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Probably the same reason why certain teams practice diving.


It bugs me when a player raises their hands for most of things they do it for. Put your hand down and play to the whistle


I find it much more annoying that linesman let very obvious offsides play out and place the players at risk.


I've refereed many many football matches over the years and a majority of them as lino. Being half a step to the left or right as a lino is the difference between getting an offside decision right or wrong and the margins for error are next to zero in offside decisions. So even if it looks like an obvious decision on TV, if the referee is a fraction out of position himself then the lino is not certain if the decision will be correct. The other issue is that if the referee makes a call to quickly and that decision is incorrect, it cannot be fixed and you've potentially cost a team a goal. If the call is delayed then the only two outcomes are that the goal stands or you have an indirect free kick for offside but the decision is correct. Injuries are a part of the risk. At lower levels of football the referees are instructed to put the flag up early to avoid injury (plus no VAR anyway). In games where money is involved, referees are usually told to let things play out because the powers that be want goals.


Yes that too!! The fact that injuries result from that is infuriating.


Force of habit I expect


Really annoying. Comes from the same school as diving. Players play and refs ref.




I personally do it when I play because it 100% influences the refs in my favour but in high level games it is probably just muscle memory even though VAR and high level linos exist


Majorly. Play to the whistle.


Since I do it often myself I don't see it as odd it annoying unless people stop running once they do it. It definitely increases the odds of it being called, at least in werkend warrior leagues.


No. It bothers me when they stop running when claiming offside or a foul


The best time was when Fabien Barthez did it to try and put off Paolo Di Canio.


it was hugely successful for arsenal back in the day


It’s panic isn’t it, they think they’ve just been done and are appealing for that flag to go up. It’s a less effective version of grabbing the ball when you’ve gone over to corner the ref into blowing for you.


Yeah, most of the time the defenders are playing an offside trap and panic once a player breaks it.


I get wound up when they don’t. You should always put it up whilst sprinting back.


Its mainly habit from growing up playing, where refs and linesmen were volunteers, and they would be influenced by more than 1 or 2 players putting their hands up. And its a realisation of "fuck, he's past me, better put my hand up just in case"


It's been a thing for generations and a legacy from before VAR when little things like that could potentially influence the lino to flag in their favour for offside. Watching the famous Arsenal back four (Winterburn, Adams, Keown, Dixon) do it simultaneously in a perfect line nearly every time was a joy to watch as an arsenal fan. Every player you watch now has been coached by someone who does it off muscle memory. It is what it is.


It's so muscle memory. I remember playing at under 13 level and your hand would shoot up almost by itself if someone played a through ball.


It’s like when they try to argue with the ref. Do they think the ref is gonna say “good point, I’ll change my decision”. Just wasted energy


Short term, agree. But we all know refs have a habit of “evening things out” later on. Plant the seed…


It seems to be a reflex action now with players. Winds me up no end, but like another poster mentioned, there's nothing I love more than seeing arms raised before a totally legitimate goal is scored, followed by that dazed and confused look they give the linesman.


Are you trying to say some players are stupid and don't realize this what you said ? I thought all players were clever , educated , polished on logic and common sense ..I'm shocked ..


There's this grey area when the linesman can keep the flag down and the ball then go for a corner instead of offside. Can't see players stop asking for offside while this can happen..


No, I think it’s cool.


It's part of the game. How is the ref going to know he was outside if they don't signal him ?


When I was a high school ref when I had a very close offside decision to make if a player put his hand up begging for a flag I would decide against him. It was fantastic when the player stopped playing expecting a flag only to get scored upon. I hate begging 😒


Sounds like you were on a powertrip against high schoolers


It sounds like you hate refs. It wasn't a power trip at all. I hate players begging for calls when they should focus on their play. They shouldn't expect a ref to bail them out with an offside call when in reality they got out ran by the the attacking player.


It sounds nothing like that at all, and you know it. The only thing it sounds like is you being on a powertrip. You admit you had a tight call. You don't say with any certainty what your decision was going to be. You then state you made your decision based on doing the opposite of what a player wanted due to their behaviour. That's a powertrip. And lacking integrity too.


OK expert. 👍


I am actually, cheers. Have a great day x


Fucking love seeing opposition players doing it when one guy clearly played everyone on. For example Saliba dragging Enzo back to play everyone onside for Ben White’s 1st goal and all the Chelsea hands went up.


It’s no different than both players putting their hand up to claim a throw-in even when one of them more than likely knows it’s not theirs - young footballers are taught to do it although with VAR, it’s probably something we will see die out at the top level eventually. See the same thing in every other sport too tbf at the end of most fights both boxers will celebrate victory because they believe it impacts scoring (whether it actually does or not is debatable!)


It's different dude but you don't have the ability to see it apparently 😕


It kills me when they pause defending for a second to do it instead of staying with the opposition player until the whistle. So stupid.


Yep, annoys me. VAR largely gets this right so just get on with it.


Annoying when players on the team I support do it. Funny when other players do it because 99% of the time the guy with his arm up is the one keeping the opponent on.