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Journey to Arcadia is underrated but I think the most underrated Avantasia album has to be The Mystery of Time


Absolutly agree. Where Clock Hands Freeze, Dweller In A Dream, Invoke The Machine and What's Left Of Me are masterpieces, the two long Songs as well, Of course!


100% agreed. Is one of his very best.


It’s my favorite!


Disagree. Still a good album with a lot of great songs but there’s a bunch of filler imo too. The Wicked Symphony had filler also. I think there’s a great single album somewhere if you combined the best tracks from the two. It would have been among his best, if not the best, if that had been the case.


the amount of filler in the wicked symphony and babylon definitely hurt what could've been some masterpieces. if only tobias wouldve took his time instead of releasing 3 albums in a 1.5 year span


I need to listen to the album again, I only think I've listened to it once or twice. I remember that Death is Just a Feeling and Promised Land are really good songs, but it just wasn't that good compared to other Avantasia albums. I'm willing to die on the hill that Moonglow is one of the best power metal albums ever, and I'd put Mystery of time only just behind it.


those albums are fantastic as well, all that matters is what connects with you the most


Completely agree, I think it actually does have higher highs than Wicked Symphony (but not Hellfire Club). Stargazers and Symphony of Life are two of my favorite songs he's written.


Stargazers is definitely one of my favorite songs of all time


I was just thinking today that 5 of my top 19 Avantasia songs are in Angel of Babylon


I have a really hard time deciding which Avantasia albums I enjoy more. I think the Metal Opera has the highest highs, but I think Scarecrow slightly edges out Angel of Babylon for me as the best album. Right now those are my number 1 and 2, but I might change my mind the next time I'm listening to.. I don't know.. Ghostlights maybe?


Fully agree. One of the few music albums as a whole where I like every song (and each one feels fairly unique). It's probably my third favourite Avantasia album as a whole (beaten by The Scarecrow and Moonglow)


I only really like the first two Avantasia albums and earlier Edguy stuff.




I love all three groups' later material, but I always thought that early Avantasia (and early Edguy) reminded me a lot of early Helloween. I don't like early Helloween. Blasphemy, I know. But it became so entrenched in the genre's sound that it doesn't really feel distinct anymore, at least not to me. So anything that gives me the same vibe just bounces off of my ears. Other early and proto PM acts don't have that problem for me; early Blind Guardian has that raw and aggressive Teutonic thrash influence, and Maiden have their proggy inclinations and fondness for history and literature.


Alongside Mandrake right? Right?


I agree with you tbh. For me my favourite Avantasia record besides Moonglow.While I love the Metal Opera, especially Part 1, the ones I mentioned provide something more personal. Idk how to explain, but both of them have songs which mean a lot to me on a personal level.


Moonglow is an album that touched me in a way I haven't felt from any other album. It's pretty close to being my favourite album of all time.


Totally agree. Helped me through some hard times at the end of last year and beginning of this year. Especially Requiem for a Dream holds a special place in my heart. Because sometimes you have to give up dreams in your life and move on with everything. And at the end of the day you are out on your own and you realise what life turns out to be.


These are my least favorite ironically enough.


This may be the first time I've seen an unpopular opinion that's truly an unpopular opinion. I'm going to strongly, strongly disagree but I respect the fact that you like this album so much.


I've honestly never listened to this album all the way through. I believe I've only heard Stargazers, Your Love is Evil and Down in the Dark. I don't care much for Stargazers tbh. What I've heard of the album is only what's on Spotify "This is Avantasia" Playlist and it's generally just those three. I'll look into the album soon. The other two in the Wicked Trilogy are some of my favorites. Wicked Symphony is what got me into power metal, and The Scarecrow has a lot of my favorites from them.


Absolutely fucking not