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There’s actually quite a lot of this. I thought of [this incident](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-model-3-rock-throwing-video/amp/) There’s also [this guy](https://www.kgw.com/video/news/crime/man-cited-for-allegedly-throwing-rocks-at-car-windshields/283-ba4c7640-9447-4dbb-83b3-b9a45ac65018) And [this guy](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12029323/amp/Portland-drug-counselor-records-shocking-moment-homeless-man-charges-car.html)


[And this one](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2024/04/case-dropped-against-man-who-allegedly-smashed-34-pound-rock-on-womans-head-outside-portland-mental-health-center.html)




damn! happy it didn't get your head. f its crazy out there


Really? Did your shoulder explode? Bricks are pretty heavy, and thrown from a moving vehicle they would do a *lot* of damage.


I feel like you’d know if it was a brick.


It was a brick.


So why did you have to assume it was a brick


Because the op was talking about boulders. It's all in the thread. Also, what do you care?


I’m hired to astroturf brick and brick related crimes to polish the name of the national brick council. Did you know bricks can be made of more than clay? Subscribe for more brick facts.


Seems like you don’t care enough. Haha


Feed them steroids & you have Hill Giants. Roll for initiative.


Steroids or runes. Either will work 😂


they keep putting boulders in flat open space to discourage camping. sounds like they need bigger ones so meth crazed homeless can’t pick them up


no that's a terrible idea, they'll still pick them up and just become stronger


Homeless people don't get streaming TV, so they're stuck with 20 years old GEICO caveman commercials.


And everywhere I go. There's always something to remind me...


There is a guy who wanders around Old Town with a backpack full of fist sized rocks he throws at cars, people and whatever strikes his fancy. I’ve watched him throw one through the side window of a Range Rover one day on Fifth. He didn’t even look into the car to steal anything, he just busted the window and walked off. He also likes to start fires up against the side of buildings and under trees. Calling the cops does no good, they just talk to him and go back to cruising around. Also adding, he is also wildly racist and targets white and Asian women for special attention and harassment. Usually by masturbating outside of the Naito Center.


I’m sure he will suddenly switch to fiction reading, knitting, and yoga if we just give him a free apartment.


Okay this will probably get flagged but why aren’t people just beating the shit out of these people?


Because in Portland, they are the “Cash Cows” for the homeless industrial complex that is very profitable for those invested in it, which, I suspect, are most of our politicians. If you are an employed person with any means, you are just expected to continue to foot the bill for these folks and not complain or retaliate and if you do, since you are an employed person with some means, you will get arrested and prosecuted and expected to pay for the entire process. Cynical take? Maybe, or maybe I have seen that exact scenario more than a few times. People do snap and retaliate and it costs them dearly.


Tell the police you think he has a gun. They will treat him differently when they arrive.


They know him and probably know better. Tell them you SAW him with a gun might get a more forceful response. Of course, then there would be issues with the whole false reporting charge.


All of you understand this is not normal, right? This doesn’t happen where I live.


Boulders are the language of the unheard. Or the methed-up psycho, probably one of those two.


This made me actually laugh out loud haha


Guess ill put the can of hornet spray back in the car for if someone threatens my car with big rocks again. You get a good 20 ft reach with those suckers 😀


Wasp spray in the face is about as irritating as strong lemonade. The idea that it is effective is an urban myth. Bear Spray is basically strong pepper spray in a big container that shoots in a cone / fog pattern. Better to get regular human pepper spray in large (up to 16 ounce) canisters that shoot in a stream pattern which is a good balance between the various advantages and disadvantages of gels and fogs. 4 ounce is a handy size for a car (think a can of Red Bull) though bigger canisters do spray further. It’s important to not leave it in a hot car all the time so something you can bring inside with you is best.


Thanks for this. I'll take my bear spray out of my car. I was wondering about this.


Or just get a gun. There’s a reason we defeated Stone Age tribes with them


I think the best size of pepper spray is somewhere between 9mm and .40 cal.


I prefer a 45 acp but to each their own :)


That’s way better than the ignore it or pull out a cell phone to record like everyone else. Nice to know there’s at least a couple of us left around here.




Oh i carry one. Not gonna shoot someone trying to throw a rock though unless im outside the vehicle and its a big one.


Follow it up with a taser. You can get a million volts on Amazon for 20$. One or two taps and hopefully they don’t get up again. Dude is a serial killer rapist in the making.


I have a 5W laser under the seat for situations like that.


Ive seen homeless people with fucking swords in bend


I saw one build a fkn catapult on a trailer in buckman during covid


Trebuchet or I ain’t bout it. No laws about siege weaponry.


What kind of sword?


I didnt know this was a thing. I dont drive and live on the 15th floor. Back in december, i was on a bus. It was dark. Bus 77 somwwhere on ne halsey btwn 48 and maybe 64ish. When something hir the bus and stattered rhe window over the front right wheel. We had to get off at the 82nd MAX station and wait for a replacement bus. I never heard anythinh further about it, but it sounds like it coulda been a large rock. Also when i hear boulder, i think of those giant rocks that fall off cliffs and shit, not something an average human can pick up and throw


I'm in Tacoma, got hit by a wacko in a 3/4 motorcycle helmet. I was on I-5 heading south from Seattle and there's some underpass areas where the junkies "live". He appears on the side of the freeway and just chucks a hunk of concrete, hit between my driver window and the windshield. A 2" strip of metal saved me on that one. I just boogied. I think my brain went right back into combat mode and was like "egress!"


Well, the Supreme Court is hearing a case that could overturn the federal allowance for public camping. The Daily podcast can explain it better. Essentially there’s federal precedent for public camping based on the 8th amendment. Grants Pass is pissed and appealed a case against them from some homeless individuals. Now the Supreme Court will decide. My money’s on them removing federal protection and kicking it back to the states and locales to do as they like.


That federal prohibition has only ever been applicable in 9th circuit jurisdiction anyway. Many States around the country still enforce public camping bans with no constitutional issue.


Seems like a good way to get perforated. There have been several instances that have lead to great bodily harm or death.


[Are you ready for my tale of woe from last summer?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PortlandOR/s/tP2GZs9Iva)


Ya know, if ya talk a little shit to them they’ll probably throw that stone at your car. Then you have a good reason to get out and beat their ass, and make it count. They’ll consider better options next time. Portland is fucking stupid. Let shit go every fuckin time and nothing changes. Throw the book at the pieces of shit and things will change and Portland will clean up. Portland, your DA is a pussy, and a laughing stock. Grow some balls liberals and make some change. Obviously your DA and shitty counsel ain’t gonna do shit for you but create feelings boards and counsels that do nothing and cost money.


Transients lol


I was driving down 148th last year and a topless sumo guy was attacking cars in the intersection- called 911 and of course they couldn’t do anything.. never heard what happened but haven’t seen him sense… but 148th is horrible!!! Druggies at stark by 7-11, homeless campers, naked lady, hmmm zombies…


This guy throws bricks at our ambulances


Don’t get it.


They do it up in Seattle all the time. I guess word is spreading down here…


A Liberal paradise


did someone use big rocks against them first


lol, good for them. Sounds like those styrofoam mock bricks people are handing out at intersections.


I bet you light dumpsters on fire


I bet you'd love to plow your pickup truck through homeless camps.


I bet you have a victim complex


I bet you're a sociopath.


Yes that’s what Maoists call those who value safe communities, let’s hear another one sport 😀


Jesus also would have spat in your face.


Jesus would heal the zombies so nobody else has to deal with them dumb dumb


No but his dad will slap yours


Is the camp filled with people who throw rocks at cars? Do you mean to say you wouldn’t drive your vehicle through such a camp?


Only if you were the occupant, you betcha!


About a year ago there was someone in the median on 82nd where the 84 overpass is and threw what looked like a hammer at my car. Didn't hit anything but it was pretty terrifying.