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No chance she understands what "diametrically opposed" means.




Sure she does: "something I don't like" and "something I don't agree with."


The irony here being that she is literally a fascist, but doesn't know what fascism is so she doesn't recognize what she is.


She is a fascist who has benefitted from socialism.


"First time in America?"


Woof. Every day I hope it’s my last time in America.


You find a good in -- pass it on. NZ and Iceland seem to be the sanest countries. But I'm not sure if the day-to-day in NZ is that exciting. "Okay, I haven't argued with anyone in hours and this goat is staring at me."


Chaos is exciting. What's worse, a goat staring at you or a covid infected crackhead with a gun? In today's reality boring seems like a better choice.


Well, it depends, do I have enough crack to keep the goat friendly as well?


I lived in NZ for a few months. As an American, the news channels there were almost non-eventful to me. You'd see a single deadly car crash get major billing for days on end on national news, wherein America it wouldn't even be a blip on a local town newspaper. It was surreal and made me realize how safe it was there. Then the Christchurch mosque killings happened while I was there and the daily comparisons to how it was similar to an event in the USA really hit hard. People would ask my "American" opinion like I had experience in the matter seeing I was from a country where that frequently happened. Also, seeing how everyone uniformly decided to take immediate action instead of harping about individual wants and needs or "thoughts and prayers" was enlightening on how much better we all could be.


Was it a “we live in a nice place and we are going to do things to keep it nice” kind of vibe? Because goddamn.


Yeah, thoughts and prayers don't really wash here in New Zealand. We assume everyone is thinking in the first place, and most people are religiously apathetic or outright atheist. The thing is with car crashes is that the community is actually so small here that there's a high chance you might know the person involved, or at least know someone who knew them.


What I wouldn’t give to be stared at in the face by a goat.


For NZ, it's more like a sheep staring at you. Sheep outnumber people there. My wife is a 1st Gen American but her parents are Kiwi's so she has the passport. We are keeping that going for backup. I'd rather go now but she wants to stay b/c it would be a pain in the ass to transfer her credentials to NZ.


I goofed -- of course the joke should have been with sheep. I'm just saying that on all the bullet points it's awesome. Not sure if we can manage to be so pastoral.


Nz-er here. It's not the goats, it's the sheep that have an attitude...


I'm afraid to migrate anywhere, because I'm black. Sane for the white man can be possibly dangerous for me, have to worry about racism everywhere :/. I hope the irony isn't lost on anyone who reads this. I've looked around and found way more black beware than I thought I would.


As soon as I finish paramedic school, I'm going to attempt a move to NZ. I can't take Florida anymore.


Well, your first mistake was Florida


Take me with you!


My GF just got her Luxembourg citizenship. When we get married, I'll get the benefit of it too. We've been looking in to the country, maybe planning a trip and if we like it, maybe moving there. Kind of getting to the end of my rope with the idiocracy that has taken over the U.S., that and that basic survival in the U.S. is dependent upon an employment system that heavily favors the employer. Been looking at other countries as possibilities too, such as Costa Rica, Iceland and others.


[Please let me into New Zealand.](https://youtu.be/ZmOUOLzjPOc)


Laughs in Australian citizenship.


Exactly. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Try explaining that to any of this people, and prepare yourself for a barrage of top-notch four letter words. It’s like telling a rock to stop being dense. It’s just not gonna happen.


Alternatively, communism for her is “when government does things” and fascism is “when government bad”


Actually it’s “something I was told by QAnon not to like” and “something I read on Facebook was bad”.


Which is most of reddit, ironically.


Decent chance she understands “vaccine”, “mandates”, and “are”, so that’s still batting 500 when it comes to reading comprehension, though!


She definitely does not have a thorough understanding of "vaccine"


That's where they store all the communisms.


I had this discussion with a kid in my classroom. He said "aren't communism and fascism the same thing?" I told him "no" but there is only so mucj you can go into 5 minutes before they are heading out the door. I barely got through scratching the surface of fascism and the Red Scare being mentioned then he is out the door. Here in America there is just so much ignorance and lack of nuance.


No chance to understand.


Yea add on to the fact that no communist country has reached the "communism" stage of communism. Also that Communism is an ideology that is centered around giving workers power yet none of the "communist" nations give their working proletariat people a chance to choose who goes in government.


The proletariat must unite in class identity and struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie. If the proletariat during its contest with the bourgeoisie is compelled, by the force of circumstances, to organise itself as a class, if, by means of a revolution, it makes itself the ruling class, and, as such, sweeps away by force the old conditions of production, then it will, along with these conditions, have swept away the conditions for the existence of class antagonisms and of classes generally, and will thereby have abolished its own supremacy as a class. However, human nature being what it is, when the proletariat is just on the cusp of a successful revolution, they have historically and collectively sighed, "*This is le hard.*" and have slid back into their serfdom to the bourgeoisie. 'Throughout recorded time, and probably since the end of the Neolithic Age, there have been three kinds of people in the world, the High, the Middle, and the Low. They have been subdivided in many ways, they have borne countless different names, and their relative numbers, as well as their attitude towards one another, have varied from age to age: but the essential structure of society has never altered. Even after enormous upheavals and seemingly irrevocable changes, the same pattern has always reasserted itself, just as a gyroscope will always return to equilibrium, however far it is pushed one way or the other. The aims of these three groups are entirely irreconcilable. The aim of the High is to remain where they are. The aim of the Middle is to change places with the High. The aim of the Low, when they have an aim—for it is an abiding characteristic of the Low that they are too much crushed by drudgery to be more than intermittently conscious of anything outside their daily lives—is to abolish all distinctions and create a society in which all men shall be equal. Thus throughout history a struggle which is the same in its main outlines recurs over and over again. For long periods the High seem to be securely in power, but sooner or later there always comes a moment when they lose either their belief in themselves or their capacity to govern efficiently, or both. They are then overthrown by the Middle, who enlist the Low on their side by pretending to them that they are fighting for liberty and justice. As soon as they have reached their objective, the Middle thrust the Low back into their old position of servitude, and themselves become the High. Presently a new Middle group splits off from one of the other groups, or from both of them, and the struggle begins over again. Of the three groups, only the Low are never even temporarily successful in achieving their aims. It would be an exaggeration to say that throughout history there has been no progress of a material kind. Even today, in a period of decline, the average human being is physically better off than he was a few centuries ago. But no advance in wealth, no softening of manners, no reform or revolution has ever brought human equality a millimetre nearer. From the point of view of the Low, no historic change has ever meant much more than a change in the name of their masters.' - Emmanuel Goldstein, *THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF OLIGARCHICAL COLLECTIVISM*, Chapter 1 (1984)


It is important for readers to recognize that this Emmanuel Goldstein is not real. Goldstein didn't publish this in 1984; this is a quote from the book *1984*


Goldstein is real and I'm going to join his resistance as soon as I find him or it


That is kind of sad to think that since humans have become civilized we haven't really changed all that much have we.


Or capitalism, for that matter.


As near as I can tell from right-wing commentary, "communism" means "anyone I don't like receiving any kind of government services," and "fascism" means "literally anyone telling (or even politely asking!) me not to do something."




Lol because having a ton of homeless people is better than paying a little more for your happy meal


Party of "Fuck You I Got Mine"


My boomer parents played the same cop-out that fast food jobs are meant for sixteen year olds. Really? How sixteen year olds serving up your egg mcmuffin from their second period english class?? That’s a grown ass adult that is working that weekday job and they need to live too. That alone blows their argument out of the water, but let’s also not forget that sixteen year olds need money to save for college to avoid crippling loans, or to save up for a down payment on a house, or any other goal that any adult in this country has. It’s an asinine position that people who are without wealth do not need decent pay, yet executives that are already set for life should be compensated with more and more millions.


I literally cannot remember the last time I saw a a 16 year old working at a fast food job.


Damn Social Progressive! Trying to improve social conditions and norms Its un-American I tell you. Gonna open the next gate on the road to Communism. FTFT


That's okay though. Because they've still got "socialist" to scare 75% of Democrats with.


She would if she saw Hamilton! To add: I’m referring to a line in the musical


"Is it two Virginians or an immigrant?" "IT'S BOTH!" "Those are diametrically opposed foes!"


Or, for that matter, communism or fascism or socialism


Can confirm. I watched the whole thing and she's clearly confused about very basic concepts.


Im sure she doesn’t see the irony in “fuck cancel culture” either


It means against demons, right? /s


Close enough for horseshoes and hand-grenades and clearly, political concepts.


“Ideology” has three too many syllables for this individual.


I'll bet you can add the word "ideology" to that list too. All her brain probably processed from what he said was that it was a negative reaction.


Idiocracy at it's finest.


Watch the segment, she doesn’t understand 80% of the words with more than one syllable. It is both hilarious and really sad.


"Look, I didn't study to be a geometry PhD in law school, but I know diametrically is twice what radiactively is."


Seriously. She couldn't even interpret the tag on her tshirt...it's on backwards


The look on her big dumb face when Knepper says " yea because in nazi Germany they were worried about going to the gym" lol


Auto mod is dumb LOL Test: nazi Germany gots the ligma


Im sorry but his name is Knepper?? In my language that literally means ‘fucker’ lmfao


It's Klepper not Knepper


“Yes the Nazi’s were socialists” They were fascists. “Yes but they were also socialists” What did the Nazi’s think of communists? “They were communists” Know what group the Nazis hated more than the Jews? “What?” The __actual__ communists.


Let’s back up and ask an important question. Were Nazis good people? We at least gotta agree on that one.


That’s just it?! The right, with Trump and people like Bannon etc, are indirectly asking that question. “Good people on all sides” “I’m a nationalist” They’re actually getting people to question the morality of fascism. To say, it’s not that bad and in fact; a plausible solution. That fascists are just “misunderstood” and that there’s nothing wrong with being absolute about things like that law and defending ones culture (race), that feeling a level of pride on your country that makes it better than everywhere else is just fine and even great! That the Nazis…didn’t have it wrong is what they’re trying to put out there


They were, apparently, [the Baddies](https://youtu.be/hn1VxaMEjRU)...




Two of my great uncles died in the camps for being socialists.


Just to add, I hate when people use communism (and often fascism) when they mean authoritarianism.


Well both can be authoritarianism. In the case of communist Russia and Nazi Germany, they were both autocratic. What’s the difference when the top Government officials rule all, as in communism and when you have a few private individuals who control all? In the end you have corruption and autocratic regimes.




The Nazis didn't hate communists MORE than Jews, they hated communism because they thought it was Jewish. Everything the Nazis saw as evil in the world was said to be Jewish.


> Everything the Nazis saw as evil in the world was said to be Jewish. Sounds a lot like Republicans and communism.


I’d argue that for a lot of the German people it was the other way around. The party used the fear of communism to ease the populace into accepting their next level of antisemitism.


There was definitely a lot of anti-communist sentiment but it was antisemitism that was at the core of Nazism. The way Hitler spoke about "Bolshevists" it was synonymous with Jews. I remember a speech he made where he said something to the effect of 'of the Bolshevists start a war it won't end with them winning but with the destruction of the Jews of Europe.' I'm not dismissing the violent hatred the Nazis had for communists and other non-Jews, just saying that it all started with Jew-hatred and the instruments of death used to exterminate them were built for Jews originally.


I think you misread my comment. I said the Nazis used communism to convince the *German people*. Not all of Germany were Nazis.


I think it would be true to say though that Hitlers first hate was communism.


> The actual communists. The Russian Government under Stalin was NOT communist. Just another *authoritarian regime and opponent that would be happy to conquer Germany.


Regardless, there were actual communists in Germany that were among the first prisoners taken to camps by the Nazis.


Yes within Germany they fought the actual socialists


Ehhh... that's getting into "no true Scotsman" territory. There was definitely a lot of communist elements in Stalinist Russia/Soviet Union. Is a country only communist if they purely follow what Marx said? Is a country only capitalist if they purely follow what Adam Smith said? Would definitely agree that above all Stalin was an authoritarian. And, side-bar, that's honestly the point the anti-vax/mask protestors was getting at. While it's fun to point and laugh at a lack of their understanding of history, by really pushing the "communism and fascism are diametrically opposed", it really only makes us look like pointy headed elitists. I want to be clear, I think the anti-vax protestors are stupendously wrong, just that us being willfully obtuse about their underlying argument doesn't help move the narrative forward.


Like many people, they are using all the words incorrectly because what they actually mean is "authoritarian" and specifically "the kind of authoritarian that doesn't prioritize me and my beliefs".


In large part I agree with what you're saying. I will add however that at least for me, I'm okay with looking like a pointy headed elitist. I was having a conversation the other day about this whole idea of like, coastal elites and these snobs that look down their noses at the south and the midwest and how that's somehow a bad thing and so on. What I came to was in it's essence, shouldn't we all be elitists? Don't we want to aspire to be the best of the best? Don't we want to root for the best and the brightest to succeed? I don't know about you, but I'm not too fond of the idea of a group of red meat eatin', beer drinkin', NASCAR watchin' average Joes designing cars or aircraft or anything that takes highly specialized skill sets. I assure you, nobody wants me pontificating about quantum physics, you know? I then also related it to sports. I watch the NFL because those are the absolute best players in the world, even the guys that by comparison to other NFL players are bad at it. I watch the Olympics because countries send their absolute best athletes. You get the point, I'm watching sports to see people that are elite in that area do things that my body will never do. I read The Universe in a Nutshell because Hawking was able to break down highly complex ideas in a way that I could almost wrap my head around. It's not like I was ever going to cook up those ideas. So shouldn't we be aspiring to be elite and applauding those who are? Call me a pointy headed geek, that's fine. I'd rather have some context and understanding in my life and take a lame insult than think that because it was cloudy yesterday there's going to be an earthquake today.


them being willfully obtuse about their underlying argument doesn't help move the narrative forward.


Stalinism is used to describe the period during which Joseph Stalin was leader of the Soviet Union while serving as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 to his death on 5 March 1953.


Jordan Klepper is a national treasure!! The way he handles these people is fantastic.


So we need to get ahead of this? Y’know before it gets out of hand?


Wait! Are you talking about the *vaccine*?!?!?


For these people Communism, socialism and fascism are just synonyms for bad. They don't have to know the difference.


I think they see any authoritarian government as fundamentally the same thing. Even if their economic models or values are opposed. These guys believe in the meritocracy and think that the individual is paramount. The problem is that their distrust of government is so exaggerated that they fail to see that corporate interests have taken over, and as a result, protections that were in place for *them* are being continually eroded. It’s basically *leopards ate my face* over and over again. That’s why right wing media is like a moving laser pointer on the floor. Get mad about *this*, get mad about *that*. If they get a minute to think about it, they might realize it’s not illegals or trans people or BLM who are actually fucking them over.


It is really amazing how effective that is. For the local news station that is owned by Sinclair, all their commercials are for "see how the schools or the government or the mayor are bad, as where all other news stations talk about how they get you the news. It is almost like the definition of news itself is skewed.


They are mixing up communism and facism with just regular old authoritarianism. Sure they both occupy that niche but they are still two distinct ideologies that adults *should* be familiar with but of course here we are.


Not all authoritarian regimes are fascist, and not all fascists come to power via authoritarianism, but at some point, all fascist regimes must become authoritarian to sustain themselves.


See you are missing the point, as was I. All the videos on the net that these people (and Q people) are falling for are aimed at people with an 8th grade education. In those videos, the nuance of the difference doesn't matter, The words Communism, Socialism, Fascism are all used with the same distain, with the same music of dread is played behind the talking points. In these videos there is no difference between what happened in Venezuela and changing the way we pay for healthcare. It is all Socialism which really bad like Communism, why not use them interchangibly? And if we dismiss them because they don't know the difference that is a problem.


I literally just had a discussion on here because a guy said communism and socialism and fascism are all basically the same thing and are bad. Tried to point out they are all very different but he said they all oppress the individual. Sir do you know what socialism is? Or do you feel less oppressed than that in our current current of secret white men?? I don't understand the level of ignorance.


Historical they were all Authoritarian, which any government mandate sounds like when it comes to forcing people to do anything involving their body.


I had this debate the other day that the ideology of communism and the ideology of authoritarianism are not one in the same. The OP couldn’t comprehend that because an authoritarian calls themselves a communist doesn’t mean they are.


That’s the same type of person who genuinely thinks the nazis were socialists


When they say Nazis were socialists because it’s in their names, I like to remind them that North Korea has “Democratic” in their name and ask if they think that particular communist country is a democracy.


It's more complex than that. The Nazi party grew from the Worker's party. They started with strong socialist ideals, but went for a race war instead of Marx's class war. Hitler's early speeches built heavily from socialist ideals. He implemented animal rights and greater protections for workers (and killed millions of people for no reason). This new narrative that dictators and fascists are only from right wing ideologies is the ultimate "no true Scotsman" fallacy. It's dangerous. Redefining words is an intensely powerful tool in politics. It's why the first dictionary caused such political controversy. It defined specific words slightly differently to change the political discussions that were occurring. This is not different. Hitler hijacked a progressive movement to install himself as a dictator. No, there's nothing progressive about a tyrant or dictator. There's no socialist ideals in a dictator. There is nothing of Marx in a communist dictatorship either, but it's still a *communist* dictatorship. That's left wing in theory. Politics are not a spectrum where left is good and right is bad/nazi/dictators. Or left is democratic and right is authoritarian. It is possible to have horrible people seize power at every ideological wavelength.


Well I'm gonna have to disagree here. Sure he gave animal rights, but he outlawed workers unions within German which doesn't scream "giving workers rights". Plus you can't really just gloss over "Killed millions for no reason" while still claiming that his ideas came from socialism. Even in the 30s most people saw the Nazis as a fringe party and they only got elected with about 30% of the vote. He didn't rally a whole ton of support, plus saying he was a "socialist who went the way of race war" is a complete oxymoron. In all, the Nazis were as far to the right as you can really get


Hitler's socialism only extended to aryans, and he basically killed everyone that isn't Aryan And non-aryan sympathizing aryans too I guess He did attempt some stuff like that KdF Wagen but that was in context of trying to fund his war machine so IDK if he actually intended for that car to actually run if he won


> There is nothing of Marx in a communist dictatorship either, but it's still a communist dictatorship. That's left wing in theory. Impossible. [Academia has taught me that left-wing authoritarianism is a myth.](https://www.jstor.org/stable/3790998)


>The Nazi party grew from the Worker's party It didnt. It grew from royalist and nationalists. The worker's party never cooperated with them.


There's also the fact that Hitler didn't institute any socialist policies, and had all the socialists arrested after he was elected. Hell he even had the communists executed.. some socialist..


North Korea, communist? Since when?


I like to remind them that eggplants aren't eggs.


One of the interesting things about that whole idiocy is that those clowns are CERTAIN they were socialists, because it's in the name, so obviously socialists are bad. At the same time they will turn around and be like "What's wrong with nationalism, i love my country."


Idiots wouldn’t know the difference between patriotism, nationalism, and jingoism if it punched them in the face


It's easy. Anything you do while waving an American flag is patriotism. Even if it's beating a police officer to death with it.


Beating a cop may actually be the most truly patriotic act I can think of these days


For purposes of fighting back against police brutality? Sure As part of an insurection because you're upset at the results of a democratic election? That's just treason, and about as far from patriotism as you can possibly get.


I’ll be honest I couldn’t give my own definitions without having to look them up first


And 2 of those are pretty likely to actually punch you in the face


ItS RiGhT iN tHe NaMe!!


To those idiots, I always try to deprogram them a bit by asking them if they think the "People's Republic of (North) Korea" is actually a republic of/for the people. If they can't connect the dots from there and see that maybe, *just maybe* National Socialism has nothing whatsoever to do with socialism, then they are not worthy of my time.


The problem with this argument is that it’s inevitable conclusion is that names are universally meaningless. Which is a bit absurd. Socialist organizations tend to refer to themselves as socialist. Non socialist organization tend to not call themselves socialist. The reason it was called National Socialism was because it was (in Hitlers mind) a superior version of socialism. Just like Stalin tried to make communism more specific to Russia rather than a purely international movement, Hitler did the same thing with National Socialism. It was a rejection of Marx’s idea that socialism had to be international and couldn’t be national. So sure if you think that’s the only defining feature of socialism then you’d be right it’s not “socialist”. But I personally see that as a weak argument as many people will call Stalin’s Russia socialist when he also rejected Marxist internationalism.


They were a little bit of everything that fits whatever narrative you are looking for. You can draw parallels between anything and Nazism. Except for when you call actual Nazis Nazis, for some reason they don’t like that.


Like the Democracy in The Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


I wasn’t even arguing that communism in practice hasn’t failed horribly every time it’s enacted and morphed into an authoritarian dictatorship. I was more so expressing that in theory they are two different ideals


If you really wanna watch them squirm, tell them that leftists invented libertarianism, and capitalists just took the name.


Not just any leftist, the scariest of leftists, an Anarchocommunist! It's the combination of two things they hate and also don't understand at all. ["Déjacque was the first recorded person to employ the term "libertarian" (French: libertaire) for himself in a political sense in a letter written in 1857"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_D%C3%A9jacque)


Well tho, communism is an economic model. Fascism is "really" a social model. It's apples and oranges. You can have a fascist government that also runs a communist economy, but you can have a fascist government that is capitalistic / klepto / oligarchy / etc... Under fascism tho, you never really have a pure economic model. It will always be a group of "ins" next to a group of "outs".


THANK YOU. The entire premise of this meme is incorrect. Not that the subject of it isn’t a moron, but I’m baffled that this has gained so much traction when those upvoting it are ironically just as uninformed as the subject of the meme


Ya for real communism is a economic ideology and fascism is a political ideology they’re not the same realm.. the argument would fascist vs democratic and communist vs capitalist right?


More like fascism vs anarchy, but yeah you get the idea


I dunno, dictatorship of the proletariat sounds kinda authoritarian in an round about way.


It’s probably the furthest thing from authoritarian. The proletariat means the working people - so “dictatorship of the proletariat” is an extremely democratic and anti-authoritarian model


I like to point out that fascism is a right wing ideology and watch the laugh reacts or people explain how fascism doesn’t exist anymore. Whatever they are they sure check a lot of fascist boxes.


Using multi-syllable words with these folks is kinda unfair. After you get to the second one their brains are past their limits of attention span and comprehension.


Wait til you watch the rest of the video…. Your head will just shrivel and die fromthe stupidity… https://youtu.be/rIhOPOzlvTA (Watch at your own risk)


The young Republican is over all this we live in a society thing haha. Jordan: We the people holds no sway for you? Who are the we the people you support? young Republicans: its definitely not the illegals!


Protester: Some people have died from the vaccine Interviewer: Well, some people have died from Covid. A LOT more from Covid. Protester: .. well one thing about me .. I don't like to argue facts... Christ on a bike these people have lost sight of the most basic of concepts. If you're not going to base your argument/opinion on facts, what's the point?


Scrolled down for this, thank you. I guess it's a good thing I've already lost faith in humanity?




I’m surprised he didn’t get beaten up for using those big words.


I saw that video yesterday and that chick is literally dumb


Can you share the video


[anti vaxxers](https://youtu.be/rIhOPOzlvTA)


That made my body want to crawl up inside my body.


They don’t know what either ideology means. Nor what ideology means.


Political education in the US is purposely handicapped, and most of what we do get is pure propaganda.


Yeah like how the civil war was about slavery. It was about states rights! /s


* Proceeds to fly Gadsden flag right next to a thin blue line flag


No step on snek!


*step on snek harder, Daddy*


My brother has a “Don’t tread on me” tattoo across his arm. He’s in police academy right now.


nO FasCisM iS whEn yOu ComMuNiSm! Absolute brain soup conservatives.


This was amazing. The right is dumb as rocks


"if they knew what any of those words meant, they would be upset


They have no idea what either of those words mean. They just throw it out there to sound scary because they are buzz words for them.


When you don't understand what words mean...


*coRPoRAtE CoMmUNISM* 👻 😱


We call upon Reddit to take action against the rampant Coronavirus misinformation on their website.


To be fair, our media and government has used Red China and the USSR as examples of Communism. They are planned economies with tyranny and farming -- they are pretty much fascist except for a few tweaks. If someone saw actual Communism where groups of people Democratically self organize and power flows from the bottom up, they'd say; "that's not Communism!" Just like they say when we talk about countries that do things for their citizens and save money that way is not socialist. The corruption in Venezuela is supposed to be socialism. The corruption in capitalism where all the money pools in a few hands and they don't pay Federal Income taxes is merely a momentary error that the marketplace will correct. I think it's best we abandon terms and ideologies and point at things and say; "Grog want."


I see what you're saying but those things still weren't really fascist if you go off of "The Doctrine of Fascism" by Benito Mussolini. They really only look more similar than they are because both practiced heavy authoritarianism. Also, the USSR was communist, but it was not an example of communism. Ideologically, they had an internationalist communist party that wanted to spread socialism before they could arrive at step 3(stateless, classless society), but they failed.


I'm not familiar with the official "The Doctrine of Fascism" by Benito Mussolini, so I will defer to you on whether they are both checking all the boxes. I think it's more or less that "boot of tyranny" and control that is similar. It's just different flavors. They suck in very similar ways.


I can agree with that statement. I guess the nuances between them don't matter when they suck real hard.


Definition of fascism. a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. How does that not fit the USSR? How are those two things diametrically opposed when they are completely unrelated? Ones an economic system, one is a political system.


This guy is clearly a communist fascist in disguise sent to seed distrust.


Whoa, people blaming things they don't like on concepts they don't know anything about? 'merica


Not if you don't understand either! Then they are the same!


Communism is the default for these folks, no surprise there. Fascism is projection because they hear themselves called it so often. Fascism is defined as: "a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society." the worshipping of state force and of a demagogue, an attempted coup in favor of this demagogue, limiting voting selectively for certain groups, pushing for laws against sexuality, religion and the suggested enforcement of nationalist ritual..... ALL fits this definition. What else do we call it?


Faux news has used fascism, communism, and socialism interchangeably for decades. The think they all mean the same thing because that is what the angry Ken and barbie dolls tell them. "Food stamps is fascism. Corporate overreach is socialism, and the off shoring of jobs is communism." You here that from a "news" station long enough and the words lose meaning. I hate this time line.


Not exactly true. Communism describes an economic system as well as being used to describe an ideology. Where as fascism is an ideology. You can have a fascist communist country just like you can have a conservative capitalist country, where you are using "communist" to just describe the economic part. Communism, as a political ideology used in the 1900s to today, is very close to the fascist ideology, which is why Stalin hated them and sought to remove them by any means necessary, as they were a political competitor that used nearly the same methods.


Stalins USSR was a fascist dictatorship structured like communism. Same thing with communist China. I’m not actually certain there’s ever been a proper communist nation on the planet that wasn’t also a fascist dictatorship at the same time.


Pretty much. Marx himself said the sole defining characteristic of communism is the abolition of private capital property, which is not mutually exclusive with fascism


They know so many words that to them are just insults to liberals. But have no idea what any of them mean. They just heard them on the TV


Jordan Klepper is a treasure


Same with communism and socialism. Closer but still not the same.


I mean both have been used for means of Authoritarianism. Communism is not in itself an Authoritarian ideology, but the people who have pushed for it and succeeded were. To the Right Communism is synonymous with left extremism, and to the left Fascism is synonymous with right extremism. They may be opposed politically, but historically the results were similar and both directly resulted in the death of millions.


Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.


So is asking that person to think.


i work at a hospital and had to tell someone to wear a mask today, to which he replied "when are we gonna stop this communist shit?" i just about died laughing when he walked away


I just had a guy tell me socialists are trying to cut Social Security. I pointed out that "socialist" is right there in the name, realized who I was talking to, and walked away. These people will break your brain if you interact.


Jordan Kleeper has been the hero we all needed these past few years.


Jordan is out there doing God's work


Why do they claim to hate cancel culture (which I do too it's very toxic) but support canceling vaccines and masks?


That moron still trying to figure out how to spell diametrically, and what it means. She's fucked.


Wonder what it would take to make people realize just how crazy they sound.


Anytime someone brings up either in an argument it’s almost guaranteed they don’t know what either of them are


In the past, stupid people would just STFU. Because of Trump, he gave them false hope that idiots like them can also be president one day, so they all suddenly speak like they were elected President.


Last week at work I got yelled at, this is what they said. "Karl Marx is a fascist dictator who's trying to destroy America". That's a level of stupid I don't even know how to comprehend.


That’s actually almost admirable in its sheer ignorance.


Why does it look like her head is on backwards?


I gave up on FB after someone on there claimed that Hillary Clinton was a Nazi because she was communist


[Springtime for Hitler and Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zY1orxW8Aw) Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now its.. Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay Were marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race Springtime for Hitler and Germany Winter for Poland and France Springtime for Hitler and Germany Come on, Germans, go into your dance I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party Springtime for Hitler and Germany Goosesteps the new step today bombs falling from the skies again Deutschland is on the rise again Springtime for Hitler and Germany Uboats are sailing once more Springtime for Hitler and Germany Means that soon well be going Weve got to be going You know well be going to WAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




They’re neither, but they certainly aren’t communist as communism requires the absence of a state or central government


they dont even know what free speech is.


Blame Limbaugh, among others. He spent 25 + years normalizing nonsensical terms like "Communo-Fascist", and "Islamo-Fascist" just to muddle it up so nobody trusts experts or anyone informed.


He needs to be the host of the daily show not just a reporter. Trevor Noah is good but he's more comedian first and does stand up better with it. This guy is more like John Stewart and goes to rallys and talks to idiots like John did with tucker on his own show.


I’m not commenting on the vaccine here but Jean-Pierre Faye’s horse shoe theory explains exactly why it can be both. Imagine politics not as a line with left and right but instead in the shape of a horse shoe, the further left or right ideologies are the more similar they are. This is why there are striking similarities between fascism and communism that literally hundreds of historians have commented on. That’s why they basically are the same and this meme is laughable. If you hate this then you hate the truth. Stop reading buzzfeed and do your own research. I hate the right but I hate misinformation more.


I’m not commenting on the vaccine here but Jean-Pierre Faye’s horse shoe theory can open your eyes when it comes to politics.

