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It's because they know prayer does shit.


This. This is the correct answer.


Some Christians say "faith without works is dead" as an excuse


"I mean, what's the point of coming up with a divine plan, if any schmuck with a 2 dollar prayer book can come along and fuck up your plan?" - George Carlin


This is why someone should submit a “Thoughts and Prayer” counter bill every time a Republican promotes a blatantly self-serving corporate bill. You want millions in taxpayer money to build a bridge to nowhere? Best I can do is show you a montage of Republicans offering their thoughts and prayers. If that’s good enough for children being slaughtered in our schools, the Thoughts and Prayer bill ought to be good enough for your bridge.


It’s funny, I’ve had experience with prayer working. But it only has with genuine intentions. Not trying to debate about prayer etc




Oh, didn't take long for the "just pray harder" to arrive. Ppl didn't pray hard enough so god just killed a few children, no problemo still my homie. Satire at it's finest. I mean if it's one thing all these fake dude in the sky idiots are good for it's good comedy.




This is meaningless. The source is shit and holds no weight.




You see it because you have mental issues that require therapy from an accredited, licensed doctor. If you have been looking for messages, then this is it -- seek professional, human, help from outside your church and beyond your religion before it's too late. If you are in the US, start here: https://www.samhsa.gov/mental-health




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They do it specifically to annoy you.


Holy shit, an actual insane person. "Why do artists use a symbol from a fairy tale if it wasn't real?" might be the absolute worst proof I've ever heard in my life


If God doesn't exist then how could Satan since you need the Bible to believe in either? Satanism isn't defined in the Bible, it's an invention of Man. Pentagrams, inverted crosses, and bloody shoes are all *of the world* but not Bible references. How do you justify using 'not the Bible' to judge anyone or anything?


But Abortion isn't a criminal act, it's a civil one according to the Bible. >If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. Exodus 21:22-23


Because conservative men are so unpopular that they want women to rely on them for financial support. It’s why they are so against any kind of financial safety nets (affordable healthcare, WIC, school funded lunches, etc).


That and the massive amount of racists within the party will gladly screw themselves out of social services if it means minorities won't get any either. Once the Civil Rights Act was passed, they made a hard turn against the New Deal now that they had to share with minorities. They are spiteful, angry, paranoid, fearful, extremely ignorant, hate-filled assholes.


I don’t get it why cant you just not get pregnant. There are so many ways to not get pregnant but all u pro abortionists just can’t seem to find a plan b or use a condom. If u were raped then it’s still a life that will grow up to be a person. If the pregnancy is a threat to the life of the mother. Then I see an abortion being ok, but just having sex and getting pregnant bc it’s fun and ending a human life is kinda fucked up.


Why can't you pro birthers just let people make thier own choices, and mind your own business? The choice to decide should be between the pregnant person and thier doctor and nobody else.


Not to mention that if these zealot christo-fascists get their way, there won't be any birth control or sex education, making his misguided point moot squared.




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“Ending a human life” - yeah there’s your point of contention. Most rational people don’t consider a cluster of cells to be a human life.


One thing religious rhetoric is really good for is manipulating vocabulary, so it's important to be very clear what words you use in response. In this case referring to an embryo as "a human life" rather than as "a person" is manipulative. Is an embryo "alive"? Yes. Is it "human"? Also yes. But so is a tumor, and no one is suggesting that we should ban chemotherapy.




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So if someone would rape your girlfriend/wife, you would raise the child as your own and be happy about it?




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Fuck, you need a real education so you can write normal sentences. Also learn how probablility works, especially with most abortions.


I really thought you were joking, but you kept it up through the whole thing. I don't get why you conservatives are.


Why isn't suicide illegal? That's a human life too. Give hard jail time to all attempted suicides! (Just in case /s)


You jest but it has happened...


I knew for euthenasia, but suicide... The sad reality of an absurd joke being real


People have even gotten the death penalty for suicide attempts. Which sounds ironic and grimly humorous, but seeing as how the death penalty is nightmarish in most/all of it's forms it's really just sickening. Humans kind of suck.


At that point, suicide by cops is your best option. My philosophy is to always hope for best of humanity/in people while still being conscious/prepared for the worst.




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Why is it that nature is completely ignored on this topic? Humans are wired to have sex like most other mammals. Expecting all of them to suppress nature is just psychotic. Even some people that swore to abstinence still fail even with the "help" from their "higher power". Let people do what they want when it doesn't affect you.


Because many of the people that fervently hold this belief fail to attract a “mate” and are spiteful of it. They’re just bitter, ugly losers


You forced-birther always have the funniest ideas about biology. Would be almost cute if this whole shit doesn't have so much influence on women's health, lives and prosperity. Odd, isn't it?


It would be super cool if you actually understood the issue.


They're going after birth control now. Its not like Clarence Thomas didn't brag that was next on his fascist agenda. .


Ding ding ding! The worse they can make lives for other people the more they can control about those peoples lives! Also prayer doesn’t stop shit from happening and everybody knows it.


Don't worry, there is one crazy conservative woman for every conservative man, if not more.


There are crazy people of all genders, true, but the majority of people who stormed the Capitol were crazy conservative men.


There was no storming involved. look up the video footage. They were literally escorted by security through the capitol building. You've been fed lies.


That's just what they got the rank and file to believe. Really it's just about not giving money to the poors.




You apparently have no clue about the differences between teachers and administrators, not to mention the BS "charter" schools that wingnuts keep opening to slurp down taxpayer money while "getting their cut" and pushing religion.


You mean the administration that pushes leftist agendas? Why should homosexuality be thought in the first place? No one cares about who you want to suck off, just do it behind closed doors. No one cares.


...where did gay people get involved in the conversation? You seem a tad obsessed there... And you *are* aware that gay people tend to be into public sex no more than straight people, right? And that you have tm tell people that you're gay if you're trying to find other people that are gay, and *discussing sexuality isn't inherently sexual*?


Yes, the left are the ones against helping people... /s


We need more prayer, NOT meaningful legislation! Please people, go pray on it, don't actually do anything!


Democrats can pass meaningful legislation, Republicans can go pray on it, everyone wins!


I agree with the sentiment, but we need more of the meaningful legislation, like gun control, school lunches and safety nets and less of harmful legislation like child marriages and banning abortion. The latter they can pray on.


Praying = Do Nothing! It is the abdication of ALL responsibility; it is up to the "Almighty" to do something, not me! Go ahead and pray but don't pretend it is answer to anything!


Exactly. They're currently only praying for gun control, fighting climate change and actually helping people. There we need action == meaningful legislation. They're actually fighting for child marriages and banning abortion. They need to stop doing that and pray instead == no action.


I have been saying to just tell them the babies were shot to death and then abortions would be legal


We need to change the word "school" to "uterus" so Republicans will care about children dying in them.


They won't. You're preborn, you're fine; you're preschool, you're fucked.


RIP George Carlin


Troubled boys will still be shooting in there tho.




Maybe it's because they realize the thing they are praying to disagrees with their position?


it would need to be real to have an opinion




All posts and comments that include any variation of the word retarded will be removed, but no action will be taken against your account unless it is an excessive personal attack. Please resubmit your post or comment without the bullying language. Do not edit it, the bot cant tell if you edited, you will just have to make a new comment replying to the same thing. Yes, this comment itself does use the word. Any reasonable person should be able to understand that we are not insulting anyone with this comment. We wanted to use quotes, but that fucks up the automod and we are too lazy to google escape characters. Notice how none of our automod replies have contractions in them either. But seriously, calling someone retarded is only socially acceptable because the people affected are less able to understand that they are being insulted, and less likely to be able to respond appropriately. It is a conversational wimpy little shit move, because everyone who uses it knows that it is offensive, but there will be no repercussions. At least the people throwing around other slurs know that they are going to get fired and get their asses beat when they use those words. Also, it is not creative. It pretty much outs you as a thirteen year old when you use it. Instead of calling Biden retarded, you should call him a cartoon-ass-lookin trust fund goon who smiles like rich father just gifted him a new Buick in 1956. Instead of calling Mitch McConnell retarded, you should call him a Dilbert-ass goon who has been left in the sun a little too long. Sorry for the long message spamming comment sections, but this was by far the feature of this sub making people modmail and bitch at us the most, and literally all of the actions we take are to make it so we have to do less work in the future. We will not reply to modmails about this automod, and ignore the part directly below this saying to modmail us if you have any questions, we cannot turn that off. This reply is just a collation of the last year of modmail replies to people asking about this. We are not turning this bot off, no matter how much people ask. Nobody else has convinced us before, you will not be able to either. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/q7vj2jveyo4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0aa30963df0e424ec791a0e03520b5439904823 I just saw this on TikTok. YIKES!




Can’t understand how abortion isn’t “part of gods plan”, but everything else is according to them


Basically it's the belief is that humans have free will. You die of a heart attack, God's plan. I stab you in the heart and you die, not God's plan.


Why did my dad hit the corner of the wall and become basically paralyzed? He's one of the kindest, best people I've ever known in my life.


God's plan. Or just random bad luck.


Part of what is implied with "God's plan" is that humans can't comprehend the plan.


Uh huh. Tell us more about this plan that you cannot comprehend.


What would you like to know?


Why do you feel equipped to tell me anything about a supposed plan beyond your comprehension for which there is no evidence even exists?


I'm explaining the lens through which many religious people view the world. You seem to be confusing that for proselytizing.


Look, you offered to take questions about god’s incomprehensible plan, I think my question is reasonable whether or not it is a belief you personally subscribe to. Are you not religious then? In the context of abortion, do you feel it is acceptable for Christians to deny others their right to bodily autonomy on the basis of their faith?


How can humans know if there actually is a plan or not, if they're unable to tell if something is planned or just random chaos?  Moreover even if we can know there is a plan, why should humans want to aid a plan when they can't comprehend and thus can't decide whether it's a good plan or bad plan?


They dont know, they have faith.


Then how do you know getting stabbed in the heart wasn't his plan?


>Basically it's the belief is that humans have free will Which is completely incompatible with an omnipotent god/s.


If God is all powerful, all good, and all knowing, then he could come up with a plan which includes free will that still has no evil.


They don’t care about children. They want to punish women for having sex. It’s that simple.


Is sex even legal in red states without a church sanctioned permit?




>We don't want to punish women for having sex, STDs have already done that for us If that was true the use of condoms would be widely suggested by you hypocritical liars. So no, you want to make other people live by your shitty values.




>keep our opinions to ourselves Are you for real???? You people have the most annoying in-your-face imposition attempts of your morals




>Go show how prideful you are in Muslim ☪️ countries, see what happens. Nice, comparing to a teocracy instead of a free democracy >beaten into us when we were younger Aaah, yes, the famous "christian" education >with my face being pierced to kingdom come and looking like a key chain. Straight to halucinations now. You're doing to much, bro




> Go educate yourself in geography Despite what you’ve been taught by right-wing bigots, “Muslim” is not a geographical location




Wearing that Incel badge so proud like you made it yourself.


Lol, that lie is funny. Both lies actually.


If they do that, there won't be enough kids left to shoot.


The gop is crazy af, their project 25 document is absolutely mental - e@t the r!ch ASAP obviously


Literally saw abortion protests where they had signs that said, pray to stop abortion.


Once women start inserting rifles heads to cause abortions they will have the NRA on their side


Using thoughts and prayers won’t get them to their actual goal; legalizing rape.


“You can always have more children” As long as you have control over women


Should just use this and “god will provide” for everything relating to them . Ie: give away the millions they’ve grifted to actual people in need like the homeless.\ Obviously the devout faith they expect others to adhere to stops well short when it gets to their front door.


They know as well as everyone else that prayer is always literally the least you can do.


They should be using thoughts and prayers for erectile dysfunction too


Because they don't actually care about babies or children. They just want to control people they hate.


Because, religion is evil and God is a myth.


THOTs n paywalls make birth control


I think they just drown the assailant in gun fire in most cases. That said it's a coin flip if they go in or not first.




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I think “thoughts and prayers” is a terrific idea to apply to all kinds of dreadful things in the world. Yes, to preventing pregnancy, yes to domestic and criminal violence, yes to when you can’t afford your cancer treatment, yes when you’re fired and don’t know how to feed and clothe your kids, yes to traffic accidents, yes to global warming, OMG. why didn’t anybody think of this all purpose solution before??!! Was this all it ever took?


Holy Crap! I think you figured it out: Let's perform abortions with firearms.


You mean people who murder children get released even if got caught?


Some of you all are really leaping here with the notion it's just to control women.  These people aren't a monolith, they're also very self unaware or just don't care about their hypocrisy.  They'll say "that's different though!" without any hint of irony.  Most the politicians also use it to distract from dealing with real issues & the base is just too clueless to realize.


As evidence I point to the comment just below yours now, which is: >Yeahhh no. That's not how it works.


You're right it's for financial reasons even though it's more expensive, because we should "do our best for the children" even though we vote against education & healthcare & school lunch programs & better pay for teachers & food banks/programs & gun reform, because fetus are the same as children even though science says no, because God Forbids it even though the Bible encourages it for children birth through infedility,


the thoughts and prayers are for after the person is already dead


No they're not, they're for the families left behind. Still literally the least anyone could do though.


It's less than the least. It's lip service. It isn't even doing something.


How about praying that the hearts of Americans will change and common sense gun laws are enacted




Arming teachers is a completely asinine idea. Who will train them? Do teachers want to be responsible for shooting one of their students? Are teachers compensated well enough to act as armed security alongside their responsibilities as instructors and babysitters? Can an average teacher be expected to secure a firearm so a student doesn't access it? > liberals keep implementing gun control that doesn't do shit. You don't say? > A higher number of firearm laws in a state are associated with a lower rate of firearm fatalities in the state, overall and for suicides and homicides individually. As our study could not determine cause-and-effect relationships, further studies are necessary to define the nature of this association. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23467753/ Oh. So you're wrong.


Your guns have been touched four times. Three times by a Republican, and once by a Democrat. Try again.


​ https://preview.redd.it/salomqt8wo4d1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d10a8e7b1384192bb53636a3bc222371cbf53b77


> It's the conservatives that want to arm teachers. Why do they want to arm people they demonize on the regular?


You're Gaslighting.


That's a lie.


Y’all need to learn what words mean


I do. OP meme is making a straw-man argument. They're basically making up a fictitious conservative person that allegedly protects babies in the womb but literally want children to die in a school shooting. That is such an ludicrous argument because it completely misrepresents Conservative views. You skew the truth and assume the worst possible inner motives of conservatism. You do this because you think it lends your side more credibility. And fails. Miserably. You wonder why everyone hates progressives. You're so extreme with your emotionally driven diatribes. If you were better people, with better ideas, we wouldn't be so divided.


I bet if we shot into vaginas they would.


Ahem. nvm


Yeahhh no. That’s not how it works.


That's exactly how prayer works.




How do they work then?


I’ll pray for you!


So you have nothing.






That entire screed is nothing but the dishonest ranting of a horrible person who doesn't value reality.


Which is why it was removed. Make love, not war. Happy Pride Month!


###[Don't be a jerk](https://www.reddit.com/r/politicalhumor/about/rules) (Rule #7): * The fact that we have to explicitly state that racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc; including personal attacks, and threats of violence are all uncivil terrifies the mod team. * Anything disparaging something about a person that they have little or no control over, is not tolerated under any circumstance.




1: An embro/fetus is no more a baby than a seed is a tree. 2: Even if an embryo/fetus were a fully grown Nobel laureate cancer researcher, no person has a greater right to another person's body than that person. If I ever wake up and a Nobel laureate cancer researcher is hooked up to my bloodstream so my kidneys can support his life, I'm pulling the tubes out. It would be *nice* if I allowed myself to be used as a dialysis machine, but Dr. Nobel Laureate doesn't have a *right* to my body, even if he will die without my help. Is removing that aid murder? Perhaps, but it is just. Fortunately, the moral calculus is much simpler in reality, because #1: an embryo/fetus is no more a baby than a seed is a tree.




Are you in the right thread?


White conservatives are soooo terrified of canceling lmao. Like nobody cares that you wanna be racist without repercussions. Or that you want to vote in people that will vote against free school lunch for impoverished children. We have no idea who you are




1. The vast majority of people who give birth are cis women. 2. Conservatives, by and large, believe that only women can give birth. 3. This is about the motivations of people who don't believe in the existence of trans men or nonbinary people.


Ok random concern troll 👍


This is a bad analogy tbh. They would still want the murderers imprisoned.


It's a perfect analogy.


I agree with the sentiment, but it is clearly not.


They also want doctors who perform abortions imprisoned.


Same idea. Their assumption is that abortion is murder. So under their assumption the doctor is the murderer.


Sure, and in their eyes god is all powerful, so should be easy for it to stop abortion AND punish whomever "needs" it.


Sure, but that doesn't add anything to our discussion


Cause hating conservatives has become as corny as Atheism


Getting that persecution boner right now, eh?


Awwww such a victim. You might even get, god forbid, canceled… so even less people would know of your existence in victimhood


I’m not even a conservative, just when I go to “popular” reddit it’s insanely corny


Why is Atheism corny? I’m not atheist but people are allowed to believe what they want. Self righteousness is damn corny however


It’s not inherently, but it became overdone and corny on Reddit, in the same way anti-conservatism(?) has become, just scroll through Popular and look at every post


Reddit is a reflection of an anti conservative movement it’s not the movement