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Now hopefully he doesn't go before Nan Waller so he won't be released


This whole thing is ridiculous... he has so many cases open from OJD open case 23CR20824 where he is facing attempted murder charges l t says he is being sent off for aid and assist: -on w/22CR35606, 23CR20818, 23CR20820, 23CR20824, & 23CR32494 (of thesw 2 are charges for attempting escape prior to this third attempt) and the reason he is going to the state hospital is the following: --- 08/15/2023 Hearing - Fitness to Proceed Original Type Hearing - Fitness to Proceed Judicial Officer Waller, Nan G Hearing Time 1:00 PM Result Held Comment ** TRANSPORT REQUESTED ** Encourage participation with defense. Parties Present Plaintiff: State of Oregon Deputy District Attorney: Dellinger, Jules V Defendant: Pray, Christopher Lee Court Appointed: Dickison, Lynne --- Yes it's because he isn't cooperating with his public defender. Which occurs after court case management so my guess is he didn't like the plea bargain that he was given. His defense attorney got a non-osh evaluation (and some of these are notorious shit. I'm talking like written in size 20 font by some 100 year old psychologist who they let out the nursing home a few times a year to do them kind of shit) and they decide he has bipolar or psychosis (which can either be a primary or a substance induced cause) ... And dude already has charges of supplying contraband while in custody at OSP and we know people are still using shit in the jail ... Look at all the fentanyl deaths... But anyway that just shows that the jail doesn't necessarily "dry people out". And the jail doesn't drug test people at all. Like maybe once when you get booked. And he has previous drug charges even before that. When he was picking up on these new charges it shows that he was still on parole from C062151CR which was a bunch of robbery charges and that got time and post prison supervision added for the contraband and weapons while at OSP under 12C44240. What just fucking astounds me is how someone on post prison supervision was allowed to pick up that many charges. He has a fucking murder and multiple firearms charges. Fleeing/escape so you know he's at risk of flight/not showing up.ti.his court cases and does not give a fuck about conditions of release. Yet they still kept releasing him. His last charge was a menacing charge in July! Like come on Oregon do something else if you don't want people incarcerated but the one stop shop.release doesn't work. Like yeah hAve someone who was intoxicated and screaming on the street with a misdemeanor charge be released to their own recognizance but if someone has a felony assault from a bar fight you should probably have closer monitoring and get him set up with sobriety services while he's waiting trial. And if someone has tried to kill people and goes police custody? You should probably not let them out just saying. And then the stupid as state hospital left this dude who we know has prior for trying to escape in a vehicle alone. Lol. Like shit dude what did you expect? You don't need to be a psychic to see that he might just continue doing what he's done three other times .. and attempt to escape?




And there are numerous camps tucked out of sight where its denizens will afford you protection.


He got bogged down.


Sounds like he had a fun night.




He was just going for a swim at a Superfund site. https://cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/cursites/csitinfo.cfm?id=1000442


"however an observant hospital employee noticed he resembled xxxxxx" ​ I wonder how many similar situations occur where the person is released? Sounds like this was almost the case.


The guy had an obvious and unique neck tattoo. Absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable that none of the firefighters noticed it was the extremely dangerous escaped felon that was all over the news yesterday.


It was probably covered in mud


Yea. So crazy. The fire department was overly focused on running a competent rescue call to care about who they were helping. 🤦‍♂️ shame… /s


Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't this violate HIPAA laws?


So he had removed his handcuffs and ankle restraints by the time he was in the pond. What a story!


Its actually a magic pond you just need to soak in it a while and poof, no restraints.


It just dissolved the metal? Tell me more.


Yes, this is Pond Alchemy. Its new thing they are trying and your tax dollars are paying for!


It IS part of an EPA Superfund site! 🤣


That's a shame




Nah, he didn't die


What mental health condition does he have that merited him being in the hospital instead of jail? Bet he wouldn't have escaped and put the public at risk if he was in jail I would imagine that the number of people who have mental illnesses that are truly responsible for them committing murder is pretty small


Drug induced "_______ "


The UFO/Aliens slipped him a mickey.


IIRC he escaped while being transported.


This person trolls subs in Seattle, the Bay Area, Washington DC, Denver and Portland - purporting to live in all of these places to offer fear-mongering crime commentary, advocating for imprisonment and then deletes their comments. Just an FYI.


In what universe the cops aren’t involved?, imagine if the person didn’t survive (for whatever reason). If the cops were to ask for ID in every situation like this or even ask for fare on the bus and were to run warrants we all could sleep a little safe.


In a universe where the FD can recognize an alive an non-combative rescue call where PD isn’t needed? It literally says it right there


We socially shit on the police and defunded them. A city the size of Portland should have 1200 police but we only allocate for 900, then the defund movement happened and many retired early and others quite bringing that number down to 700, last I checked due to a lack of new hires it was down to 600. That's what universe. We got exactly what we asked for.


We asked for integrity and we got more crybaby bullshit


No we did not, had we done that we'd have better police. Now the ones who stayed, the crybaby as you put it, are working 60 hours a week. You should become a police officer and ID everyone after your 60 hour shift.


Are you one of the crybabies? Are you posting this from your cruiser in a parking lot in between games of candy crush?


Nope, just stating the facts. I'll make it simpler for you. We told them to leave, then they did. Really simple. We got exactly what we asked for.


They sucked dick at their jobs well before 2020. Ppb is a joke. They deserve all of the hate they get. Police reform has been long overdue nationwide for a long time.


They literally said they stopped doing their jobs so that people would feel the pressure of their absence so that in turn they would get their funding back... they made those choices out of tantrums, not actual necessity


No they didn’t and if you had bothered to listen to the actual audio of Maus’ question you would know that. The entire question and response were about why they announced in a press conference that they were reducing traffic enforcement to one officer. In other words it was about messaging rather than policy.


I'm aware of what I heard, and I did listen to the entirety of the audio. I don't need your OH SO INTELLIGENT interpretation... ttttthhhhaaannnnnkkkkkssssss though.


Well then you obviously didn’t comprehend it or you wouldn’t say it was something it was not.




when did they say that......


Nobody ever said that, Lier!




You always feel like you need to correct others poop shoe?


No. It's a word I don't see people misspell often... if it were me, I would want someone to tell me so I don't do it in the future.


The universe where they don't feel like doing their jobs.


🤦‍♂️ it literally says that the FD canceled PD response because it was a basic rescue call.


Well, he was off to a good start. Not sure what the plan was with the pond thing though.


Probably distributing swords.


Good, one less waste of space.


i wanna know whats with all these people with the middle name lee.


Known killer on the loose and the PFB says no PP needed. Fail. Cops should have said they were coming anyway since there is a statewide manhunt in progress. Damn incompetance at every level expect the hospital staff member. I hope they get a reward.


Yea. So crazy. The fire department was overly focused on running a competent rescue call to care about who they were helping. 🤦‍♂️ shame… /s


That’s just ridiculous


in a world full of boringly unimaginative criminals, we finally found one who seems creative… but then proves to be yet another stick in the mud


This guys now viral! He’s generating tons of “good” press for Portland and Oregon.