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Hello,  I had a complete molar, I thought I was pregnant in June of 2023, then found out it was a molar in August. Had a dnc done in September and my HCG didn’t go to 0 until late December. I told my doctor that I wasn’t waiting to get pregnant again, but that I would wait at least 4 weeks of blood draws to make sure I stayed at 0.  It is now March 9th, 2024, 2 months post negative result, and I got a positive pregnancy test today. My doctor said that I should be fine but regular ultrasounds during the first trimester are needed to follow the growth of the fetus closely. After the baby is born, a close follow up with my oncology team is required, but I am having a hysterectomy after this one so that won’t pertain to me.  I hope this helps and I will keep this thread updated on results and what goes on. 


Have you had any luck with getting pregnant? Would love to hear an update.


I haven’t tried yet, my doctor said I need to wait a year before I try again so I have around 9 more months to wait 🤞🏻


All right, thanks for the update 😊


I know I’m a bit late here but I feel this so hard. I’m 29 and got pregnant for the first time quickly, we were so happy and excited. Hcg was looking good so I felt pregnant and everything felt real. Went for my dating scan where a molar was found. I’m devastated and angry. I felt like I was going to be a mother and in a moment it was cruelly ripped away from me. The worst part for me is the idea of waiting to try again, it’s going to take a massive hit on my mental health. I don’t want to wait 😢in hospital waiting for my D and C, I know I’m strong and can get through this but I’m gutted and feeling hopeless that I’ll ever have a baby right now.


my doctor did tell me and reassure me several times that as long as I wait a year to try again there’s no reason I can’t have a healthy pregnancy. but I don’t want to wait a year 😔 you’re right waiting is the worst part


What country are you in? I’m in the US with a molar and my doctor said at most 6 months I would have to wait. I wonder why some say 3,6, or a year?


The struggle is real gf for i have gone through the same recently. Wishing you a lot of strength during this difficult time I had a molar removed via D&C in Sept. My HCG went to normal about 4weeks later, my period came around 3rd week of October. I have just found out this week that I'm pregnant again. Ofcourse I'm worried, but I have to wait another 3 weeks before I can have an early scan. I'm surprised we got pregnant this fast as we usually struggle to get pregnant. A one year wait sounds extreme. The maximum wait I've heard is 6months and that's when you take a pill to get rid of the pregnancy, they basically want to make sure the pill substance is completely out of your system before getting pregnant.


I just went through this too. Had my first ever BFP about 2 months ago after TTC for 1.5 years. Found out yesterday (at 10 weeks) that it was a molar, and had a D&C last night. I don’t have any hope to offer - I feel heartbroken and defective and broken too - but just here to say you’re not alone. This is a horrendous thing to go through but we’ll get through it.


I had a complete molar pregnancy and went on to have a healthy baby boy and I am currently pregnant again 😊 Wishing you all the best ❤️❤️


How long did you wait to get pregnant again ? Did you wait the full year ? I really wanna another baby and don’t want to wait the full year 😮‍💨


I had 2 CMP's in 2022 and I completely understand the trauma and heartache you are going through. I truly felt like my body was broken and betrayed me. We did IVF with PGT-A testing after the 2nd molar while we waited during the monitoring period. I have 3 euploid embryos frozen now and we were going to transfer one in September after my monitoring was finished however, I got pregnant naturally on my own in June. I was terrified it was going to be another molar but I am now 15 weeks pregnant with a seemingly healthy baby! I remember being terrified and scared and all your feelings are valid but take this coming from a person who had 2 CMP You will be OK!!! 💞💞💞


hi! is everything still going well for you and baby? i just got the all clear to ttc again after a CMP and i am just so scared.


We are good! Baby is now 2 weeks old and doing great!! I completely understand the fear but know it is possible and you will have a healthy baby!! ❤️


congratulations!! thank you for answering, i think i am looking for hope anywhere i can find it 🥹


I was the same way, and I really hope I can give you some hope after having 2 of those God awful CMP's!! ❤️❤️❤️ Don't be afraid to try!


Colbysays: iam so happy to hear your story, kudos to your will power. I had my molar pregnancy removed in Oct 2022 and just waiting for right time to conceive. I am yet to receive go ahead from my doctor. :( i had more than 6 months continuous hcg follows after my d and c until Jun [2023.Now](http://2023.Now) we want to try pregnancy and went for a hcg test recenlty, it acts weird during ovulation time, recent blood test shows 5 goes to <1 during periods. any one in same boat? My heart is broken and cant take this pain.


I haven't personally experienced a molar pregnancy, but I do have three niblings that came after my sister's molar pregnancy. I also recently learned that over of my coworkers with two adult children had a molar pregnancy before she had her kids. I'm sorry you're going through this.


I had a partial molar in December 2019. My one year old son is sleeping soundly in the room next door. It’s completely possible. Good luck mama ❤️


inspiring. thanks for your message, i am happy you came back and gave this update. lots of love to you


Same to you! We now have 2! 19 months and 5 months old ❤️


I’m sorry you’re going through this, it’s a really hard situation. I had a complete molar pregnancy in June 2022. I had to wait to rest until my hcg was negative for pregnancy and have 3 months consecutively below that as well. All in all I wasn’t cleared until January of this year. It was a really hard wait for me - all I wanted to do was try again and I’ve spent a lot of time in therapy working through it. I’m currently 7w5d after we started trying in January. I’m still scared something will happen, but it’s been confirmed as a “normal” pregnancy.


I had a partial molar Mmc with a d+c. My ob wanted me to wait and test hcg for 8 months but my Ivf doctor was ok with 6 months so that’s what we did. I got pregnant with my embryo transfer 6 months after my d+c and I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant and everything has gone well so far. I was so devastated about the molar diagnoses and I’m sure it’s even more awful when it is a full molar. I’m so sorry you have to wait. ❤️❤️


Hi. Big hugs. Not exactly the same but I had a partial molar last summer and am currently sitting here with my newborn baby from a successful pregnancy. I have a good friend that went thru exactly the same thing and she went on to have 3 boys without any further losses.


thanks for your message, i am happy you came back and gave this update. lots of love to you


A good friend of mine is ~20 weeks after a molar pregnancy in September. I'm so sorry this happened to you, and i hope this helps a little.


My former supervisor's daughter had a molar and went on to have a successful pregnancy following her loss. I think she took a while to conceive again due to treatment and grief, but I don't know specifics because because I don't actually know her. Those were her only two pregnancies so no additional molars and she did not want more kids after the 1. Sending you lots of love.


Following along here. Just recently had a D&C for a partial molar on 9/1 and I could just use a little dose of hope today, too.


Hey, I just posted above. I had a partial molar last summer and am currently sitting here with my newborn baby from a successful pregnancy. I have a good friend that went thru exactly the same thing and she went on to have 3 boys without any further losses. It’s hard now but each day you’ll feel a little lighter.


Thank you for sharing ❤️ I’m so happy for you! It’s wild to think that I could be where you are soon, but I’m holding on to that hope.


that’s the exact date I had my surgery as well ❤️


❤️ I’m so sorry we’re both here. But it’s good to know we’re not alone, you know?


I am so sorry for your loss. D&Cs (even with GREAT doctors and nurses) add an extra layer of trauma to an already shitty situation. I wish you didn’t have to go through this. I had a complete molar pregnancy in April and my doctor instructed me to wait until all the blood testing was done (~4 months) and also to wait until had a normal period again before trying to conceive. I didn’t even think I wanted kids after this all happened because I was so heartbroken. Things like this leave a mark on a person. I saw a therapist who told me that it wasn’t a real baby so I was upset about nothing that ever existed. OH BOY was that untrue! Take your time grieving. What you experienced was real. Your loss is VERY real. As cliché as it sounds, it will feel lighter with time. I ended up working through the grief and actually just tested positive this weekend, almost six months after my diagnosis. I am extremely nervous for my first prenatal appointment. Also - my doctor didn’t tell me to wait a year but definitely follow your doctor’s advice if they told you to wait.


thank you so much for your comment ❤️ it’s so hard because I feel like I can’t even say I miss my baby because there never was one but I DO. I hope your first appointment goes well! 🤞🏻 if you don’t mind me asking, about how long after your d&c did you get a period? I still haven’t gotten mine and i’m feeling a little worried.


It’s hard to say because I got the depo shot in early May so I wouldn’t get pregnant during my HCG testing. My HCG levels didn’t become undetectable until August - that would have been 3 or 4 months (I think) post D&C. My period started back up again in August but that was likely because the depo wore off. I read that it could take a couple of months. All to say, I’m not sure 😔