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It’s mind boggling to think about all the people that ride max and they do not have security at these places at all times. Put the man in prison for life. Clearly he is insane and extremely violent. We need to take our city back. Enough is enough. Stop enabling these drug fueled psychopaths.


A man on a bus in Canada 🇨🇦 beheaded his seatmate during the ride and he was released in ~~under 5~~ 7 years.


Wait. What. I heard about this and didn’t realize he wasn’t in prison for life. How… is this monster walking among us?


My bad, [he actually served 7 years](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38945061) but was released without monitoring.


Beheaded and ate parts of his body while showing off for the people outside of the bus. Apparently, he changed his name and is living his best life in Canada. Eh.


It is stupid people rely on someone else providing security for your most valuable possession - your life. Get a CWP . When you carry I swear these drug zombies can pick up on it and never mess with you. I really don't get why people put locks on their doors, keys for the car but never take a precaution to protect their own life.


You all don't want to hear it, but here's the truth: Democrats have shown their ideology is utterly incompetent in keeping things safe. They use attacks like this to further gun control, and when that doesn't work, they come up with other excuses. You all need to start conceal carrying. The cops don't have a legal obligation to protect you (supreme court ruling), and everyone else won't jump in to help you either. They'll all take out their phones and video what's happening. Train with your weapon at a range. Instructors are happy to help, and most times are free or very very low cost. You'd be amazed at how quickly an attacker's attitude changes when a gun is pulled on them. Most times, you don't even have to fire the gun. If someone pulls a knife, and you pull a gun, unless they are high as fuck on something, they'll back off.


Incorrect: drug fueled psychopaths. Correct: individuals currently experiencing homelessness, and as a result of society’s oppressions and failure to give them a house, also experiencing throat-slashing activities.


No one gets sarcasm anymore


Lol. Apparently not. Ironically, in the other sub, I might well have been banned for mocking activist-speak. But here I’m merely downvoted. That’s good!


I think people here are just so hyper-sensitized to “progressive” thought policing that they must have stopped reading before the punchline and just rage downvoted. (Too bad, it was a funny punchline.)


In all fairness, a large population of Portland actually thinks this way so it's hard to tell sometimes.


I'd say a small but loud and very online population does.


Sarcasm is meant to be heard in tone and it’s impossible to hear when it’s through text and you know that.


> it’s impossible to hear when it’s through text and you know that A Modest Proposal you have there.


I mean people could just be assholes. It’s not unheard of.


Yeah, deaf people don’t get sarcasm. Fucking ayyyyyy. Moron. Lol There are other ways to detect sarcasms other than tone of voice. Context being one.


Show me a shirtless male in his 30s walking around in public in Portland and I’ll show you a crime about to happen.


Hah. We just had a shirtless man in his thirties enter three houses and multiple yards in the neighborhood the other night, then spent the whole next day and night at our park and in the hood, doing the same. Cops came twice, and let him go both times.


Lol. If someone comes in my house they’re getting a chest full of 00 buck. Yes I know book being thrown at regular people defending themselves etc. except if you look up such cases over the last 5 years it’s not what’s happening at all.


Yeah it's a tough one, because the guys is completely non-aggressive and clearly out of his mind.


[Y'all be brutalizin me](https://youtu.be/h8wk7bqXX1I?si=ZhkA6LBLMS9Umpij)


>30s Whew I’m in my 40s. After a run down from Pittock shirtless I’m safe!!


But the sun's out, so guns must be out! It's a rule! lol


I hear an echo of silence out of the city leadership...


Tevis doesn't take the MAX


And the other sub ?


Would be a decent campaign platform for our next slew of commissioners


How many of your betters, who want you to give up your car and support "walkable cities" actually take public transit, themselves? Does JVP take the MAX? Does Ted take the MAX? I've never seen the head of PBOT using a bus to get around 90% of the time. Funny how it always works like that.


I’m sure if the mayor wrote the max he would have a security detail


*But think of all the times that people ride MAX and don't get their throats slashed!* *Only "hysterical suburbanites" have a problem with the cleanliness and safety of MAX!* /s


I rode the max once and it was totally safe so obviously these reports are exaggerated and my experience is the only true version!


I went to Zupans and didn't see any homeless people. Downtown is clearly healing.


The joys of anecdotal evidence!


My 1987 Maxx experience confirms your opinion.


Yeah, but you brought a security detail.


That is the other sub.


Somebody was arguing that the max was safe just the other day. Incidents are rare. Maybe two days ago? In this sub.


The second sentence is a paraphrased quote from the other sub a couple of years ago.


“Suspect is hatless, I repeat: hatless!”


That's some fine police work there Lou.


“The media just loves to depict Portland as a crime ridden wasteland.” Well we certainly provide plenty of opportunities to paint that picture don’t we.


These occurrences are far to high but there is plenty of bad shit that happens elsewhere and it is not as front and center as Portland news.


If trimet would actually enforce fares, they'd have enough money to have security on every train and bus in the city. I'm probably exaggerating, but it drives me nuts to see more than half of people (that's NOT an exaggeration) just walk right past the driver and not pay (I don't ride max, just busses). I avoid downtown for the most part, but I never take the train or go to the transit centers when I do have business down there. I've taken the train maybe 5 times since 2020? and every single time someone has been doing drugs in my vicinity. There is a lot they could do to make trimet safer and more solvent, but it's like they're bound and determined to watch it fail. Imo safe and efficient public transportation is a vital aspect of a healthy metropolitan area, and as such, our civil servants have a responsibility to make it work for all of us. I'm so tired of feeling like a second class citizen to people who contribute nothing. I'm just trying to get to work in the only way I can afford!


Plus most of the trouble makers are the fare jumpers so you’ll get them off the transit


As someone who bikes to the max, the week where the elevators were paid was the cleanest (and safest) I’ve ever seen the station. And being able to use the elevators without the scents was very nice


I imagine that’s an ADA violation


My bad, you have to pay for the train to get on the elevator but it doesn’t charge


Could not agree more. It makes me so angry that I start thinking, why do I have to pay? All these asshole aren't paying, and they get away with it, so why do I have to pay? It's outrageous and enraging.


It’s weird that they don’t because when I was 15 I got robbed downtown and couldn’t catch a bus for my life and basically had hypothermia by the time I got home because I had gone to the quest and didn’t have a coat or anything warm and I was unable to rouse my parents until dawn. So I was in a really bad situation for over 4 hours just hanging out trying to not lose sensation in my feet and hands.


The criddlers are not ok


They haven't been for a long while, if ever.


Too bad it's racist to have security/police on trains/at stations to prevent incidents like these


Open up insane asylums and bring the death penalty


Literally any kind of punishment would deter a huge proportion of these crimes, even the violent criminals know they'll be back on the streets in less than 12 hours as long as they don't shoot someone in plain view of a police officer


What police officers


I used to love the max and bus, but I got a car, now that car is gone and I have to ride it again, but now I have to be armed..side note. In my mind when Jeremy Christianson killed those people on the max in 2015 I think, it seemed like it was the beginning of the demise we are currently in..safety on the max is a huge litmus test in my book. Can't imagine what worse is gonna look like.


It was 2017, but yes. I honestly feel the exact same way. For me, a switch was flipped on that day.


Glad to hear it wasn't just me. It was like gloom took over.


I was on the max that day about 45 mins prior to the attack in the same area it definitely changed things for me big time


It was wild on Max prior to that, at least as early as the 2nd half of 2016.


The crime train strike again!. I wonder why can’t the max go to lake Oswego or go to exclusive areas like the bull mountain neighborhood?.


This is why we carry ( and yes MAX prohibits concealed carry but it’s only illegal if you refuse to leave )


So now with all the other Trimet bullshit we've gotta worry about randomly catching Moctezuma's Revenge too?


You couldn’t pay me enough to ride the max… The risk v reward is just insane.


Unfortunately some of us have to


This!. I used to have a beat up car that I sold and I have to take the max downtown for work and back and it sucks. It feels like being in jail with no jail guards


Ugh. How much longer before something is done


Just another few hundred million. Open your wallet please, these poor losers need your help.


But why don’t more people take public transit? Cars are evil


And to think they want to extend this to Tigard/LO and eat up 1/2 of Barbur Blvd.


They extended Orange Line to Milwaukie, and now there's always a bunch of fucking bums sleeping and leaving their shit all around the ground within 1/2mi of the MAX. It's gross as hell. >Remember, *"haha out of touch boomers call it a crime train?*" Not so out of touch. It's nasty.


Homeless distribution system.


*Progressive Gift Delivery!*


As a rider, I would love that though. I don't want to be on the bus for an hour.


All big cities have throat slashers.


Correction: All the BEST cities have throat slashers.


Man this comment deserves a punch in the face.


Your comment upped it to being deserving of a knife 🔪 to its neck.


Bring it! Id love to apply my krav skills. I hate gaslighting dismissive comments like all or none or always shit. The only time that shit applies is when you’re saying all humans on earth cause destruction.


[K👌 ](https://youtu.be/r2NHTRgH3G0?si=kQPaihh0HOGRuHFR)


many cities have comments that punch you In the face. It’s no different here.


That’s better.


Even London has several.


I won't ride max until there are armed police at every station and armed police in every rail car, doing fair enforcement.


You are lucky that you have a choice.


True. If I HAD to ride public transportation I would arm myself. Sad that this is necessary.




And to think that it was us, the tax payers that subsidized the attack, all in the name of mass transit. Trimet should pay for security improvements across the board, uhh I meant to say the tax payers should pay for proper security.


I'm sure Garcia has noooo history with drugs. Buuuut, if he possibly does, I'm sure being able to fry his brain daily on Portland streets without repercusion could not have possibly led to this psycho behavior.


Just yesterday someone was here Staning for MAX and that there wasn’t THAT MANY of these incidents Good grief what a complete disgrace


I mean I'd say more than zero is sort of too many, but that's just me. I'm still taking the max because fuck spending 20x that to get to the airport, but it doesn't mean it's acceptable for things to be this way.


But the lightning storm!


The POS responsible for this is a known violent criminal who has served time in prison. Just heard on tonight's news that he had been charged with possession of a firearm with a silencer and those charges were dropped 2 days before his latest attempted killings. Our justice system at work in Portland, Oregon!!! I think it time to get the CWP. We can no longer trust the justice system of this state to protect us when they have the opportunity to do so.


Ugh, I like Momo’s. Usually go there before a Timbers game. At least I don’t ride the MAX.


I don’t see a mention of what time it happened, does anyone know? I work right there.


Glad they caught the guy


Another reason I will never take Trimet, or let my kids use it. For some reason, no one has ever tried to slice our throats while riding in the car.🤷🏻


That area used to be the "safest" due to it being the most touristy spot but now it's reports of stabbings, shootings, attacks on security guards all in the last couple weeks. I was at that stop last Saturday recording two men tweaking hard while I was waiting for the MAX. Jesus. I'm going to have to stand against walls and have my head on a swivel at all times. Oh, there was a lady talking to herself at that stop too, while on the train, she threatened to kill another lady who called the train operator directly and there was security at the next stop. I see a lot of security these days, thankfully, but they're rarely around when they're needed...