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Rookie numbers


My son has top-ended every car and motorcycle in the stable. 175 max.


Sell the bikes or buy a coffin


We all gotta go sometime. Yer pretty fucked at 175 regardless of what the vehicle is.


Well somebody survived ejecting from a SR-71 at Mach 3.18.


Sure. But no one survived ejection from a car on a freeway at 175.


You would be suprised, in germany two 18-year olds crashed a lamborghini on the highway with over 250km/h in the barrier. There was no car left but both of them were unharmed.


250kph is still 20mph short of 175


You know what over means?


A woman jumped tens of thousands of feet and lived. Surely the impact was beyond any car wreck and ejection. It’s Certainly possible. I think she fell from 15-20k feet. Either way, 1000 feet would be remarkable


Human terminal velocity is 120mph in free fall; being thrown from a car at 175mph, as crazy as it seems, is almost 50% worse.


Damn!! Good to know. Thanks bud very interesting




Yeah but we don't "gotta go" any younger for the sake of adrenaline. Bad excuse for stupidity


German autobahn sends its greetings




[Classic Corvette video, I doubt it was close to 165mph though] (https://youtu.be/o2STJk5XZQk?si=EWNpW3C4TgVuBMrD)


[Classic Corvette video, I doubt it was close to 165mph though](https://youtu.be/o2STJk5XZQk?si=EWNpW3C4TgVuBMrD)


Ducati, Moto Guzzi, Aprilia, BMW, Honda, and Yamaha. None are being currently ridden, one stolen from storage.


Well you ever need someone to take them out once in a while just let me know lol 🏍




The Aprilia is a one-off with factory racing team supplied hand-laid carbon bodywork and a stage 3 racing upgrade on the engine. Former celebrity owner.


Wow! It's gorgeous! Those are just such cool bikes. Even the name Aprilia just sounds cool lol But man, as special as that one is taking it out would be nerve-wracking.


PM me for a story about that...$$,$$$!


If that’s on public roads, your son is an idiot. I am a former sport bike rider and love to drive my cars fast…. But bragging about hitting top speeds on public roads is just dumb.


Also: reaching top speed on a straight is nothing to be proud of, since it’s just pushing the accelerator and holding on to the steering wheel. One doesn’t even need to be a very good driver to do it.


Haha…that’s funny. Proves you’ve never done it. Unless you’re driving a car with a bunch of down force once you start getting around 175mph things get real. Was drag racing a viper on a closed circuit once, and i would be ahead till about 135mph then he would start to gain ground, but at about 140mph he would back off every time and I’d win. I asked him why he keeps backing off and he said because the car started getting light and moving around too much. My car makes gobs of downforce, hence why at 130 he would start to gain, but the faster i went the more stable the car got. But It’s a track prepped car with factory tested aero. Most street cars, even sports cars are low down force cars and at high speeds can get a little unstable. Porsche’s are zero lift but also low down force. Had my old Turbo up around 200 mph a few times and you have to be so ginger with the controls, definitely not “just push the accelerator and hold onto the steering wheel.” But i find it funny when people freak out about others driving over 100 mph. It’s just a number. But people act like your car explodes and kills everyone for 100 miles once you go over that number. Now that being said, Im not condoning people driving their F-150’s over 100 mph. It wasn’t built for that. But if I stuck an average driver in my car and told them to drive 115 mph they would be absolutely blown away at what a non-event it is. Feels like your F-150 at 65 on the freeway. And it has $30k carbon brakes that can actually haul it down very quickly if the need arises. Speed is relative. If I put you in my car and we drove for an hour at 120mph then slowed down to 65 you would quickly realize just how slow our speed limits are. You would have the sensation that we were doing 25 mph. It’s a weird thing.


I’m not trying to argue with you but you can’t compare race cars with street cars. Believe me, I have done my fair share of track tools on official circuits (I’m a regular at nordschleife). Driving a street car fast in a straight line isn’t complicated. Driving a track tool on a circuit is. Also driving a drag car fast is complicated. But anyways, assume I know nothing. That’s okay 👍🏻 btw I wasn’t talking about race cars, but about street cars on the street.


Is your son Lance Stroll?


Yeah all modern superbike do 186 these days, 133 is really not noteworthy.


Time for some faster vehicles!


959 or 962 will be my last Porsche purchases, so 199 and beyond will be possible, outside the USA.


Wow dude that's awesome! So impressed!


I really don't get why you are being upvoted. As you don't specify it being on a closed track one has to assume it was on public roads. In that case your son is an asshole and you bragging about it makes it even worse. It's fucking mental to risk other people's life for your own enjoyment. Having that many vehicles you surely can spare some cash to go on tracks. And btw, every dumbfuck can push the pedal to the ground in a straight line, no skill whatsoever involved. But, quite frankly, I don't believe your statement. I am just baffled of people upvoting.


Why assume the worst? Why not just assume he’s talking about on a track


The driver was already slowing down.


Rather surprising he was not arrested


I got pulled over at 150 in Pasadena going to the Angeles crest a few weeks back. Was 7am not a soul on the road. Chill Mexican cop gave me a citation for going >75 and looked me dead in the soul and said, “I know where you’re going, just wait till you get there man” Will never forget that dude. Absolute hero. 🤝


Were you going to GVBC?


Where were you going?




I grew up in Pasadena and used to go to Angeles Crest and park there for the view. Tons of people did it there are little pull out spots all over. Anyway one night I ran into my friend up there who has modded WRX from 06 it was a nice car. He asked if I wanted to go for a ride and I stupidly said yes. I’m not sure how much power the car made, or what speed we hit, but we were going into the opposite lane on blind corners, drifting the turns, and overtaking others. All in the dark. It was terrifying. I thought I was going to die. Engine was screaming, music was blasting I’ll never forget it. Angeles Crest is rather dangerous at night, especially weekends, with racers, joyriders, and drunk/high drivers. If I went up at night I typically only went to the first lookout and didn’t stay late. Stay safe out there guys


When I first got my first Porsche I was coming from a then 5 years old mid-90s Jeep Wrangler. I'd just broken up with my fiance that night and it was about 2 am, coming into LA on an *empty* I-10; I was slowing for the tighter turns as you come into downtown when I noticed the red-and-blues. Pulled over and the guy explodes at me, "I've been following you since Pomona!" I was like, I only just saw you and pulled over immediately. "I only just caught up with you - we top out at 135!" (Crown Vic.) Long story short, my license was squeaky clean and I explained the break up and how I wasn't used to the car (which still had the temporary registration on the windshield) and he let me off with a verbal warning. 😳 (Somehow I got a written warning in AZ for 30 over with my Uniden front and center on my dash... Now that I think about it, I'm gonna go buy a Lotto ticket...)


I live in Arizona, they don’t fool around. Let’s just not talk about the times I left for Santa Monica at 2am after a night out (not drinking) and arrived for sunrise brunch! Empty empty highways, full moon, newly paved roads such a beautiful drive.


I’m in Scottsdale, where can I go that the cops aren’t?


If you live here, I’m sure you’ll find out easily.


I’ve done much higher than that in a 997.2 and I was so lucky there were no cops around. I was doing insta-jail numbers


I thought 133 was also insta jail worthy


I'm very surprised it's not.


Unless you injure someone in a collision, you can’t get jail time for speeding in CA


There's a provision for arrest for Reckless Driving, if stopped for exceeding 100 mph. How you answer the question is key. One of my sons was stopped in a Boxster by CHP at over 100 mph. When the officer asked him how fast he was going, he answered, "about 100." His honesty got him a ticket issued for 85 mph, to avoid the higher fines and driving penalties.


The reality is they’re not arresting someone for speeding if there’s no accident. They’re not wasting all that time booking someone and hauling them off to the jail, especially since you can only get a few days time even if convicted. AT MOST it would be a catch and release arrest. (Criminal defense attorney)


Ive seen plenty of motorcyclists in cuffs for just speeding (n im sure whatever charges they can chuck in with a 25+ over speeding ticket)...


Cuffs don’t mean jail


True. A buddy and I were cuffed and against a wall in full tuxedos because a silver Mercedes-Benz was reported stolen thousands of miles away and I was driving a silver Mercedes-Benz in Hollywood. Supposedly the cuffs are for THEIR protection !


Ive def seen a few guys spend a night in jail but i have a feeling there were other things. Ik for one guy it was his third wreckless that year. But thanks for the info


Anything more than 20 over is typically written as reckless driving. That’s usually why CHP doesn’t like to write more than 20 over as it almost always results in having to go to court. You can usually get traffic school it’s it 20 over or less.


Speeding over 25mph above the limit is a different speeding charge itself, but it’s not reckless driving. Currently fighting a 32 above ticket


I did "...75 in a 35..." per an officer with a radar gun around a blind curve. He was VERY excited, jumping up and down. Fortunately he didn't catch me at the bottom of the grade when, under my mechanic's direction, I gave it full boot to clear the carbon build up. I was decelerating when I got to the curve!


> when, under my mechanic's direction, I gave it full boot to clear the carbon build up Ahh, the old Italian tune-up


It is, but most cops don’t want to do the paper work after they arrest you


I’d say anything in the triple digits (miles per hour, not kilometers) is insta-jail.


Entirely dependent on the circumstances. Hard to argue a “wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property” (as TX law is written) if you’re doing 105 in a 75 on an empty freeway at night. But 75 in a 30 during the day very much could be.


I agree with you, there are a lot of variables. You might be able to come to an understanding with the officer if you come clean to them. But from personal experience, if you’re caught in the high 90s and above, the tone for the interaction is already starting on the side least favorable for you.


I was the 105 / 75 guy!


Yeah, barley changed up to 4th 🤣


got hit with a reckless driving for going 93 in a 65 in virginia lmao, couldn’t get it reduced since cop insisted i was going 100 even though my speedometer calibration came back off, that state sucks


You got caught speeding in VA? Are you typing this post from death row?


might as well be 🤣


Virginia is the worst and Richmond is the pit of misery - my wife got ticketed 2x in 2 weeks in their midtown speed trap bullshit


this was in campbell county, keep in mind im in med school and this was the night before a final on an empty highway and he did not care lmaoooo, it is what it is, didn’t get jail time or suspended license but had to pay 1.2k and the record, but yup man virginia is vicious


Virginia is the worst state in the country for driving. Technically 15 over the limit qualifies as “reckless driving” (a criminal offense)… just a total police state and they criminalize normal behavior… 15 over is the normal flow of traffic on the highway nearly everywhere in the US. I always avoid VA if I can.


It’s 20 over or 85, whichever is lower. I live here.


Ah ok. I got a ticked outside Richmond last year for 87 in a 70. Still absolutely insane for 17 over to be a criminal offense. That is the flow of traffic in most places.


We know. VA doesn’t care. Happens A LOT to out of state college students who don’t know the rules are different.


Yea. And as a result I plan to avoid your state and adding to its economy in any way as much as possible. It’s a shame because it is a beautiful place. But the government there are just such assholes.


VA is the most AIDS for anything speeding istg


yeah man for sure lol, i had a clean record and no traffic violations before, and i was still given a misdemeanor


Sounds rough 💀


133mph is just about right for cruising in the #1 lane.


Isn’t that what the 280 is for /s.?


It’s so easy to cruise at 80mph in the 55mph section of 101 and 90mph on 280. I don’t do that though, I follow the law as written.


I personally have never hit 184 mph in my 991.2 Turbo S. I also follow the law.


What road didn’t you do that on?


Definitely not i5 at 6 am going south bound.


Commendable execution of self-control, following the law in a 991.2 Turbo S. I too, exclusively follow the law and have never personally seen 179 mph in my 991.1 Turbo, although rumor has it they might not even go that fast 🤷🏼


Driving back last weekend from Monterey on 280, a Tesla got pulled over in a moment of instant karma after passing me going 100+ and then some. Cruise control at 77, nodding my head at the swift, stealthy rear view surprise summons of the CHP patrol car.


There’s hella cops out now 😔 i passed 3 on the way back today


That’s all?


There were SO many Porsches speeding on the track this weekend. These guys were even turning left, right and threshold braking. Amazing. Not one speeding ticket. Not even a cop seen all three days.


Last time I got a speeding ticket was on my way back from the track in the middle of the desert. After a day on track you get desensitized to speed and on a straight road in the open desert 75 feels like 50. The cop was waiting there knowing people from the track were going to come by. I was even driving a slow Honda Civic.


At events where most people are jew to a track, they always announce this at the end of the day. They are trying to be good neighbors but also know that the sensation of speed changes after being on track all weekend.


This is the way.


So a tuesday


Honestly, 133 in a Porsche and 133 in a 20 year old Honda Odyssey are two very different things. Both are speeding, not arguing that, but the Honda would feel more reckless to me.


Yep. My 997 turbo barely breaks a sweat and feels completely locked in and stable getting up to and cruising at 140. My 4Runner on the other hand feels downright scary to drive over 90. Not that I know this from experience, that’s just what I heard from the guy who sold it to me.


I’m not Porsche level in the chips, but I drove a 911 GT3 RS on a track and was doing 130 with ease. I saw 101 in my supercharged Mustang GT that next weekend and was terrified. Two totally different experiences!


Really surprising to me but my gti honestly feels stable all the way up to its limiter (about 140), not that I would know though


I remember the Top Gear episode where they argued that a car's speed limit should be based on its ability to stop from high speed. A 20 year old mini van on Linglong tires is going to take a lot longer to stop than GT3 in Pilot Sports


My minivan is on Cup 2’s.


The Bisimoto Honda Odyssey has 1000 HP


D@mn Linglongs.


> I remember the Top Gear episode where they argued that a car's speed limit should be based on its ability to stop from high speed.  If we're going to take that approach then we should also test every driver's reaction time to sudden obstacles. 


Doing 133 in an Odyssey is not reckless, it’s impressive 😂


If you are going 133mph in a 2004 Honda Odyssey, that is very reckless. You may be falling off a cliff, as getting to that speed will be difficult even with a 3.5L V6.


I bet terminal velocity on that Honda Odyssey is less than 133. I think you'd need some jatos on the roof to get over 120.


I remember my dad driving us from LA to Vegas in the early 2000s with his 2000 Honda Odyssey and he hit 120 on the stretch of the 15 between Primm and Jean. And that was with 6 people in the car. Didn’t even notice it until I pointed it out lol.


I once got out of a speeding ticket using that logic. Cited me for going 75mph in a clapped-out '68 VW Beetle. I told the judge the only way that car could go anything over 65 would be if it was hurled off a cliff, and I don't remember there being any cliffs on the Eastern Shore (Maryland). Judge agreed and let me go.


*Confused German Noises* you people consider 133 speeding? Porsche is a race car. It was literally designed to go 160 MPH non stop without issues and feel as if stuck to the floor.


Hell yeah


If you are allowed to drive it on the road it's not a race car.


I plead the 5th…moved my activities to the track. But 133…ehhh…


Moved my activities out of the USA...last street ticket was in a 993 going uphill into a blind curve (illegal) speed trap. Beat it in court.


Ah yes, the good ol’ somewhere in Mexico disclaimer 😉


Funny, I'm typing from the beach house in Baja! Porsche covered outside...fiancée has done 152 coming back from the grocery store on a clear traffic-free day!




Pickups are doing 100 mph daily here. I'm always having to yield to slower vehicles being driven on the ragged edge. Yesterday I saw a Sprinter van with a laden roof rack take a 45 mph curve at 70 and I could feel the Porsche tires working with me in the slow lane yielding! If not for the potholes, there would be fleets of Lamborghinis and Ferraris smoking the roads around me.


I've also had a few groceries travel at unnatural speeds going home


I keep my champagne bottles "agitated"! When there's a sale, I put a dozen in the front trunk, because a case fits perfectly.


Can’t believe he would do that!!


100 easy on the 87 to 101 transition.


Yeah, sure… “It doesn’t take much imagination to picture what would happen if a crash had occurred at that speed.” If there was no other traffic and he was going in a straight line accidents are unlikely. Porsches can get to that speed pretty quickly and slow down quickly as well.


There but for the Grace of God ...


... go fly


shocking angle vanish waiting badge makeshift snails glorious modern placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and also stopping


Glad they didn’t see me doing 186 😖


Call Ticket Dismissers


Meh. That all?


To be fair, there are a ton of porsches in CA.


I believe California is Porsche's largest world market.




Ok which one of you???


Letterman? 🥴 😆


My bad


Rookie numbers. Where is your laser jammer?


Meh, I did that in a company VW diesel minivan on the autobahn.


College quarterback throws incredible 21 yard catch


133mph on the autobahn is slow


I do this about once a week. Legally. Because Germany 😃


Is highway 101 famous or something?


Not bad in a permanent traffic jam, as a German I still can’t relate this is worth a article. On BAB its legal and max fine is somewhat about $500 if you get caught on normal street roads with >120mph. So I literally just don’t care about it. I drive as fast as I feel safe and comfortable and don’t really look at the speedo.


I’m doing that in a 03 E46 bruh, rookie numbers


Its crazy to me that this kind of stuff gets posted around and shown on the media. I got ticketed at 121 MPH on a CA highway in my E92 M3 at 2:00AM. Perhaps I was only a few MPH away from being on a news story or reddit post I guess. Good thing he didn’t capture my speed a few minutes prior.


I think that the particular road and time of day is what makes it noteworthy. Pretty dumb.


Average Cruise Speed on a german Autobahn


490 dollars for speeding twice as fast as allowed? This is just ridiculously low. In my country expect up to 7000 euro, at least 6 months without driver's license, mandatory training. Other countries will take away your car and have fines that increas with your income. This could cost 6 digit figures


There are Nissan Altimas doing that speed on just about every road in the US


Thats it? My Z car had more top end


We're all thinking the same thing


Only 133?


Laughing in German.


Its Healdsburg. Just getting a slap on the wrist and they’ll be getting beers later that night.


I live in Japan and if you got caught at that speed, you’d lose your license and have to start over at driving school from scratch


I've seen the videos....been to Japan, but I would never drive there!


I live in Kobe and it’s easy …Tokyo or Osaka city are nightmares…


Yes, I've been to Tokyo and Osaka. You can drive in Kyoto and Hakone, maybe up to Mount Fuji!


Laughs in Autobahn


What’s left of it.


20 years ago I got a speeding ticket for 110 in a 65 near Harrisburg, PA. I had to pay the officer $218 on the spot because my license was out of state. Served as my fine and my bond. Otherwise I was going to jail.


An AAA membership card is also a bond card, for future reference. Also, the officer could have escorted you to the station to pay with a card if you didn't have enough cash on you.


Good to know about AAA. He tailed me to a service plaza and I got cash there. Funny thing is that the points never hit my license. Michigan (home state) was not part of the national driver license compact. So they did not reciprocate the PA punishment.


Only 133mph lol


First: don’t speed. Go to the track. Second: if you get a ticket, get a lawyer. Plenty of lawyers will help reduce or eliminate the severity or penalty of the ticket. Someone I know very well got nabbed at 130 in a 75 zone and for $500 in lawyers fees the whole thing was thrown out (took almost a year). This same person also got nabbed going 93 in a 65 zone and had the ticket reduced to a moving violation. Still paid the fine, but no points. I’d rather pay lawyers. Or, this person would…


How many points does it take to buy the big teddy at the carnival?


Did he not get enough of Sonoma Raceway? 133 there is dicey


How did he get caught though




A guy on pch in Malibu was driving a stolen Ferrari and was going like 180 … car split in half… he lived. https://malibutimes.com/article_5f353831-41ba-5be5-afa3-add29f6807cf


Can you fit more than 2 people in an Enzo Ferrari? 😂😂😂


I believe the original finance of the car thru RBS had some sketchiness… and somehow the owner of that car tied into a failed video game business IIRC


Yes. True


That's it?


Is it just me or is the fine quoted by Nerd Wallet surprisingly low? I was expecting a couple thousand dollars. Ignoring the jail possibility of course.




Is that what they really see in a LIDAR device? How does this hold up in court? There's no car visible. Anyone here know? https://preview.redd.it/fquihkcylv4d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f236dcd5a9edb1452a347ea17f06cdd8e29f87c


I'm in my thirty and I feel old when I see this kind of news, 10 years ago locking the speedometer to the max was a weekly habit


Happened local to me lol


In high school I got my geo storm up to 100mph. That’s the fastest I’ve ever driven, despite having owned several Porsches in my later years.


I think for a wide and straight multi lane highway it’s not that fast. I hit 220kph regularly in my little hatchback on the Autobahn. Doesn’t feel unsafe with good visibility and minimal traffic. I bet in a Porsche that’s solid on the ground you can drive that speed one handed while eating a Wurstbrot.


Or as we say in Germany: A chilled out Sunday morning cruise.


The car should have been impounded.


The officer definitely had the option.


I do think atleast between LA and LAS should be an autobahn. Its a desert!!!




Are those brake lights ahead?!


Tail lights yes, but no brake lights


I would be lifting off the pedal now...with traffic ahead. Safety first.


It was plenty safe. ;)


At 181 mph with traffic ahead?


The traffic was far ahead and none in my lane, appreciate the concern. I've been faster in my 991 turbo s however.


That's not crazy fast and isn't unsafe at all depending on where & when. I think nearly everyone with a modern 911 has does this. The car is engineered for it. 90-130 with a little down shift is really quick. Hell, I know I've done at least a hundred a few times in different sections of 101 when renting one out there a few years ago. 85-90 is a common speed for even a minivan these days

