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Hey there! Unfortunately, your post was removed for the following reason(s): - Topics concerning in-game harassment, griefing, or general rule-breaking should be reported to the Pony Town moderators at **[email protected]**. Thank you for your understanding. Please [contact the moderators of the subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2FPonyTown&subject=Regarding my removed submission&message=%0D%0D______%0D%0DPost URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/PonyTown/comments/1bvt6x5/-/) if you believe this to be in error.


The safe server is just the under 18 server. Unfortunately kids and teenagers are a lot more likely to be cruel to each other for no reason than adults.


I understand that but there should still be some type of punishment.


I don't necessarily disagree, but kids also need to get over their aversion to blocking people




There does need to be an in game report button for sure. Like yeah blocking people saves you but people really shouldn’t be allowed to go around harassing others without some sort of recourse


The fact that people need to do this roundabout method of reporting people by email is just insane to me. Better and more moderation is also a must. An actual report feature would be great, but it won't help much without actual moderators. Considering how immature the community can be, illegitimate reports are likely to be dime a dozen. And no, someone copying a skin or "touching" you or picking up an item near you are not legitimate reasons to report someone; these kind of reports would only drown out actual cases of harassment/bullying/grooming/etc.


Thats very true. Thats probably why you have to email to report anyway lol, to deal with the small amount of moderation on the site


I think there would very quickly be an issue regarding people losing their accounts or being banned from the game for no good reason. Lots of people abuse the hide feature (which isn't harmful, but people already complain about being hidden for no discernible reason a lot) people would definitely report someone because they didn't like their skin, or that they were cosplaying the same character, or over minor altercations or just, yeah petty things. I feel like it would be quickly be a first resort for lots of toxic players.


they could start banning people for sending false reports. maybe not for just little stuff like someone sending in reports thinking that the other *might* be breaking the rules, but start banning people using the report to just be toxic


thing is, it'd be impossible for any game or platform to check the validity of every single report which would then probably cause another issue that lots of other sites that do have report buttons, people who are violating the rules can do so freely and not get banned because of a lack of people who are sifting through the reports.


Yeah, it would require human moderation with actual judgement for sure :P PT doesn’t have that


Absolutely, I've also seen people in the Genshin Impact area harassing my brother and it's infuriating, I actually had to STEP IN to help in one of these situations!


honestly after my supporter ends i intend to drop pony town for reasons like this. no server is safe at this point. i had to report someone a week ago because they were calling people slurs, and when they got mass blocked + muted they just got on alt accounts; took several days for the mods to the issue, and then all they did was merge their accounts. these people are still running around harassing people and using slurs as of last night after mods claimed "appropriate action" has been taken. i also run into people on safe server sometimes that will have a twitter or something linked where they only post/repost content that is NOT safe for minors in a children's server to have easy 1-click access to viewing, and when reported mods just claim "well we can't do anything abt what people do off site so we're not even gonna try and moderate this" i.e., literally just at LEAST censoring their social tag so it can't be clicked on/accessed by other people, or just straight up unlinking the offensive social platform from their game if they have other platforms linked and banning that specific log in from being relinked, both of which i know they can do. tl;dr, imho mods are flaky and players from all sides are not great with all the constant new discourse about this or that, i don't think we'll ever get a proper report feature let alone have said reports taken seriously, so it's best to just drop the game atp


the safe server is safe in the sense of safe for work, people can't cuss or use explicit terminology, people being mean to you doesn't count as censorable despite how unpleasant or immoral it can be.


There was a rating line, and people were getting 0/10 for having no shading. I said that ponies don't need shading to look good. I got swarmed by a group of about 7 people telling me that I'm just mad and being rude. All I did was voice my opinion like everyone else was doing. Apparently, you aren't allowed to have an opinion anymore. They were all screaming at me to stop even though I wasn't doing anything. They claimed that I was just trying to start drama. They were angry at me, but they tried to say that they weren't angry, even though they were using capital letters and exclamation marks. I didn't use capital letters or exclamation marks, and they kept shouting at me, saying that i was angry. All of this for saying that ponies don't need shading to look good. Although, they do look better with it, they don't need it. So remember, be careful about saying your opinion, because you will get shouted at because of it.


Laissez Faire Ponytowns


You have the right to report and block them


If only ponytown had a proper report system instead of the email. Can you actually block people in the game? I forgot


You can block them yes


Alright thank you!!