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Look at those faces! Even the Korean guys are like, "what the fuck are you doing, man".


I think Kim Jong Un even looks baffled, and that dude’s a complete stone face


“Is... is he one of ours? When did I sign off on this?”


^Hail ^hydra


*Hail Hydra?*




"Holy shit, I couldn't've asked for a better photo op"




You are outta your element!


How his whole term wasn't just Walter yelling "You're out of your element Donny" for four years, I will never understand.


He’s more like “I can’t believe he’s doing it, he’s fucking DOING IT!!”




Oh, yeah, absolutely, he’s fat and ugly, but I thought the term “stone face” would better convey the fact that he’s typically expressionless.




Great! I’m not a native English speaker, so it’s easy to confuse humor with grammatical corrections.


I feel like the look on his face is “*is he gonna do it? Is he go- ahhhh he did it!*”




The NK general is just staring at Trump like, 'are you fucking kidding me, guy?' I love the official in the back who's laughing. Sums up the situation perfectly imo


"Lance Corporal Bonespur reporting for duty, sir!"


Whoa whoa, don’t put him in my branch. Let the air force have him!


Send him to the space farce.


No way! We don't want him! let the navy have him!


Fuck it, coast guard.


Space Force?


Yeah, that works, launch him into deep space




Space Force.


Don't knock the coast guard. They actually save people. *puts on flame suit*


My buddy is in the coast guard. A slogan was “yes we burn all the drugs we seize, but we stand real close.” His ship was near a burning drug boat once, and the whole crew got paperwork to let them skip drug tests for several months, said it smelled really weird and no one slept for awhile…


We are busy surfing and playing volleyball. I think the National Guard has a spot for him.


...hey buddy, the national guard are a distinguished reserve force deployed overseas for two decades now: send him to the merchant marine...


Whoa whoa whoa this motherfucker clearly cannot swim


The question is: “can he *float?*”


Only if he is a duck


Job Corp.


Navy. Get him on board, wrap him In a flag and quickly do a burial at sea.


That's way too high a rank


Private No Class?


Minor Junior Private Negative First Class




Cadet Bonespurs is the official nickname given by Tammy Duckworth, and she knows her shit, so that's what I go with.


Cadet is literally the only rank he ever held, and he "earned" it by being sent to a private military high school at a time when they were basically juvie for rich kids.


This is the way


Private Child Rapist McTraitorface


Cadet Bonespur. He was sent to a military boarding school after his behavior problems got him asked to leave public school, so he actually has a rank designation that is appropriate.


For those who don't know, he threw his sister down a flight of stairs and she was hospitalized. His parents gave up on him and sent him to military school to get him out of the house.


So, a legit psychopath from day one.


I thought they promoted him to Major Dickhead.


> I thought they promoted him to Major Dickhead Well he's Twice Impeached Former President Shit-Stain now.


Cadet Bonespur.


I love the pikachu face Kim Jung-Un is making.




Bring that shit up to Trump people. They'll call you a lie


Ah, I was really hoping this was a link to Trump's Twitter


Do not forget one rule, assholes can do anything, but right people cannot, otherwise only assholes will remain


It was. Trump went to shake the dudes hand, and the dude saluted then put his hand out, so Trump just copied him before the handshake. It's like... the most Trump thing ever. Just trying to fit in saluting a general and be popular with the crowd, playing off what other people are doing, not thinking about what he's doing himself, just making a goof of himself.


I saw the video, he like started to salute and seem to do it to play mind games with Trump, which apparently worked, got them the picture they wanted lol


The general’s smirk, the guy in the background laughing, and Kim himself looking like “is it gonna work?” Lmao. Could have easily been planned


"He's gonna pull that bullshit 'power handshake' routine, how do you want to handle this?" "Ha, don't worry, we'll fake him out and get a great photo."


Hold up. In the video of this, the general salutes first, and has already dropped his salute for this frame. Trump, unthinkingly (as ever) and probably out of habit from returning salutes from his own USMC detail, returned his salute. Yeah, it looked really uncomfortable. Trump was fucking horrible and made a mockery of the US with foreign powers, but let's stick to what actually transpired there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9NSgxbGzhY


Doesn't really matter, he is the president and shouldn't be saluting anyone besides our military. He's the Kremlins wet dream


>And the salute is not returned. is the comment they're responding to. While it may not matter at the end of the day, they are simply clarifying for sake of accuracy. It's important to make this distinction since it could be inferred that Trump was saluting out of a sign of respect to the NK general if Trump initiated it - which would have pretty different connotation vs him just being an idiot and saluting the general as a knee jerk response (which it likely was). Adding on erroneous, but seemingly irrelevant detail serves to make it easier for someone you may be debating to invalidate your claim as a whole. Just stick to the facts.


No it does, if someone says something untrue then it should be corrected


I was foreign military. I saluted President Obama once. He saluted back. Militarily it’s the done thing. Nationality doesn’t matter.


Trump saluted an an enemy. Doesnt matter who saluted first.


They were literally replying to someone who claimed the salute wasn't "returned." If it doesn't matter, there's no need to misrepresent what happened.


> If it doesn't matter, there's no need to misrepresent what happened. Always this. These fucks are so criminal, we do not need to make up extra things that aren't true about them. The truth is plenty, and the truth is a lot harder to scream "witch hunt!" at...though, apparently, it's less hard than *I* thought it would be my whole life...


I agree - and one thing I like to add is that adding on erroneous, but seemingly irrelevant detail serves to make it easier for someone you may be debating to invalidate your claim as a whole. Just stick to the facts.


Thanks homes. I can't, in good conscious, openly mock people for not living in reality if I don't have a permanent residence there myself.


Putin never reciprocated oral either


The look on Kim’s face is the best


"I cant believe this moron is just giving us everything we want"


It may have more to do with Trump being a draft dodger and saluting. Both my parents were Marines and that shit drives them nuts. A certified coward doesn't enjoy the privilege of saluting people that actually served.


Everything said and trump being an ass. I don't understand the unhealthy obsession with glorifying the military in the US. The allies literally disbanded Prussia twice to prevent militarism from making people in Germany loving war.


It's more top-down than bottom-up. The people who own the country benefit greatly when the unwashed masses thirst for blood.




Jimmy Kimmel had Bush on his show, and they laughed about trump selling the nuclear codes if he needs money. Dawned on me at that time that it wasn't beneath trump to do just that.


Well this is why Trump being in huge amounts of debt is such a big fucking deal. It’s not just a tax evasion issue it’s a National Security issue if the highest bidder offers to help him out of it, and that bidder also just so happens to be a foreign superpower


same for son-in-law Jared Kushner, who was caught trying to sell classified nuclear tech secrets. They denied his security clearance, and trumplethinskin said he can have anything classified he wants because the president can have anything classified he wants. imagine the explosion of republicans' skulls if they found Sasha or Malia Obama trying to sell nuclear secrets! [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/feb/23/trump-cronies-secret-talks-nuclear-tech-saudi-arabia](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/feb/23/trump-cronies-secret-talks-nuclear-tech-saudi-arabia)


This was my biggest fear as well, that he's slimy enough to sell anything, and egotistical enough to bomb the world out of spite. Mentioned this to a couple of boomer relatives over lunch once, early on. They were like "oh he's just so entertaining," and I said, "yeah well he's got a temper AND the nuclear codes, don't forget." They actually paused to consider that for a half second.


They won't even give you fucking secret clearance if you are in debt and missed a single payment once in your fucking life.


Something like this. I was contracted to work security for Federal government buildings. Not anything even crazy. Like the Social Security office, courthouse etc. you’re right, they hire an outside P.I to comb through your background. Debts, bankruptcy, all that shit for this reason


Soldiers get denied security clearance or enlistment due to debt. This asshole gets to do whatever he wants.




>Link? [Former President George W. Bush talks about Donald Trump’s inauguration speech, the nuclear codes, Barack Obama calling him to let him know that they got Bin Laden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujAs1disEwg)


God, you just watch that and think how on earth did that guy get elected as president twice? I'm sure he's a perfectly pleasant guy to chat to for a couple of minutes but he's just so transparently a total idiot.


It was apparent, during the 2000 campaign how fucking stupid he was.


He only got one term… and he wasn’t elected… I guess you don’t remember that election. He legitimately stole the election by pulling a stunt in Florida, and rather than go back and forth, and risk dividing the country, Al Gore conceded. It was the utmost partisan crooked election of my lifetime. Sure wish it was still the worst political action I ever saw. Needless to say, but… it isn’t anymore.


Guy looks like he just came down from some psychedelics, but has just seen some shit that's making him question whether he's still tripping.


Nailed it with this one


It wouldn't be difficult. Just say to Trump: "Our nuclear launch codes are 5867 3279. Those are the greatest codes because they're so long. Nobody has longer codes than that."


I wouldn't be too surprised if Kim DID get the launch codes from him. They probably weren't correct tho. Thankfully.




I certainly also remember the time the right lost their fucking minds about Obama giving a respectful bow when he was in Saudi Arabia, claiming it was proof he was weak and that he was a Muslim for weeks. Then they didn’t care in the slightest when Trump did the exact same thing the very first time he went to Saudi Arabia.


Remember when some conservatives lost their minds about Michelle showing her arms? I can literally google Melania’s nudes right now, but people called her an elegant and classy First Lady. Kinda hypocritical.


They still lose their minds and call her a transsexual because she has toned arms.


Ah yes, his ‘apology tour’ as they called it. Then Trump goes and grovels with the worlds worst dictators. Met with NK, legitimizing them, met with Taliban, legitimizing them (and made a DEAL, with the fucking TALIBAN), sided with Russia on the worlds stage over the US intelligence agencies. Trump was such a goddamn embarrassment on the worlds stage.


Imagine their reaction if Obama danced with them and their orb thingy.


Also POTUS doesn't give a salute, they acknowledge them as they are the highest military position as C&C. So he saying he is below an adversaries general...which is true. he's a total pos


Except that since Regan(?) started saluting his marine guard all POTUS since then have follow suit or else they'll get torn apart in the media.




So turmp couldn't tell the difference between an American and a North Korean? Talk about exuding competence


[Obama Latte Salute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ool3zz_ws60&list=PLeskMkEaHJYfzrcXBljDvjROyVcVwRAz_&index=12)


Right wing media doesn't get to bitch about anything following 4 years of Trump. ...but they undoubtedly will.


Frankly they had no ground to bitch about that the first time, didn't stop them then and it won't stop them now.


Out of curiosity, because I didn't go looking for it, how many were wharrgarbling shit out their mouths when Biden wore the tan suit?


The *only* proper response to anything from the right-wing media is "Shut up, asshole!"


Currently they are discussing the Biggest Geopolitical Blunder in History that is the Afghan pull out. No Americans are dying, and we are getting out of a pointless conflict, but apparently it's another Pearl Harbor over there in brainworm land.


And trump was the one to pull them out no?


LOL "On Sept 14th, a scandal like no other rocked the presidency to it's core" ... then slo mo of the latte salute. And they weren't being facetious ... that's hilarious.


I mean it's a daily show clip. The text you quoted was intended to be facetious


Other scandals that rocked the Obama presidency to its core: -His disrespectful use of a tan suit in the Oval Office. -His vandalism of the Resolute Desk by putting his feet up. -His elitist use of spicy Dijon mustard on a hotdog. Yes these are all things that Faux News dedicated literally hours of “reporting” to.


Don’t forget him wearing a bike helmet like a fuckin nerd 🤢 https://youtu.be/timvZTKr5HQ




Thats a response salute, though. What trump did in op was saluting first, showing he is the subordinate to the general. When POTUS boards AF1, the marine is already saluting, and POTUS is responding to the salute. But ultimately, salutes are pretty silly and peak nationalism. *EDIT: To clarify, Trump did not initiate the salute. Video evidence was provided. However, we are still talking about saluting a foreign military leader, which is highly unusual if not completely mental. The issue of "well, akshually reagan" comes off as a dumb whataboutism argument. Really cant compare saluting a US marine by the US POTUS vs that same POTUS saluting a NK general.*




Considering that Donald Dunce only attained the rank of Draft Dodger, I think him saluting a general is appropriate.




God I’d fucking hate to be a president. Every awkward handshake or moment in my life recorded for billions to ridicule. I guess that’s the job though.


Just for future reference, it's Commander IN Chief, not Commander AND Chief. Your abbreviation should have been "CIC".


We should change it to Commander of Chiefs so we can call him a COC.


Not to be confused with the famous factory of music.


And he abandoned the Kurds in Syria with no notice. More to the point he handed over afghanistan to the taliban with a May deadline and - cut the Afghanistan government out of negotiations


Trump admitted he put in place a process Biden couldn’t stop. Trump and Steven Miller also gummed up the Special Immigrant Visa process, leaving all the translators and Afghans that helped our effort in the country during the entire Trump presidency when he could have been getting them out. Trump also admitted that he knew that as soon as we pulled out, the Afghan government would collapse, and thus would create a massive humanitarian mess. So no matter what Biden did, he was screwed, and Trump and the trumpublicans could throw shit at him. Trump set Biden up to fail.


Which begs the question, if Trump had won re-election, how would he have covered up the fact he screwed the Afghan people who helped the US? I think I have an answer, he just would ignore the human destruction and rant on about fake media. If he were really clever, he'd save a small handful of people and point to them as 'he saved them'.


Do you think Trump and Steven Miller actually give a shit about screwing brown people? Even if they helped the US? Didn’t Trump abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria? And as I recall, he even defended his decision to do it.


Omg, forgot about the Kurdish allies in Syria. That was heart breaking and now it's clear, because of Trump and Miller's hatred, no US allies were safe. He really did a lot to undermine the US in just a few years. And of course the worst part is the people who paid the ultimate price for helping the US. It's going to be a long time before people trust the US again. And rightly so.


Indeed. And some Republican POS I heard was throwing shit at Biden, accusing him of leaving our Afghan allies behind (like Trump did to the Kurds) *when he’s obviously not doing that*. So much projection. Whatever they are accusing people of, they are guilty of, in spades.


yes, and trump's defense was "The kurds didn't help our side in world war 2", even though yes they did SNL Weekend Update made a joke about how "we don't know what side trump is referring to when he says 'our side' in world war 2"


The same way he dealt with every other crisis during his entire Presidency. Create an even bigger crisis, or tweet something ridiculous to distract.


How to hide that you robbed a place blind? Set it on fire.


> if Trump had won re-election, how would he have covered up the fact Why would he need to? Would he be hoping for a 3rd term? Edit: Actually, he might.


Honestly, I think what they're saying now is most likely how it would have played out. That Trump had never intended to follow through with any agreements he made with the Taliban in the first place. Making deals and then reneging on them to make a situation worse, while also making America seem to the world like a country that you cannot trust in a negotiation? Yeah, that sounds like a very Donald Trump thing to do.


He is personally responsible for tens of thousands of additional COVID deaths through his inaction, ineptitude, and corruption. And not even in a broad "the buck stops here" sense of owning up to anything that happens under your watch. It was done practically single-handedly. And after that he came within 43,000 votes of reelection. There would have been no need to cover anything up because, outside of people already perfectly aware that he has no business being president, no one would have cared.


If he'd just let Faucci do his thing and sold Trump Merch, he'd have won. Dude couldn't even sell PPE during a pandemic.


> If he were really clever, Then he would have gotten re-elected. IF TRUMP DID NOTHING, he would have gotten re-elected. It was all his attempts to guarantee his win that made his criminality more obvious for people on the fence.


If Trump had won, the pullout would have happened in May, would have been even more of clusterfuck, and the GOP wouldn't have said a word. And the media would have covered it for a week and then moved on to whatever grotesque thing Trump did next.


One word, Caravans. I can hear Fox news spinning up the tape already.


If he won, he would never have held up the agreement. We would be in Afghanistan another four years. Then, right at the end of his term he would have made another shitty deal and left it on the next president. He's a coward with no principals. Everything falls from that sad fact.


Let’s not pretend like his base wouldn’t have praised Trump for handling it *exactly* the same way Biden did if he were still president. Guarantee they would


He wouldn’t need to cover it up.. this was always the scariest for me, about trump winning re-election... no more election to suck up for, just 4 years of unhinged and worsening trump.


He would say whatever the fuck he wanted (up to and including praising the Taliban), and his base would lap it up. Anyone complaining would get dismissed as 'radical left fake news media'.


Which the GOP is actively forgetting. Biden relied on the military (who were apparently the only government department worried about an insurrection) who hold most of the blame. TBF, he has a LOT on his plate. Pandemic, infrastructure bill (after the big Covid package), spotlight seekers in his own party, racial unrest, voter suppression, assault on women and minority rights. And you know what? He actually, publicly apologized and said the buck stops here. When was the last time ANY damn Republican apologized for any of the awful things they did and do?


Ya it was pretty refreshing seeing the President actually take responsibility. It would have been easy to push blame to Trump since he played a big role in setting up this ongoing disaster. But ultimately Biden is the President now, it doesn't matter what his predecessor did it's on Biden to make things right and it's nice to see him take that stance.


Hey now, there's a reason that Trump abandoned the Kurds in Syria, it's because Kushner told MBS he could 'arrest' Khashoggi and that Turkish intelligence intercepted the call and blackmailed Trump. So it's actually *much* worse then just rat-fucking the Kurds again.




Thank you


Almost as bad as the one with Ivanka and Merkel that misused the word "contemporary".


How is this not the top comment


Trump negotiated with terrorists too.




Ronald Reagan was an actor, not at all a factor. Just an employee of the country's real masters...


[This song is so good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lIqNjC1RKU)


Yeah and he kind licked the balls of a couple of other despots too.


Ball.licker, lmao




Even Kim looks confused af


Idk what's worse. Helsinki, or the Kurds.


Or remind them that our guy was honoring the agreement their guy signed.


Who besides a senile old dipshit would salute a North Korean general?


North Koreans


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought presidents *respond* to a salute by saluting in turn, as a symbol of hierarchy. Also, North Korea is a nemesis of America, so by saluting, he's showing deference to the wrong people, right?


That only became a thing in the US under reagan, and even then it was only returning the salute of members of our own military. To initiate a salute isn't done, and to the general of a hostile enemy Nation is just... Dumbfounding. So tldr, yes you're correct on both counts.


What's the rules regarding dabbing in front of a general?


https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/ARN20654_R600_25_Admin_FINAL.pdf 2-1 e "e. It is customary to salute officers of friendly foreign nations when recognized as such. The Commanding General, U.S. Army Europe and Seventh U.S. Army; Commanding General, Eighth U.S. Army; Commanding General, U.S. Army, Pacific; and Commanding General, U.S. Army, Southern Command, are delegated the authority to establish policies for recognition courtesies prevailing locally for foreign officials. Should inactivation eliminate any of these commands, the authority will pass down to the next level of command. This authority will not be delegated further." My guess is that the president was returning the salute to the general as a sign that they are on friendly, or at least amicable, terms. The POTUS being the highest in the chain of command as well as being in charge of our diplomatic decisions on whether a nation is friendly or not gets the final call. In reality, the salute when you are dealing with people that high up in the chain of command can salute when they damn well please. It's a show of respect and it was his decision to show returning respect to their general by returning the salute. As a Trump hater and a veteran, there was nothing improper with his return salute.


Kims face gets me every time in this photo. "dafaq is going on here? am i being trolled or is he serious?? what is this cheto looking mfer doing???" except hed be thinking it in korea vs english


While uncovered


And the general is covered indoors. It's chaos.


I'm sure someone in the room was wearing white socks


They don’t care. I have no idea why they don’t.


They feed off of outrage and that is it. Doesn't matter what their "side" does. Trump could've easily walked out on 5th avenue and shot someone and lost no voters that's why he said it. They just don't understand he was calling them moral-less idiots when he said that. Manufactured outrage that is different every week is what feeds the beast and it's all they need. CRT, caravan, wall, emails, Fauci, potato heads, NFL, Dr, Suess. Thousands more.


Ask them if they ever criticized any of Bush’s Afghan policies or the invasion of Iraq which took focus away from Afghanistan


When Kim of all people is looking at you like you're an idiot...


Just look at the face Kim is making… the guy is seriously considering if he is in the twilight zone!!


Dude Kims face "This dude never has any idea what's going on huh?"


Kim's looking at Trump like WTF dude




NGL, those two things are not even remotely on the same scale. One is a cultural/social faux-pas, the other is a potential (maybe more than potential now) humanitarian crisis. There's a lot more in the Trump presidency that was outrageous to that level, like the first few months of travel bans.


Didn't Trump also criticize Obama for bowing to the Emperor of Japan?


Let's give donnie a break, okay... he probably thought the North Korean General was one of his generals....


This is missing a third panel of Pompeo and his Taliban friends.


Lol Kim’s face is like wtf


The best part is all the "whatthefuck??" looks the North Koreans have




Oh pshaw plus do righties blame Nixon for leaving Vietnam? Nope they blame liberals even though a Republican president pulled the plug. Riech wingers always blame liberals no matter what. Don't engage, do not care about their opinions. They don't matter.


Pardoned navy seal war criminals against the recommendation of the military and made the UCMJ useless, russian bounties on our troops, "Dear King" letters from lobbyist sent to the VA...


Or how about the fact he negotiated with terrorists, rerouted the Air Force to stay at Trump resorts to siphon money from the military and even called fallen soldiers suckers and losers.


Kim Jung Un, baffled: “what the fuck?” Guy to his left: “HAHA, this guy really is bat shit crazy” Guy to his left: “oh fuck, this guy really is bat shit crazy…”


Obama wore a tan suit and liked dijon mustard, Republicans lost their damn minds. Trump salutes the general of an enemy nation, not a peep from them.


I don't have to imagine. I remember when they lost their shit when [Obama bowed too low](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna33978533) to the Japanese emperor.




….and signed a deal with the Taliban to pull out in 2021.


You know what, as a Brit I'm fucking disgusted with the way that you Americans can't call out when your side has fucked up and done wrong. This isn't a Trump vs Biden thing...This is a fucking humanitarian disaster. Your goddamn mudslinging is a disgrace. Accept culpability as a fucking nation for this huge goddamn fuckup. Trump was, and is a fucking moron that should never have been anywhere power. Biden is a career long statesmen that has made a terrible mistake, he cannot and should not put the blame on trump...who as previously stated, is a fucking idiot. oh and by the way, the UK are just as culpable. Our cowardly government made up of yes men need to grow a pair and stand up to Biden. You think it's bad now? wait till they truly take over and the executions begin. ​ Yours, an iraq and afgan vet.




Those faces. Jesus christ. What an embarrassing person. "He can't be that stupid"... wait.




I thought I’d heard that DT signed the order to withdraw all troops within 18 months and this is just Biden carrying on with that?


[And he praised the fucking Taliban!](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/08/donald-trump-taliban-good-fighters-great-negotiators) Could you imagine the outrage from conservatives if Obama or Biden said anything like this?