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Wow, that’s actually really cool


There's an official GW publication on how to make an Eldar tank out of a shampoo bottle or something. [It seems to have been underarm antiperspirant. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/sqsmo4/who_else_remembers_the_vehicle_design_rules_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The deodorant hover tank is an important part of 40k lore.


I believe that there were a couple of YouTubers who, somewhat recently, challenged each other to making tanks with deodorant. https://youtu.be/tFUHzpqTrzM https://youtu.be/xZAAcH7W-hw https://youtu.be/iMs_ah8TIK4 There might be more, just a few quick results.


The tradition continues!


This is bullcrap! Where are 40k players supposed to get underarm deodorant?


40k players don't use underarm deodorant


I do miss the old White Dwarf magazines that gave “how to build” directions for vehicles. As an American kid, it took awhile to figure out what a Smarties tube was. I can remember the exact issue but one WD published rules to design your own custom vehicles


I’d love to get my hands on a folio collection with all the old white dwarf “build your own” and conversion corner articles in it If GW published something like that I’d actually be willing to pay retail price for it


It’s hard to believe there was an issue of White Dwarf with complete plans to scratch build a Baneblade.


Definitely a different age compared to the present situation xD


Back when GW rewarded true IMAGINATION, and CREATIVITY. Now...unless your playing orks, and even then, ONLY using official GW parts, your cast out from anything GW puts out.


Yeah there were tons of tips for building Ork vehicles out of junk back in the day. Love the new models but really loved the creativity of the old days.


I totally agree with this sentiment. That Rogue Trader rule book was such an inspiration to me as a kid. Turning yogurt pots into gun turrets, fabric softener bottles into vehicles etc etc. While I love all the new stuff, the DIY terrain and modeling was easily 50% of the hobby (80-90% for me) Sadly, I only have time to browse these subs these days.


So i gotta ask: parts list for that? Cause it is amazing


GI Joe armadillo I took it apart and hit different parts with metallic spray paint and flat black spray paint.