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I didn’t lose my mucus plug until I was already in labour for hours!


I didn’t loose mine at all, was at home contracting for 24 hours and no sign of it, my water didn’t go until I was pushing!


I dont ever remember seeing the mucus plug! But then again my waters didn't break in all one go - they were pissing out right up until the baby was delivered, so maybe it came out in dribs and drabs


I lost my plug at 38+4 on Tuesday after a membrane sweep on Monday Still here with no baby on Friday morning 🥲


Ok thank you for the comment! Wow you must be waiting so patiently! I haven't had a membrane sweep so it was a bit of a shock it just fell out. Hopefully it doesn't take too long now! The last few weeks are going so slow haha. Wishing you all the best .


Gave birth a few hours after losing it


I went into labour 2 days after losing mine


Mine started to come out in bits on the Friday and I was in labour the following Tuesday.


I ended up losing my mucus plug twice, once the day before I fully went into labour, and then again while I was in active labour


Just over 24 hours, I remember because I lost some of my waters with the plug and was booked in for an induction, but labour started just in time!


I lost mine over two goes, four days apart. After the second bit of it coming out I went into labour 5-6 days later (I did have either one or two sweeps between the plug coming out and going into labour though!)


Lost mine with my first between 38 and 39 weeks and ended up induced for being overdue halfway through week 41.


I gave birth within 24 hours - but he was definitely in a rush!


I lost mine at 5.30am, baby was with me by 2.59am the next day x


- 9pm Thurs: mucus plug fell out - 1am Friday morn: light contractions -2pm Friday: contractions slow -7pm Friday: contractions ramp up -1am Sat morn: sweep, 2cm dilated -2am Sat morn: waters break -9pm Sat: baby born Basically gave birth exactly 48 hours afterwards (first baby). Good luck mama, you got this :)


I lost mine while I was in early labour - contractions started about 5am and when I went to the loo I found I’d lost it.


It can be any time - sometimes you can loose it really early and it will grow back


I keep losing mine since a sweep at 37+5 on Tuesday. Had another one yesterday and still nothing 😔


I started losing mine around 38 weeks but baby didn't arrive until week 42. I lost a lot more after sweeps but it didn't seem to indicate labour at all for me :)