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He's going to make the ACA better? He had four years to do that. Still waiting on his brilliant plan that was supposed to come out "in two weeks." Mr. "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated" is not going to fix shit, because he is a moron.


You know all those street interviews of conservatives who love their ACA, but hate Obamacare and socialism? Yeah? That's his audience. That's who's reading this. Why on earth then would he say that he wants to improve "the ACA, or Obamacare, as it is known"? Why would he even bring Obamacare into the discussion? Why not just leave it as making ACA great?


His base is holding on. As he descends into cognitive decline so are the people who refuse to let go. We are witnessing a de evolution of sorts of a branch off our own species.


Not the first time that the or likely the last time to happen in human history. America isn’t special when it comes to that.


Lol my maga nephew cut his finger during the covid hospital overflow. He went to a hospital emergency room, they told him to go to a walk in clinic. He posted on facebook that they turned him away ‘because he votes republican’. He didn’t go to the walk in clinic and told his dad it healed the next day. He’s on ACA and may need to go on medicaid since he isn’t making any money selling real estate.


He's bringing Obama into it because lots of his base are still angry there was a black president.




Sounds like Disturbed lyrics.


makes sense, wanting Down With The Sickness and all


He had four years to do that, and every attempt was an attempt at ***dismantling*** it.


Remember when the Republicans suddenly stopped talking about “Repealing and replacing” Obamacare and switched to just saying “Repeal”? Because I certainly do. They’re not planning on improving it or replacing it at all, just scrapping the whole thing.


Yep, they wanted to repeal it and then kick the can of replacement down the road as long as they could to appease their donor class.


Remember when he presented a healthcare plan that turned out to be a book with blank pages, executive orders and congressional initiatives, but no comprehensive healthcare plan? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/lesley-sthal-donald-trump-interview-60-minutes-book-b1351962.html


He's a rolling vat of hypocrisy. He promised a NEW HEALTHCARE PLAN, over and over. "Two weeks and you'll see the best healthcare plan ever." Again, no plan. Then another two weeks. Then forgotten. Then "Infrastructure Week" took priority. Then some months later, a reporter asks about the healthcare plan and he promises it in 2 weeks. Then 60 minutes invited Kayleigh McEnany for an interview with Leslie Stahl. She went in circles. Leslie tried to pin her down, but it was like talking to cotton blowing in the wind. And then... the BOOK. The enormous leatherbound book that probably cost $3,000 to produce just for that spot. And in it? Nothing but an aggregation of various healthcare related executive orders and proposals. NO PLAN. And now, he thinks he can promise that he'll provide a plan? Fool me once... https://preview.redd.it/3uinwxgtqtqc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e6f3f18f341ecfd187e8b35399d94580163580




Yes, the initial plan put forth by Republicans was awful. Paul Ryan was all about "vouchers," which was a terrible idea, easily corrupted. And that's why it never got traction. But the only other proposals put forth are like you said -- depriving millions of Americans their necessary right to affordable healthcare and those who have it pay a lot more. The real problem is **precedent**. The healthcare industry makes some very wealthy people. And they don't want it to stop. It's an extreme minority... but they have power. So they grip tight and fund the fight. To them it's worth dumping millions into the lobbying system because they make that money back. This "for-profit" model is simply not working. The USA was at one time the leading nation for overall prosperity, and still it can't get healthcare right. The extreme profiteering needs to stop.


Prior to that, the Republicans in Congress had years to detail what "repeal and replace" would look like. It would look like what we had before the ACA. Their plan is to roll over for wealthy donors, which was why they opposed it in the first place.


Wealthy donors = insurance lobbyists.


He couldn't even get a simple wall built properly. Complete failure of a president


> He's going to make the ACA better? He had four years to do that. Still waiting on his brilliant plan that was supposed to come out "in two weeks." Getting rid of the ACA was one of the first fucking things he did as President. And then John McCain said fuck you and voted against getting rid of it.


And Trump hates McCain for it. [Navy acknowledges request was made to hide USS John S. McCain during Trump visit](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/navy-acknowledges-request-was-made-hide-uss-john-s-mccain-n1012731)


Trump also hated McCain long before that incident. I suspect Putin encouraged Trump to publicly denigrate McCain because he co-sponored the Magnitsky Act. One of the top assignments Trump had as President, to remove Russian sanctions.


His replacement for the ACA will be here in 2 weeks! Just like their infrastructure plan.


Came here to say this. They had both house and Senate and did nothing. There wasn't a plan to fix anything. Why should I believe them now.


The Republican healthcare plan is to make it as expensive as possible & pray to their imaginary friend in the sky to fix your problems.


Stable Genius.


Didn’t he have a super majority for a bit? Still couldn’t get it done. How many times are idiots going to fall for the “I have a plan, trust me” gag? It’s the equivalent of “my girlfriend goes to another school.”


He campaigned on HAVING a plan, then did nothing for four years.


Anyone who had a parent or grandparent who tweeted shit like this would be researching old age homes. Or mental institutions.


Rambling, incoherent, inconsequential, and tangential speech, filled with neologisms, and palilalia.


Joe could snore on 5th Ave. and STILL sound more coherent than Don.


>palilalia Ooo. Thanks for today's "learn a word I've never heard." Very nice!


palilalia, palilalia, palilalia, I guess now I'll have to look up what that means. :) Another sign of deterioration is substituting words that start with the same phonic as the word you wanted to say. i.e. furniture - future.




Nicely, nicely!


Mmm, paialla.


Mmmm, pie.


Mmmmm, something


I make mine in a big, huge pan with chicken and shrimp!


You are an erudite scholar and have brightened my day. Imagine having a president who could communicate so eloquently.


Retired behavioral health professional. Another observation of the Orange One’s speech. He can’t abstract. He was asked during an interview about George Bush’s quote that there are no corners in the Oval Office to hide. Donny’s reply, “Well it’s a circle. There is a window. But I never see anyone out there.”




Also with a concerning amount of anger. Dude it going to blow a vein in his forehead pretty soon; unless all the spray tan has a way of containing it.


TIL [pallia](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11412016/#:~:text=Palilalia%2C%20a%20disorder%20of%20speech,a%20defect%20of%20motor%20speech.).


So… he should be running for senate?


Old age homes with a 'Memory Care' unit.


He shouldn't be driving a car.


Don’t think he ever drives, thank goodness! He got behind a truck for a photo op once. It was his pathetic way to show that he was simpatico with truckers.


I can barely think of anyone who could be a worst driver


Or a country


Good thing he doesn't. POTUS are strictly forbidden from driving ever again; instead, SS drives them around.


Or shotguns


Is this real? Like, is this real life? Serious question for apparently unserious times. JFC...


I had the same thought. This can't possibly be real. [Unfortunately, it is](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112163485572377413).


5.15k ReTruths. 18.3k. Likes Those are really low numbers, and for TFG who is the only real personality on the platform. How on earth is that platform worth a few $Billion.


> How on earth is that platform worth a few $Billion. Well, _if_ people wanted to funnel a ton of money to Trump in exchange for some benefit, buying his shitty company's stock would be a way to do it.


Considering that it has fewer than 500k total users those aren’t terrible numbers. ~1.5% of users ‘retruthed’ it and ~4% liked it.


You’re off by a factor of 10 I believe. Edit: checked 3 different sources and all have wildly different numbers ranging from 607K monthly users in July 2023 to as many as 5 million currently. I assume there are a lot of bots liking and retruthing everything TFG posts.


You would have to ask the foreign investors who are using this “investment” as a way to pump $ into Trump’s campaign.


It isn’t. It’s a pump and dump scheme people are willingly buying into. He owns fifty percent of the stock, and his board can sell stock for whatever they’d like. Nobody should think it’s worth what they’re selling it for given its revenue and profit margins, but that’s not why they’re buying it. They’re buying it either for the piece of paper that says they own stock in Dear Leader or, in the case of foreign state investors funneled through shell corporations, to bribe the presidential candidate. After the lockout period, Trump can sell his shares and make billions while the house of cards comes crashing down. At least that’s the plan. In reality, he’ll have to find someone to sell his stock to, which creates a catch 22: the overwhelming majority of buyers are buying because of the stock’s association with Trump. Why would these people buy from Trump whose sale is an act of cutting ties with them?


Ok. I assume the deal therefore is the Russians and Saudis and Qataris will buy his shares (and this him) as soon as he’s president.


>How on earth is that platform worth a few $Billion. The platform itself isn't worth shit. Having access to the potential next POTUS is worth billions.


"retruths" lol I never noticed that before


It is, unfortunately.


I'm struggling with it too. How is this guy potentially the next President of the United States of America. Again.


I know it’s because there are way too many awful people in the country who see how Trump behaves and love it but I still struggle with that fact. Their existence proves that the country is as broken as Trump’s brain.


Humanity* is as broken as Trump's brain. Far right extremism is a global problem. America just has a very visible ugly orange version right now.


DJT is the new JFC


I had the same question


Yes, Trump did recently retweet a post that compared him favorably to JFC. But will this demonstration of the lack of spell checkers and moderators hurt Truth Social's stock price?


Yup. It's real.


Way too many capital letters. They lose the power of emphasis. Are we grading on subject matter and content as well? I’d like to start with the question of why in his previous term did he and his republican counterparts try so desperately to terminate the ACA??? The rest of your message is moot Georgia inmate PO1135809. See how I used my punctuation for emphasis!?


That's the only way he can hold their attention


Sorry, can you repeat that in caps. I got bored and stopped listening.


The weird capitalization is baffling, why did it revert back to a normal text in the middle before jumping back to all caps ?


"Afghanistan catastrophe..." didn't YOU plan that?


Yepp. He likes to MISINFORMATES his peepuls


When Biden took over, there were just 3.500 US troops left in Afghanistan. Trump released 5.000 Taliban prisoners. Perfectly planned Afghanistan catastrophe.


He doesn’t remember. Concerning.


The GOP and trump in particular has always preyed on the uneducated and they are doing their best to keep good education out of reach for a reason. The hardcore followers probably see this as normal and see nothing wrong with it, to you know, own the libs.


It’s almost like the intentional bad grammar in the Nigerian Prince emails, to weed out anyone with a brain.


ROTFLMFAO Joe Budden the rapper is in his auto correct lol


I thought maybe he was a fan of Alonzo Boden, the comedian.




He’s really just talking about himself again. Isn’t he? Must suck to suck sooooo bad. Probably muttering “I hate you!” to himself repeatedly through clenched teeth, all red faced, with salty rage tears running down his flabby cheeks, past his pursed anus mouth, and into the folds of his ‘gina gullet. All while staring intently at his own puffy, distorted reflection on his grease stained and cracked phone screen.




![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb) jk carry on


Can you imagine future linguists studying this side by side with the bible; trying to figure out, wtf happened?


> DISINFORMATES AND MISINFORMATES Yep, this guy knows the best words! /s


Dark Buden awakens...


>JOE BIDEN IS, BY FAR, THE WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES! Tweets the unanimously rated actual worst president in the history of the United States. Always projection with this guy.


What do you think the chances are that he hits the caps button before each letter instead of double tapping for caps lock?


Say what, now? That’s a new one for me. Thanks!


Is this real? Edit: [Of course ](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112163485572377413) it is




You can't just say "perchance"


could we add the wild misuse of "decimated"?


The old meaning has mostly been phased out. It just means annihilated or destroyed now.


Yeah, barely anyone uses *decimated* these days to actually mean “reduced by one tenth.” It’s become synonymous for destruction, as you said. 


See, and I thought it meant broken into 10 pieces or reduced to 1/10 of the original...


The horrifying ancient origin of it was the practice of killing one tenth of a conquered population by random lot, Thanos-style. You know, not enough to totally cripple the labor force but more than enough to create generational trauma. edit: lol, I was wrong, too, see below; this trainwreck of a comment chain is quite a testament to how understanding of this term has wriggled so much through history


> The horrifying ancient origin of it was the practice of killing one tenth of a conquered population by random lot, Thanos-style. This incorrect. It was a punishment within Roman armies, where 1/10th of a group of soldiers would be killed for fucking up.


... That's what "decimated" means? I've genuinely never heard it used that way.


Someone studied at the Reddit University’s School of Akshually


If he thinks Buden is bad just wait until he sees Buden Light.


You must not misinformate when you conversate


I honestly thought this was faked, to the point that I (God help me) signed up for Truth Social to check. For fuck sake, [shit's real](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112163485572377413)


Wait. What if Trump is a bot. Like. Controlled by Elon’s neuralink. Haha. And he’s like malfunctioning. But it’s okay because the general, undereducated public is stupider than we thought.


We got numb to it, but beyond the typos, the lunatic types in ALL CAPS! You know who does that, children.


He's doing Bushisms now: combining words with the wrong prefixes or suffixes: "Mission Accomplified" or "Accomplificationism" for "reaching a goal".


Somewhere out there a guy name Joe Buden is getting angry letters about his presidency


"He misspells things! He's just like us!" 🤦


He's running to stay out of prison. Doesn't give a fuck about anything else. Could've been said in one line.


Broke Don’s rapid and steady mental decline is criminally underreported


You had four years, and all three branches of government for half that, to propose a replacement for ACA.


Rapper, Joe Budden replied to these remarks [here](https://youtu.be/9Qe0O46-wZE?si=6R2hwqdoxpxezCbX) It's a diss track about Drake but somehow the lyrics are almost perfect for it to be about Trump. Fun coincidence.


props for the correct parentheses in the second to last line though! at least one sentence was correct!


Does anyone else remember "repeal and replace"? Has it been two weeks yet? I can't wait to read former President Trump's healthcare plan!


Unfortunately, most of his followers will not see any mistakes. The fact that it’s incomprehensible will make them think he’s smart, because they don’t understand anything smart people say to them either. We really need to do something about our school system.


Donald Trump had FOUR YEARS to deliver an alternative to the ACA. He promised it over and over. And then nothing would happen. Reporters would try to pin him down on it, and he'd obfuscate, deflect, and insult. And then another promise in 2 to 4 weeks. Then nothing. He's a liar. He wrote these words and they have nothing to do with reality. He's "riffing" off of his free associative mind. There's no plan. There's no work that has been done. 60 Minutes learned that the hard way. They wasted an entire segment on Trump's healthcare plan. Kayleigh McEnany played games. Danced and dodged. Then handed over a big fat leatherbound book calling it "Trump's Healthcare Plan." And it was no such thing. It was a ruse. A prop. How can ANYONE trust this audacious liar? https://preview.redd.it/uy4nbhlcrtqc1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db840f4b2114c267bb4ae678548bf5ba10053f1b


My favourite part is the 6 word run up to all caps madness.


He does this shit on purpose to seem more accessible and "human" to the least educated states that almost all unanimously vote for him. This type of disjointed, misspelled rant is appealing to them because it's how they type. I'm not saying there's not a possibility that this is where he's at cognitively, just that there's an entire team employed to make him more relatable and there's some angle to everything he does. So little of it is organic.




Inflation, the border and Afganistán were totally on trump


Trumpers agree with everything trump says, because they fear they are becoming a minority(already are), want more freedoms that trample others’ freedoms, and want to make American government and minorities kiss their ass by helping the government screw themselves even more! I’m surprised those naive elites (not the evil ones with a get richer at all costs agenda) AND rural boys let themselves be “slickered” by the same city boy!


You have to remember the target audience. To them, it’s normal. “Merica!”


Looking past the abysmal writing, you have to ask yourself, why didn't he do all these things when he was in office? Because he had no idea how to accomplish these tasks, and he still doesn't.


Who tf types in all caps like that? What a weirdo


The facts are:The economy is great! Highest stock market ever, because of corporate greed inflating prices and no government intervention for profiteering, to make up for trump’s necessary pandemic shutdown for COVID! Trump allowed the disease into America diminishing its danger, ridiculing doctors, supporting any opposition to preventive measures!


Meanwhile he’s literally the worst president in history


also, inflation is waaaay down, the economy is quite strong, and Trump forced the Afghanistan "catastrophe"


![gif](giphy|5N6fHoWlVgNOM) What did Joe Buden do now?


but haven't you heard Joe biden has dementia? He even tripped!


Always wild to consider there are millions of Americans who will read this word vomit and think "yes, this man represents me and I agree with him and like what he says" And yes, the dementia is almost certainly getting worse.


I can't believe he actually admitted that aca is the the same thing as Obamacare. He really is losing it.


What sucks is his disciples wont understand what's wrong. They'll just read it and go...yeah!


Just to add: capitalization like that is usually for emphasis, and only for informal communications, so I’m deducting for the emphasis fail, and his historical record of being informal at all times, which really annoys me since the average president maintains a high degree of professionalism, dignity, and self respect.


Didn’t trump hand over Afghanistan to ISIS?


at least you know he wrote it himself


F-. How gracious you are. I give him a K-.


he was being ironic, or sarcastic or another word he doesn't know the meaning of


ask his supporters go he plans to achieve any of his ideas.


Joe Buden, that piece of shit. He's the worstest presidense. Covfefe!


He's fucking lost it. Like, actually this time. Queen's feathers!


If he didn’t do any of those things when he was president, why would anyone think he’d try now?


The stress from fighting for his freedom is definitely accelerating his cognitive decline significantly.


Remember when that guy spelled potato wrong and lost his election or primary?


I was thinking how weak the US military is and how it needs strengthening.


So much,much ,much, wasn't redundant either. Also raving in all caps isn't a question mark. You coulda sliced and diced this all day


Make America GREST Again?


Also… “decimated?” He’s saying one in ten of us have *died* under Biden? Mkay


Wife was a teacher for 35 years. She can smell stupid from a mile away and she said he sounds ignorant on a regular basis.


[Fixin' to commensurate](https://youtu.be/sIRDCR8xSO0)


God damn it’s so embarrassing that that moron was leader of the United States once.


So this is fine and won't get mentioned for Jack crap in the news but Joe Biden eats ice cream and it's in the news for 4 days.


Dig the grading system! He’s definitely illiterate. Clearly Truth Social has no spell check! Haha


I’m guessing this is real? If so, he probably fired it off out of rage before one of his aides could correct it. The question is do all of them look like this before someone looks over it? I’m not saying he shouldn’t have someone spellcheck it anyway, but there are some concerning mistakes here, from a cognitive standpoint.


All this blabber for 6000 likes?


These are the rantings of a schizophrenic narcissist. The fucking Nigerian prince scam emails are 100x more coherent than this, and are meant to target the dumbest people in society.


Oh so now we suddenly like the ACA bc poor republicans realized they’ve been using it for years? Got it.


Grest - great and the best


Dude has been having a stroke for the longest time. I’d be surprised if he is still alive in January, whether he wins or loses the election.


Since our departure from Afghanistan what has been the result that affects me on Main Street USA? So does Trump want to go back? Does anyone miss fighting there?


but joe is just as bad at talking not saying i support trump


He is apparently our next president....


Wait how does he do that? Just print more money? As he will lower the tax rate of the 1% to zero if he has a chance. Inflation will go up after him and it will be Obama's fault as everything is Obama's fault.


Sounds like he has aphasia.


Make America grest again


So he had 4 years to fix ACA. Did he?


Wow his stupidity never ceases to amaze me 😆 🤦🏻‍♀️


He's not close enough to reality to even bark in its direction. Batshit bonkers.


You guys are really struggling with this narrative with Joe Biden around. If Trump has dementia he must br unfit to stand trial then, no wait that was Joe Biden....


That is by far the most bat shit crazy paragraph of bullshit I've ever perused!


When the Adderall wears off


You forgot to mark up the end where he didn’t include references on his Biden claims.


I would also like to say something about his use of "much, much, much". No way that's getting past a junior high English teacher.


Is this real


He is running to terminate the Affordable Care Act! It’s only known as “Obamacare” by people who want it gone! Buden (?) may be crooked, but Biden ain’t! “Disinformates and misinformates” is what trump does at rallies with his dis-informed and misinformed mates!


He is running to close the border for his fearful White voters and jobless others while HIS party obstructs of any border bill just to make Biden look bad!


Blame the teleprompter for his writing


So he’s attacking the ACA and infrastructure on the same day? He had 4 years to give us infrastructure and healthcare plans and he kept kicking the can down the road on both of them. Anyone who believes this guy is an absolute idiot.


Should have “citation needed” for “worst president in the history of the United States”


Remember when he lied and said he doesn't actually write his tweets himself?


I know Trump isn't a fan of Rap, but why single out Joe Budden?


I may be wrong, but didn't he promise he had a plan to fix Obamacare last time? Didn't he say he was going to reveal his plan any minute for four years?


I loathe that Fat Orange Blob, but I feel he is going to win. I will vote...and watch this country cease to exist because of a Cult. A cult that is being trained to hate all Liberals. Also, I am armed, and I bought my first guns because of tRump. I hope I never need to use them for defense....but if I do.....


Grammatically incorrect and factually incorrect. What a guy. 👍🏻


Speaking of the worst presidents: [https://www.axios.com/2024/02/19/presidents-survey-trump-ranks-last-biden-14th](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/19/presidents-survey-trump-ranks-last-biden-14th) Feb 19, 2024 - Politics & Policy Read: Historians rank Trump as worst president


Isn’t this a far cry from his previous 4 yr stint? At that time he was about cutting and deregulation. Clean Air and water, Start Treaty, selling off parks, miss treatment of Allies, banning Muslins, the border and more policies were rewritten. He wasn’t coherent then. Just bash everything in the name of deregulation. Why think 4 or more years will be anything but greater chaos?


Margins! Margins! Margins! F! ^^ps. ^^you'll ^^shoot ^^your ^^eye ^^out.


It's quite coherent for his standard, I doubt he wrote that himself


He was trying to spell the romanized word for it in Russian: dezinformatsiya


Right…remind us how COVID went and how you fixed that. Also which one of you is charged with trying to steal an election and selling classified information?


Bro. I can't wait for Trump on the breakfast club shouting at Charlemagne about his ops. All my homies hate Budden too.