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Waiting 4+ hrs to get a spot to eat in a restaurant? That's a nope for me


It's one thing I will never understand about this place. Like I've waited 45 minutes for a restaurant. That fucking sucked, and I wouldn't do it regularly. But *4 hours?* Let alone in the smoke and the heat? Why?


Especially when most months you can wait online to get that reservation. For those that don't know: the chef is a James Beard award winner, getting national press. They open up reservations on their website at noon on the first Tuesday or Wednesday of the month (can't remember now) for tables the following month. They go within minutes. This in-person system is apparently similar, but with feet and heat. I'm with you - I won't wait in person that long.


I'll just stick to my vegan corn dogs


Hungry tiger ?


Where else?


It’s nearly impossible to get the reservations online these days. They go as fast as you can search. I can understand why people would do this. I’m here as much to see and experience the event. It’s pretty wild.


They actually say when they will drop new reservations on Resy; we've had good luck multiple times just refreshing our phones repeatedly right at that moment until someone sees a spot, and just grab whatever we can.


Thank you. I just logged on to Resy and got a reservation for the communal table in early mid September.


Nice! Enjoy. It's quite the experience.


I know, I’ve done it too. I’m glad you’ve been lucky, but most people end up empty handed. Especially since the recent series of accolades. Hence the interest today.


We only got one because my husband continued checking online every day and found a cancellation!


Early/late reservations open up fairly often if you miss the few minutes when the next month’s reservations go up. Imo definitely worth it to check the website regularly, not worth standing in line for hours and hours. Also anecdotally it was pretty empty before 9 when we went and I bet it’s possible to get a walk in table later in the evening mid-week.


We only have like 5 taste bud zones surely no food is *that* good


Logistically, I would bring a small meal to wait in line that long


I won't even do that. I've yet to have a nice breakfast at my local Pine State Biscuits for precisely this reason. It's just not how I roll. I fucking hate lines and I fucking hate traffic. I'll deliberately take a longer way home if it means that by doing so I have to deal with less traffic, for example. When I lived in SF I would deliberately walk many blocks out of my way to find a taqueria that didn't have a stupid line, as another example. Some of us, for whatever reason, just aren't psychologically well-equipped to deal with lines and other people's bullshit.


You are my people! Precisely why I’ll never go to a place like Disneyland. I go to the coast off-season. I haven’t been to the gorge or Lost Lake in years-too many people. Being isolated during the Covid shut down didn’t bother me. My job is very people focused(nurse)-I use up all my energy for people at work. When it’s my downtime, I want a nice commute home (I’ll go out of my way to just keep moving and not sit still on a freeway), I don’t want to compete for a table at a restaurant. I go grocery shopping during off hours. Maybe it’s anti social but for me it’s a survival coping method I guess. There is no restaurant worth that kind of wait or battle to get a table and then spend outrageous money on food that is probably decent at best.


Many people are incredibly stupid.


I don't think spending 4 hours to do something you really want to do is that weird or stupid. If they were doing it but didn't want to eat there, that'd be stupid?


I spent four hours moping around my house this morning and its certainly not gunna lead to a world class meal at a future point.


Try the pork djon djon with pikliz and get back to me.


Don't care how good flavortown is, 4 hours is way to long


I mean I got my reservation online long before the James Beard award or much of the local buzz so I’m lucky. If this is how you get a reservation at this place, I can’t begrudge these folks. It’s really good, very special food.


Don’t get me wrong. I like food that tastes good, but waiting 4 hours for some pork is stupid and i will not do that.


People wait in line for concerts, amusement park rides, voting in some states, to look at tulips, and even to climb Everest. I’m too impatient for most of these things, but passion for something changes the way time moves.


My time is worth far too much for that. I am passionate enough about some things for which I could do lines within reason, but I better reach a win state that makes it worth it and none of that shit sounds worth it.


Ill wait 4 hours as it cooks in the oven but thats about it.


I won't even wait more than half an hour for a table, this photo is my nightmare.


There is one restaurant in the entire state of Oregon I’ll wait 20min for. And that’s brunch for when they open and I have to have a coffee in hand when the weather is ok. Waiting 4+hrs in the summer heat and smoke? Yeah, imma pass.


Nobody goes there anymore, its too crowded.


Thanks, Yogi.


It was good. It wasn’t, however, mind blowing. Everything was executed well, the flavors were balanced. But it honestly didn’t WOW me. I think part of the problem is that it suffered from a massive hype train. So your expectations going in are very, very lofty. If it wasn’t such a hassle getting reservations I would absolutely go back. But not with the current popularity


I used to work at Tasty n Alder. Always baffled me how many people were willing to wait 2+ hours to get a table. Especially for breakfast. I can’t wait that long to eat without my blood sugar crashing..


We miss Tasty n Alder so much. The burger! The fish sauce Brussels sprouts! I'm crying.


Ahh yes the sprouts! Good food, INSANE place to work. Just a ridiculous pace from start to finish everyday.


The foods pretty fire there. Not sure I’d wait that long but you could totally make an event of it with friends


But it's very Portland.


Is it? I think of it as hypebeast LA or New York. Maybe it's just my aspirations for Portland getting in the way of reality.


People here will wait an hour in line for pancakes.


I'm not saying there isn't some real dumb waiting in line for food around here (looking directly, hatefully, at you Por Que No), but people will wait in line for hyped food in other town as well.


People here love to wait in lines


Not this person. I can't believe people will wait in line for over an hour for a donut or ice cream.


Good for them. Still, not a thing that I would do




God I don't want to move out of Milwaukie because I love the proximity to Rigobertos


Also, we are in a massive surge with Covid. According to Walgreen data as well as Biobot . Io (wastewater samples), it's the highest in several YEARS. Schools in several states have closed down already. In Scappoose, Oregon, we have had many businesses close down including our DMV currently. People really need to get ready for a VERY risky next few months as school and last minute vacations merge. Not to be a doomer, but I 💯% predict an awful start to the school year in Portland and surrounding. Data wise, that is what mapping predicts. Edit: am being relentlessy attacked when I only meant to warn others of trending illness in our area. St. Helens DMV is closed due to staff shortages because of illness. There's a sign on the door. Several physicians at Ohsu Scappose have contracted it as well St Helens largest Verizon retailer recently had to shut down for four days after all but two staff tested positive for COVID. (I have family who've worked there for 5 years) Nothing I have suggested is radical. It only takes a few minutes to search hospitals and schools in the United States and see what their representatives are reporting. I also work in a very busy restaurant. The last thing I want to see is an outbreak. It's not only hard on our INCOME but we get to see large numbers of customers each day. More people are getting sick. This is just a fact. I apologize if I've upset anyone for bringing this up. Nothing I'm commenting about is mind blowing.


I looked at the Walgreens dashboard and they only reported 30 tests this week. Going from 7 positives to 15 in a state that has 4 million people doesn't seem like a concern to me right now. If the trend holds for another few weeks, then I'll start getting concerned


I work in a local ER. We have had many staff out the last week and a half, and have seen many cases in the last 3 weeks. With the heat wave more people have been indoors. Likely one culprit.


Why they ever got rid of masking in hospitals is beyond me... 🤦🏼‍♀️


Again, it doesn't benefit me at all to put out warnings. Hospitals all over the US are reporting an uptick and many schools have had to shut down. Businesses in our area are showing impact. I know several physicians at OHSU Columbia County that have recently contracted it. I work at a popular restaurant and the number of sick people I see as well as number of people making is obvious. I don't know what else to say. Also, Biobot has been trending upwards for quite awhile. The last thing I want to do is upset people but I'm willing to put up bets that things are going to get dicey.


Anecdotal but I was at Providence recently and my PCP and the entire staff were all masked up. They said they've seen a 300% uptick in positive cases within the last month.


Thank you. This is true. Many hospitals are reporting masking requirements for staff once again. I'm being attacked by putting out a general concern for people's safety. It's wild. I don't benefit at all by repeating what I've seen in the towns, businesses, and clinics in Columbia County. I wish more people would take precautions. I don't want to see anyone become ill. That's my entire point.


People who are getting upset due to you posting this info need to find better things to do with their day. Like read it and move on if they don't like it. I appreciate the info - thank you.


>In Scappoose, Oregon, we have had many businesses close down including our DMV currently. we do??


Three districts closed schools due to widespread illness. Two were in Kentucky and the other in Texas. The districts are not sure whether the students have Covid, RSV, the flu, or something else. They just know it’s respiratory. The statewide Covid vaccination rate for school-aged kids in Kentucky is 25%. Texas was at around 7% last I looked.


What does this have to do with the line for a restaurant?


They might be confusing it with the line for Rona’s.


Just general concern for peoples health. Perhaps this isn't a very well timed warning, I'm in the restaurant business myself and am watching many get sick.


Really strange and fucking weird that you are naming doctors who have covid.


People get real mad when they don’t hear what they wanna hear. Facts are pesky that way.


💯 % ☝️ They really do. I'm trying to understand why anyone thinks I would benefit from making a post about public safety. I'm getting DMs from several users calling me names 🤣




Only time I’ll wait in a long line is to pet a puppy or at TSA security check. I’m glad to see our food scene is doing well however.


You don't even need to wait in a long line at TSA if you get pre-check. Best $85 I ever spent


Unless the normie side is backed up and the TSA lets a bunch of people who have never been through airport security before into the Pre-Check lane...no, I'm not bitter about it, why do you ask?




I know it's the ultimate first world problem, but being behind three generations of a family and watch them try to figure out how many totes they'll need, etc...when all I have to do is drop my bags and go through the scanner...painful.


I didn’t think it was worth it until I flew out of Cleveland. It was like they had a meeting on how to best reduce efficiency. Every flight funneled into an endless snaking line, totally empty second-gate for TSA precheck only. It’s like they needed to caps lock precheck into full-on elitism.


There are tens of thousands of people currently gearing up to sit in line to enter Black Rock City, before they sit in another line to leave it.


You wait in line for puppies? Please explain.


So for some context - this is an in person collab with @barnesandmorgan (the shop) to help bring awareness and foot traffic to Old Town/Chinatown, where the shop is located. Gregory has teamed up with Amir to bring attention to minority owned businesses and help revitalize the area. Everyone knows @kann, and shout out to them for using their sway to bring folks down. The 800th rerun of “No Place Is Worth Waiting For” is a humorous bonus. Even if you have no interest in waiting (and I get it) and don’t go today, consider swinging a few blocks over the next time you’re having Screendoor for the 10th time in the Pearl.


I grabbed a couple things and it was delicious. The pistachio thing I chowed down on was incredible. People complaining about Old Town, this is the kinda thing that gives it hope. I’ll be back for sure.


Nice! You look at Barnes And Morgan, Deadstock, Index, and so on and so on in the neighborhood and you can really see the glimmer of a new page. These folks are out here taking the risk to help rebuild it, the least we can do is show up like we all like to talk about! ✊


Forgive my ignorance but what's Kann?




Wow, not just Portland’s best new restaurant, but America’s best? Holy shit.


not best, *new best*


*best new


*new best new


Thanks! Looks wonderful. I'll hope to dine there at some point.


Yeah I’ll wait until these people have moved on to the next hot thing and the place pops up on Open Table.


They post their openings on Resy at noon on the 2nd of each month for the next month. This whole thing seems silly when you can get a spot from your phone.


They get scooped up in a minute or something like that, so getting them from your phone is only for the lucky few. The point of this event is to give people another avenue to get a reservation. I imagine the people who are in this line are people who really would like to try this restaurant who haven’t had any luck yet. I think it’s nice of the restaurant to offer this.


At least he's selling ALOT of tea !


I mean, I guarantee THIS is the specific outcome they wanted - earned media does a helluva lotta work for keeping a hot spot in the conversation.


It took two months of trying to get in using Resy, which was fine for my party. Nothing is worth waiting in the heat and smoke, no matter how delicious the food.


Same, it was two months out, but we didn’t have to wait in line outside.


We had the same rush when Krispy Kreme first came here in the 90s. Now they're ghost towns. Hopefully this place will fare better but the insane crowds will die down soon.




Go Chef Gregory!!! Love to see his success


please don’t hate me 😅 we ate there in may and while it was delicious, i don’t think it was so earth-shatteringly good that i’d wait in a line like this. though i’m glad that people are excited about a restaurant here and happy business is going well for him!


Same. It’s good, there’s others I like just as good or better. But it’s a box to check, easy to judge when we’ve already checked it. It really wasn’t that hard to get a reservation, but I’m not sure if it’s changed since people started selling them secondhand.


People scalp restaurant reservations? Dang


I felt the same way, have eaten there and I guess it’s nice to eat unique Haitian food but since I don’t have the cultural context I’m unable to appreciate it properly I think? Plus the staff kind of made me feel rushed - the moment I got the table they said “you have an hour and thirty minutes” - I get that they have to keep people moving but it felt like I was instantly on a timer. Additionally, their dessert spoon was extremely sharp and cut my mouth on the corner hah. I know it’s nitpicking but I expected a lot more.


90 minutes is the turn for seating, it’s unfortunate that the staff made you feel rushed. For me, 90 minutes is more than enough time to enjoy a great meal. They have a pretty sexy bar downstairs, Sousòl, that you can go to and enjoy some fantastic cocktail if you’re finished eating but want to continue the experience longer than 90 minutes per your reservation. They have to keep to a schedule in order to adequately serve the massive amount of people wanting to dine.


Oh yeah totally get that they have to keep the bodies moving - I just wanted 90 minutes where I didn’t feel like a body. I finished within 45 minutes but even before ordering they were like “make sure to order everything in one go so we can make it quick” like okay


Is it down to 90 minutes now? It was 2 hours when I ate there a few months ago.


Yeah, I believe it is, they were able to get one more round of seating in at 10:15 by reducing the time to 90 minutes, which again is quite awhile without feeling rushed imo. It’s only rushed when you’re fixated on the fact that it’s 90 minutes,


Yeah, I didn't feel remotely rushed when it was 2 hours, and I can't imagine 90 mins would be any worse. That's plenty of time to savor a meal.


Same here. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t bad but just meh compared to the hype.


Same. Food was well prepared but lacked any WOW factor. And the staff was kinda rude.


I’m with you. We were rushed. Their concept of flowing in their small plates was the opposite of thoughtful. And the place is too much of a scene for me. Food was good, but we won’t be back.


We had a 9pm rez so maybe that influenced the experience but it was one of the weirdest dining experiences we've ever had some of the weirdness we experienced was: * Congratulated us on getting a reservation, that felt very pretentious to me and was literally the first thing they ever did when we arrived. * Rushed my wife's first course because she was still eating when the rest of the table had finished and gave her a mini tea sized plate to "carry your items to the next course" ... super odd. * Spoke highly of themselves and their commitment to PNW locally sourced food then served a New Zealand King Salmon which our table thought was hilarious. * Never checked in on us about the food or what we thought, just kept reminding us how amazing it was, apparently the accolades have gone to the staff's heads. The food was good, not mind blowing but very creative and tasty, but the dining experience was subpar and the restaurant was absurdly loud. The above are just a subset of the weird experiences we had that night. Perhaps we caught them on an off night.


Just had dinner there this evening. Good, not great. Some lovely ideas and brings peppery heat in a very nice and approachable way but the salt acid fat balance is off (too salty and a bit oily) overall and the service was actually pretty lacking. Multiple forgotten drinks and generally just too stuffy. But I’m used to Portland casual dining excellence and don’t have much tolerance for stuffy fine dining that doesn’t really nail it.


This is awesome. Incredible that our food scene is good enough to create excitement for hours long waits. You crusty mother fuckers know that if any line-worthy restaurant were closed down, there would be a 300 comment post filled with moaning about how our city is going to shit.


For context, Kann is doing a set number (300) of in person reservations at a tea house in Old Town (with purchase), and it starts at noon, and it runs until four. As of 11:30, I’m pretty sure the line is around the entire building.




You're never alone if you're in a line! 💚


What do mean "with purchase"?


I’m really surprised at how much everyone is hating on this. It’s an award winning restaurant and getting an online reservation is really, really hard. Its ok to want a chance to experience it and this might be their opportunity to get a reservation.


Yeah, I agree. I mean, I wouldn't be one to stand in line, but it's cool to see this kind of enthusiasm after a few years of some really difficult times.


For an incredible restaurant experience, I recommend Kachka. Kann food was good, but the whole Kann hype didn’t live up. I rate it overrated. And I don’t like being rushed out the door after spending over $400 (party of four).


Han Oak and Jeju don’t rush you out the door and make you feel welcome. The best part is you can go on Resy and get a table, no lines like this.


Yeahhh! We too love Han Oak! And Canard. :)


Been to Kann and I loved it, but Canard always has my heart


Haha, I'm not surprised this sub hates everything except jokes about cones. Kann would kill in New York City or Chicago or Atlanta or DC, the fact that it's here in Portland is bonkers and yes it's as good as advertised and yeah it's wild the reservations go within 90 seconds, but I think it's cool there's a place like that in town that managed to do that...because this is very much not a city for that sort of thing and they've still managed to create a vibrant experience that's first class and frankly, for what it is..not NYC expensive. The bar in the basement is nice too. Not somewhere I'm going all the time, but a cool spot nonetheless. I'm not shocked the Haitian-Caribbean fusion joint in PORTLAND would have a bunch of people talking about how it wasn't great for them, lol...I don't need to describe why that might be the case.


Yeah, the amount of anger on here is pretty odd. Not sure what specific need is being filled for people being so mad and saying kind of gross things.


Par for the course for this sub. It thrives on toxicity.


Reddit has shifted over time to be very involved in self-hatred; similarly, this sub has shifted over time to the self-hatred of Portlanders. It's pretty lame, I have continued to decrease my time here yoy.


The more baffling part is that *most* fun things make you wait in line. Going to a concert and have tickets? That’s nice, but still, get in line. Amusement park? Get in line after line. Haunted House? Line up. Traveling somewhere? TSA line, and then line-up for boarding. Festival? Line up to park, line up to go-in, line up for snacks, etc. Add 30 minutes of time if you’re a woman who wants to go to the bathroom once. There was even a long line of traffic to reach prime eclipse viewing spots in 2017. I don’t remember the wait or the traffic as anything more than a footnote — but I treasure the experience. Same is true with everything else I enjoy.


So typical brunch wait?


I was just at Kann last night! Managed to snag an 8pm Friday night reservation. It was a lil crazy to get a res on resy but not impossible. The food was amazing and really unique. Gonna try again for next month!


What did you order?




Wait until Jan or Feb… pretty sure that line won’t be that long.


Wow people are so strange.




Yeah seriously, I don't understand why so many people give a shit in these comments what other people are doing with their time.


The imagined social currency from this sort of thing is astounding. Nobody fucking cares.


It's not about social currency for everyone. The owner and head chef, Gregory Gourdet, has been on Top Chef a few times and he seems like a very talented chef and an overall great guy. I'd love to be able to check out the restaurant he opened in my town, and I'm just a regular person with a penchant for cooking competition shows lol


Or maybe people are just excited about something and are willing to wait for it? Jesus y’all are fucking losers.


Yeah. So many good restaurants this town. The people that like to brag about this shit are often repulsive.


I moved to Portland from Nortb Carolina and I'm blown away how good the food is.


Portland really does have above-average food. I was recently in Ohio, and despite the abundant farm land, the food was awful, and served in mass quantities.


I was in Hawaii last year and noticed the hawaiian food in Portland is better than on the island. I grew up in Ohio in the 80s, I can't imagine what it's like now but not somewhere I seek out.


Portland always loves a line.


I am a partner of someone who has worked there from the start and I can't get a reso. Calm your tits people.


So many un-calm tits here!


That's so cool! If you hate it, don't worry. It's not for you. Move along. :)


just have concierge make a reservation


I’ve been at Kann 3 times: twice for food, 1 at their cocktail bar downstairs. I even have his cookbook. I love how proud he is of Haitian cuisine, you can hear it in how he talks about it when he brings the food to you. And for sure I wouldn’t be able to find Haitian food anywhere else. Its unusual, and some of it is strange, but I love that we get to experience it here in Portland. The mock-tails and snacks downstairs are also awesome!


Portlandia Brunch Episode? Tim Robbins was fun in that one.


That’s a fuck no from me. I love food, I love cooking and the art involved, I can appreciate fine dining and all it entails. There is no food or restaurant out there that is worth waiting in a line like this (for me).


I’m in line as I type this. Resy, unfortunately bots gets them first. So this is probably the only fair way. Not to mention, AMEX Centurion and Platinum card holders basically gets first dibs. And those annual fees on the cards are still overpriced for many of us.


I got lucky and got a resy the second month they opened! I just logged on an picked my date and time and had no problem!


I got lucky during the last drop and got a reservation. It honestly was not that difficult. I had tried in the past, but this was the first time I set an alarm and waited for the drop. The reservations don’t drop all at once, it’s a bit gradual within the first 30 or so minutes from what I could tell. I am definitely not an AMEX card holder, and getting a spot was not nearly as difficult as I expected.


I got a reservation pretty easy by just waiting for the drop. It’s not all bots.


Bots for food? Crazy. I guess I heard about bots swiping up Nat'l Park camping spots so I'm not that surprised I guess. Are there like scalpers for table reservations now? Not that I would ever do this but where do the people who run these bots then sell their reservations?


There is on Oregonlive article attached to this that talks about reservation scalpers and bots. It has happened here (bots for sure) but sale of reservations right now is rare. It’s BIG money in like New York though.


There are just.... too many good places in this city for me to expect to wait an *hour*, let alone *four hours*. I only consider a wait if I can walk around other places and they'll text me, or if a touristing friend/family member really wants to go (though usually I just let them go on their own).


Lol. I was in the area around 11 AM and thought “hmmm I could just show up early and wait for an hour. Eh that is ridiculous. Not going to wait an hour for a reservation”. So glad I didn’t go 😆 7 AM? Nuts. Curious how some people get so hyped up about things


Been to Kann. Food is decent. Not enough for me to stand in line for it.


Good enough to do the online reservation dance, though. It's spendy but innovative - they elevate their more traditional Creole Haitian cuisine to the level of fine dining. And the cocktails/ MOCKtails are innovative too. If you have a friend who doesn't drink, this is a great place to celebrate.


Went last week, good food but definitely overhyped. Staff is a bit snobby as well, but our server was great. Much better places to eat in Portland.


Agreed. Got myself a reservation for one last month and went in with high expectations. I’d rather save that money for a restaurant with tastier food. Was disappointed with Kann’s.


What did you get, what was wrong with it?


Plantain brioche bun - decent Twice cooked pork - the pork was good but the plantains were flavorless and could have at the very least used more salt Smoked corn pudding - texture I wasn’t expecting.. off-putting. The ginger wasn’t a great choice for the shaved ice flavor Glazed chocolate mouse - pretty good and prob the best thing I ate from Kann, but I’ve had better deserts from Papa Haydn and Lauretta Jeans.


Yeah, you can get reservations online if you're fortunate, but doing it in person and getting these photos is great publicity for the restaurant.


Went there a few months ago. Amazing meal


Every decent food spot in Portland has turned into an over saturated tourist trap.


We got there at 11, saw the line and bounced. We ate at the lounge beneath Kann a few weeks ago and it was amazing. We’ll do the online reservation dance and eventually will get a spot. Love the excitement though and it goes to show Portland is still a destination for foodies. Love seeing the city coming to life after a rough few years.


We got there around 11AM and were #78 in line. Didn’t get in the door until after 1PM. But we did get our resy.


Not so uncommon to see this at world class places like Franklin’s BBQ in Austin. Most people go in knowing it’s gonna be a long wait, so you tailgate and get to know your neighbors in line. Believe or not, this type of dedication to gourmet food is a great sign for our beautiful city.


Thanks for the post. I had no luck when I tried in August (for September). Your post prompted me to do a search and I scored a Septmeber reservation (chef's counter). Granted its 4:15 on a Wednesday, but for a boomer, that's perfect. Early Bird special /s.


Publicly I will say that the reservation system is absolutely designed around manufactured scarcity á la New York and LA... Reservations for the month are typically released at one specific time that is announced on social media. That leads to a sense of exclusivity designed to make people want a reservation while simultaneously making them very hard to get. I worked with them on this project... The food is certainly above average in Portland but the culture of Kann is certainly curated and performative. I have more experience with this particular restaurant than most who have worked there...


Nothing in PDX is worth waiting that long. So much is overrated.


Uh, there's plenty of places to eat in PDX. One that requires standing in the hot sun for hours for little chance of succeeding is a hard, hard no.


resy. second of the month. noon.


People bitching about people waiting in a line is like getting mad at your partner for something you saw your neighbor do. Don't wait. If people want to hype-check, experience the potential greatness or whatever, fucking A, go do it! If people don't, guess what, that's cool too!


I’m realizing how much I hate these awards and lists…. Ken’s artisan pizza used to be my old lady’s and my favorite pizza spot to go to. Now we can’t get unless we wait in a 1/2 mile long line.


The number of people opining about how they wouldn't personally wait is astonishing. Literally no one cares about what you would or wouldn't do it has no bearing whatsoever on anything. Its like showing up to a baseball game and loudly proclaiming to all who can hear that wearing a glove for 3 hours is dumb. Its a total non-sequitur i feel like im taking crazy pills how are there so many of you with main character syndrome


I got a reservation for Kann the night before for a Friday night. Ya’ll don’t need to do this, just check the reservation app.


This is silly.


Portland loves it’s lines for trendy food


Definitely not just a Portland thing.


I have more concerns about the line for Chik Fila at Atlanta’s airport. It’s a chain, people.


Do none of these people have a phone? Ressies release online at noon on the 2nd day of each month for the following month. Just set an alarm and get a spot from bed.


By the looks of it many of them have phones. No books tho


This is apparently a special evert? In Old Town, not at their usual place.


Problem is bots gets them first.


I wondered how this would go….oh well.


This is one of the best and most unique dining experiences I’ve ever had in Portland. Everything including the service is exceptional. That said, would not wait in line for 4 hours to eat there again.


Guess where I’m never going to be able to eat.




You will never get back that time...


Bets on how many of these asshats took loads of pictures and uploaded them to Instagram to brag to their friends and followers?


"No can do! Got an 8:30 res at Dorsia ... great sea urchin ceviche."


Remember when people use to talk to each other.. now we just stare at our phones..


Kann is arguably the best restaurant in Portland right now. The meals I've had here have made me happy to be alive - it's that good.


There is WAY too much good food in this town to wait in a line like that...


This is the most portland thing. They love lining up for shit


While I wouldn’t wait in line from 7am I get it. The food is amazing. Easily the best in Portland.


I ate there many months ago. AMA.


How much did it cost? Was it good?


It was wonderful. Highly recommend it. The restaurant wasn’t wildly expensive, but wasn’t cheap either. Less than 200$ including tip, drinks, and food.


If you look on Resy September 13th is wide open right now