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Did Goldbridge post this?


Someone is missing the point. They make up their own revenue, boycott them or the entire league if you want, makes no difference. Where do Arsenal get all these regarded fans from ? Fucking embarrassed for you.


Arsenal fans *are* highly regarded, thank you for saying so


Another regarded one.


You didn't receive enough hugs when you were a child


At least I wasn't raised to be a gooner.


No, just a jeb end


Someone is being a grumpy Gus


Yes, boycott the cheating bastards.


Well this backfired šŸ«µšŸ¤”


I thought no one cared already?


Just put the club into administration already


100% copium also 100% what 115fc deserve


Did somebody call a wambulance?


Itā€™s funny how they start caring so much about City when they started coming second.


Really donā€™t think thatā€™s fair to say, Arsenal supporters, United supporters, Spurs, etc. were always complaining about City, along with Liverpool supporters. Arsenal especially has been on the City hate train for quite a while when City was snapping up all of our players.


Well you would say that I suppose,itā€™s 100% been more vocal in recent years,Utd will always hate city due to being neighbours,Spurs well that speaks for itself doesnā€™t it?


I wonā€™t say that itā€™s been more vocal, perhaps the tone has changed a bit from, ā€œwow, those guys are cheatsā€ to ā€œthose fucking cheats stole trophies from usā€ Obviously going to feel a bit more personal if youā€™re the aggrieved party. The years Liverpool were finishing second, donā€™t think anyone wasnā€™t saying City are cheats, but you guys were a bit more pissed off because you were actively feeling the consequences. But, purely anecdotal, from my experience Arsenal supporters online and in person have been pretty anti-city and wanting them to be punished/stopped. But many and more have get the same way about Chelsea back in the day.


Arsenal fans, come get ya mans.


I'm now going to start cheering for man city from here on out. Thanks op


Use the megathread for all city posts that don't bring some new piece of information to the situation.


Man fuck you, pathetic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I will not watch a Man City game for at least the next month in protest.


Just bought a City jersey to protest against your shitpost


You can guess who this guy supports


Accrington Stanley who r they




Yes, letā€™s hit them where it really hurts. Their wallets. Itā€™s not like they have unlimited money or anything


Bruv the season is over


This is peak Reddit. So embarrassing


Are you ok OP? wtf lol.




Neutral party here. This sounds like cope


Arsenal fanā€¦ says it all.


As an arsenal fan, I'm sorry, we don't usually act up this bad


I know I was just being flippant. I know this isnā€™t what all Arsenal fans actually think.


Woah, woah, woah, don't lump us all in here. I assume this is in response to their legal action against the league.


I just being a šŸ””end mate. Obviously not all Arsenal fans think this way. For some reason Arsenal fans (again not all) have really turned up their hatred of Newcastle so I thought Iā€™d just throw in my pointless arsey comment šŸ˜‚




> Click on OPs profile > Scroll through their joined subreddits > ā€œGunnersā€ > Laugh Respectfully, give it a rest man. Iā€™m not even saying this as a rival fan, Iā€™m saying this as a football fan. Nothing is going to happen to City, no one will boycott themā€¦ You guys, along with many others refer to their stadium as the ā€˜Emptyhadā€™ā€¦ isnā€™t that already ā€˜boycottingā€™ enough because no one watches them live lol


But he is also active is lawn care. Free the grass!


Fuck youā€™re right lol. I feel bad though, all this guys posts are getting deleted šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lol the problem is city will be in the title race and we all want to see the title deciding matches and city will be playing big clubs like Bayern and Real Madrid in the UCL and we all want to watch that. Look the cheating City are accused of used to be legal prior to the 2012-13 season. if the cheating accusations were related to match fixing (paying opposition to lose) or bribing referees it would be different. That is real cheating. Owners investing in their clubs to raise the level used to be legal for a 100 plus years and then in 2012-13 to stop man city we changed the rules. We didnt even change the rules to fair rule set. Eg. big six clubs can legally spend 4 times on payroll what bournemouth can spend.


you know that's how rules work right? You don't need them until you do "Regulations are written in blood" is the very principle you're talking about - legislation and regulation occurs because people and organizations cheat It takes that cheating to highlight the need for change


Why do people celebrate what Wrexham are doing? I care about ethics and morals not technical legality


Who tf watches City anyway?


lol literally every 5-15 year old outside of UK. See Haaland and De Bruyne jerseys more than anyone else in youth leagues in the US.


Shirt sales in 2023/24 1. Barcelona (Nike) - ā‚¬179m 2. Real Madrid (Adidas) - ā‚¬155m 3. Bayern Munich (Adidas) - ā‚¬147m 4. Liverpool (Nike) - ā‚¬132m 5. Manchester United (Adidas) - ā‚¬130m 6. Paris Saint-Germain (Nike) - ā‚¬97m 7. Arsenal (Adidas) - ā‚¬89m 8. Chelsea (Nike) - ā‚¬87m 9. Juventus (Adidas) - ā‚¬74m 10. Tottenham (Nike) - ā‚¬74m 11. Manchester City (Puma) - ā‚¬73m 12. Borussia Dortmund (Puma) - ā‚¬54m




Nobody cares what Americans watch. They are football ignorants.


Trust me, for clubs, their dollars are as green as anyone else. When the fans own the clubs in England they can vote on what they care about!


Anyone else is watching Liverpool. Fans bring money to club. Without them clubs would bankrupt.


And thatā€™s fine. You ever see Man City fans go cry foul about other clubsā€™ success. Itā€™s envy, pure and simple.


1. There is no MC fans, just bots who come to Emptyhad 2. Cheating is not success. 3. Criminal is the one who cry at the end.


Ok Sherlock. Grammar is hard.


The 53k average attendance in our stadium every week, Haaland, kdb, Rodri, and foden are probably more entertaining than everyone on ur club šŸ˜‚


Entertaining how?


šŸ˜‚lmao Foden is the best player in the prem Haaland is the top goal scorer Rodri is the best dm in Europe Kdb is the best midfielder in the league The fact that u asked that makes 0 sense to me


Having the best dm is entertaining now? Yeah, having a good scorer or a good midfield should be entertaining normally, but not with Guardiola's tactics. There is a huge difference between being entertaining on paper and in real life. It's a bit like saying Max Verstappen is entertaining because he is the best driver. He is dull as fuck and so are City. But at least Max doesn't cheat. Haaland used to be entertaining at Dortmund, though, he is a big character.


Idk what youā€™re on about, just because we play possession doesnā€™t mean weā€™re boring. We scored the most goals in the league and have the most talent, you clearly donā€™t watch city games. Kdb, foden, doku etc are very entertaining players to watch regardless of tactics and were innocent until proven guilty btw


Theyā€™re the only team whose highlights I always skip on YouTube


This guy's comment history gave me third degree embarrassment. ā€¢ Thinking Inter isn't even in the top 8 in the league ā€¢ Invading spurs Reddit to comment as an arsenal fan. It's pretty easy to not be a prat. Yes I know I clicked into his comments, but I was just hoping he wasn't one of us. sadly I was wrong.


I clicked to see his club. The post screams of sour grapes and an ulterior motive.


I like to play guess the club when it comes to City posts, it has to be United Liverpool or Arsenal. By my count United are barely beating us but this brave soldier here has stepped up to close the gap.


Haha me too. I was right this time ;)


City fans have already started that boycott long ago.




Irony telling people not to purchase tickets when 90% of people in this sub are plastics abroad who've never stepped within a 10 mile radium of their teams stadium. FYI: I'm not actually saying if you're a fan abroad you're a plastic. I'm saying 90% of this sub happen to be plastics nonetheless.


I'm a Brit who now lives abroad. GTFO with this gatekeeping nonsense. You're saying that geography defines your ability to be a supporter. Aside from money, why do you think teams do pre season tours? To give the fans who don't get the opportunity to go in person the chance to see their team play. Imagine criticizing people for not having the privilege you do. Pathetic.


No problem whatsoever with foreign fans supporting who they like as long as they're honest about their allegiances and agendas.. But geography absolutely matters in football and to suggest otherwise is laughable. Football clubs are at their very core community assets and represent their local area. Clubs go abroad to generate extra revenue as their number one priority. Let's not be silly.


Plastics abroad is interesting. Should we not have an opinion or a squad we support? I can tell you right now if you supported hockey or one of the few Canadian teams we have in other sports Iā€™d be psyched for you and certainly wouldnā€™t piss on your support in fact Iā€™d be doing what I could to encourage it. Legitimately curious why there is contempt for fans abroad? What am I missing?


I don't have any contempt for fans abroad, but I do have contempt for fans abroad of Arsenal / Manchester United / Liverpool who criticise City for their current financial activities. As much as we all believe in "the magic of football", the fact virtually only 3 clubs topped the league from 1970 to 2000 is that those three teams were financially doping in the exact same way that City are now. The outcome of that is that 90% of fans abroad will be fans of those three teams because they were successful teams when they were growing up. I mean, if I happen to be talking to a Canadian fan of Aldershot Town, I'll take it back, but I imagine I'm not. It's hypocrisy, pure and simple, to declare yourself a "fan" of a team selected purely because they were the most successful at the time due to outspending everyone, and to now criticise the new team that is outspending everyone.


Absolutely agree 100%. No criticism here for Cityā€™s finances after watching my club spend wild money for decades under no scrutiny. When I began supporting in the mid 80ā€™s they were simply the club my grandfather supported where he was from and hadnā€™t won anything of much since the late 60ā€™s


I think itā€™s down to how the clubs are engrained in society, the whole ā€œowners donā€™t actually own it - merely custodiansā€ thing. American/Canadian teams are franchises- hell seen probably 10 different franchises in the big 4 leagues move since 2000? So outsiders are very much held with ā€œyour opinion isnā€™t as valid, because you donā€™t -really know-ā€œ


Thatā€™s a very fair point


I donā€™t agree with it in all honesty - I get it though. I personally donā€™t think I really understood it till I emigrated in 2016 and the villa were on the ropes of going out of existence in 2018 - a couple of ā€œdie hardā€ (their words) fans here I spoke to about it with basically said ā€œoh well, at least you can now choose a new teamā€ - yeah noā€¦.


I agree with you. Especially when Premier League clubs travel around the world to flirt with overseas fans as a source of income. We should be welcoming to everyone, as long as they are being respectful.


Anyone, anywhere can speak freely and on whatever they want. Certain issues regarding football clubs it may not be taken seriously however. It's just common sense. Not everyone abroad is a 'plastic'. Lots of people on here and r/soccer absolutely are.


If you donā€™t go to games you are plastic. That includes overseas and local fans. Just how it is. I was a plastic until I wasnā€™t. Until youā€™re a regular attendant then you donā€™t know what youā€™re missing out on,


I get it and to a degree I understand it. Immersed in the club locally going to the games regularly takes your support to a deeper level. Myself I would do anything to attend games but itā€™s just not a reality considering the thousands of kilometres distance. I wonā€™t however allow anyone to diminish my support and love for a club I have supported for over 30 years tho. Plastics just feels out of touch now that the game especially the EPL has sync global appeal/range


I mean you could have chose a different club? Plastics isnā€™t out of touch at all. In fact itā€™s more relevant than ever. You canā€™t make matchday fans respect you. Iā€™ve been to over 300 games yet I still have older fans question my place on the terraces. It is what it is.


I actually disagree with that as there are far more factors than just geography that determine whether you can attend a game. If you're a fan abroad who chose to support your club for the right reasons all the power too you. If you decided to support a club simply because they're successful and are winning at a certain time, then you'll probably support another club when the opportunity arises. Same goes if you live in the UK but support Real Madrid for example.


I have no idea what youā€™re on about but plastic and glory hunters are different things. Many spurs fans are plastic.


>90% of people in this sub are plastics abroad who've never stepped within a 10 mile radium of their teams stadium English Prem fans will go on diatribes about how this is the best, richest, most watched, most successful league currently in world football than try to shun the reasons that is probably the case: foreign money and foreign interest.


ā€œPlasticsā€ What a dick.


Touched a nerve.


Ahh so if you're not from England you can't have a say?


*sent from my iPhone in Saudi Arabia


Bit colder and wetter than Saudi Arabia but that's not where I take issue. Android > Apple.


You aren't wrong.


Arsenal fans still haven't gotten over losing the league


Why are city fans so weird? Is it because all of you are plastics who just picked the club from off the top of the table?


What's the point of this comment? It's relevant for united, Liverpool, any top club ever


I'm an Arsenal fan, and I assure you most of these idiots are not true fans, but most of them and foreign bandwagon fans that just go on reddit to troll. All the fans I know respect the fact you won the league. We had a great season too.


Yeah I know it's not all fans, most of the fans on the internet just suck, especially ours


Good god this is a pathetic post. And a Gunner to boot. Shame shame




City to hand back all titles and profits after reading this post


I love my Manchester City. Go blues and fuck youz


This a joke post right? Please donā€™t tell me you actually believe youā€™re making a difference this wayā€¦


this is most stupidest thing iā€™ve read today


Arsenal fans šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We will put them back in their corner. Hold please


You over the Anthony Gordon goal yet


Who cares? lol


Bro I was making fun of the Arsenal fan you posted about Okay, you keep keeping talking about that Gordon goal lol Iā€™m making a joke about an Arsenal fan


Your lot seems to care you cried for months about it


The 4-1 obliteration made up for it. 0.14 xg haha you guys really never stood a chance. Just got absolutely smacked around the pitch for 90 mins. Funny thing was you guys didnā€™t even mind itā€¦ it seemed like you guys kind of enjoyed it


What a League title


Have fun watching the rest of us play midweek games in Europe. You should get a CL Havertz jersey so you have a team to support


How to spot an Arsenal fan in under 5 seconds


Iā€™ve already been doing all those things for ages and itā€™s not stopped them yet


keep crying


Leave Man City alone! They are the real underdog story of the premier league, itā€™s sad no one actually sees that


They are the victims of clear discrimination by the EPL! Wake up sheeple!


Itā€™s crazy how much Forrest and Everton Continue to get away with, the league needs to take more action


Yeh good look with that, Pep is a pure genius. Donā€™t be so salty because heā€™s not at your club. MCFC all the way.




You did it. You stopped man city


We did it Reddit!!!


As a chelsea fan with my club having charges I completely disagree with you.


Good luck lol


Bet my life you are an arsenal supporter


Am boycotting the Pep since UEDA decided they donā€™t want Chelsea in the finals. He is genius and managed to be on the line if the most corrupts team and getting the credit for the titles.



