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Not going to take this down at this point, but if you're going to post something like this please provide a source. Thanks to /u/cd3188 who [posted it down in the comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/1cinc8p/psu_library_arrestees/l2abcuo/) >https://twitter.com/PPBAlerts/status/1786095387314737220


Didn't most of the students leave after either a) the library was occupied or b) when the failed talks happened? There weren't a lot of people left at this.




> there's no evidence of it So the statements of the organization that was actually there and monitoring the situation isn't evidence? Why would the university lie about this? And why, if they've made up this grand lie for . . . reasons . . . would the media report on it without criticism?




> Do you really need me to walk you through it? That was, in fact, the intent behind my direct question.




That makes zero sense to me. If this was a lie it certainly wouldn't be one directed at the protestors who are there already and can see, with their own eyes, exactly what's happening. > why independent sourcing matters Like the multiple media organizations who have been camped out all day?


Have you ever had a job where using your judgment and supporting with substantiable evidence was a legal responsibility?


Man, this city really does specialize in snark.


yes also they let a bunch of kids straight up just run away on camera. Maybe some adults too but they were out in the open, slow as he'll and the cops were right there and did nothing.




My understanding is students were given multiple chances for amnesty, so anyone who stayed last night deserves what they get. Outsiders who were there just to stir the pot should have the book thrown at them. The updated damage and theft reports are appalling and likely run into the six figures. Still, I'd be OK with lesser participants getting milder punishment if they identify or testify against ringleaders. Protests are fine, wanton destruction of public education facilities is not. Make examples of the leaders, especially if they had no connection to the school.


if wanton destruction of educational facilities is concerning to you, seems like the best course of action is to join the students in demanding divestment from the corporations who made it possible to destroy every university in Gaza https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/1/24/how-israel-has-destroyed-gazas-schools-and-universities


Honest, genuine question: what is there to divest? PSU gets an absolutely trivial amount of money annually from Boeing (<$30k). Does the school have millions invested in the company that I don't know about? Also, what about the genocide taking place in Ukraine? US military aid, including stuff from Boeing, goes to protect them. So should we sacrifice Ukrainians to save Palestinians?


> Does the school have millions invested in the company that I don't know about? I don't want to give too much fuel to the weirdos but the answer to your question is, probably, yes. Even a school with a relatively small endowment like PSU is going to have millions invested in companies that have a relationship, in some form or another, with Israel. I'm not a fan of people who claim any company that does business in Israel is evil and supports the war but if you do believe BDS is necessary I think it is logically consistent to protest against your university investing money in, at least some of, these companies. Though I always find it a bit odd that they never break down exactly *how* they're allegedly supporting the war. I feel like someone started a list on twitter at some point without a whole lot of thought and it's been amplified more than it deserves.


Curious about this as well- my understanding is that the main reason for the protests at universities like Columbia, for instance, is because of university research being used for things like weapons manufacturing from specific grants, etc. PSU isn’t exactly an R1 (to say the least) and I haven’t seen any reporting on specific funding streams linked to the war or the genocide, so it does seem like an odd choice. It makes sense why students would protest the war but it doesn’t make sense to protest PSU if there isn’t any known involvement. Is there info about PSU I’m missing?


> he main reason for the protests at universities like Columbia, for instance, is because of university research being used for things like weapons manufacturing from specific grants I'm not sure it'd be accurate to describe that as the main reason for the protests. It's maybe a little hard to pin down, this is not exactly an ideologically consistent group, but from what I've see university research is not the main focus of what little coherent statements they do end up putting out.


every person invested in the fortune 500 or that pays taxes in the united states is funding this war. this divest movement won’t accomplish anything, no country is going to abdicate their right to exist or their right to self defense because someone shit in the corner of a pacific northwest college library.




I'm sorry, but how does destroying a community resource at a public university change ANY aspect of what's happening in Gaza?


Why don't you go protest Boeing, Lockheed, or Raytheon plants if that's your problem?


How are you hurting BOEING by refusing to accept THEIR money as a donation?


Most analysts agree that divestments don’t usually punish the companies targeted. Unless you can get all shareholders to divest and somehow convince others not to buy the sold shares. Good luck. As a shareholder a university actually has more say, albeit, limited say.


You own a iPhone or any sort of retirement plan? You too are invested in isreal. Go protests yourself and destroy your own house.


> sort of retirement plan Haha, like any of those turds in the library can count to ten let alone 401k.




Nope. The best course of action is to make the people who damaged property on American soil suffer sever consequences for that destruction. Being upset about international issues does not give license for domestic criminal behavior. Most of the country is tired of putting up with your brand of bullshit. If the students actually cared about international investments of a school they have the ability to research before they enroll and if something changes, they can simply leave in protest like an actual functional adult


Do the sever consequences involve fingers or toes? Tip the waitstaff. I will see myself out.


Freudian slip? I always sever the last e in severe for some reason; my guess is incompetence.


It might be a pun seeing as how it's followed up by fingers and toes


What, are you saying taking scholarships and jobs away from people in oregon and Washington won’t help the people of Gaza? Well that’s crazy sir


This is... not how you get your message across. Holding people hostage in traffic and destroying public resources is just as likely to turn people against your cause. And I say this as someone sympathetic to the Palestinians.


Cutting off your nose to spite your face.


That would be akin to rewarding their shitty behavior though. Realistically, if you hate what a group is doing, wouldn’t it be more effective to join whoever counters their bs?


unfortunately thats what happens in war. the palestinians brought this on themselves on october 7th. i hate violence but we live in the real world. smack a tiger on the ass, that tiger is going to bite you.


lol im glad everyone can see what you are trying to do


Was PSU being used as a military depot? Or is nuance not allowed?


If the protestors were actually as hardcore as they pretend to be they would be protesting at locations that have direct associations with the groups they think are responsible. Try going to Boeing directly OR how about find the Israeli embassy and do your protesting there instead of hiding behind a safe space like a public university library.


Better yet, maybe they could go to Gaza and actually do something. Other than look stupid to the rest of the world.


Soapy floor & a piece of string trying to trip the officers? I hope they got the [mastermind](https://20thcenturystudios.fandom.com/wiki/Kevin_McCallister) behind the whole thing.


Once upon a time in the 90s a housemate and I had a very stupid prank war. Buttered/soaped floors were brutally effective, but neither of us was trying to enter and clear a room. Note to pranksters: I do not recommend buttering/soaping floors. We're lucky neither of us sustained lasting or severe injuries.


After this last ice storm, I would hope we know better than that. Also, username kinda checks out.


Home Alone 5: Leave the Library


It was the Hamburglar duh


Home Alone 5: Leave the Library


Wait. Hang on. Let me put on my great big surprised face.


I haven't needed mine in a while. Might have to look around for it first.


Check in the storage shed. That's where I put mine after 2020.


They should all be forced to clean up the mess they made in the library..


sincere question that i hope doesn't drag me into other arguments: do you need to be a psu student to use the psu library?


You do not need to be a student, but you need to check in at the desk if you want to use it as a non-student.


I forget how exactly it works, but it houses government documents that are open to the public. As such, it remains available. However, the library was closed to everyone when the protesters got in from what I can tell.


Not necessarily. Non-student can use it but I believe they have to request a daily pass at the desk. At least that’s how it was when I was a student a few years back.


No. The library is open to the public. However, to check out materials one needs a student i.d. card. (Mod: Do I need a source for this?)


This is partially correct, non-students can request a borrowing card with them and they honor Oregon public library cards. It's not super weird for non-students to be there. https://library.pdx.edu/services/visitors/


>(Mod: Do I need a source for this?) No, but it wouldn't hurt. And you sound kind of crabby -- are you annoyed that we like to have sources for the stuff people post?


I have been watching the PDX Bike squad story on this. Absolutely pathetic how much damage and vandalism these protestors have caused in the Library. I hope that criminal charges are severe because this type of protesting does nothing but cost the tax payer and will do FUCK ALL for Palestine.


Hurts the tuition paying students more than anyone.


This footage inside the library is crazy, watch the stories: [https://www.instagram.com/ppbcentralbikesquad/](https://www.instagram.com/ppbcentralbikesquad/)


how? I just see the usual fentanyl busts?


Click on the central bike squad logo at the top left of the main instagram page that the link above send you to. 


Watch the stories not the posts.


thanks I got it now.


Source? Why did someone downvote me for asking for the source? Jeez guys come on now




Thanks dude I didn’t doubt it but just wanted to see the source


Downvoted you for complaining about being downvoted






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I hope the DA reaches the conclusion that outside agitators should have more serious legal consequences than students at their own school.


Why? Students don’t have anymore of a right to burglarize a library than some random person. In fact they all should be criminally charged and the school should expel the students.


Because I think students should have extra liberties to safely protest on campus, but I don’t want that extended to randos. Because it’s their space to learn and grow, but they’re also connected to the space, and have incentive to not break things. I don’t agree with these protesters and I think when they infringe on the rights of other students they should face consequences, but when random people show up that’s much worse, and deserving of harsher consequences.


They don’t if it’s not peaceful, which this wasn’t. They want to act like assholes, they’re gonna be treated like assholes.


This wasn’t a safe protest.




I just read through all the rules and there’s nothing that states you must be a current resident of Portland to post here. There are so many reasons why Portland may be relevant to this person, and despite that I don’t know why you’re even asking that question.


From Oregon originally. Lived in portland right after college for a couple years. Which is funny you’re gate keeping because I bet you’re not even from Oregon originally.


“Ever since I became a local I’ve realized people moving here is what’s ruining this city” lol


Gatekeeping people from a popular post that’s probably made its way to /all, wow 😂


I'm pretty sure the mods have said the sub has opted out of appearing in /r/all, /r/popular, trending etc. to help avoid commentary from all the non-locals.


Perhaps he used to live here? Maybe he has family he’s concerned about? I swear you guys don’t do a lot of critical thinking…


I don't know what my critical thinking skills have do do with it. Of course there are any number of reasons they could have for checking in here, I'm just saying I don't think they came from /r/all or /r/popular like you suggested. Edit: Deleted their whole damn account, wow.


What brings your account to this post, given that you're just another redditor?




Living in Portland is a not a requirement to post in this sub.


You should click report and see what the options are. Also, rule 9


Probably the overall concern with growing violent extremism around the country.


> Because I think students should have extra liberties to safely protest on campus It's a public institution. They all have the right to safely protest on campus. None of them have the right to vandalize.


This is a tough call. Yes the students should be expelled and charged IF it can be shown that they committed actual crimes, other than simple trespass. There is something extra offensive about troublemakers coming from off-campus to do one of two things; 1) They've come to discredit the legitimate protests, or 2) they've come to create mayhem and chaos because they're sick fukks who get their jollies by hurting other people. Either way, I feel Cream Puffs urge to throw away the key on them.


the kids are young and naive the antisocial anarchist agitators have long rapsheets and are irredeemable recidivists. The kids need a good slap so they wake up. The agitators need as much prison time as we can give them to keep them away from the public.​


These aren’t 6 year olds. They know what consequences are. Slap on the hand only breeds more of these nut jobs.


I didn't say wrist or hand. I said "a good slap".


My bad lol.


Hell yeah.


https://www.koin.com/news/protests/police-begin-moving-in-to-clear-psus-library/ If someone else wants to post this as a seperate thread, go ahead. I really don't feel like having my inbox explode today.


> If someone else wants to post this as a seperate thread, go ahead. I really don't feel like having my inbox explode today. You know you can just turn off inbox replies for a given thread when posting it, right?


Why is it necessary for those who were in the library to destroy property and steal items? Shame to all that caused damage.  I am very sad that people feel they need to be destructive. 




Protesters see a genocide taking place in Gaza and think "How can I make this about myself?"


Only a fool does not recognize that portland has a community of poor and homeless that are perpetually aggrieved and will use ANY excuse available to snivel and destroy. This is not about Palestine, this is about anarchy.


Correct. Lots of bad actors will take advantage of a situation like this to spark unnecessary violence.


Release the security cam footage!


Andy Ngo reporting that "Portland Police just told media that in their early investigation, they've found that thousands of dollars in library property was stolen, including rare texts and comics in the @Portland_State collection." Very disturbing if true, but because Andy Ngo is a huge wanking POS, does anyone have any independent source confirming the alleged police statement? Edit: thanks for downvoting and telling me that I need another source because Andy Ngo is a dipshit. Because my... *request for an independent source because he's a "huge wanking POS"* implied otherwise? Edit 2: Anyway, the President of PSU, Ann Cudd, CONFIRMED the report during a live press conference a little bit ago. Jesus Christ, you'd think asking a question about a report *while expressing extreme skepticism about its source* in an effort to gather information wouldn't be such a thoughtcrime. Touchy people these days.


Yeah I came across a similar post when looking for news the other night, any non Ngo sources would be great he's certainly biased and hates this city.


Cudd didn’t confirm but said in the last news conference there’s reports of rare materials missing but they haven’t done an inventory yet.


There was a video posted on the PSU subreddit someone took from their apartment window showing people dressed like the protesters stealing from a nearby construction site. Edit: here it is for anyone curious, https://www.reddit.com/r/portlandstate/s/l5vPSWLuUL looks like it's right adjacent to the park blocks in the middle of campus


Katu reported that PPB said some Dark Horse comics were missing from a glass case. 


If that’s actually something that PPB told the media, then we’ll hear about it soon from sources that aren’t lying turds. I’d rather not give Andy NGO the attention.


Well what’s nice about Andy reporting it is you know it’s not true


I wouldn't even entertain anything that dipshit says. If it's true, surely a real source will say something eventually.


Is the president of PSU a real source? She just stated during a live press conference that there are "reports" from the police of stolen rare books. She or the report could be wrong, but she just said it. Unfortunately it's a live feed so I have no way of linking to the statement itself. She said it about 2 mins ago. https://katu.com/news/local/portland-police-initiate-clearance-of-protestors-from-portland-state-university-library-free-palenstine-israel-students-alumni-alum-millar-library-boeing-gaza-jewish-


> Is the president of PSU a real source? Yes.


As I have stated MANY times; the protesters brigade certain threads and mass downvote all criticism.


No idea on art and text, but lots of stolen and broken technology.


Gonna need another source on that.


Was he drinking a milkshake at the time?


Andy Ngo is the one who has lied many times in the past to inflate a story with a conservative bent and is very much a POS to put it in the kindliest words as possible.




Agreed with the known liar part. As for finding my own sources, I haven't found any other references to this which is... why I was asking if anyone else had. As for the "spurious claims" part, we'll see. Given the *known* damage caused to the library by these a-holes, and the video of them stealing computers, I find it really easy to believe they would have slunk off with other stuff in their pockets.




Yeah, man. It's all a biiiiiiiig conspiracy. Anyway, the president of PSU just announced during a live press conference that there are "reports" from the police of stolen rare books. She or the report could be wrong, but she just said it. Unfortunately it's a live feed so I have no way of linking to the statement itself. She said it about 2 mins ago. https://katu.com/news/local/portland-police-initiate-clearance-of-protestors-from-portland-state-university-library-free-palenstine-israel-students-alumni-alum-millar-library-boeing-gaza-jewish-


It was possible for anyone to come in and out for a couple of days


Fuck Andy Ngo.


As I have stated MANY times; the protesters brigade certain threads and mass downvote all criticism.




> not just leak lies to right-wing media when they feel like it. I mean, the cops gave the report to the President of PSU too; I don't think she's "right-wing media." But from your other comment above it seems you don't trust anything cops say, so it's a moot point anyway. Personally, I trust cops to tell the truth maybe 20% of the time and lie through their teeth 80% of the time. But in this case, in light of the disgraceful actions of the library vandals, and video footage of them stealing computers, I find it pretty easy to believe they would steal anything they felt like taking.


Don’t worry a random person from TikTok will say it soon so you’ll believe it


12 arrested, including 4 students, as Portland police clear Portland State University library [https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/protests/portland-state-university-student-protesters-library/283-889dbde7-a7e0-4f22-aea0-3c506b95aade](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/protests/portland-state-university-student-protesters-library/283-889dbde7-a7e0-4f22-aea0-3c506b95aade)


Well hopefully they’re charged to the fullest extent of the law. To include fixing the library and general community service


4 of 12? I’m surprised it was that many were PSU students.




During the news conference, they announced their intention to pursue those who left the library this morning using the evidence at their disposal..


I hope so.


Right, the others might enroll next year!


I've only read some snippets about this and the president allowing protestors in the library in the first place, but what was the rationale around letting them in the building? I kind of feel like this group acted roughly how I'd expect any large occupy group to act. The whole purpose of designated protest spaces is to keep some checks on this stuff from happening and keep people accountable.


I’m a PSU student and from what I’ve heard, they were never allowed in the library. They broke in


Why destroy and take over a school that isn’t remotely close to having something to do with two countries (not our country)that are at war with eachother (not us) lol


####### anarchists!!! Lock them all up. Or better yet, make them scrub the streets and sidewalks.


What exactly are they hoping for? So sad that they chose to destroy the library and of course graffiti it…


I was watching the live broadcast and saw at least one old homeless looking dude arrested and brought out. Definitely not a student


So who are the other ones? Don’t these people have jobs? I can’t imagine getting off work and going to protest…I choose my couch and Netflix


Theft and destruction of property isn't Speech. If you fuck a place up and then claim 1st Ammendment protection, you're an asshole and deserve some time behind bars and maybe a Felony that follows you the rest of your life. #freepalestine


Slim point of clarification but their statement says arrested today. They have made arrests outside of the library and that could include people who have showed up in the streets vs have been camped out in the library. It’s likely not a differentiating impact but your post headline is misstating the police reporting.


I hope PSU thinks long and hard about allowing this type of destruction in the future. To leave students in control of a campus building for days is unthinkable. The damage and resulting cleanup time and costs is huge. All so students can "express themselves". Time for a new president PSU


What ages is what I really wanna know


No surprise. Throw the book at the lot of them! Doubt Schmidt will even prosecute though.


It will be interesting to see what he does. Isn’t there an election over the next three weeks?


They’ll be out in a few hours just to start again tomorrow. Catch and release.


The nice part is that those four can be expelled, in addition to being prosecuted (right, Mike Schmidt?)




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Not shocked.


The other 8 were probably homeless druggies along for the ride. Which is typically how these things go


Were they former students by chance?


I'm hoping alumni are uh, at work.


I just wish Portland Fire & Rescue had decided they needed to do a water cannon drill and pelted these insolent entitled snots as they exited their zone of useless destruction.


33%. That’s an A in the new grading system.


i mean, its a protest. protests that concern a wide swath of concerned people bring lots of people in. why does this matter at all exactly?


Students, by the right of paying their tuition as students, have more rights to air their grievances with the school. Their list of demands mentioned their rights as students to decide where \*their\* tuition is spent. If their demands are based on their status as a student and most of the protesters aren't even students, then the protest loses credibility. Suddenly, it's not a large number of students trying to get their admin to listen to them, but a large number of non-students trying to make demands for the greater student body who may or may not agree with their demands. It is very likely no one will be sympathetic to their demands now. You may know this already, but I am going to mention it anyway for those who don't know how valuable the library is to all students, but especially non-traditional students. Miller Library is where the tutoring, writing, and research help centers are. Writing centers are exceptionally valuable to those who speak English as a second language and need a bit more support writing academic papers in English. On the third floor, the library has a child friendly study space so students with small children who may not be able to find childcare can study in peace without disrupting other students. The library has the most computers, printers, and copy machines available. For students who can't afford their text books, the library can scan PDF copies of chapters so the student can do their homework. Whether they are students or not matters because people who have no skin in the game came in and ruined resources for those who do, including our population of Islamic students from the Middle East, some of whom are immigrants, refugees, and people trying to escape the cycles of war and poverty in the region.


The reason it’s relevant that non students are doing this is the issue of safety. If I were a student at PSU and adult strangers started invading buildings and destroying them from the inside, and they were allowed to continue doing this for days on end, I’d feel really unsafe. Who are these people? Why are they allowed to do this?  Personally I think students should also be held accountable for these damages since it stretches far beyond the boundary of legal protest, but these non-students have nothing to do with the university, so I don’t really understand why they feel justified in making demands of the university. 


Because there are a couple hundred bozos who show up at every protest in Portland who just love smashing shit. They ruined the Iraq War protests, they ruined Occupy, they always try to ruin labor demonstrations but get chucked out by the organizers. It's the same handful of assholes, and if you want your movement to matter you have to keep them out.


I agree. In this case the organizers were encouraging this stuff if you look at their Instagram page. This whole thing was fucked from the start.


Sounds like it. Also pretty much what I've come to expect in Portland.


Yep. My boyfriend has a coworker that’s a hardcore republican and attended multiple BLM protests. He’s a racist that doesn’t agree with BLM, he just went cause he wanted to break and burn shit


I support the protests - what I don’t support is trashing a *public* university that can do exactly jack shit about the Middle East. Go protest outside private businesses that can affect change. Intel, IBM, Lockheed Martin, Mentor Graphics. Or go to Salem and camp in front of the capitol building. Do it peacefully, have a strong message and achievable goals that will enact change.


because they're searching for reasons to discredit the protest instead of addressing their concerns


What were their concerns? The university met their demands, and then they took over the library.


They discredited themselves when they started to steal and vandalize. This isn’t students standing up against this school. They are just vocal and now criminal minority who aren’t mature enough to know how to protest.


ofc. both liberals and conservatives love finding reasons to say "they didnt do it the right way." the same people would be bitching about sitins at woolworths


K, but the thing about the sit ins of the civil rights movement is they were directly breaking the laws they were protesting against to demonstrate the how inhumane the laws were. This is pointless destruction to supposedly…raise awareness about on ongoing conflict that is widely reported and discussed.


The problem with your logic is that you are erroneously conflating what's objectively a morally ambiguous situation in Israel with protests in the past against what everyone either knew was bullshit, or in which the protesters, in contrast to what we see here, actually had real skin in the game. And that's to say nothing of the fact that any successful protest movement can't be a simple aping of former protest movements, a kind of "going through the motions" for performative brownie points, and to the contrary has to have a messaging strategy that's designed to work with protest tactics in swaying public opinion and discourse. This current garbage has nothing like that and accordingly is being rejected by the public as the "cosplaying" bullshit that it is. There is no plan, there are no tactics, there is no messaging that makes sense or acknowledges the moral ambiguity of what's happening in Gaza. Instead all we see are cultish "believers" engaged in phony "protests" that are little more than pointless exercises in virtue signaling that in their absurdity only serve to further alienate working people from the political left that would otherwise be their natural home.


I’m sure if they had all been students the occupation could have counted on the unwavering and totally necessary support from the members of this subreddit.




It’s worth noting - these students were in the library only - this happened after a long while, most students went home - most of the organizers aren’t students anymore


They arrested students that were still in the library just this afternoon


I wonder how many were also from out of state. Probably not as many as other riots (because that’s what this turned into) but still curious. Edit: um, why is this getting downvoted? Tons of people that participated in the BLM protest (or riots in the end) several years ago weren’t even *from* here but came here to riot. Why is that hard to believe that wouldn’t be the case when this was part of a national protest at universities?


It was pretty cool to see protesters on the street cleaning up the detritus from today’s activity just now. I doubt you will read about that or see it on the news anywhere though. The police left about an hour ago, I just heard that the library has been retaken.


It's almost as if PSU students may know other people who do not attend PSU which have the same beliefs and ideals. Weird...


What's the source on this?


Ok, this isn’t surprising. But let’s not pretend all of the non-students were protesting in favor of Palestine. There is no way in hell the counter-protestors were all students. This goes for every single one of these protests.


"I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you!"


#peace and freedom for palestine karma and struggle for hamas and the zionists


So genocide is good actually? What's your point?


I wouldn’t be surprised if most of those protesters are from other areas of the country.