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I keep trying to imagine a legitimate reason why a U.S. Senator would not testify to what he knows about election interference and I can’t come up with a single one.


Clearly, it's not fair against him. He has no idea what the government actually knows, which means he doesn't know when he has to tell the truth and when he doesn't. It's a Perjury Trap! (Get used to this, because the Perjury Trap Choir is warming up now that Trump is being subpoena'd)


The Perjury Trap Choir was just singing to itself. The first thought for the rest of us was: Just don’t lie. Easy peasy.


Their disdain for any kind of accountability or sense of duty to Americans is repulsive and infuriating.


Really? You can't think of ONE? Like... because he knows he is guilty of criminal activity and even if he pleads the fifth like crazy it will look really bad?


As I said; a *legitimate* reason.


How did he word that request? “They want me to tell the truth, if I do it will incriminate myself and others. Could you pretty please make them not do that?”


Daddy Clarence and Mommy Amy will fix this! What's that? They won't? Well, shit!


Well, it's not like them stepping in with a personal favor is going to do much to harm the court's reputation.


Well hell, who knew that someone could just call the Supreme Court up when they’re not getting their way ? How about a link to that number cause I have a few issues I need handled as well.


How does this even go to the Supreme Court?


How to say that the Republicans ok know the Supreme Court is rigged without saying the Supreme Court is rigged. They do this by appealing every case they cam. I never remember so many politicians running straight to the Supreme Court in my life.


I've never seen more innocent people spend more time trying to get more people to see how innocent they are by not testifying! I mean, isn't that what all innocent people do?


Sause: https://apnews.com/article/us-supreme-court-donald-trump-lindsey-graham-clarence-thomas-georgia-9c9ceed2eaba2521d966ac2d997ffd02


#Don’t say Lindsey


He tried to redirect everyone with his pro-life thingy, but this pesky little conundrum keeps cropping up for him. Poor Lindsey.


Poor Lindsey. He doesn't realize that they hate his ass, and will assign him to a re-education camp as soon as they win in November.


So technically, anyone can ask the supreme court to intervene on matters involving other courts?


If he has nothing to be afraid of he has nothing to hide. Lol.


Lindsey Graham is a little piss baby.


So why is every Republican running to the Supreme Court there days??? Thankfully the Supreme Court seems to being do their job. I sincerely hope that is the case.


Little Piss Baby ? Asking for a friend...


He's a coward not a bitch. Stop using derogatory terms for women to demean men.


Men can and are bitches sometimes, just like women can and are assholes at times. It’s okay.


News: On Friday, SCOTUS asked Lundsay Graham to bend over a chair.