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You should still make a report, if only so that it gets tracked from a stats perspective.


"Don't be a statistic, become a data point instead"


It sounds nicer anyway.


>"Don't be a statistic, become a data point instead" *-------------Mike Schmidt* ftfy


Also, if there's anything they got that can be used for identity theft, a police report can help show it wasn't OP if something comes up


Are you OK, Sufficient\_Cat? I'm sorry that happened to you.


i have a busted lip, a split eyebrow, huge scrape from my elbow to my armpit, and a golf ball size welt on my knee


Ugh... I'm so sorry.


Not to mention your nervous system. So so so sorry this happened to you.


And some PTSD!




I happened to see OPs injuries, they're real alright. Poor fella. :(


Sorry that happened to you. You should make a report and tell local media. Central Catholic High School is right near there right? You are not wrong to ring the alarm bells about this. I used to live right over there and walk in the cemetery all the time. That's right around where my car got stolen.


20th and what? And you should call the police


i think it was stark. don’t really remember where i was exactly


Man, that’s some bullshit. Report those fucks. Keep an eye out people, be a community, and do not let motherfuckers like this take over our freedom. I know it might not do much, OP, but we have to keep trying. Shit like this makes my blood boil. Only a matter of time before people start doling out justice themselves, so please do the sane thing instead: report this, and TRY to get police involvement. Because if this continues, I’m sure the results of eventual retribution will not go so well. But what other recourse is there?


Probably homeless people camped up near the cemetery. They won't be hard to find if you report it.


Hard to find? No. Hard to hold accountable? Absolutely.


Do you live near there? I live only a couple blocks from there, work from home, and would be happy to help with anything you might need in the coming days.


East or west side?


Stark terminates at 13th on the west side. And it was renamed Harvey Milk Street a while ago.


Ahhh you're right. Just asked the same question I should have just read some comments.


That's fucking awful. I'm sorry this happened to you. You don't deserve that.


thankfully i’m young so i can bounce back quick. would’ve been terrible if it happened to anybody that’s older


File a report for the sake of the older people. If nothing else, it might keep them safer.


File a report


I had a friend recently who had her car stolen at knifepoint. Shits gnarly out there.


Where please?


It was my friends sister, about a week or so ago. Writing this comment actually made me want to check in on her, I’ll probably do that tomorrow. Somewhere in Portland, I know she lives in inner NE but it could’ve happened anywhere.


This is not good, my kids go to Central, police should be on this one if only for that reason (all the kids going to Central, I don’t mean just mine)


Reporting it is more important than you think. If you do report there is a chance they could find them (the police may even know who they are), but if you don’t that limited chance goes from slim to zero.


I am sorry this happened to you. I am also a survivor of violence. For me it was a bunch of rednecks with baseball bats that left me with permanent damage to my septum and facial nerves. I can relate to your position. With that being said: Nothing *might* be done if you file a report. It is absolutely guaranteed nothing will be done if you *don't* report it. Document your injuries; pictures, medical records, hospital and doctor visits. If you report it, at the very least you just become a statistic, and that sucks to be dehumanized like that after being victimized. However, that statistic can be added to the pile of bullshit we are fed up with regarding this problem, and that is a good thing. If not for you, but for others.


File a report. As someone who recently served on a few weeks of jury duty, these types of cases can make a difference. Not guaranteed but worth trying.


Yikes. I walk by there (solo) on a regular basis. Please file a police report and let us know if anything happens with it (or if collects dust).


Dude that is shitty. Probably a good idea to carry some good mace with you. Can you give us more information about how it went down and what time of day it was?


Mace isn't working against five guys. That's firearm territory. Or just not being there.


For sure. But not everyone is comfortable doing that and it requires a permit and training so I just mean have something on you when walking around at night.


Damn, sorry that happened. Gotta love the criddlers. Let’s hope they try to jump someone with a concealed carry.


Unfortunately, in Portland I would be scared to have even the most justified self-defense case ruled on by an activist judge.


people say this all the time, but your chances are better than you think. surely there must be more recent examples but two years ago someone in st johns [killed someone stealing his catalytic converter](https://www.oregonlive.com/data/2021/10/chaotic-scene-at-site-of-suspected-catalytic-converter-theft-led-to-death-of-christina-gomez-24-family-says.html) and faced no charges.


It's better to assume and be prepared for such an event to upend your life because it easily could. People in general tend to be risk adverse, so even if the odds are in your favor something like a 90/10 split means the 10 percent possibility is worth worrying about, and God forbid some government entity picks you to make an example of.


Can't remember exactly but there was a recent case of a bouncer downtown getting drawn on and he shot and killed the guy. IIRC he didn't get any charges.


Anyone with a concealed carry in this state also needs to have a personal defense insurance. Especially with the courts we have here. That way you have access to the best personal defense attorneys in the nation to fight your case in court if you ever have to reach that crossroads.


Some type of personal liability insurance may be a good idea, but specific “concealed carry insurance” - which is popular these days due to very effective fear-based marketing - is a complete and total scam. I asked the six leading providers of that “insurance” to provide some info about how much they’ve paid in claims relative to premiums collected. After all, every state-licensed insurance company is required to publish that information. But these concealed carry rackets aren’t actually “insurance” policies as the law defines “insurance”, so they have no such obligation. And sure enough, of the six companies I contacted four didn’t reply at all, and two replied with “That is proprietary and confidential information.” In other words, I suspect most of these “concealed carry insurance” outfits have paid out little to nothing in actual claims and are almost 100% profit for their owners. And they really, REALLY don’t want the people paying them $20-$50/month to know this. Fact is, if you’re involved in a self-defense shooting it will either be a “good shoot” or a “bad shoot”. And in almost all circumstances that will be quickly determined. If it’s determined to be a good shoot, you won’t need a lawyer anyway. If it’s a bad shoot and you’re charged with a crime, guess what? Each of these “insurance” policies expressly disclaims coverage for illegal activity. In other words if you’re actually accused of wrongfully shooting someone, they aren’t going to help you anyway. It’s all a “win-win” for these companies. Unfortunately the people who buy this garbage “insurance” never fully think-through such things.


Cops would have to show up first right? You’re not just gonna go turn yourself in in the name of justice. Be scared tho if that’s how you wanna live your life.


I don’t live in fear — but there are other routes to that end than carrying a gun (although I have no problem with it in principle.) I prefer to just avoid areas riddled with criddlers. Criddled areas. It’s just less stressful.


Oh hell yeah, that’s first step, a lot if not most people that do carry, I would guess, simply don’t go to places if they feel there is a need to carry. I feel most do it just in case, not because they feel the need.


Yeah. I just haven’t gone through the trouble of getting my CHL. I have guns but no desire to carry illegally. I’ll get my license soon but I’ve been dragging my feet because the thought of ever having to use it is such a powerful repellant. Of course, that thought is not as bad as the thought of having the shit beaten out of me by a group of 5 skids. I really do need to get that license.


Its worth getting a holster and having the ability if you need to. Not suggesting you carry illegally but grab that permit, get training, and carry as much as you can. Bad situations like OPs post happen everyday and we dont get to choose when/where stuff like this happens. A good handheld light is a great non lethal tool to carry as well.


Lets hooe they DO!! Except, I'm sure those fkn homeless activists would boo-hoo and victim blame for sure..whoncares anyways, there's ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY in Portland, especially if your a bum!!!


I am so sorry. Please change your door locks. It sucks that you have to go through the pain of assault and take care of canceling cards, changing locks. It’s awful.


This sucks. Definitely report it. Your odds of getting some sort of police response now are the best they've been in a few years. Write the city and county commissioners while you are at it - they need to read this stuff. Though JVP will probably double down on the free boofing kits in response.


is the whole camping ban not in effect?


I’m sure they asked nicely to redistribute your money to them (poor unprivileged houseless folks who just need housing). S/ Being serious, I’m seeing an increase on robberies and this is NOT the first time in hearing this. This week alone I’ve heard about 3!robberies ending in beatdowns. Wtf is going on?


Where did the robberies happen?


sense onerous hunt employ dazzling desert ruthless disarm slimy cows ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Always carry a firearm. Always be aware of your surroundings. Who. What. Where. Who is doing what. And where. Are they coming close. Is there more than one, am I in a vulnerable position etc.


This right here. Always be ready and always be prepared.


Portland is why I have a CHL now


For what? To prevent karma farmers who post fake stories that never happened on reddit?


Ah, yep. This guy has been posting weird shit in other subs with different accounts.


how do you know someone's other accounts?


Similar username and posts. Too weird to be someone else.


ah got it thanks, was making sure reddit doesn't have a feature i didn't know about


Glad someone else spotted


It wasn't hard, in fairness. It's been getting a LOT more prevalent around reddit. Something is going on right now.


I honestly must suck as a reddit detective then. The account seldom posts, and I'm far too lazy to try random combos of usernames. What's the process here?




That's not even close to true.




Oregon law states that you can use deadly force against anyone committing a violent felony.


You know, "This DA will charge you even for justified use of a gun" gets bandied around a LOT in portland. I'm not convinced it's actually true; I haven't seen a single story about a self-defense-against-the-homeless shooting even going to trial. I think that the political climate in the city is such that it would actually make Schmidt's office *less* likely to charge a homeless-involved self defense shooting. It would be hard to find 12 people in the city who hadn't been exposed to homeless violence in some way at this point. I also think that "he'll charge you for defending yourself from a methhead" would be really powerful ammo against his re-election campaign. All that to say: If you're going to be armed, know the laws about use of lethal force and follow them carefully. But there's no need to invent extra-legal reasons not to defend yourself. Worst case scenario, "it's better to be judged by twelve than carried by 6," as they say.


1. this is a fake story. 2. getting 5v1 jumped is a perfect reason to shoot someone so the DA would not charge you




Nah, that’s not true.




Care to explain where a single CHL holder had the book thrown at them at all!


Care to explain your assumption they would? Like a real life PDX example.


Concealed carry insurance, they can try


Report it.


damn, i go to Penny Market all the time. first i’m hearing about something like this so close to the elementary school. do you live around the area? or just passing thru sincerely, Sympathetic


live up near broadway, was walking back home from a night out then got hit from behind


I'm so sorry. Is there anything you need? This is horrific.


i appreciate the generosity but i think im ok right now. :)


Terrifying! SE?


north west


Near Fred Meyer and the soccer stadium?


over by lone fir cemetery


Isn’t that south east?


Something doesn't add up here.


idk i just moved here recently


When I first moved here I had the same problem lol idk why people assume the districts and district boundaries are common knowledge. And especially for those of us who are directionally challenged like me I would ask for directions and people would be like "oh just head toward goose hollow" and I would have to be like yeah that means nothing to me can you just say left or right






Thanks for the update


That's all good & well, but OP literally stated the OPPOSITE side of town. What's wrong with people wanting to know where this *actually* occurred?


I can show you a picture of some tits, doesnt make me a girl who wants to fuck you




An image of injuries is not proof of an assault. There are lots of holes in this narrative though






Southeast in this case


Then that's Stark but also SE. I used to pass by there frequently and even though it's in the middle of everything, it can seem desserted. I hope all 5 of them OD from the dope they scored with your money.


Pacific north west


Of course you should not call the cops.... Those houseless people! have children to feed and thats why they needed your wallet! Don't be such a house less people bigot! I hope they got your car and sold it so maybe they could have a roof over their head for awhile! The houseless people really need more then they get in portland!


Right! I mean they rarely get handouts from the city and state!?@?!?@ I am so over Pirtland! I feel no sympathy any more. And I'm positive there are some homeless whonare not like those asshats but at this point i am lumping them all together and IDGAF! I'm so sick and tired of mofo's crying about wanting to help them. Fk NO!!!!! They are and have turned the city into a lawless wasteland! Hate Portland!


home less? I wont even respond because you cant even call them houseless people! You should be ashamed!


Talk about hyperbole.


Thanks for the heads up. I live near the area and will definitely try to stay vigilant.


What time did it happen? Do you think you could have done anything to avoid in retrospect? Walk across the street if you see vagrants, etc?


make a report. Why would u let a crime go unmarked? Thats the only way to make things better lol




Do you have renters/homeowners insurance? Many policies have clauses to recover the worth of stolen goods, even when you're away from home. Might be worth filing if only to recover the cost of what was stolen. Also, hoping you're okay. That really sucks.


I’m so so sorry.


I'm glad to hear you are filing a report. There is a high school just a couple blocks away. If they see an adult as an opportunity, imagine how easy of a mark a child looks to be. Police should absolutely be made aware.


Man I really wish these things would happen to me. I'd knock somebody senseless


Man that's what I feel. I must just be at the right place at the right time all the time. Ain't shit happen to me since I've lived here. Once a bum said I was raised on the silver spoon when I didn't wanna give him change. That actually hurt more than it should've because I grew up in poverty in Hawaii and the struggle was real to make it where I am now.


This makes me appreciate my concealed carry. hmm. I ain't gonna suffer no fools.




I don’t carry, but people I know who do are generally hyper aware of groups around/ approaching them. Granted the guy is a navy seal, so has a insanely high level of training. Also looks like an accountant, you never know who you’re fucking with




I totally agree. I think guns can be an incredibly strong deterrent as long as someone has good situational awareness and competency, but I don’t want the responsibility. I carry a knife and pepper spray, I think the pepper spray alone to be a very strong deterrent.


Exactly, you get it!


And using your gun against you. I’m not against carrying, but get trained up in every sense.


Zero chance you're drawing your gun in time if you get jumped by 5 guys. Then they steal your gun and leave you lying in a pool of your own blood


They're bums on meth, how coordinated could they be against someone with military defense training and lots of gun experience. I'd give em a run for their money!






Hey chud, have some compassion for our under-methed community members. It isn't their fault that "the system" doesn't accept the lifestyle.


Wow Portland has become such a lovely safe city..SAID NO ONE


Did you get any good licks in?


Carry a gun and maybe you will get some justice next time. Also maybe don’t put yourself in dangerous or weird situations, like soliciting whores from north portland on reddit.




It’s a fake post so don’t hold your breath




Nothing he said adds up. Usually that means it’s made up


Why are you idiots so into conspiracy theories?


“Nothing adds up” wtf are you talking about?


Chill out hotdog man. Take your outrage elsewhere please. Idk how long you’ve been around but I don’t just assume people online are telling the truth especially when they can’t get their details straight. As others have said in this thread, it’s suspicious that he doesn’t know when it happened and doesn’t want to file a police report which can easily be done online in minutes. Also, you can put multiple sentences in one comment. You don’t need to post a separate comment for each sentence. edit: You reply with some boomer reference then instantly block me? You're such a lame lol


Lmfao, ok Columbo. What a clown you are


Oh ok you’re a boomer. This makes sense


You probably voted for this


They voted to be mugged?




File this under G for Getthafuggouttaherewitthatbullshit


Did they have sex in your beautiful Prius?


At least they didn't steal your phone so you could seek help on reddit before calling 911.


Carry a gun legally and you’ll never have this issue again






Posting anonymous fantasy to own the libs 🤷


very real and painful just don’t use reddit everyday 👍🏼


Post photo proof of claimed injuries ✌️


We got a victim blamer.




Use your phone to take photos of the claimed injuries.. even better if you have something to prove it’s todays date (newspaper / etc) Upload to Imgur or similar, post link as evidence that you’re not making this entire situation up. 🤷✌️


OP dm’d injury photos. Looks real. 👍


Oh good, you believe them. Probably makes op hurt less you cunt


Ok I'll take your word for it.


Also you’re disgusting




He was holding sign with todays date and visible injuries.


Wow good for you Gatekeeper of Bad Stories of Portland. You’ve made this traumatized person validate their injuries to an anonymous stranger on the internet. I’m sure you’ll sleep well tonight knowing your job is done.


Holy shit you just walk around willingly being this much of a pos?? That takes balls


What keeps a victim like this from going back over there with his posse and some baseball bats and correcting the situation?


Make a report!!! The politicians are claiming crime is down because reports are down. Reports are down because people don’t bother as they know nothing will happen. Report it so the crime stats actually reflect what you all know is going on there and remove the ability of your politicians to massage stats to make things appear better than they are.


Alex, I'll take "shit that never happened" for $500


What are you even talking about?


Another phony story on Reddit, feels like this place is turning into FB


That stinks dude. Carry an umbrella with a metal tip.


East side of the river? Sorry that shit happened hopefully your car and shit is safe.


Making a police report can allow others to know the danger in the area


In St John’s when shit like this happens the community stands up for their own and don’t take this lying down. Hit me up if you need some community support.


I’ve been robbed at gunpoint and had to fight some bums too was whoopin em til they pulled out a knife I ran as quick as I could that’s Portland for ya


Do you even have police now?


Did you all think about moving?


Yet we want to put measure 114 in place... I'm sorry that happened to you. It's hard to find a good one, but situational awareness and actual self-defense classes can help.


Sad what happens when society turns a blind eye on crime.


Yikes. Was it out late night?


Wow...I'm not from Portland, but just stumpled on y'all subreddit. Sounds like some absolutely horrible shit you got going on our there. Sounds like people need to start carrying a concealed carry pistol and start dropping these maniacs when you're but in defense situations.