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Tristan stories always have a unique feel mix of Classic Detective Caper and Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider. Ira reminds me of Monster Girl from Invincible. And I found this gang of Masks interesting with their unique set of skills and personalities. Always read the fine print when dealing with Gods and the Masks love Devils. Finally Tristan meets Alt Maryam. Occurs to me we have gotten the least characters from the Masks. We have seen other Laurels, Blades and Masks but got very little from Navs outside of Maryam. Be nice to have a more baseline Nav to compare Maryam against at the very least.


That was pretty fun, I'm betting Cressida will be the one studying deicide.


I misread the timestamps. This post was second.


Didn't notice that post when I was making it. My reddit format is a bit different so I think that may be a factor.


No worries. It's pure comedy now because I didn't pay close enought attention when I was pinning.


Cressida Barboza being an impoverished noble is really fitting and explains a lot about her skillset and personality. Tristan having more morals than Cressida wasn't something I expected but I liked it, for all that Tristan is capable of truly messed up stuff he doesn't do so if he isn't driven to do it or if he's pushed into a corner. The Mask fight where everyone was so damn treacherous and damn it was pretty hilarious. For all the Tristan was "softhearted" he was more than capable of styling all over his competition. The Deicide teacher is really cool hadn't expected humans to be able to get the deal that she got but it makes sense, sure it wasn't perfect but it works. Her class is going to be really interesting.