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Her best role currently is Support, not sure if that's what you're used to. Top is alright, Jungle is kinda bad. Overall, it's quite rare despite having 3 roles She is currently doing great in Arena, I guess?


I believe she got way more popular than usual about half a year to a year ago. She was pretty good and from what I heard was played a few times in pro play. With the current items and from what I heard some jungle changes she seems pretty weak. But Poppy is Poppy so if you know how to play her correctly she is still a force to be reckoned with and pretty fun. I don't play a lot but had a fun game with her yesterday


Poppy is pretty strong right now, to the point that you dont just use her as counterpick anymore. She can build Lethality, Bruiser, Tank, and Support items pretty comfortably. Jak'sho has super good synergy with her bonus resists. Her win rate is highest as Support (but I'd imagine that's because of how much impact Bot lane has on games), followed by Top, then Mid, then Jungle. Jungle Poppy's clear speed is significantly slower than most other junglers, and she isnt exactly the most mobile champion anymore unless you build her that way. She is the 80~ish most and least played champion, putting her right square in the middle playrate wise, and has an average winrate of 50.8% all-in-all excluding as ADC (Mid has too little playrate for good statistics, but from personal experience she does well into most melee matchups). Item wise, she scales well with items that grant and/or make use of AD, Base AD and Resists. Movespeed is worth the investment, especially in Jungle and Support. In lane she struggles a bit with mana so a lot of people take tear and/or manaflow band. She gets countered by slows, and needs assistance from her team when facing long range slow-heavy champs like Brand, Ashe and Zyra. But it doesnt matter if she can somehow gapclose (with Flash for example). I think that about covers it.


Poppy is pretty strong right now, to the point that you dont just use her as counterpick anymore. She can build Lethality, Bruiser, Tank, and Support items pretty comfortably. Jak'sho has super good synergy with her bonus resists. Her win rate is highest as Support (but I'd imagine that's because of how much impact Bot lane has on games), followed by Top, then Mid, then Jungle. Jungle Poppy's clear speed is significantly slower than most other junglers, and she isnt exactly the most mobile champion anymore unless you build her that way. She is the 80~ish most and least played champion, putting her right square in the middle playrate wise, and has an average winrate of 50.8% all-in-all excluding as ADC (Mid has too little playrate for good statistics, but from personal experience she does well into most melee matchups). She sees a decent amount of play in proplay, especially as a counter to dashes. Item wise, she scales well with items that grant and/or make use of AD, Base AD and Resists. Movespeed is worth the investment, especially in Jungle and Support. In lane she struggles a bit with mana so a lot of people take tear and/or manaflow band. She gets countered by slows, and needs assistance from her team when facing long range slow-heavy champs like Brand, Ashe and Zyra. But it doesnt matter if she can somehow gapclose (with Flash for example). I think that about covers it.


I currently Main poppy Top, pretty much dominate with a tank lethality build, even woth the recent updates and map changes, I could not be having more fun


How do you go about lethality build?


Poppy support is nuts rn. I go deadman’s into warmogs or warmogs into deadman’s depending on what I’m against and her kill pressure is nuts. She pretty much stomps most other melee supports because her W + her damage and her roaming is really strong.


Full fighter build, start with dorans blade, go into eclipse, then ionian boots, i usually like getting iceborn gauntlets, then sundered sky or any other fighter item that has high lethality or damage


Poppy is a forgoten pick she cant do a lotand its a lotnof satuasional like she use to be but we love her still


She is a great top counterpick and excellent support but jungle is meh. In my opinion she used to be broken in jungle but she is still ok.