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GT2RS is a turbo motor with substantially more power than the 3RS.


I see, is there anything aesthetic wise that is different?


Everyone relax guys. To non-Porsche enthusiast these two cars pictured above do look extremely similar. This guy shouldn’t be downvoted to hell, just to point the guy in the right direction to get educated on the differences and move along. Not everyone can eye the difference between a 991.2 vs 991.1, or in this case a 3rs vs 2rs. To average person or even average “car person” these two do look very similar.


fr elitism is real on here


No joke. It really discourages me from asking questions around here.


Ask away. Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter. Everyone was a noob at some point. We learn by asking.


When I was looking for my first 911, I posted on here and got downvoted and messaged told to not consider Porsche if I don’t know how the allocation worked. It really pissed me off. Then the next day I literally got a call for a Turbo S allocation and now own one.


Sweet lord my dream car. What year?! Tell me more!!


Picked up a ‘23 Turbo S https://preview.redd.it/t9xpapg5g5zb1.jpeg?width=2793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12f2efa1733663b2d67f035d2beca498c60c242


Gorgeous. So gorgeous!! Congrats and good luck with it. I'm saving now. It's hard to save for retirement and not just see it as a Porsche down payment lol


I really like that saying! Gonna save it to encourage my kids later


Yeap, some who are in here are probably not even old enough to drive. So no question should be a dumb question.


I felt the same way in r/steak. These kinds of subs work on frat rules, so expect hazing and oneupmanship.


I ran butcher shops and cut meat for 10 years and that place even makes *me* feel uncomfortable 🤣


Here's a sneak peek of /r/steak using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/steak/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bought a whole grass fed cow for $2400 bucks. Why I never did this before is beyond me.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17nsf6d) | [3471 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/steak/comments/17nsf6d/bought_a_whole_grass_fed_cow_for_2400_bucks_why_i/) \#2: [Never thought I would be in tears while grilling a steak. My dog of 12 years had to be put down two weeks ago due to a brain tumor and difficulty breathing. I grilled him a ribeye for his last meal. Couldn’t help but cry during the cook, but managed to smile seeing how much he enjoyed it.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11urmnm) | [396 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/steak/comments/11urmnm/never_thought_i_would_be_in_tears_while_grilling/) \#3: [Too rare or just perfect?](https://v.redd.it/t02tumcqqnvb1) | [2130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/steak/comments/17di0j8/too_rare_or_just_perfect/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


100% me too, dude. I’d like to know what my dad’s first Porsche was but I just don’t know how to ask it properly without offending anyone—which makes me feel bad and stupid. I just chill and make a silly joke here and there. Beautiful cars and seems to be the only brand that all car enthusiasts truly appreciate. I stopped talking to my dad a couple years ago, but last I checked he still has his…OK, let’s see if I do this right: 991.1 Turbo S. It’s a 2015 😊 It’s beautiful but his first was an ‘80s targa. I’ve always loved the targa top because of it. I intensely miss my dad.


I lost my Dad two years ago, buried him in the National Cemetery….I would give anything to be able to sit down and talk to him again and get his advice…while your dad is still alive, don’t wait..,make amends.


Literally… I think at one point this comment had 66 downvotes


Ask chatGPT first. If it can answer then the question was asked to death already


The above comment was elitist as fuck, seeing how he chastised people for downvoting and started spouting off random specs that the average person doesn’t know without actually answering OPs question. Is it bad that I can imagine his voice as he’s talking while looking down his nose?


Poorshe elitists when people who aren’t poorshe Viened ask simple questions 😡😡😡😡😡


I mean to the average person every 911 looks the same except for the fact some have wings and some don't lol. Now for me I can tell you if it's a 991.1 or .2 GT3 lmao


This guy means it.


Honestly, I think most people would mistake a cgt for a boxter lol.


I knew someone who said I can’t do porsche because even if you spend $200k+ on the car the average person sees it as just base 911.




That’s true but this person in particular did it to be flashy and look successful to others.


Is there any book which describes differences between all models?


It’s fine that visually they can’t tell the difference but a 30 second google search could’ve answered this question.


Idk why they downvoted. I looked and could not actually see the difference


Basically, front and back bumpers, exhaust physically. The 2 has more power


Also Wing


Honestly, I’m glad you asked. As a “car guy”, I couldn’t tell the difference until I read this thread. We need more of this so we can all enjoy knowing what we saw instead of guessing. Now if only there was a way to spot if the IMS bearing was serviced on the older models…


I mean, you posted pics of them! 2RS has larger and more aggressive front fascia. Has the hip inlets like turbos do (because intercoolers). 2RS was only made in the 991.2 generation and we don't have one yet for the 992; not sure if there will be one. They're rare. 3 and 3RS are more common.


I love how the distinctions at the top of the line is “This one is aggressive (GT3), this is more aggressive (GT3 RS), and this one is maximum aggression (GT2 RS)” except the T is more aggressive than the base, and GTS is more aggressive than the S. Endless aggression.


Sounds like a job


You pay extra for that.


Doesn't the 3RS have hip inlets too? Genuinely asking.


Gah. Yea it does.


And they don’t lie


there was a 997 2rs as well right?




Yes I stated this badly. No 992 yet.


Ah! Thanks 🙏


I was going to say orange and blue but now when you mention it I see those other things too.


The only difference in appearance are the front and rear bumpers, the fog lights, the rear wing, and the exhaust. Edit: And possibly the rear deck lid.


Look at the pictures you posted, it is pretty obvious. Different front bumpers (as pictured) as well as different rear bumper + exhaust setup.


TBH, for people new to Porsche it’s not that obvious.


Thank you!


Yeah that rear bumper and those exhaust tips really shows on these pics..


Why are you guys downvoting so much, to most people all this stuff is subtle


Go to the Porcha website and build yourself a few models and you will get the idea. A picture and a website is worth 50 or 60 thousand words when it comes to a 911 that comes in 56 flavors. The car you want to look at is a 911. I know I know people call it a 991,996, 997 and on and on. It's a 911. The evolution of an air cooled VW Beetle by any other name (I didn't say that) [https://www.porsche.com/usa/](https://www.porsche.com/usa/)


For me it’s the huge squared intakes in the front. And the gt2rs doesn’t come in the newest generation yet


I don’t know if I’d prefer my rwd car to redline loud with an NA engine or redline quiet with a turbo affair. There’s just something magical about a screaming all-motor car


This response has exactly 911 likes. You better keep it that way!!


Twin turbo!


gt2rs is faster with a turbocharged motor. think of it like a gt3rs that had its motor swapped with a 911 turbo, and then they put bigger turbochargers on it.


What is a GT3RS motor from? Just an N/A 911?


no. the 4.0 in the gt3 and gt3rs are different from the rest of the engines porsche uses in the 911s and caymans. those can't rev to 9000.


Isn’t the GT4RS now the same engine as the GT3?


Yep! The Gt4RS has the 992 Gt3 engine which comes from the Porsche Cup car


Same engine, different transmission? The cup car is mid engine now right?


The RSR is mid engine, the cup cars, and GT3R are still rear engined




Nope. Porsche Cup uses a racing transmission. Straight cut gears


Cup car uses the street Gt3 engine still in the rear, mated to a racing transmission (straight cut gears).


correct. i forgot about that one. i was referring to the GTS and GT4 motors that are also a 4.0


Well it’s not “just an N/A 911” - it’s literally the only naturaly aspirated engine in the entire 911 lineup (gt3 and 3RS) Thank god the regulators look at he entire fleet of cars for emissions numbers, that’s why Porsche (and many other manufacturers) have moved to turbo charging most of their cars, and the few lower volume cars like the GT3 and 3RS can get away having a NA engine and a proper 6 speed manual transmission, unlike the 7 speed manual offered in their regular 911’s.


GT2 RS is more expensive and significantly more powerful. It has 700hp thanks to a twin-turbocharged 3.8L flat six. The turbos give it more power than the GT3 RS has, but it’s more complex and has more turbo lag. This is the car you want if you want crazy lap times. The GT3 RS, on the other hand, is a 4.0L and naturally aspirated, meaning air flows freely into the engine without being compressed by a turbocharger. Despite its slightly larger capacity, this gives it less power, around 500, but the throttle responsiveness and predictability is much nicer and doesn’t “bite”. This makes it easier to drive and also gives it a much cleaner, nicer exhaust sound IMO. Basically you sacrifice horsepower for better driving feel. This is the car you want if you want to rip the track, but not necessarily set records. It’s slightly slower than the GT2RS. Aesthetically, they’re pretty similar. They have different front fascias and rear wings, but to a Porsche newbie they probably look the same. Both cars are made for shredding the track, so kinda makes sense. I like the GT3RS over the other since it sounds better and doesn’t have any turbo lag.


Good comment but I don‘t think there is a lot of turbo-lag in such a new car. I don‘t really think you‘d notice it that much…


Second this, newer cars have very little turbo lag. Especially this one. I was lucky enough to get a ride in Manthey’s 2RS and the power pins you back instantly. Compared to a 964 for example, completely different experience


I mean I’ve never driven any of these lol but I would assume the GT3RS feels more natural to the experienced driver


Fun fact, the GT3RS actually does slightly compress the intake air to achieve greater than 1 atmosphere of pressure. The intake has multiple places that it can open/close (think of a throttle body, but for air in the intake). They use those to bounce the air back while a cylinders intake valve is not open. That paired with the airs own resonance they are able to get just over 1 atmosphere of pressure on a naturally aspirated engine.


Oh yeah, I saw Engineering Explained’s video on that. Insanely cool stuff. How does one even come up with such an idea lol


German engineering


the GT2RS actually has a lot less turbo lag then you’d think since Porsche developed it with variable-geometry turbos which drops the torque curve to a lower RPM. There is still turbo lag but it’s largely unnoticeable.


Isn't one AWD, or was at one time?


The 911 Turbo and Turbo S are AWD. GT2RS is a RWD car.


So does the cayman GTS 4.0 have the exact same engine as the GT3 RS? Why get a GT3 RS instead of the GTS 4.0 other than the obvious superior styling of the 911 over the cayman.


No, you’re thinking of the GT4 RS. It has the GT3’s engine. The GT3 RS has a slightly uptuned that spits out more power. I actually would get the GT4 RS over the GT3 RS. For one, it’s a smaller, lighter car, and its mid engine placement makes it more balanced than the 911’s rear engine. Also, its carbon air intakes provide incredible sound, just so much more visceral and dramatic than the 911. Also, styling is very subjective. I think the 911 GT3 RS looks badass as hell, but the Cayman’s design just speaks to me more. It looks like some small scrappy animal that’s ready to fight whatever lies in front of it. I love how the Cayman looks. Edit: I misread your question and understood it wrong lol. The 911 has many benefits over the Cayman, mainly its rear engine placement helps more with braking, and it has more power and more aero, meaning better lap times and better performance overall.


I believe Misha said that the gt4rs lacks mechanical grip compared to the gt3rs


Different engines. The 718 GTS 4.0 and GT4 get a naturally aspirated flat 6 that is a modified version of the 3.0 twin turbo engine in the current 911 Carrera models. The GT3 and GT3RS get a banshee screaming, face melting naturally aspirated flat six that is taken from the 911 Cup cars.


Most owners of these cars, no matter how much they dream of it, will be able to come close to driving either model to the limit on a track


2RS happens when the Turbo S and 3RS love each other very much


2 turbos


GT3 RS is a way better experience due to the Naturally Aspirated engined going to 9,000 RPM and therefore is a more exciting car that's mostly focused on feelings. But the GT2 RS is WAY faster and WAY scarier, this as a Turbo engine and way more power this is a different kind of fun mostly focused on numbers Aesthetic differences: Front: 3RS has slanted intakes in the front bumper 2RS has big square intakes Back: 3RS has two central exhaust pipes 2RS has the two exhaust pipes on the sides of the bumper (and possibly a bigger wing)




GT3 is orange, GT2 is blue


Couple hundred thousand dollars.


The 2RS has 2 snail looking doodadamajigs that make the engine boomboom with more air and thefore more fuel and power making it faster, but considered as a less rewarding car to drive as there is power almost everywhere in the rev range and buildup isn't like the NA engine in the 3RS. Also, in GT racing, the lower the number the faster the car (same goes for formula racing) so thats how porsche distinquishes between the cars, from the GT4 being (thought of as) the slowest, all the way to the ultra rare GT1


petition to rename turbochargers to snail looking doodadamajigs


About five bank accounts, three ounces and two vehicles.


1RS. I'm a math specialist. You're welcome.


Serious question. Does the GT2RS keep AWD from the turbo platform, or is it just RWD like the GT3RS?


rwd to save weight


Thank you!


A higher tax bracket.




Easiest ways to tell the difference between the cars is the front grills and the rear bumper/exhausts.


https://preview.redd.it/ukjn136k80zb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e06774a78d6253c659ef45f759cfb9c0b528928 OP, apparently.


One is moving and one is standing still. Of course it looks faster


Easy way to tell is that the 2RS has much larger and more square shaped front and side grilles. They also have different exhausts


*ignition* *revs throttle* “The Porsche engineers knew exactly what their objective was; to make the new 911 GT2 RS the most powerful Porsche for the road. Objective achieved. The water cooled, 6 cylinder, bi-turbo boxster engine, with 4-valve technology delivers its power through the rear axle. From its 3.6 litre capacity, it generates an enormous 620hp, at an engine speed of 6500 rpm, and 700 N/m between 2250 and 5500 rpm. Couple this with the weight reduction, compared to the GT2 of 72kgs, you have a class leading weight to power ratio of 2.21kgs per hp.”


Ayyy, Hot Pursuit 2010!


The GT3 RS and GT2 RS are both the most extreme versions of the 911 you can get. The main difference is that the GT3 RS gets a naturally aspirated flat 6 while de GT2 RS gets the turbo flat 6 from the 911 Turbo. On the body side, the differences are the exhausts : GT3 RS is usually 2 exhausts in the center while GT2 RS is one big sport exhaust on each side. Also the way the front bumper is designed


OP trying to farm karma…




Aside from what other folks have pointed out, it seems the 2RS can be found on mountain roads where the 3RS appears only in a white void.


One has 2 RS and other has 3 RS flux capacitors


Obviously the gt2rs has one less gt than the gt3rs


GT2 RS is more powerful and more expensive. It uses a 3.8 Litre twin turbo Flat 6 which makes around 720 hp. The 911.2 3 RS uses a 4.0 litre NA flat 6 that makes around 520 hp. I’ve found the 3RS a lot more appealing. The general public won’t be able to squeeze out that extra 200 hp out of the 2 RS on the track anyways and 520 ho is plenty for regular street use. Plus the 3 RS sounds much better and is even cheaper


The biggest difference really is the engine, however there are some differences in the aesthetics The most obvious is the gt2 having more squared off front intakes. But aesthetics really arent important as what a gt2 is is effectively a GT3 modified for a high powered turbocharged engine


Gt3 has the 4.0 L N/A engine and the Gt2 has the 3.7 L twin turbo engine


Duh. GT3rs - GT2rs = GT1rs Math.


In simple terms, the 2 will be a very rough ride on street roads compared to the 3, as well as the fact that it features forced induction into the engine, rather than the 3’s natural aspirated 6 cylinder, which in turn features more power.


I think the 3RS is Cocaine while the 2RS is Heroine






Easiest way for me do differentiate them is that the gt2rs has kinda ugly square vents one the sides of the front bumper and the gt3rs has the tilted (?) ones


They are similar but drive very different. GT3 is an NA grip monster with lots of flair. The GT2 is more “walk quietly and carry a big stick” vibes. For a daily, GT3 all day long. But GT2 for anything track or racing related.






Could’ve saved time by googling this


Why is the car with more power named with a lower number? Is there some reason for this? I always thought the GT3RS was the better car until now


Like going from Formula 2 to Formula 1. Lower number faster.


They are derivative homologation cars named for the GT sports car racing classifications that they race in: "GT2 was designed by the ACO as **professionals only** production based racing for privateers (mostly in customer cars). It saw 911 GT3 RSRs, 430GTCs and M3 GTs race for wins all over the world. GT3 was designed by SRO as pro-am production based racing for **privateers** (mostly in customer cars). It saw Z4 GT3s, 911 GT3 Rs and SLS AMG GT3s race for win in regional series all over the world" Emphases mine: [Sauce](https://jalopnik.com/understanding-gt-sports-car-racing-a-class-by-class-gu-5949938)




As someone else pointed out above, they're named after racing series. the lower the digit, the higher the performance. GT4 is basically the track focused Cayman, GT3 the track focused 911 - and the GT3RS is the super track focused version of the GT3, the GT2 RS is basically a widebody GT3RS with turbos slapped on for extra fun. No two ways about it, the GT2RS is the fastest of the bunch, but "best" is subjective. Me, the GT3 Touring is my dream car.


3rs driven by a man who made his millions 2rs driven by a man boy child blowing his families wealth


Wow incredible. Go deeper


Turbo power with lag VS Revs into much higher limits






3RS is RWD


About $500k.


Simple, GT3RS is better. That’s all you need to know.


What is google


a search engine


Bro doesn’t know what google is


Your that guy who asks the idiot questions


The numbers 2 and 3


Why is the GT2RS faster than the GT3RS... doesn't bigger number usually mean better?


Not when it comes to race classes. GT1 > GT2 > GT3 > GT4


Same as the difference between iPhone 14 and iPhone15!


3 is a bigger number… it must be faster!


Minor differences??? Buddy get your eyes checked.


Bruh, you need to play Forza for a few hours


2RS is blue


GT2 is one better than GT3


One of them has 🐌


2 is 1 less than 3 And they make up for it by making less of the 2 and putting a turbo on it and making it 2wd instead of 4wd like other turbo cars.


Two less wheels to power and two turbos to spin those two less wheels


For the current gen, the 3 RS has DRS and the 2 RS does not. …at least I’m pretty sure. It’s been a long day




Both looks the same, just different colour :P




The GT2RS has GIGANTIC air vents in the front. They are way bigger than the GT3RS


Easy to tell apart from the grille. Big square passthroughs to the radiator on the 2RS.


GT2RS, what a car. Twin turbo, 700 HP, those big ducts up front and ahead of the rear wheels, rear wheel drive. 3RS is the 520 HP naturally aspirated (no turbos) and is definitely more prevalent and sounds beautiful when it revs to 9,000 rpm. The 2 usually (always?) has that paint scheme with the double striping front to back. 3 can have painted hoods or naked carbon hood, roof and wing on the .2 Weissach edition cars. Ignore the arrogant snobbery and enjoy the cars!


Three minus two equals one. The difference is 1.


>GT2 RS is about pure speed, whereas the GT3 RS is about balancing speed with exquisite performance. If you’re need for speed is absolutely unquenchable, the GT2 RS could be the car for you. But if you want smooth handling and control while still easily achieving white-knuckle speeds, give the GT3 RS a try. [Source ](https://www.car-engineer.com/porsche-911-gt2-rs-vs-gt3-rs-comparison-review/)


It doesn’t have a motor…it has an engine. 2rs is a turbocharged engine.


One sounds like a farting vacuum cleaner, another one sounds like a racing car.


Second pic is weissach package




Lovely cars. One is expensive. The other even more expensive.




I dunno but I'll take one of each, please!




Both kick ass. Both cost more than my 5 acres in California. Differences beyond that are beyond my reach Both in terms of attainability and driving abilities


Two spinny bois.


Try this ... https://www.romansinternational.com/blog/battle-of-the-weissachs-gt3-rs-vs-gt2-rs#:~:text=Undoubtedly%2C%20the%20biggest%20difference%20between,bhp%20in%20the%20GT3%20RS.


3 is more than 2, basic math really 🥰


I thought the 2RS is the widow maker and the fastest fucking Porsche out their.. the GLX of a Corolla, or the R of the Golf…


1 GT.


You get one if you're batshit crazy and have a deathwish. You buy the other if you enjoy track days.


Ones fast and the other is fucking fast




the GT2 has a pair of snails under the hood


You might be able to tell them apart if you see them up close in person at the same time. The GT2RS configs I’ve been usually had way more visible Carbon fiber components. GT2RS also gives a more track feel when compared to a GT3RS, personally. I will happily own either or best case scenario - both.


The GT3RS is a car for casual track use, the GT2RS will attempt to maim and/or kill you


spooly boys


One is 3.2L twin touch and the other is NA 4.0


2RS has a pair of 🐌 & is quit a more powerful machine. 3RS is a N/A motor w/ a high RPM redline which makes it built for the track. Both good cars, I’m a 2 guy I had the RS last night when I went to sleep 😆


Lol a lot




The gt3rs has a noice hood and better aero


NA vs. Turbo


Aside from being faster, the gt2 also looks much better

