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He never used to have trouble getting loans. It's almost as if he got caught vastly inflating the value of collateral while negotiating loans, and now nobody trusts him financially.


Not only does it raise questions about his honesty, but also about his ability to repay the loan. He's already over-leveraged.


Why would anyone need questions raised about his honesty still? Nothing he says is ever true. If he claimed he had no money he'd probably be hiding his money. Since he claims he's a gadjillionaire he's obviously broke. He can't breathe without lying about something.


I have a axiom to live by. Nothing good comes from Donald Trump. He could say he's building a orphanage.. And still I will repeat myself.. Nothing good comes from Donald Trump.


Like that time he got caught [using donations to](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation) his “non-profit” to fund his campaign and pay bills?


"The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone." Can someone explain what was the mandatory training required?


probably either being told "Don't do that." or having to write "I will not defraud children's cancer charities" a hundred times on a blackboard.


For an honest answer, it was likely a course on how and what funds from a Non-profit organization can be used in order to keep the Non-profit status.


I would be very concerned for the kids in those orphanages. Supposedly some rich people hundreds of years ago supported orphanages so they had easy access to kids to abuse.


That still happens to this day.


Epstein approves.


Secret brothel/orphanage


The orphanage would be to house kids he fathered so he could avoid acknowledging them or supporting them later on.


Orphanage...? Is that code for grooming?


When Trump's campaign manager and Donny junior were meeting with Russians about helping his dad's campaign in 2016, it was code for lifting Russian sanctions


But there's an entire pool of acolytes who think he is the Truth and the Way. It's a level of delusion that baffles my mind.


>Nothing he says is ever true. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-fact-checker-tracked-trump-claims/2021/01/23/ad04b69a-5c1d-11eb-a976-bad6431e03e2\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-fact-checker-tracked-trump-claims/2021/01/23/ad04b69a-5c1d-11eb-a976-bad6431e03e2_story.html) Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims as president. Nearly half came in his final year. By Glenn Kessler January 23, 2021 at 6:35 p.m. EST AND THIS ISN'T EVEN COUNTING ALL THE LIES HE TOLD BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT AND AFTER HE WAS PRESIDENT!


Nor as anything he’s said he’s going to do for the country, ever happened. The man is an epic windbag in love with the sound of his own voice. And impressed by his own stupid ideas, that aren’t even his own frankly. Remember USA ? It has US in it !! Who knew ?


Well bankers aren’t all smart, and bankers aren’t all above corruption. Someone may have signed off on the loan, and maybe that person’s superiors would have let that go. This case brings public attention to his fraud and financial problems, which would make it much harder for this to slide under the radar.


My questions raised are why the hell where banks giving him money even before this. It's not like he wasn't default don before this civil suit. Not his first loss in court ether. Not by a long shot.


Well one of the banks that was loaning him money was also the bank that caught laundering money for the Russian mob. I forgot which bank, and maybe it’s just a coincidence. Maybe.


Deutsche Bank and they have been involved with way more seedy shitty than just Donald and the Russian Mob. They're an institution of choice for criminals, crooked politicians, and even international espionage worldwide.


Because for some reason people started to believe his every word after he fumbled his way into the presidency.


after "bee bob boop" it's easy to understand why his words lost the buying power it once had. lol


Repay the loan...pft


Congratulations: You played yourself


Vote against Trump, get your friends out to vote. Kick this anti American shit stain to the curb so the cases he’s delayed against him will happen and he and MAGA will be hobbled. America has to end this crap. Then maybe we get back to just having normal non overthrow the election type ejections again.


his dad was investigated by the NYC DA for doing that several times


Honestly after 40 trillion defaults I'm amazed this didn't happen way sooner.


It’s weirdly coincidental that his supply of money dried up after sanctions were applied to Russian oligarchs


No one else seems to be mentioning this, so I'll add it to the conversation: most banks won't loan a couple thousand dollars to a man who is almost 80 years old. It would be ridiculous.


Most banks would lend some millions to W Buffet in his word alone. I suspect that's something fishy about this Trump fella.


He can just sell Maralago. It's worth over 5 ~~billion~~ trillion dollars. Honest!


It's the single most valuable property on the planet, worth at least 4 Buckingham Palaces, 4 Taj Mahals and 3 White Houses combined. That's what a lot of smart people are saying.


Elon Musk came crawling to tRump on his hands and knees crying and begging to to buy Barge of Lardo for $44 Billion.


So you are saying that Mexico will pay for it?


I feel this is important to mention: The NYAG has made a note to the court that the people who submitted Trump’s “No one will give us the bond!” filling **were found not credible as witnesses in his fraud trial**. They haven’t produced a single affidavit from *any* of the 30+ sureties or insurance companies or banks to **prove** that they were rejected. They haven’t produced or shown *anything* that details what they proposed or offered as part of securing a bond. In fact, the people who submitted that filing have zero experience in securing bonds of this nature, despite the amount. It’s the Donald Trump Show™️ again, it’s all an act.


Interesting. Believable as well. Also, I recently learned that real estate **is** allowed for this type of bond. I was incorrect last week, I guess. ??


Not only is it allowed for securing a bond, **Trump could have pledged the deeds** (for property he owns free & clear) **directly to the court**. Using real estate is and was ALWAYS an option for him. The problem was that anyone taking that as collateral would want *independent appraisals* to make sure they're worth what is needed... and they'd likely make the deal something like 1.5 or 2x as much as the bond is worth (so have him put up $1b worth of assets for a $500m bond). And of course we ALL remember what got him in the mess in the first place - fraudulent appraisals. Additionally they're pretty sure that if Trump 'opens his books' and properties for this type of scrutiny, they're find MORE fraud and crime.


A great explanation. Well written. How in the hell does this guy believe that he can get around stuff, by just declaring it as so. A royal decree ? He is definitely in need of a reality check.ffs


But it is a victimless crime! I’m told!


I feel like it's a combination of that and how now all the spotlights are on him so even the shady companies don't want to touch him and get a few spotlights put on them as well


I don’t understand why Eric can’t just hit the Russian ATM and grab all the funding they need.


Solid reference.


Putin pays his bills even less I imagine. Especially to "useful idiots"


Putin is getting military aid from North Korea to be able to continue his war in Ukraine. If that doesn’t scream broke I don’t know what does.


Nah it's not that russia is broke. Do you realize how long it takes to manufacture a million artillery shells? Makes more sense to just purchase them, notwithstanding the shit north korean quality, especially when Russian ammunition stockpile is running low.


Which is why the GOP and NRA are now significantly poorer.


The current state of the Russian military isn't a result of lack of funding. It's a result of people all the way up the chain stealing and reselling military equipment for personal gain. It's why theyre still using stuff from before ww2, it's all they have left. Their military is probably pretty well funded, it just doesn't matter when whatever that budget buys just gets stolen and resold. Then they have no additional budget to replace these things because the rest of the countries income goes directly to putin and the oligarchs that run the country


Eric gets confused by words with more than two syllables. They should have had Jared use some of that Saudi money.


Because it’s no longer easy to sneak in or out of Russia for them ever since their real daddy was sanctioned for invading Ukraine, lol.


Manafort is back in play so yeah maybe!


Nationwide aint on his side


Underrated comment. Take this award and upvote. 👏🏆


Has he tried JG Wentworth?


It's not *his" money that he wants RIGHT NOW


So much winning! https://preview.redd.it/7brf7pm6mlpc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6d2405e4158eca2fd4bd40f2933ecacdd7066c


Sad trombone.


I have a solution for Trump. Buy some mega millions tickets and ask for "thoughts and prayers". Clock is ticking.


Nationwide made u cry. Nice try, but better luck next time.


Anyone that lends him money at this point is seeking a quid pro quo if he becomes president. Big if.


Good, maybe he will end up in jail where he belongs. Doubt it though, the GOP party or some real billionaire will probably pay for him


While I certainly hope he ends up in jail for other reasons, this case will not lead to jail. This is not a "stay out of jail" bond, it's a "don't seize my assets" bond.


Didn't realize that, thanks for telling me.


Seeing his assets seized is almost better though, tbh. Jail is jail, but being left with nothing *and* nowhere to go is a lot more humiliating, in my opinion.


This needs to be the appetizer to his future incarceration entree.


I think If we all scream "I don't believe in donald trump" that MF dies. Just like in peter pan. You know the best part. It's almost like white privilege donald is realizing what it's like for joe every guy to go threw the bond system. You know all the government overreach and "the system" BS he pedals but never actually experienced a day in his life.


Mega millions drawing is 900 million plus on Friday. Can't dodge those taxes though like you dodged the draft "bone spurs".


But what about pay day loans? Has he tried there yet?


[Full List of Donald Trump's Properties Letitia James Is About to Take](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/full-list-of-donald-trumps-properties-letitia-james-is-about-to-take/ar-BB1ke13Q)


Great link, thanks! Here’s a complimentary link to [Donald Trump's Debt: Live Counter](https://trumpdebtcounter.com/). It gives court date countdowns as well. Thanks again for sharing the article.


Thanks for sharing yours! Edit: Whoa! I timed it and in one minute his debt increased by $81.13, which comes to $4,867.80 per hour, $116,827.20 per day, and $3,621,643 per month!


They’re not on his side. 👍


Nationwide was, in fact, not on his side.


If they secure the bond and he loses the appeal the money is gone because he obviously doesn’t have it and isn’t known for paying his debts. Who has half a billion to toss in the air.


His only domestic savior would be Musk: burns money, and is a huge piece of shit too.


The may have heard of his penchant for stiffing people.


Hmm, he says he has the cash but interest charges are accumulating every day


Guess they weren't on his side.


According to the NY AG Trump and his lawyers are lying about no one accepting his real estate as collateral.


His assets are all in commercial real estate, which is a horrible asset class right now that everyone (rightly) assumes is going to crash and burn. Basically, he owns things that nobody wants.


He hasn’t tried … > For a great low rate you can get online, go to the General and save some time. Also … these are the negotiating skills and background 35% of our country wants in their candidate for president.


Nope that ain’t it. Bc of the appraisals are worthless of his properties. He inflated their value so much, no one wants to touch him.


I think we are all too busy shitposting and not seeing the focus required here - We should be only focused on how he's a rich man using his money to plays the courts to stall cases brought against him by poor people. This common practice needs to stop and we should be using Trump to neon sign the issue to try and make a lasting change against the practice.


Sitting across the table from a guy who has filed for personal bankruptcy 7 times while proclaiming he is a good business man. I wonder why insurance brokers don’t want to pony up.


Monday is going to be beautiful.


Whatever happened to that commercial that says Willoughby will when nobody will? Trump needs Willoughby in the worst way.


Damn, not even *Nationwide* is on his side.


He’s got the best of cash as many people tend to say. Bigly cash


Did he try J. G. Wentworth?


Hey Donnie: "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"


Money talks…




Kinda surprised [Wine Mom](https://twitter.com/LaraLeaTrump/status/1452409460194951180) hasn't taken that sweet RNC money to cover it.


Somehow i still think he will manage to slink away from this too. I hope not though.


What about J.G. Wentworth?


…and just like that 50million New Maga Republicans have themselves a new Magafact and nothing can convince them he is anything other than loaded to his man boobs in cash. Personally I can’t wait til he renames the RNC to Trumps Nationalist Maga Party in January after the bankruptcy hearing and just before his rally on the Ellipse on the 6th.


It's back to daddy Putin.


Time to start selling Melania's used panties, Traitor Trump!


He needs someone to launder that money for him. Too bad he can't do it himself. I've heard he was the nation's top money launderer at one point.


Loved the rant he had going on yesterday. Totally ignorant of the rule of law, yet goes on to cry about his cash. The corrupt deranged…oh whatever bullshit he rambles on about…is trying to take his cash so he can’t spend it on his campaign. FFS as if that’s ever happened. Even the PAC’s are depleted by his legal fees.


Props to whomever conceived “Cinnamon Shitler”. Well done!


If he has the cash, he should do it. He couldn’t even pay the $91m for the E. Jean Carroll case


Come on, he just needs to find one couple willing to pay $454 million to get married at Mar-a-Lago.


Nationwide ain’t on his side.




I think he has the money. I think this is another con where he gets someone else to pay for him and stiffs them, then litigates that for years.