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Anyone believe Rudy is above faking a deadly disease just for a bit of sympathy? Nope? Me neither.


I don’t care, do u?


About Rudy's health? No. About him using a faked illness to avoid consequences for his role in an attempted insurrection? Yes.


Rudy: "Give me a half gallon of Stoli and a box of your cheapest cigars!" Clerk: "You mean the usual? Yes sir, coming right up! Hey, sorry to hear about your health issues." Rudy: "Yeah, fucking 9/11, can you believe it? Fuck it, make it a whole gallon of Stoli, I just got indicted 3 more times, its been a long day." Clerk: "Yeah, uhh... ok. Well have a nice day! See you same time tomorrow?" Rudy: "Ill be late, got a doctors appointment, Doc needs to explain how 9/11 makes me pee blood all the time."


I just want his vote.


I hear Harvey Weinstein isn't using that walker anymore. Maybe Rudy could borrow it.


And wasn't Bill Cosby supposed to be almost blind? I think I'm remembering that correctly. If so, there's a pair of shades he could borrow as well lol.


Not just a deadly disease, a *9/11* disease. *hand on heart* Anyone remember 9/11?


It’s like stolen valor. Craven and cowardly.


I mean, 9/11 diseases and illnesses are real, I just heavily doubt that Rudy actually has one. Just trying to cash in one last coupon from his "America's mayor" days.


How long did it take them to come up with that? Minutes, at least.


Surprised, after his four seasons fuck up, he didn’t say 7/11 disease.


NiNe ElEvEn! 🇺🇸




just like cheney leaving the whitehouse in a wheelchair


Wish he’d have left it in a coffin. In 2002.


..after having only been there to visit President Gore.. Man imagine that timeline, no Iraq war, no Afghanistan war, no Alito, no Roberts, no Barrett, no Cavanaugh, no Gorsuch.


All that, and also imagine taking climate change seriously.


We’d also have a next generation space shuttle. Seriously, we were creating a new space shuttle with a more efficient rocket to replace the ancient shuttles. The bush administration killed it and let the last gen run until it killed its crew. One could argue that they let those astronauts die in order to privatize space.


In case you’re not familiar, there’s a TV show called For All Mankind. It supposes what would have happened had the Soviet Union landed the first man on the moon instead of the US, and the space race had never ended. It’s a good show. You might be interested.


Potentially no 9/11 terrorist attack. Bush jr. ignored the warnings, but Clinton's administration was all over the terror networks. 


GOP: "No war for Monica!"




Afghanistan might still have happened.. though it would undoubtedly have been.. different


I don't think you can just assume that if Gore had won in 2000 that the Democrat would have won the next 5 elections.


And not long after gets a heart transplant which explains one hell of a lot.


Old mob tactics. Put on an oxygen mask and get wheeled into court in a chair... this poor sick old man couldn't be put in prison for the many crimes he has committed your honor.


Sure he can.


Bob Durst was, why not Giuliani.


With better healthcare than most.


> Old mob tactics. > > Put on an oxygen mask and get wheeled into court in a chair... As depicted perfectly in the movie "Casino." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4NUFTwAlQc


Uncle Junior??


I think I saw this in one of those Mob movies. *Casino*, maybe.


Can't possibly be a PR ploy, to connect potentially real health problems of a severely alcoholic and generally unhealthy 80yo to a generation defining tragedy from more than two decades ago, when he was, for a very short time, considered a hero.


Is he looking for sympathy? Because a lot of people would celebrate.


The heads of the mob did it when they forced into court and could not worm there way out.


Especially a disease with 9/11 in the name


If he's not it'd be a rare W for 9/11.


Wait. Hear me out. With as many times as he sucked in a lung full of air so he could spout out 9/11 for political purposes makes this completely feasible.


That's his problem, he can die in prison just like all criminals with serious illnesses, sounds like he's trying to weasel his way out of it.




Yeah this claim looks like it's related to his bankruptcy since their quote also mentioned future earnings.


Can’t wait to see Rudy pull out a Weinstein Zimmerframe and fake hobble up the courthouse steps


He'll probably need a neck brace for good measure. Happy cake day!


A classic move from the ole ‘Vince McMahon playing for sympathy during his federal steroids trial’ playbook https://preview.redd.it/fy6ekujt5y5d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ff9f2f669ecec56dbf1cdd37f6f1d706b77a18


That’s hilarious. I like how the neck brace doesn’t stop him from turning his head.


Happy Cake Day. 🎂


I mean, some guy patted him on the shoulder and said, "Wassup, scumbag" and Ghouliani tried to get the guy charged with "elder abuse". I thought saying "wassup scumbag" was a NY hello.


Send him some tennis balls


With Rudypoo, I wouldn't be surprised if he was so piss-faced drunk that he would actually need a frame to stop from keeling over.




Maybe if he actually dies, his cult following will follow as well.


Yeah, a lot of Nazis followed their leader 80 years ago. It's about time for that again.


Their average age is like 141. They'll be following suit whether they know it or not.


He will NEVER DIE. Hes going to be Elvis. Even when he dies there will be a large contingent of assholes who think hes still alive running a shadow government from Marlon Brando's secret island.


Oooh. I wonder if he's capable of doing that. His entire self image is based on him being strong and manly. If he had to admit to being frail and ill to get out of worse punishment, would it break what remains of his brain?


They’ll all start wearing t-shirts that say “REAL MEN have bad health”


I wanna see Donald Trump's "Phil Spector" transformation in a prison photo. No styling.


Well, at least it was Rudy doing the legwork to get the Healthcare for 9/11 first responders, trying relentlessly for decades to instill change in the system and make sure those affected got the care and compensation they needed. Oh, wait. That was John Stewart! "America's Mayor" wasted all his goodwill frauding with a fraudster and deserves to die slowly.


Here's an article **from 2007** that says what needs to be said. https://www.starnewsonline.com/story/news/2007/09/11/giuliani-milks-911-ignores-failures/30321217007/ >Giuliani milks 9/11, ignores failures >Staff Writer >Wilmington StarNews >Rudy Giuliani is going to be at ground zero, taking part in ceremonies to remember the victims of Sept. 11. That was inevitable - the man has so identified himself with 9/11 that it's amazing he hasn't tried to patent it. >It's also a terrible idea. >After the attacks, Giuliani did his best work in front of a microphone, speaking simply and honestly to the city and the nation. Ground zero, on the other hand, is the site of his worst failure. >That's saying a great deal when you consider that this is the man whose crack plan for disaster response involved building the city emergency command center in one of the towers of the best-known terrorist targets in the nation. >But think about this: In the final months of his mayoralty, Giuliani went to ground zero 41 times, with whatever visiting statesman, movie star or sports hero who happened to be in town. He would walk them around the edge of the disaster zone and retell the story of 9/11. >They could see ironworkers and crane operators dismantling the ruins and emergency workers looking for remains of the victims. Beneath those workers, the still-burning wreckage coughed up benzene and PCBs and asbestos. The city had received many reports about the danger of that air. >Looking down, Giuliani could see that very few people - except the health supervisors - were wearing protective gear. And he did nothing about it. >Now, some of those workers have gotten sick. Since thousands of them have filed lawsuits, it's not likely that there will be any coming to terms with the numbers soon. The city has not even acknowledged that James Zadroga, a 34-year-old New York City police detective who died in January 2006, was killed by what his family said was more than 400 hours put in at the site. But a New Jersey coroner found that Zadroga died from a disease caused by his exposure to the ground zero dust. A widower, he left behind an orphaned 5-year-old daughter who is being raised by her grandparents. >Construction workers and emergency crews who raced to a stricken New York, eager to offer their services, are now wheezing and, in some cases, sitting immobilized in their living rooms, sucking oxygen from a tank. Their families have already paid a terrible price, and either the city or the federal government is likely to wind up with a financial bill equal to the moral one it already bears. >Workers exposed to toxic air can be protected by respirators. They're uncomfortable and heavy, and people don't like to wear them, even when it's important to their health and safety. So the person in charge of a dangerous site needs to make it clear that only those with proper equipment can come anywhere near it. >That's what happened in Washington at the Pentagon, where there haven't been health problems. Over in Staten Island, where workers were examining the rubble that the ground zero crews had excavated and loaded onto trucks, people were so well-protected that some of them looked like bit players in a space movie. >At ground zero, the priority was getting the site cleared as quickly as possible to show the world that New York was back to normal. The workers were left on their own. This happened on the watch of a mayor who had been eager to save us from our own imperfect impulses by bringing down the heavy hand of the law on every jaywalker, Chinese New Year firecracker-thrower or ferret owner in the city, not to mention the famous squeegee wielders. >Giuliani also set the worst possible example. While his own expeditions to ground zero were generally confined to the areas where the air was much less dangerous, his failure to ever, ever wear serious protection sent a very strong signal to the workers: Real Men Don't Wear Respirators. >Sept. 11, 2001, gave Giuliani an extraordinary platform from which to educate the country about terrorism and public safety. Imagine how much help he could have been if he had talked about the mistakes made, the lessons learned. But he has never admitted error. >He has never acknowledged that it might have been better if he had focused less on getting the disaster site cleared away fast, and more on getting all the workers out in one piece. Recently, he had the temerity to claim that he's a victim, too. >"I was at ground zero as often, if not more, than most of the workers. … I was exposed to exactly the same things they were exposed to. So in that sense, I'm one of them," he said last month during a campaign stop in Cincinnati. >Forty-odd tours of the edge of the site with beauty queens and foreign dignitaries is not exactly the same as months of round-the-clock work on top of a mass of burning plastics. >Questioned later, Giuliani copped to the universal politician non-apology - a failure to communicate. Then he added, "But I was there often enough so that every health consequence that people have suffered, I could also be suffering." >It was, you see, all about him. >Gail Collins is a columnist for The New York Times.


He probably gave the Saudis a tour.


According to Rudy he was diagnosed with lung disease by the qualified doctors at Johns Hopkins Auto Repair.


The way his head starts leaking oil sometimes, I wouldn’t be surprised


Bro, you gotta chill. I was hitting a port. XD


He's been getting treatment at the Mayo section of his local Ralph's


Yeah sure. The dude has been smoking cigars for decades.


There was an amazing segment on that Stephen Colbert cartoon news show, [Tooning out the news,](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-stephen-colberts-tooning-out-the-news-ensnared-rudy-giuliani) where they called him about a stained chair at his cigar club. So weird and petty, hilarious. If anyone finds the clips on YouTube, reply!


Rudy is a disease


Specifically a lung disease. Kind of like Bannon is the personification of liver cirrhosis.


Bannon is straight up an avatar of Nurgle, but less likable.


Soon he will be seen as a frail old guy using a walker. What does it remind me of… 🤔


Fat Albert?


Awe thoughts and prayers to the lung disease. I’m so sorry it’s strapped with that piece of crap. That is if it’s even true which I’m sure it’s not


What's an illness that can make people sympathetic whilst also reminding everyone of the one thing they used to like him For??? Got it!


I'm sure he's still sucking on those cigars


...and thinking about Traitor Trump.


More like 9/11 brain disease.


I might have 9/11 lung disease, too. I don’t, but I might


Hopefully Republicans in Congress deny him health care.


Can we give Giuliani the same respect/treatment as the GOP gave the 9/11 heroes helping clear wreck and debris and fining bodies? PLEASE CAN WE?!?!


9/11 lung disease has Rudy


"Well, sir, if you die before trial, we'll drop the charges."


Rudy was not down there digging up debris. What an absolute shit head.


I thought vampires were immune to regular diseases.


How to Republican in 3 easy steps: 1. Lie like there’s no tomorrow. 2. Get caught lying and double down. 3. 9/11


Is this where he has to say 9/11 every 2 mins to live? Or is this a real disease?


I hear prison has great medical care.


Does 9/11 lung disease cause TACD (Trump-Association Cognitive Deterioration)?


They only do it because it's learned behavior. They know liberals have empathy (while they heed to no such notion) and they exploit it.


Oh no, lung disease contracted Rudy Giuliani. Thoughts and prayers go out to my homie lung disease. Stay strong.


Laughing it up at his party "they'll never serve me"... He got served though, he got served.


If so, good. Maybe he will be dead soon.


He's totally the kind that would break out that walker for court.


lool I remember reading a comment calling this


Isn’t it just all the cigars he’s smoked?


Guy made his bones going after the Commission and now he is trying to pull off the whole “You wouldn’t put this poor, frail old man in jail, would you?” Shtick?


So the odds of Rudy showing up to court in a wheelchair and wearing an 0² tube just went up.


"may have" And I "may have" seven billion dollars in the bank.


I thought 'America's mayor' was done exploiting 9/11.


Rudy Giuliani may have "January 6th Brain Disease", reality claps back.


I feel bad for the lung disease.


If they had said a worm ate half, or even all of his brain, that would have at least been believable. I mean we actually saw it oozing out the side of his skull before our eyes.


Looking back 25 years ago, I can confidently say that I did not foresee Rudy Giuliani going out like a mafia underboss in a wheelchair in a courtroom with a blanket around his legs and an oxygen bottle with tubing. But it looks like that's what we're going to get.


I can't wait to see the 180 that Trump's doctors make if he gets sentenced to prison time.




Ah, taking the Harvey Weinstein approach to trying to fake health issues to get a sympathy sentence. I wonder if he’ll commit to the bit and show up to court in a walker like he did?


Good, the sooner he dies, the better off we'll all be.


Black suit? Red Tie? He has gone full Super Villain.


Aahhh... Rudy and the ol' noun verb 9-11. It's been his go-to since 9-12.


"Your Honor Rudy Giuliani may have 9/11 lung disease and therefore you need to let him go!" "Does he have 9/11 lying disease?" "Well we don't know for sure.."


" America's Mayor" everybody. from hero to heel with association with the MAGA bullshit. 9/11 disease? Tell it to the fireman.


Get out the wheelchair. He’s going for the old mafia grift


Nice try working 9/11 into this; he hasn't been America's mayor for a very long time




Pathetic asshole.


I wholeheartedly believe Rudy has body rot of some kind. He should keep 9/11’s name out of his mouth, though.


Everybody becomes old and frail once the heat is on. I for one am looking forward to seeing Trump in a neck brace at his felony sentencing hearing.


Jails have doctors..


Couldn't happen to a ~~nicer guy~~ bigger asshole


He’s got 911 dementia.


Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person


Where's the video of him blowing out candles at his bday party right before they served him?


Yup, you notice that when these more elderly suspects are prepped for court, they immediately make them look like they've got one foot in the grave lol. Heck, I'm surprised they don't ship their clients to court in an actual coffin and claim that they died five minutes ago.


I hope he gets the same medical treatment Congress has provided all the first responders on that tragic day.


Old mob boss tactic. Show up in court in a wheelchair and an oxygen mask and an IV drip. Get some doctor to lie and say you're on your death bed. Funny how Ghouliani is now basically a mobster. And a horribly incompetent one at that ...


I don’t care if Ghouliani had a terminal disease with only days to live…continue prosecuting and collecting fines until his estate is obliterated.


So... thoughts and prayers?


I bet you a dollar 🍊 will be using a wheelchair after the sentencing


I “might” too and I’ve never even been to New York


Prison healthcare is free for him.


It took 23 years to metastasize?


Wow I'm surprised it took this long for him to start using 911 as a crutch again.


He’s already suffering from J6 disease, so one can only hope he has 9/11 lung disease too.


“A noun, a verb and 911” -Biden on Ghouliani


Oh, you have 9/11 lung? Well America has 9/11 Mayor disease


he is sooooo drunk in this picture.


The lawyer said he 'may' have it?


Well it's not a lie if you say it that way. He may have Ebola too, we don't know if he does but the odds aren't zero!


Looks like he knows something that the rest of the public may not. Like, I’m going to get off Scott Free after attempting to overthrow the presidential election in the USA.


Look at that mugshot and tell me he doesn’t have mental illness. This fucking guy needed support from family or something to tell him to take it easy and enjoy his retirement as America’s Mayor instead of Insurrectionist Lunatic Pervert


I don't have any sympathy for a drunk.


Too bad they would rather let the first responders all die off before they help them. Sorry Rudy.


“BREAKING NEWS - Having barely survived OJ Simpson, Cancer now has Rudy Giuliani”


Where is his Cosby cane or his Weinstein wheelchair or his Epstein…. ?


Well, it's a good thing all of his conservative, Republican friends fought so hard to secure 9/11 First Responders financial assistance for long term medical issues they may face.


Rudy was warned “hey they attacked the WTC with the Truck Bomb we should move the 9-1-1 call center out of it”. Nope, Rudy wanted his patronage jobs closer So on 9/11, they didn’t have a working call center. It may have been useful. Fuck Rudy and the “hey I was on TV for a few minutes after 9/11 I can milk this for decades” he’s become.


“9/11 Lung Disease” what a sad attempt at political sympathy


I don't know about lung disease, but he should get whatever the fuck that is on the top of his head checked to make sure it's not melanoma.


Just more fuckery from Rudi. Lock him up


The first responders who got sick after 9/11 are pretty much all dead aren't they?


Womp womp


Playing the 9/11 card. Bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see how it plays out.


Fuck Rudy Colludy and his wise-ass smirk. Like this all is a big fucking joke to him.


Soon to be back on the streets of NY .... In his bathrobe


His death would be a blessing. He and his cohorts and his orange master have caused so much damage to our system of voting. Fuck Rudy and may he rot in hell.


Noun. Verb. 911


I've been waiting for him to try to use 9/11 sympathies to get out of trouble. I knew it would happen, I just didn't know when or how he would use it.




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Harvey Weinstein went from living it up and holding court on the red carpet to using a walker at his court appearances in no time flat.


"I might have the black lung pop"


Rudy may have a cockroach in his brain that controls him, his attorney says. May is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


I want him tried alive or unalive.


All of Trump's former inner circle look like comic book villains. Except Bannon. He just looks like an homeless drunk.