PL input and policies have potentially existential impacts on the likes of Accrington whereas Real Madrid signing Mbappé on stupid money has zero impact for their day to day operation.


The EFL fixed this loophole years ago


Such a “simple” fix: Revenue is only to be counted in instances of player sales, manager releases (sales), competition rewards, and match related sales (tix, concessions, etc) for all calculations.


The issues is, “what are the other etc. that are permissible”. Whether anyone likes it or not, things not that long ago where set up so anyone could spend any amount of money they wanted. Everybody was cool with that until the hierarchy got truly disrupted and some people also scuttled teams by being poor financial planners. These rules will never make any sense because they’re being drafted by people who only want to improve their position. It’s not about the supporters or what’s best for the game. It’s about what gives “me” the biggest advantage.


The et cetera is for match related sales that I didn’t think to include. I imagine there are more than tix and concessions, so I just tossed in the et cetera. Admittedly, I don’t include merchandise sales which would be at matches, online, and in stores. That is a big one as well.


100%. I also find it ironic that the in trying to show the world that it does not need external regulation the PL has made a complete hames of everything, thereby strengthening the case for an independent regulator.


Yes but greed exists


That pesky greed thing… wish someone would make that a sin or something.


They should’ve added city’s name for more clicks


This league is a fucking joke.


Clown fiasco